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姚磊  张敏  汪飞 《人文地理》2013,28(5):42-48
运用核密度分析的方法,对南京市创意产业总体和细分类型的空间分布演化特征和差异进行研究。研究表明,南京市创意产业总体上呈现集聚态势,集聚重心主要位于城市商业和商务中心,并沿城市商务业主轴中山北路和中山路向外扩散,与外围地区的小型据点呈连绵粘合之势。然而,各类创意产业的空间格局与演化又呈现出一定的差异,主要表现在分布模式、演化态势、集聚强度、集聚速度等方面。这些差异主要与各类创意产业的行业关联特征、所有制结构、企业规模结构、行业发展阶段与增长趋势的差异相关。  相似文献   

Porosity measurements made on archaeological bones have revealed very-close relationships between changes in the porosity, remaining protein content and mineral alterations. The results have important implications for models that attempt to quantify the rates and extent of chemical reaction between bone and its geochemical environment. We report here on a novel application of an established technique, mercury intrusion porosimetiy, to investigate in more detail the pore size distribution of archaeological bones. Mercury intrusion porosimetry measures an ‘intermediate’range of bone porosity, ‘mesoporosity’, and produces data which permit the observation of significant structure characteristics in the porosity of modern laboratory altered and diagenetically altered bones.  相似文献   

朱盼  孙斌栋 《人文地理》2017,32(5):105-112
本文以每万人拥有的中小企业数量为代理变量,分析了中国城市企业家精神的空间分布格局、变化趋势和影响因素。结果表明,企业家精神整体提升的同时,地区差异也在扩大;空间自相关显著,集聚趋势不断增强;变化强度呈西减东增的趋势。互联网设施、人口多样性、沿海区位和资源环境压力、较高的女性比重、较少的政府干预和较低的国企占比和外资占比有促进作用;未发现集聚和房价的显著影响;而平均教育水平与企业家精神显著负相关,说明我国的创业类型、教育体制和内容还有待提升。  相似文献   

This research provides a fine-grained analysis of the link between social capital and work-related outcomes among rural-to-urban migrants in China. Using data from the Shanghai Rural-to-Urban Migrant Worker Survey, the authors examine various kinds of social networks, the types of social capital they produce and their effects on migrant workers. While kinship networks and pre-existing social capital tend to provide migrants with job security and stability, they are negatively associated with migrants’ earnings and work satisfaction. By contrast, newly established friendship networks with local urbanites indicate new forms of social capital from the destination city, which are positively associated with higher satisfaction with income and work environment, and a higher likelihood of landing a permanent job.  相似文献   

Analysis of newly available data and recent newspaper reports on the corrective labor system reveals important distributional and spatial aspects to the problem of crime and its punishment in the USSR. The article supplies data on the major categories of offenses, notes the general similarity of crime rates between rural and urban areas and the significant interregional variations in overall and specific crime rates. Evidence is presented which indicates that the total crime rate in Siberia and the Far East greatly exceeds the USSR average. This is attributable to distinctive features of the region's population structure, the instability of its labor force, unsatisfactory living conditions, and the (relatively) still large number of inmates brought to corrective labor camps in Siberia from all over the country.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):377-389

Although stature is used widely as a bioarchaeological health indicator, its determination and subsequent interpretation are not always straightforward. A study of 77 individuals from eight prehistoric populations from the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway illustrates this issue. Application of three common stature estimation formulae to five Middle/Late Woodland and four Mississippian groups strongly suggests that use of partial versus whole bone, choice of element, and stature estimation method can create disparate patterns in health interpretation, not only for the direction of differences but particularly regarding the degree of differences among groups.  相似文献   

