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The main sects of Tibetan Buddhism (popularly; Lamaism) were originally the Nyingma(rnying-ma), Kagyu(bkav-brgyud), Kadam and Sakya (sa-skya) traditions. Tsongkhapa founded the Gelug(dge-lugs) sect at the beginning of the isth century Afterwards, the Kadam sect merged into the Gelug sect. Therefore the four main sects of Tibetan Buddhism became the Nyingrna, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya, which continue today Tibetan Buddhism's eastward spread was a long process.  相似文献   

Tibetan Buddhism,one of the important sects of Buddhism,is believed by a lot of researchers to have disseminated into Tibet from India,Nepal and its adjacent Han nationality congregating areas in around 7th century.The subsequent spread of Buddhism in Tibet experienced two periods of fast diffusion,during which the original Buddhist doctrine merged with Tibetan traditional culture,and a new form of religion with typical Tibetan characteristics came into being.  相似文献   

The Joyul tradition,which was founded in the 11thcentury,was one of the most important sects of Ti-betan Buddhism.This tradition may trace its originsback to Pha Dampa Sangye,a well-known monk whowas a native of South India,and was founded by MacikLabdron(ma-cig lab-sgron),a famous Tibetan Yogini(a female practitioner of the Yogachara school).It wasthe only sect founded by a female in the history of Ti-betan Buddhism,and this is also rarely seen in the worldhistory of world religions.The sect had a unique doc-trine and methods of intensive meditative practice.Therefore,it was a distinctive sect in the TibetanBuddhism.It not only had deep impact on other sectsof Tibetan Buddhism,but also had great influence on  相似文献   

正Tibetan Buddhism,one of the important sects of Buddhism,is believed by a lot of researchers to have disseminated into Tibet from India,Nepal and its adjacent Han nationality congregating areas in around 7~(th) century.The subsequent spread of Buddhism in Tibet experienced two periods of fast diffusion,during which the  相似文献   

When the Five Sakya Patriarchs are mentioned, no one will neglectto mention the Sakya Sect, one of the four greatest sects in Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya Sect, later than the Nyingma Sect, has dominated Tibet for nearly a hundred years during the Yuan Dynasty. The Five Sakya Patriarchs are milestones in the history of the sect.  相似文献   

<正>Since its founding in the 11th century,the Sa-skya-pa has been part of Tibetan Buddhism.In the 13th and 14th centuries,this sect developed into a dominant political power.Its leader was even appointed to an office in the central government that was responsible for administrating Buddhist affairs in all of China.Historically,this leader played a role in Tibet’s surrender to Mongolia during the Yuan Dynasty in the middle of the 13th century.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The Education System of Monasteries Under the Yellow Sect of Lamaism The rise of the Yellow Sect (or the dGe-lugs-pa Secti) in Tibet in the 15th century was closely related to its mature system of monasteries and sound organization of personnel. In the 13th and 14th centuries, previously thriving sects of Tibetan Buddhism, such as the Sa-skya-pa Sect2  相似文献   

The new system was introduced on the basis of the traditional way of studying the sutras of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a brand-new Geshi award system,which fully respects and carries forward the traditional system in terms of sutra studies and Geshi title promotion. In terms of content, the way to study them and the way the tests are given, the new system basically follows the traditional practice of various sects of Tibetan Buddhism. Hence it is well received among the eminent monks of Tibeta…  相似文献   

<正>Traditional Tibetan opera is classified into two categories-the folkloric Tibetan opera,which is popular in the secular world,and refined Tibetan opera that pervades in upper-class society and Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. These two aspects of Tibetan opera mainly showcase the contents and themes of Tibetan Buddhism in order to reflect  相似文献   

Tibetan Race and Eastern Tibet CivilizationAuthored by Shi Shu, the book probes into the source of Tibetan race and its relations with the ancient civilization in the Henduan mountainous area in eastern Tibet.The book is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is devoted to ancient civilization of eastern Tibet; the second chapter to the source of the Tibetan race plus related stories; the third chapter to the source and ties between Mo tribe and tribes in the Henduan mountainous area; the fifth chapter to Yi people in the Henduan mountainous area in ancient time; and the sixth chapter to concluding remarks.The 32-mo book, running to 235,000 words, has been published by the Sichuan People's Publishing House and is priced at 32 Yuan per copy.  相似文献   

