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为了解广汉龙居寺中殿建筑热湿环境特征,采用基于物联网技术的环境温湿度监测系统对建筑空间温度和相对湿度进行监测,分析建筑空间温湿度时空变化规律,评估建筑热湿环境特征,探讨热湿环境对文物保存的影响。结果表明,该建筑对外界环境温湿度变化具有较好的缓冲和隔离作用,建筑内部热湿环境对文物保存不利,主要体现在相对湿度高、波动大,湿度调控将是文物预防性保护的关键。建筑热湿环境为壁画酥碱和霉斑病害主要成因,同时促进了编竹夹泥墙体结构安全问题的发生。研究成果不仅丰富了对四川地区明代编竹夹泥墙木结构古建筑热湿环境特征的认识,而且为该建筑壁画病害和墙体结构安全问题的成因分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

古代壁画的风化酥碱问题一直是壁画病害中最常见和最严重的问题之一,其主要原因是墙体中的可溶盐。了解壁画中可溶盐无机离子的特性及其活动规律可为解决古代壁画的酥碱问题提供科学参考和依据。为此,通过模拟壁画中可溶盐活动实验来揭示可溶性无机离子在壁画中的分布及活动规律。利用离子色谱仪检测分析壁画不同高度细泥层、粗泥层以及土坯层的可溶盐离子浓度。结果表明,试块细泥层中的Ca2+,Na+,和SO24-含量最高,说明这三种离子在壁画中的迁移能力最强,Cl-、NO3-、Mg2+的迁移能力居中,K+迁移能力最弱。离子迁移能力越强,在壁画表层富集程度就越高,各离子之间形成结晶盐的机率越大,对壁画破坏作用越大。本研究可为解决古代壁画盐害提供依据。  相似文献   

在西藏寺庙的壁画病害中空鼓是较为严重一类病害,贡嘎曲德寺地处雅鲁藏布江河谷,不同于布达拉宫壁画干燥的赋存环境,地下水位变化导致墙体毛细水上浸明显,传统高模数硅酸钾(PS剂)配粉煤灰作为灌浆材料在潮湿环境中易导致壁画酥碱病害。针对这一问题,通过室内实验和现场试验,筛选出以丙烯酸乳液为主剂,水硬性石灰加粘土为填料的灌浆材料,取得了良好的效果,灌浆修复后可避免壁画酥碱病害。研究结果表明,对西藏地区潮湿环境下的壁画修复,丙烯酸乳液加水硬性石灰加粘土的灌浆材料具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

墓葬壁画经考古发掘后,墓室内原有的稳定环境被打破,在微环境不断变化的作用下产生各种不同的病害。为探究微环境变化规律,在陕西师范大学模拟壁画墓室内对空气温湿度、土壤温度、土壤含水率及土壤电导率等进行长期监测。结果表明,外部环境的改变对墓室内部微环境的变化具有一定的影响,距墓底高度越高,其土壤温度、含水率变化幅度越大,越易产生酥粉等病害。利用离子色谱仪、X射线衍射仪(XRD)等仪器对土壤易溶盐进行定性与定量分析,结果表明土壤中各种阴、阳离子含量与土壤埋深深度呈正相关关系;土壤表面析出盐分主要以硫酸钠和硫酸钙为主,在微环境的不断变化下,易产生酥碱等病害。对壁画墓葬微环境进行系统研究,为有效调控墓室微环境提出合理的对策,以期为原址保护提供更多的科学依据。  相似文献   

灵岩寺千佛殿彩绘罗汉像是弥足珍贵的艺术珍宝,在过去的岁月中自然老化和环境因素导致塑像出现了各种病害,威胁其安全保存。病害调查、病害产生原因和机理研究是塑像科学保护的重要基础,具有重要意义。本研究应用X-射线衍射(XRD)、离子色谱(IC)、显微拉曼光谱(μ-RS)、超景深显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDX)等多种分析技术,探讨了罗汉像各种表观病害产生的原因和机理。研究表明,塑像酥碱区域含有较多硫酸盐和硝酸盐。硫酸盐随温湿度波动,反复结晶—溶解中体积变化引起的应力不断破坏地仗,使之酥碱。硝酸盐腐蚀地仗,并与其他可溶盐一起不断粉化、破坏地仗。酥碱病害继而引发了彩绘层起甲、龟裂、甚至脱落。塑像额头、头顶等易积灰区域的起甲、龟裂病害与降尘有关。灰尘层中的Ca2+、SO2-4与水形成含水硫酸钙引起的体积膨胀应力传递到颜料层导致了开裂、起甲。  相似文献   

