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检查、控制与导向--上海市电影检查委员会研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
上海是民国年间中国电影制作、发行、放映与进出口之中心。国民党当政后,上海市电影检查委员会的成立及其运作,表现出国家权力正向文学艺术等原本具有较自由发展空间的社会领域进行渗透与控制;其将检查重点置于武侠神怪片和美国“辱华”片,适应了社会心理,打开了影片检查的突破口,并为其后通过检查制度控制电影业的发展创造了条件;其检查方针与运作方法,在相当程度上为其后的教育、内政部电影检查委员会和中央电影检查委员会提供了参考与借鉴;在民国电影检查制度由自愿而强制、由个例而普遍、由民间而官方、由地方而中央的发展进程中扮演了承先启后、承上启下之不可或缺的重要角色。  相似文献   

Shelford  April G. 《French history》2006,20(2):161-181
In 1676 Pierre-Daniel Huet, scholar and tutor to the Dauphin,encountered difficulties with state censorship. Bishop Bossuetwas blocking the publication of his Demonstratio evangelica,a recasting of an ancient Christian apologetic. The Sorbonnetheologian and censor, Edme Pirot, was caught in the middle.An analysis of the interaction between these three men revealsAncien Régime censorship as a series of negotiationsshaped by the different stakes, personalities, ambitions andstatus of the participants. Huet and Bossuet’s quarrelalso echoed the confessional debates of the sixteenth centuryand reflected disagreements within the Catholic Church thereafter.It raised such important questions as whether the Bible shouldbe subjected to the same types of analysis as secular textsand anticipated concerns about the relationship between biblicalcriticism and the rise of irreligion. Throughout, Bossuet skilfullymanipulated the mechanisms of state censorship to defend hisvision of Church Tradition by delaying the publication of Huet’sDemonstratio and suppressing Richard Simon’s L’histoirecritique du Vieux Testament.  相似文献   

外国人的中国观是如何形成的?专家说,教育和媒体的影响最为重要。那么,国外历史教科书中怎么写中国?会不会颠覆我们过去所学?对这样的疑问,《环球》杂志记者求诸书本,一是为了解国外教育界灌输给学生的是怎么一个中国,二来也可寻找国外人对中国的各种看法由来的答案。  相似文献   

<上海新闻检查所工作报告>,汪伪上海新闻检查所主任刘石克撰拟.<报告>对上海新闻检查所的沿革、职责及工作方式等作了简要回顾,对研究汪伪新闻检查有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the textbooks in Arab and Islamic nation‐states have been carefully critiqued for any content that Westerners view as promoting hate or violence against non‐Muslims. Very little has been said, however, about the portrayals of Islamic and Arab society in Western textbooks. This report investigates the perspectives and ideologies concerning representations of Islam and Arab societies in textbooks worldwide, and specifically in Western countries' national education systems. Seventy‐two textbooks from 15 Western countries and Israel were examined to investigate the included and excluded content related to Islam and Arab societies. This research found that those countries with either an immediate stake in the Middle East (e.g., Israel) or an immediate past stake in the region (e.g., the United Kingdom) were the most likely to include coverage of Islam and Arab societies in secondary textbooks. The major findings of this research, however, are that content related to contemporary Islam and Arab societies in Western secondary‐level textbooks is overwhelmingly related to terrorism and terrorists, the Arab/Israeli conflict, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The majority of content related to contemporary Islam and Arab societies represents Muslims and their communities as: 1) socially, politically, and economically repressed; 2) religiously and ideologically oppressed; and 3) both typically and frequently violent.  相似文献   

Threatened by the thriving leftwing film industry, the Nationalist Party became more conservative. They set up the Central Film Censorship Committee as an important link in the system of film censorship, further tightening the control over film production. It was a substitute for the former Film Censorship Committee under the Ministries of Education and Interior. The committee achieved its original goals, but the result of its work did not fully conform to the party’s initial expectations. Translated by Zhou Weiwei from Lishi Yanjiu 历史研究 (Historical Research), 2006, (2): 62–78  相似文献   

清末日语教材的特点及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清末,中国人编著了数十种日语教材。这些教材既有在中国内地,也有留学生在日本出版的。教材形式多样,内容丰富。既有词汇集、读本,又有语法、尺牍、辞典等。清末日语教材具有许多共性,而且无论从形式到内容,从中日“同文观”到由此产生的“和文汉读法”,都对民国时期日语教材产生了不小的影响。  相似文献   

论文以民国时期大陆学人与东南亚学人所编东南亚华校国语教材为视角,探讨华文教育本土化问题。认为大陆学人所编东南亚华校国语教材的本土化倾向包括选材符合国外实际、稳妥处理敏感话题、教给儿童规范汉语及配以实用方便的教学法;东南亚学人所编东南亚华校国语教材的本土化倾向包括突出第二语言教学的特性、使用外语进行解释及强调国语文的特点。  相似文献   

John Morgan 《对极》2003,35(3):444-462
This essay considers the "imagined geographies" of Britain found in school geography textbooks in the postwar period. The first part of the essay considers the role that school geography plays in processes of social reproduction. It suggests that textbooks represent an important resource through which meanings are negotiated in the everyday lives of teachers and students. The second part of the essay discusses some of the specific "national environmental ideologies" found in geographies of Britain. The essay concludes with a discussion of the wider context in which geographies of Britain are taught in schools.  相似文献   

A noted demographer assesses the reliability of data in the 1989 census of the Soviet Union for 14 regions of the Russian Federation affected by distortions designed by Soviet authorities to conceal the populations of "secret towns" of the military-industrial complex. More specifically, using declassified population data available but only selectively published following the disclosure of these hidden settlements (and their populations) in 1994, he re-estimates the urban populations of these regions in 1989, and compares differences in 1989-2002 population change indicated by use of the original and adjusted 1989 data sets. Distortions of up to 10 percent of the regional populations (and as high as 13 percent for their eponymous regional capitals) are examined in light of their implications for the calculation of a variety of demographic and population-based indicators in studies of Russia comparing the late Soviet and early post-Soviet periods. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: J11, O18, R23. 8 tables, 35 references.  相似文献   

This article interrogates the persistence of heavy-handed censorship of political films in Singapore at a time of cultural liberalisation when the state has generally shown greater tolerance for alternative political expression in theatre, the literary arts, academia and public events. Part of this has to do with the focus of these films on political dissidents and their greater capacity to present a fundamental challenge to The Singapore Story, which is the regime-legitimising official account of Singapore’s history. It also has to do with the power and outreach of relatively low-budget independent films and the documentary genre in particular to evoke alternative histories vividly, give voice to the silenced, and channel these voices digitally into the collective cinematic and social media experience of the present. With the jubilee celebrations of 2015, the ruling party has been working hard to regain hegemony after experiencing its worst electoral losses in the 2011 general elections. Its main approach for achieving this has been to sponsor widespread national nostalgia coupled with highly selective censorship of political films that challenge the dominant official discourse in ways that can erode the government’s electoral dominance and political authority.  相似文献   

伴随日本2008年新的《学习指导要领》的修订,强化包括英语在内的各学科学习成为日本国内教育的首要目标。交际和跨文化理解能力的培养成为英语教育的重要内容之一。本文通过分析日本中学英语教科书中的文化内容,从跨文化理解的视角出发探讨日本英语教学中的文化教育,以期对我国的英语教育有所启示和反思。  相似文献   

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