I.The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the Qing Court's Policies towards Nationalities and Religions
During the late Ming Dynasty (Altan Khan's reign in Northern Yuan), the Gelug Sect, one sect of Tibetan Buddhism (the Yellow Hat Sect),2 prevailed in Mongolia once again, and soon after that, the local people embraced it. Until the first half of the I7th century, all the Mongols in the north, south and west of the Gobi Desert accepted the Gelug Sect, However,  相似文献   

The ancient city of Lhasa sits in a basin screened by high mountains that, Ithink, are holy. When I mentioned what was on my mind to a senior Tibetan, he agreed with me, explaining that these mountains face the city with their peaks as a token of respect for Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. The only exception, he added, is the Chagyia Garbo (Droppings of White Eagle) Mountain on the southern bank of the Lhasa River. As it faces the holy city with its back, a ritual is held on the 29th day of the second Tibetan month each year to bom-  相似文献   

King Gesar, a great epic created by the Tibetan race in ancient time, has been orally transmitted down the generations and widely known throughout Tibetan-inhabited areas. It tells of the exploits of the magical hero-king Gesar, and his prowess in battle as he strives to defend his people. The epic embodies the highest level of the ancient Tibetan culture, hence commanding high academic and aesthetic value. Internationally, it is known as "Homer epic in the east."King Gesar was born into th…  相似文献   

正This article aims to discuss the predicament faced by Tibetan Buddhism in the current time of globalization,the opportunities facing it,and its potential ways out of the dilemma.Especially taking into account the fact that today’s Tibetan Rinpoches and tantric Buddhist teachings have on one hand become the most favored of their kind amongst great numbers of progressives and petty bourgeoisie in this postmodern  相似文献   

Most Sherpa people believe in Tibetan Buddhism. There are two monasteries in Lixing and Chengtang respectively with the name of Gongbasaba and Lagang. Most people follow either the Saga or Geju Sect, although there are also followers of Gelug Sect and Nyingma Sect. The disciples of the Sagya and Gagyu sects can marry and form families. They do not live in the monastery but farm monastery's lands, and go to the monastery to burn joss sticks, lay offerings and chant sutras. Even the people who are not followers of the Gelug Sect adore the Dalai Lama and Panchen Erdeni.  相似文献   

The new book by Vladimir Uspensky (alternatively, Uspenskiy), Professor and Chair of the Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), deals with various aspects in the history of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing; the time is mainly the period from the middle seventeenth to the early twentieth century. During the reign of the Qing dynasty, the ruling class, namely Manchu and Mongolian nobility, patronized Tibetan Buddhism. This aspect of Qing history is studied too little in Chinese and foreign works, and Uspensky's book fills this lacuna. One can see that the author successfully achieved his aim, as he has drawn a vivid picture of institutions and cultural activity among Tibetan Buddhists in Beijing.  相似文献   

Tibetan Buddhism is well known for its enormous ideological systems, rich cultural contents, unique religious forms and well-organized structures. It is distinctively characterized by the reincarnation system (e.g. reincarnation of a great lama as a child after his death), the politico-religious administration, anuttara-yoga-tantra, a gigantic system of gods and spirits caused by the fusion of Buddhism and the Bon tradition, rich and colorful religious rituals with innumerable names, and many religious sects each having a system of its own. The gradual path to enlightenment is the most fundamental, inherent principal as well as decisive characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism. This is why Tibetan Buddhism attracts modern believers.  相似文献   

The "three masters of Jo Oldrum" refers to Guru Jo Olgyal Palden Atisha and his two disciples: Drumdompa Gyaiwarongne and O1 Lepal Sherab who lived in the 10th Century. In Thangka and frescos, Guru Atisha sits in the middle, and his two disciples on either side. Such works are commonly found in the shrines of Tibetan monasteries. All three were initiated into the Sect of Kadam in Tibetan Buddhism during the 10th Century.  相似文献   

The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,primarily in Nanjing city and Beijing city,the capital of the Ming dynasty.At the same time,Chinese culture represented by Chinese Buddhism and its art was also introduced into Tibet and other Tibetan areas.  相似文献   

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