为了揭示古砖的风化侵蚀机理,采用X射线衍射法(XRD)、X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)、扫描电子显微镜观察(SEM)进行微观结构分析,结合压汞仪测试孔的性质,并使用热力学软件(HSC)对砖内的化学反应进行验证。研究结果表明:对于靠近地面一定高度内的古建筑墙体砖,地下水及离子通过砖内的毛细管网络不断向上部和表面进行迁移,在砖内可溶性盐类的结晶以及水结冰时产生的压力是造成墙体砖风化破坏的主要因素;对于NO X、SO 2浓度较高、酸雨较多的地区,酸性物质进入砖体并与钾长石,钠长石等发生反应形成新的盐类,盐的结晶、溶解、流失也是导致古砖破坏的一个不可忽略的因素,尤其是对于地下水无法渗透到的墙体砖,这些可能成为主要的物理化学损毁因素。本研究为古砖以后的保护提供了一种新的研究思路以及科学的理论基础。  相似文献   

史前人类的居住方式大致经历了树栖、天然穴居、季节性人工营地、定居性人工聚落等几个阶段 ,最终实现了由林地、山地到阶地平原的居住地转移。人工建筑始于壁顶一体的地面式窝棚或帐篷 ,地穴式或地面式土木乃至木结构建筑标志着壁顶业已分离 ,夯土墙、土坯墙以及窑洞式房屋显示出土木建筑技术更趋成熟。而居住方式与建筑材料技术的发展演变往往是因资源开发及生态环境变迁的影响作用而导致的 ,充分揭示出资源开发、生态环境与居住建筑之间的内在联系  相似文献   

环境温湿度是影响文物保护的关键因子。本研究通过对莫高窟北区(132窟)封闭与开放洞窟的监测,对比分析了封闭对洞窟温湿度的影响,并通过人工冷凝确定了洞窟水分的主要来源。开放洞窟的温湿度随大气波动变化,但日温度波动幅度较小;潮湿天气对洞窟湿度影响较大,窟内温湿度主要受外界天气过程影响。相应地,洞窟封闭可消除外界气候及其温湿度日波动的影响,但可导致窟内湿度增高,这说明有来自围岩的水分进入洞窟。长期的封闭会使空气相对湿度明显增高,激活盐分,不利于壁画的保护。而在封闭洞窟内安装冷凝除湿-温湿度控制系统可有效地控制洞窟内的温湿度。洞窟水分的有效收集,证明有来自围岩的蒸发水分。洞窟封闭对比研究为洞窟类文物保护模式的探索提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

前言空气微生物是大气污染物之一,自1861年巴斯德首次获取空气微生物、1881年柯赫用沉降法(平皿暴露)测定其含量至今已近150年的时间。随着科技的进步及人类认识水平的提高,空气微生物的研究获得了长足的发展。细菌和真菌等空气微生物是室内空气质量的重要参数之一,常吸附在悬浮颗粒物上,可导致人类和动植物某些疾病的发生与  相似文献   

肖福元 《黑龙江史志》2009,(6):17-17,39
近些年来,亚麻厂的临街围墙、栅栏,量具厂门前牌楼,阅报栏墙体等建筑已被市政府有关部门挂牌列为保护建筑。当年道路两侧绿化栽种的榆树、杨树、柳树等已长成参天大树,柞树、松树、丁香树等遮天蔽日,而毗邻两侧的厂区、院校庭院内栽种的果树、花草,亦是芳香四溢,色彩缤纷。艺术的建筑,茂密的树木,宽阔的街道,尽显和平路的大气和洋气。  相似文献   

The results of a parametric study are presented, concerned with the evaluation of the structural overstrength, the global ductility and the available behaviour factor of existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings designed and constructed according to past generations of earthquake resistant design codes in Greece. For the estimation of these parameters, various failure criteria are incorporated in a methodology established to predict the failure mode of such buildings under planar response, as described in detail in a companion publication. A collection of 85 typical building forms is considered. The influence of various parameters is examined, such as the geometry of the structure (number of storeys, bay width etc.), the vertical irregularity, the contribution of the perimeter frame masonry infill walls, the period of construction, the design code and the seismic zone coefficient. The results from inelastic pushover analyses indicate that existing RC buildings exhibit higher overstrength than their contemporary counterparts, but with much reduced ductility capacity. The presence of perimeter infill walls increases considerably their stiffness and lateral resistance, while further reducing their ductility. Fully infilled frames exhibit generally good behaviour, while structures with an open floor exhibit the worst performance by creating a soft storey. Shear failure becomes critical in the buildings with partial height infills. It is also critical for buildings with isolated shear wall cores at the elevator shaft. Out of five different forms of irregularity considered in this study, buildings with column discontinuities in the ground storey exhibit the worst performance. Furthermore, buildings located in the higher seismicity zone are more vulnerable, since the increase of their lateral resistance and ductility capacity is disproportional to the increase in seismic demand.  相似文献   

