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隋唐时期,在北方草原地区活动的民族有突厥、回纥(回鹘)、契丹、室韦、奚、袜羯等,以突厥和回纥为主,在他们的遗迹遗物中,金银器占有一定的数量。这一时期,随着草原丝绸之路的逐渐繁盛,中西文化、南北文化交流十分频繁,并在金银制品中充分地表现出来。  相似文献   

王东明 《东南文化》2000,(3):115-116
文章以苏州文物商店收藏的几件成化青花瓷器为例,就成化青花瓷器的造型、纹饰、款式等特点作了初步的概括。  相似文献   

春秋战国时期的书法呈现出地域性、多样化、崇美性和变异性的显著特点,在书法史上是一个充满矛盾和裂变,由篆变隶的动态变异时期。  相似文献   

雍正皇帝为稳定商品市场的银钱比价,对铜钱制度深刻反思后进行了全面改革,至乾隆时期,改革后的铸钱成本长期保持在铜钱千文含银一两以下, 成本较低。而同一时期商品货币流通领域铜钱对纹银的兑换却低于一两,钱价高昂,钱价与钱值相悖。形成这个问题的根本原因,在于清政府对铜斤实行垄断经营、压低价格。基于清政府对鼓铸用锎垄断价格而形成的铸钱成本,并不能真正体现钱文的价值含量。铸钱成本的高低应取决于商品市场铜铅价格的高低。乾隆时期钱价高昂,正是当时商品市场铜价昂贵的曲折反映。  相似文献   

包上墓地位于重庆市万州区新乡镇寨子村八组,北与武陵镇隔江相望,东北距万州市区约36.5公里,地理位置为东经108°15′25″、北纬30°33′75″(图一)。墓地位于长江南岸一级台地上,地势北低南高,东西各  相似文献   

This article offers a canine history of the “critical period” concept, situating its emergence within a growing, interdisciplinary network of canine behavior studies that connected eugenically minded American veterinarians, behavioral geneticists, and dog lovers with large institutional benefactors. These studies established both logistical and conceptual foundations for large-scale science with dogs while establishing a lingering interdependence between American dog science and eugenics. The article emphasizes the importance of dogs as subjects of ethological study, particularly in the United States, where some of the earliest organized efforts to analyze canine behavior began. Further, the article argues that the “critical period” is important not only for its lasting prominence in multiple fields of scientific inquiry, but also as a historiographical tool, one that invites reflection on the tendency of historians to emphasize a particular narrative structure of scientific advancement.  相似文献   

关于新时期历史阶段划分的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着历史的不断发展,新时期的历史逐渐成为史学研究的重点。如何对新时期做出科学的阶段划分,是研究这段历史的一个首要问题。理论界对新时期的概念、新时期的上下限、历史阶段的具体划分等问题存在着不同的认识,架构中国特色的历史分期理论体系,对中国史学乃至中共党史、中华人民共和国史理论的发展都是很有意义的。当然对新时期的历史做出阶段性的划分,只是研究工作的第一步。要把新时期波澜壮阔的历史进程生动展现出来,还要进行认真的、大量的理论和史料准备,进行艰苦的、深入的研究和论证,以推动研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

浙江宁波市蜈蚣岭吴晋纪年墓葬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年,在浙江宁波市鄞州区蜈蚣岭发现两座纪年墓葬。皆为凸字形单砖室券顶墓,均发现较多纪年文字砖。东吴墓 M1保存基本完整,随葬品包括青瓷器、金银器、铜器、铁器、铜钱等。西晋墓 M16被盗,仅出土部分青瓷器。这两座墓葬,为研究当地这一时期的墓葬形制、丧葬习俗和分期断代等提供了新资料。  相似文献   

广州南越国宫署遗址东晋南朝的铁甲和皮甲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2006年,广州市文物考古研究所、中国社会科学院考古研究所和南越王宫博物馆筹建处组成的考古队在南越国宫署遗址的两口水井内清理出东晋南朝时期的铁甲和皮甲各1件,铁甲有53片形状不同的甲片,皮甲应为马甲上的胸甲。这类铠甲的出土在岭南属首次发现,同时也填补了这一时期铠甲资料的欠缺。  相似文献   

本文在陶仓楼类型划分基础上,认为河南汉墓出土的陶仓楼至西汉晚期在豫中地区首先出现,为二层带腰檐建筑.西汉末至东汉早期此型陶仓楼向高层发展,区域由豫中扩展到豫北地区.东汉早期豫西、豫西南地区出现二层无腰檐陶仓楼.这时期河南陶仓楼数量和式样增多,分布范围广泛.东汉中期为陶仓楼繁荣期,豫北地区出现带附楼的院落式陶仓楼.东汉晚期各区域陶仓楼走向衰落.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of Anglo‐Saxon style pottery in the northern Netherlands and north‐western Germany, involving macroscopic and microscopic analysis of fabrics and finish. Both regions show similar developments in form and decoration in the pottery of the fourth and fifth centuries ad , the late Roman and Migration period, resulting in the typical decoration and shapes that are known as the Anglo‐Saxon style. In the northern Netherlands, this style is traditionally associated with Anglo‐Saxon immigrants. It has, however, been suggested that this style was, rather, part of an indigenous development in areas in the northern Netherlands where occupation was continuous, though influenced by stylistic developments in north‐western Germany. That hypothesis is supported by the analysis of fabrics and finish presented here. The characteristic of fabrics and surface treatment indicate technological continuity. The use of local clay sources for Anglo‐Saxon style pottery and for contemporary regional types indicates that most of the Anglo‐Saxon style pottery in the northern Netherlands was not brought by Anglo‐Saxon immigrants or as imports, but must have been made locally. That applies to settlements with continuous habitation, as well as settlements in the coastal area that were not inhabited during the fourth century ad .  相似文献   

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