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两件西汉时期鎏金与鎏银青铜器镀层中的金属化合物   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用金相显微分析、环境扫描电子显微镜、X-射线衍射、X-射线荧光对两件西汉时期的鎏金与鎏银青铜马镳进行了分析,揭示了西汉时期鎏金与鎏银青铜器的部分金相学特征和部分金属化合物,研究结果表明我国西汉时期已采用了金汞齐与银汞齐在铅锡铜合金表面火法鎏金和鎏银技术。  相似文献   

利用超景深显微镜、X射线荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、X光照相等分析手段对长安区唐墓新出土两件罕见的彩绘鎏金青铜佛教造像的本体表面成分、内部结构及颜料成分进行了科学分析。两尊造像经过铸造、打磨、鎏金、彩绘等制作工序。分析检测显示两尊造像均以铅锡青铜一次性浇铸而成,经打磨修整后以金汞齐在外表通体鎏镀金层,表面彩绘蓝色颜料为蓝铜矿,红色颜料含朱砂和铅丹。  相似文献   

<正>2010年9月,安徽寿县公安部门向寿县博物馆移交了一件东汉元和二年(85年)"蜀郡西工造"鎏金银刻纹铜舟。该器制作精美,工艺复杂,参与制作的工匠和官员多达10人以上,是继故宫博物院藏建武二十一年(45年)"蜀郡西工造"鎏金铜樽[1]、邯郸市博物馆藏建武二十三年(47年)"蜀郡西工造"鎏金银铜樽[2]之后,又一件"蜀郡西工造"鎏金银铜器。现将该铜舟介绍如下。一铜舟器形似盆,折沿,弧腹,矮圈足。器身上部有一道双凹面宽带腰箍,腹部有一对对称的铺首衔环。器表通体施黄白相间的鎏金银工  相似文献   

2008年5月,太原太山龙泉寺一座唐代佛塔地宫内出土一件石函。石函内套装有鎏金铜饰木椁、木胎鎏金铜椁、木胎银椁、金棺,共计五重棺椁。为研究该五重棺椁的制作工艺,并为保护修复工作提供科学依据,综合采用了切片显微分析、X射线荧光光谱分析、X射线成像检测等科学分析方法对五重棺椁的材质成分和棺椁结构进行分析检测,并初步探讨了工艺过程、容器组合、多材质使用等相关问题。  相似文献   

本文采用高性能便携式能量色散型X射线荧光光谱仪(pXRF)无损分析了西安北郊战国墓出土的一件铜带钩结果表明,铜带钩基体为铜锡铅三元合金,表面采用鎏金工艺,镶嵌有绿松石,并填充中国紫颜料。结合分析结果,本文初步探讨了鎏金工艺、镶嵌工艺、彩绘工艺和制作流程等问题  相似文献   

1982年,浙江新昌县南明街道县前巷红色路幼儿园建设工地出土了2件青铜象首衔环瓶。通过对器物形制、纹饰及铸造工艺的介绍和分析,认为最有可能属元代制作,并将其定名为"瓶"。  相似文献   

叶家山墓地出土的两件木胎铜釦壶釦件为我们认识西周时期铜木组合器物——木胎铜釦壶提供了重要的启示。西周木胎铜釦壶虽然出土数量不多,但制作工艺复杂,可分为口足分离式铜釦和口足连体式铜釦两大类,分布区域广,出土于从京畿到诸侯国地区的高等级墓葬中。木胎铜釦壶的工艺不仅影响到两周时期青铜壶的纹样装饰风格,而且也证明釦器工艺技术在西周时期已经成熟,改变了过去"釦器法起源于战国时期"的观点,同时还为我们研究三代时期非常重要的礼器——早期青铜方鼎的制作工艺和可能的仿制原型带来启示。  相似文献   

王长启  高曼 《文博》2000,(4):44-47,,53,
近几年,在西安地区陆续出土了数件舍利棺廓,有石、陶、银、铜等不同质地。现将其中三件介绍如下: 一、银鎏金舍利相 1971年夏,西安市东郊秦川机械厂基建施工中,在距地面80厘米的长方形坑内发现砖砌的长45、宽32、深42厘米的舍利石廓一具,石廓内置一银鎏金舍利棺,棺内有舍利料瓶,瓶内置舍利。 石廓长方,台阶形座。一端大一端略小,有盖,盖为拱形。盖上及四周线刻缠枝纹,前后左右分别刻凤鸟、玄武、青龙、白虎。台阶座一周刻莲花纹饰,但由于年久风蚀,特别是盖面损蚀漫患严重。 银鎏金舍利棺,盖为长顶形,棺体近长方…  相似文献   