Shear walls are important lateral force-resistant components of tall buildings. Hence, a reliable numerical model that can accurately represent the mechanical characteristics and large deformations of shear walls is critical for realistic collapse simulation of tall buildings. Based on the theory of generalized conforming element, a high-performance quadrilateral flat shell element, NLDKGQ, accounting for the large deformation using the updated Lagrangian formulation, is proposed herein and implemented in OpenSees. The reliability of NLDKGQ is validated using classical benchmark problems and reinforced concrete specimens. In addition, its capability in simulating the collapse of a tall building is also demonstrated.  相似文献   


Historic heritage buildings are a part of historic basis of each society and an economic resource. Therefore, preserving and maintenance of these buildings are cultural, economic and social demand. This research investigates the seismic performance of a historical building named Arg of Tabriz (Arge Alishah) that dates back to 14th century and is located at the city center of Tabriz (NW of Iran). Static, modal, and finally nonlinear dynamic (time history) analysis were performed by both “Considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)” and “fixed base (ignoring SSI)” Cases.

It is found from the results that, SSI extremely affects mode shapes and their frequencies and depending on the frequency content of the records, can has an incremental or decremental effect on structural responses. As expected, the building of Arg could carry gravity loads easily and despite its stability against earthquake loading in fixed base case, showed a weakness (especially in eastern and western walls direction) and overturned when it was analyzed in SSI case because of yielding of the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

Annual plant production and total plant mass are calculated for 106 types of soil and plant formations of the world, grouped in turn by major thermal belts and bioclimatic regions (humid, semiarid, arid) within these thermal belts. Aggregate magnitudes of annual growth and total plant mass by thermal belts and their bioclimatic regions follow a sequence of alternating high values in humid regions and low values in arid regions that bears a similarity to the periodic law of geographical zonality. Maximum plant production is associated with the Tropical belt, where combinations of heat and moisture favor maximum intensity of the physical-geographic process. A related paper, by Bazilevich and Rodin, appeared in Soviet Geography, January 1971.  相似文献   

宋至明的朝服与燕服所用之系带分别为革带和绦带,二者之带头不同,革带之带头称为”三台”,绦带之带环称为“绦环”,其尾缀一钩,可称为绦钩。绦环之称谓不应包括绦钩,须分别定名。明帝王生前所用绦带头类似革带之玉铸三台.笔者暂借以称之为玉绦带三台。  相似文献   

琉璃构件是中国古代建筑中不可缺少的建筑材料,具有一定的功能性和艺术性.但因其长期处于露天环境之中,会产生釉面蜕变、开裂、脱落和胎体酥粉等多种病变.为了对琉璃构件的全面保护,对洛阳山陕会馆古建群琉璃构件进行了整体调查,发现部分构件釉面产生了一层亮绿色粉状物质,与青铜器粉状锈颜色非常相似,这是一种极其特殊的病变现象.为此,用偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针及X射线衍射等分析手段对这种病变产物进行分析研究.结果表明,琉璃"粉状锈"的主要成分为PbSO4.它是大气中SO2与水分和琉璃釉面共同作用的结果.该病变的形成过程为釉面弱酸水膜的形成,釉中铅离子的溶出和铅的硫酸盐形成三大步骤.研究结果可为琉璃构件的进一步保护研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

琉璃构件是中国古代建筑中不可缺少的建筑材料,具有一定的功能性和艺术性。但因其长期处于露天环境之中,会产生釉面蜕变、开裂、脱落和胎体酥粉等多种病变。为了对琉璃构件的全面保护,对洛阳山陕会馆古建群琉璃构件进行了整体调查,发现部分构件釉面产生了一层亮绿色粉状物质,与青铜器粉状锈颜色非常相似,这是一种极其特殊的病变现象。为此,用偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针及X射线衍射等分析手段对这种病变产物进行分析研究。结果表明,琉璃“粉状锈”的主要成分为PbSO4。它是大气中SO2与水分和琉璃釉面共同作用的结果。该病变的形成过程为:釉面弱酸水膜的形成,釉中铅离子的溶出和铅的硫酸盐形成三大步骤。研究结果可为琉璃构件的进一步保护研究奠定基础。  相似文献   


Tell Qasile, in the area of the Eretz Israel Museum in north Tel Aviv, is the location of a small town founded in the twelfth century BCE. The site has significant importance for the study of various aspects of the Iron Age period in Israel. The buildings at the site were constructed of mudbricks on stone foundations. Conservation of buildings at the site was carried out using three methods: 1) building roofs (in roofed areas no other conservation was needed); 2) conserving mudbrick walls by plastering them in modern plaster made up in imitation of ancient building material; 3) full restoration of buildings up to roof level (carried out in one case). These methods were successful, and, due to the location of the site within a large museum compound, it is utilized for archaeological education, mainly of schoolchildren.  相似文献   

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