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巩梦婷  辛小虎  韩飞  王丽琴 《文博》2009,(6):479-486
对采用传统壁画制作工艺、传统材料制作的文物模拟样品,在特定体系下进行光辐射老化。定期测量其表层颜料的色度值,并通过x-射线衍射分析进一步探讨铅丹的变色机理,为彩绘文物分析和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

三种含Cu、As绿色颜料的拉曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析和确认古代颜料的成分是文物研究中的一项重要工作。为对四个来自不同地区的含Cu、As元素的绿色颜料进行鉴别,应用拉曼光谱仪并辅助以扫描电镜能谱分析仪(SEMEDX)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)进行研究。结果表明其分别为墨绿砷铜矿、氯砷钠铜石以及巴黎绿。对其来源分别进行了讨论,因巴黎绿在国内青铜修复和古建彩画当中的大量应用,过去对于含有Cu、As的绿色颜料通常鉴定为巴黎绿。墨绿砷铜矿和氯砷钠铜石为在文物彩绘中新发现的两种矿物颜料,为绿色颜料的鉴定提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

为研究传世俏色"春水"、"秋山"玉的皮色及年代问题,利用显微放大观察、激光拉曼光谱(LRS)、显微红外光谱(FTIR)及X射线荧光光谱(XRF)技术,对上海博物馆收藏的9件俏色"春水"、"秋山"玉饰进行了皮色分布、化学成分、矿物学特征分析。实验结果表明9件玉器样品的主要矿物组成均为透闪石,其中两件样品曾经人工染色处理,染色材料与蜂蜡有关。结合考古发现及文献记载,将传世俏色"春水"、"秋山"玉的年代限于金、元,综合考量器形、纹饰、做工、皮色之后,将2件作伪俏色样品的年代定为元代。研究思路及方法是科技分析结合古器物学研究鉴定传世玉器的一次尝试。  相似文献   

化学组成分析是古陶瓷科学研究的基础.本文对目前化学组成分析在辅助判别古陶瓷产地、制作年代及工艺中的应用成果作了归纳总结.同时,结合自身研究,举例说明元素化学组成在判别古陶瓷产地、制作年代等一些成功的模式.  相似文献   

郑金月 《中国地方志》2022,(6):4-15+124
基于中国知网(CNKI)学术期刊数据库,对地方志信息化研究相关文献进行量化分析,从地方志信息化的定义、信息化的必要性、信息化建设的内容、数字资源和应用系统建设、信息化标准建设、信息化建设实践6个方面,阐述我国地方志信息化建设研究的主要内容和现状,认为我国地方志信息化研究取得了一定成果,具有多元性、发展性和现实针对性的特点,但也存在着比较明显的问题和短板,应进一步加强对地方志信息化的理论和实践应用研究,增强地方志信息化研究的系统性和科学性,从而促进该主题在学术、技术与实践上更加全面、健康地发展。  相似文献   

山东青州龙兴寺窖藏佛教造像出土于1996年,造像雕刻技艺精湛,数量多,贴金彩绘丰富,展现出一种特殊的佛教造像艺术特征。一些佛像由于长期掩埋和历史上遭到破坏,彩绘发生了褪色、变薄、起翘等现象。为了弄清佛造像彩绘颜料和结构,本研究采用三维视频显微镜、显微拉曼光谱分析、扫描电镜-能谱、偏光显微镜等仪器分析颜料的结构和化学组成。分析结果表明,龙兴寺佛造像红色颜料为辰砂(Hg S)与铅白(2PbCO_3Pb(OH)_2)混用;地子主要为铅白,经过对该批出土佛造像残碎的石块做薄片处理做偏光显微分析,得到造像石材的主要矿相为含菱铁矿、生物碎屑、白云石的泥晶灰岩(灰岩即石灰石)。  相似文献   

青铜文物缓蚀剂效率及封护剂抗腐蚀能力的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价青铜文物缓蚀剂效率及封护剂抗腐蚀能力进行了两项电化学实验。一是利用直流腐蚀的极化电阻法对缓蚀效率评价,二是应用恒电位交流阻抗法对涂层的抗腐蚀效率评价。实验表明,复合缓蚀剂的缓蚀效率优于单一缓蚀剂如AMT、BTA,在模拟中性土壤介质的水溶液中各自缓蚀效率分别为88.7%、94.6%,两者组成复合缓蚀剂后其缓蚀效率高达98.8%,这是发挥其缓蚀剂各组分的协同效应的结果。应用恒电位交流阻抗实验,可以更好地理解附着有封护层时复杂的腐蚀过程。结果表明,石蜡涂层样品的Nyquist谱图出现扩散过程引起的阻抗特征;聚乙烯醇缩丁醛涂层、Paraloid B72涂层、空白样(缓蚀层BTA)三种样品Nyquist谱图均是由于涂层微孔引起的阻抗特征,在同一浓度下其抗腐蚀性能排序呈依次递减趋势。  相似文献   

The microstructure and chemical composition of blue cakes, found during the archaeological excavation of the Ayanis fortress (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey), have been investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM–EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), micro-Raman (μ-Raman) and optical microscopy (OM) techniques. The analysis of the Ayanis cakes has shown the presence of Egyptian blue (i.e. CuCaOSi4O10, cuprorivaite), as the major component, intermixed with minor amount of other phases such as partially reacted quartz grains, an adherent glass phase and copper oxides. Since the finding of Egyptian Blue in Turkey has been never reported so far, great attention has been paid to its characterisation. The micro-chemical and micro-structural investigations of the Ayanis cakes have allowed a further insight into the manufacturing process and into the sources of the starting materials. The results of the characterisation have revealed some significant differences with respect to Egyptian blue cakes found in Egypt and Mesopotamia, as for instance the absence of tin excluded the use of bronze scraps or filings in their preparation differently from those produced in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Furthermore, some peculiarities of Egyptian blue found in Ayanis, as the detection of zinc in the cakes, allow to put forward the hypothesis of a local production considering that a large part of the bronze artefacts found at the Ayanis fortress is characterised by the presence of zinc as minor alloying element.  相似文献   