云南晋宁石寨山出土金属器的分析和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对云南晋宁石寨山古滇人墓葬群出土的金属器样品进行金相和扫描电镜 (SEM)的实验研究 ,扫描电镜分析显示西汉时期滇池地区已使用金、银、铜、铁、锡、铅、汞多种金属 ,铜器的材质主要是锡青铜。金相分析显示青铜器采用铸造、锻造、铸后加工等制作方法 ,铁器则采用锻打工艺制造。通过实验分析 ,表明云南在西汉时期还使用了汞鎏金和镀锡技术作为金属器表面的装饰。  相似文献   

故宫博物院收藏的银覆斛式套杯档案记载为明代,由十二件依次能叠放在一起的银杯组成,每件银杯均镶嵌黑色物质以在内壁形成历代名人高士典故为题材的装饰画,内底注释典故名称,外底标明斋堂款识,外壁其中一面注明制作材料来源的“大明皇帝赐金”字样。故宫博物院张丽研究员根据“醉卧瓮下”历史典故产生的时代背景,推测其制作时代定为清代。在我国,银器表面镶嵌黑色物质的工艺十分罕见,一些学者将银套杯镶嵌黑色物质的工艺称为“阴刻填黑漆”,而查阅资料发现银套杯的表面装饰工艺更可能为乌银镶嵌。乌银在国外被称为“niello”,是指一种或多种金属与硫在高温下生成的黑色金属硫化物,被用来装饰金、银和铜等金属器物。将乌银实施于金属器表面的工艺被称为乌银镶嵌。为了明确银套杯的表面装饰工艺,采用扫描电子显微镜-能谱仪、X射线荧光光谱法、X射线衍射法对其中一个银杯进行微观形貌观察,元素、物相进行分析。显微形貌观察结果表明黑色物质通过加热熔融的方法嵌入嵌槽,在固化后进行抛光使表面平整。能谱分析结果表明黑色物质由Cu、Pb、Ag和S元素组成,衍射分析结果表明检测样品中含有硫铜银矿。综合以上分析结果表明黑色物质为银/铜/铅硫化物形成...  相似文献   


Being a tourist is not a passive attitude. It is the result of a conscious decision essentially based on how individuals build what they perceive as unknown and how they decide to get to know it. In other words, tourists deliberately create a distance with the destination which allows them to enjoy the tourist experience as something exceptional. This paper is part of ongoing research and focuses on the subjective construction of the otherness, since this process determines what is left to be discovered. First, a theoretical overview will introduce the concepts of usual environment, proximity and tourist. Then, we will focus on guided tours as a mechanism of mediation between individuals and places. Finally, we will move on to the case of Barcelona's walking tours and the local participants’ experience as a way to adopt a tourist's approach. Preliminary results show, first, four categories of experience of proximate guided tours: educational, expert, recreational and tourist. Then, they focus on the proximity tourist experience using Urry and Larsen's notion of the ‘tourist gaze’ and Tuan's theory on the tourist and the resident's points of view. According to these theories, participants’ motivations and their individual frame of reference define a tourist's point of view. Based on that, results show that proximity tourists and traditional tourists share curiosity as motivation but do not have the same points of reference. In spite of that, the feeling of proximity with the destination does not constitute a barrier to become a tourist. It is the conscious adoption of the tourist's role which makes the individual gaze upon the visited areas like a tourist, regardless of the proximity with the environment. This approach of proximity tourism constitutes a way to enhance familiar places and develop tourism in an environmentally concerned context where proximate destinations are being promoted.  相似文献   

The contributions made by Ken Bullough (1927–1994) to space physics and conflict research are briefly summarised. This brief obituary and review of his scientific contributions is supplemented by a complete list of his publications.  相似文献   

A Classical Greek cult statue of a Goddess, “Aphrodite”, currently on display in the J. Paul Getty Museum has recently been reclaimed by the Italian government. The statue is thought to have been sculpted between 425 and 400 B.C. in southern Italy or Sicily, but its provenance is obscure. Soil incorporated into the true right arm socket of the acrolithic statue at the time of burial was pollen analyzed to provide information on its geographic origin. Since palynomorphs are often not well preserved in soils, a preliminary study was undertaken to investigate preservation and abundance of palynomorphs to determine the potential benefits of undertaking further analyses. Although concentration was low, the soil contained sufficient pollen and spores to determine the environment in the vicinity of the burial site of the statue. The landscape had been cleared of natural arboreal vegetation and intensively cultivated. Juglans regia and cereals were cultivated, and pastoralism may have been practiced. A specific geographic location could not be inferred without comparative soil analyses.  相似文献   


I attempt in this essay to travel outside of and beyond the more spectacular or established geopolitical discourses associated with research on post-conflict regions, and follow instead the trail of another more essential or everyday history and geography. Listening to and responding to the testimony of a single Yugoslav family, I draw from and write of memories of former places, initially returning to the traumatic moments of 1992, and a journey across Europe. In so doing, I reflect upon the use of testimony in geographical writing, positioning it as an inherently geographical psychoanalytic technique, which not only eases suffering in individuals and communities, but also offers new possibilities for societal change and transitional justice in post-conflict regions.  相似文献   

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