The present study seeks to provide new evidence on the determinants of retirement for older Japanese men and women, using a unique longitudinal survey of households, the Nihon University Japan Longitudinal Study of Ageing (NUJLSOA). One of the major findings of the present study is that the primary determinant of the probability of remaining in work between 1999 and 2003 was changes in health status as measured by the change in the number of NAGI limitations. Using the same data set, this study also investigates how the status of health affects the degree to which the Japanese elderly expect to rely on their children for old-age security. The computed results were somewhat surprising. The respondent's health status was not statistically significant, but the health status of the respondent's spouse affected the probabilities of the respondent's expectation to rely on children in both 2001 and 2003.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper investigates the ways in which stone axes were modified in areas of Britain distant from their original sources. One small group was turned into pendants and another seems to have been converted into maceheads. This has implications for studies of the 'axe trade' that assume that such artefacts had a fixed value throughout their distribution.  相似文献   

One of the steps leading to an assessment of the biological significance of ozone destruction is to determine the biologically effective ultraviolet radiation (UVB) distribution. The objective of this study is to describe and analyze broadband UVB radiation at 24 locations across Canada, during the period from July 1992 through December 1993. This is the first study of broadband UVB measurements involving such a large number of UVB measuring instruments. Quantitative characteristics and statistical analysis of the surface UVB radiation in Canada with respect to ozone amount, as well as cloudiness, are presented. The results indicate higher UVB irradiance in the second half of 1992, compared with the same period in 1993. Among all the locations, Toronto received the greatest dose of UVB radiation in 1993. Excluding Yellowknife, due to its northernmost location (larger zenith angles), Ste-Agathe, Quebec received the smallest dose. Unusually high UVB fluxes were found to occur in March 1993 over eastern Canada. A study of the correlation of UVB radiation with total ozone and cloud opacity was carried out for most of the locations. The results suggest that other meteorological parameters have a significant impact on the ultraviolet levels.  相似文献   

High population mobility, mainly in the form of out-migration, is a characteristic feature of the post-Soviet Russian North. As subsidies from the centre were significantly cut, living standards and the number of inhabitants in many Russian peripheries declined considerably. Nevertheless, there are also prospering regions and industry sectors in these parts of Russia, which are often related to and dependent on the exploitation of natural resources. After introducing general Soviet and post-Soviet mobility and migration patterns in the north of Russia, this article examines the mobility behaviour of oil workers. The analyses are based on a case study of an oil company (SeverTEK) from the Komi Republic and incorporate different statistical approaches. The purpose of the study is to assess past, present and future mobility behaviour of those in northern regions who are benefitting from post-Soviet transition and will most likely contribute most to a positive development of the Russian North. The results show that the surveyed employees of SeverTEK have migrated in the past mainly from Siberia, the Far East, and the now independent countries of the former Soviet Union to northern and central parts of European Russia. The present mobility behaviour is strongly characteristic of shift work employment with long-distance commuting. An analysis of intended migration indentifies strong potentials for future migrations among the oil workers of the case study. It appears that many employees are ready to leave northern regions as soon as their job situation allows it. Therefore, unlike in other resource peripheries such as Western Australia, long-distance commuting is in Russia not used as a decentralization measure; instead it offers opportunities for reducing the problematically high population density of the post-Soviet North.  相似文献   

山西省传统村落空间分布格局及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山西省156 个"传统村落"为研究对象,Arc GIS10.2 为支撑平台,使用谷歌地球(Googol Earth)和百度地图确定坐标、高程等基本地理信息,运用空间分析方法,从宏观角度综合分析山西的传统村落在空间上的分布格局及其影响因素。山西传统村落分布有以下特点:整体为凝聚型,部分区域为分散型;地区分布不均衡,集中分布于晋中、晋东南地区,其他地区较少;沿河流、道路呈带状分布,且在这两方面上存在空间指向的一致性。从地形、海拔、坡向、河流等自然要素和人口、中心城镇、社会经济等人文要素方面探索影响传统村落空间分布的因素及其发生作用的方式,对山西传统村落的保护与开发进行有益思考。  相似文献   

陕西乡村聚落分布特征及其演变   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文在探讨陕西三大地区乡村聚落宏观分布的基础上,对各地区传统的农业乡村聚落的形成及发展的空间类型、原因作了比较研究,同时,总结了目前乡村聚落的一些空间演变趋势。  相似文献   

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