杭州萧山老虎洞东周遗址出土两件青铜工具,工具出土时已碎裂为数段,锈蚀状态严重。针对两件青铜工具的研究,主要从微观领域来探讨青铜工具的工艺技术及腐蚀特点,并通过建立电化学反应模型,运用电极电位差的理论,来试析电极电位对金相组织腐蚀的影响。同时提出在青铜修复时,可利用电极电位的原理来补配修复材料,以达到文物保护的目的。  相似文献   

The use of red pigments linked to burial practices is widely documented in the Iberian prehistoric record and very often it has been traditionally interpreted as a ritual practice entailing the utilisation of local raw materials (iron oxides). Some research works, nevertheless, have also detected the use of red pigments which can only be interpreted as allochthonous. The red pigments spread over a single inhumation in a monumental Megalithic tomb surrounding Valencina de la Concepción Copper Age settlement was studied by means of X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray microfluorescence, micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies. This approach allowed characterising the red pigments as cinnabar, mixed with tiny amounts of iron oxides. The presence of cinnabar, a product that was necessarily imported, in a context of an exceptional set of grave goods, suggests that the use of cinnabar was linked not only to ritual but also to practices related to the display of social status.  相似文献   

The application of solid state electrochemistry techniques for the characterization and dating of leaded bronze objects is described. Characteristic voltammetric signatures of copper and lead corrosion products were used as markers of more or less prolonged corrosion periods. The proposed methodology was applied to samples from the Roman archaeological sites of Valeria (Spain) and Gadara (Jordan), Roman and medieval sites in Xàtiva (Spain), and modern statuary exhibited outdoors, on the campus of the Universitat Politècnica of Valencia, Spain, covering a time interval between the fourth to second century bc and the 20th century ad . For such samples, the ratio between the signals for copper and lead corrosion products decreased monotonically with the corrosion time. This variation was modelled on the basis of thermochemical and kinetic considerations, the experimental data being consistent with a potential rate law for the corrosion process.  相似文献   

In Roman times, rotary querns and different types of millstones, driven either by horse-capstan or water power, were produced in the lava quarries of the quaternary volcanic Eifel region and exported to many parts of the Empire. The geographic distribution of Roman lava millstones from the Eifel region provides important information about trade patterns and, in cases of well dated millstones, also allows an estimate as to when the Roman lava quarrying in the Eifel region began. Sixty-two millstones from Germany, France and Austria were sampled and analyzed for major and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence. To determine their provenance, the millstone data was evaluated by a combination of geochemical discrimination and cluster and discriminant analyses using an extensive and detailed database of all Roman lava quarries in the Eifel region. An Eifel provenance could be confirmed for forty-four artefacts and, furthermore, determined down to the exact lava flow. The affiliation of the other artefacts to other possible regions where millstones of comparable lava were extracted was carried out on the basis of geochemical data from the literature. However, because of insufficient data, only assumptions about the regional provenance can be made. The origins of the other finds are assumed to be the Vogelsberg region, the Massif Central, Orvieto, and, possibly, the Pannonian Basin. A preliminary map of the distribution of Eifel millstones in Roman times based on these data is presented; the beginning of Roman lava quarrying can be constrained to 8–7 BC.  相似文献   

为研究重庆大足宝顶山千手观音的贴金材料及其保存状况,应用红外光谱分析、加速器质谱碳十四年代测定、X荧光能谱分析、扫描电镜分析等多种分析方法,对千手观音造像的贴金、金胶样品进行了综合分析。结果表明:表面现存的0层及其以上贴金层均为清代以后所妆贴;金胶存在一定程度的老化,但腐蚀劣变情况并不严重,但吸水后会发生膨胀;千手观音表面贴金采用了在金胶中加入HgS以衬托金色的传统工艺。研究成果可为今后造像保护工作的展开提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解阿尔寨石窟壁画的制作工艺和颜料成分,采用偏光显微镜分析、剖面分析,并结合X射线衍射分析对6个洞窟的23个样品进行了分析。为了进一步研究阿尔寨石窟壁画颜料,还通过偏光显微法对其他地区和年代的壁画颜料进行了对比研究。结果表明,其绘制方法是先用加有麦秸的粘土将洞窟壁面抹平,然后用石灰涂白。再施以彩绘。所使用的颜料为矿物质颜料,多为绿、白、红、蓝色等。其绿色颜料为氯铜矿,白色颜料为碳酸钙,红色颜料为朱砂和铅丹,蓝色颜料为石青。  相似文献   

Thousands of glass trade beads were excavated over a 75 year period on Mapungubwe Hill and at K2, two archaeological sites in the Limpopo valley, South Africa. An assemblage of 175 beads that appeared to be different in shape, size and colour (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, pink, plum) was studied with Raman scattering. At least seven different chromophores or pigments (lazurite, lead tin yellow type II, Ca/Pb arsenate, chromate, calcium antimonate, Fe–S “amber” and a spinel) have been identified. Pigment identification allows the recognition of specific productions and indicated that many of the pigments colouring the beads excavated on Mapungubwe hill were manufactured after the 13th century, confirming the presence of modern beads in the archaeological record, some dating from the 19th century. This date is in agreement with the last occupation date for the hill suggested by the earlier excavators and raises questions about the revision of this date to 1290 AD by archaeologists in the 1970’s.  相似文献   

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