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马珺 《史学月刊》2008,14(3):39-45
清朝末年制定的<大清民律草案>被史学界称为<民律一草>.它第一次打破了诸法合体,民、刑不分的旧体例,是中国民法法典化的开端,为以后国民政府民法典的制定提供了借鉴依据.在其起草制定过程中,既引进了大量西方先进的法理原则与制度,也保留了不少中国固有的传统制度,充分表现出外来法与传统法的冲突.  相似文献   

With the dismantling of herding collectives in Mongolia in 1992, formal regulatory institutions for allocating pasture vanished, and weakened customary institutions were unable effectively to fill the void. Increasing poverty and wealth differentiation in the herding sector, a wave of urban–rural migration, and the lack of formal or strong informal regulation led to a downward spiral of unsustainable grazing practices. In 1994, Mongolia's parliament passed the Land Law, which authorized land possession contracts (leases) over pastoral resources such as campsites and pastures. Implementation of leasing provisions began in 1998. This article examines the implications of the Law's implementation at the local level, based on interviews with herders and officials in all levels of government, and a resurvey of herding households. Amongst many findings, the research shows that poorer herders were largely overlooked in the allocation of campsite leases; that the poor had become more mobile and the wealthy more sedentary; that there had been a sharp decline in trespassing following lease implementation, but that many herders and officials expected pasture leasing to lead to increased conflict over pastures. The Land Law provides broad regulatory latitude and flexibility to local authorities, but the Law's lack of clarity and poor understanding of its provisions by herders and local officials limit its utility. The existing legal framework and local attitudes stand in clear opposition to the implied goal of land registration and titling — an all‐embracing land market and the supremacy of private property rights.  相似文献   

This essay examines two dominant traditions in legal philosophy, the natural law theory and legal positivism, in terms of how they account for the normativity of law. I argue that, although these two traditions generally take the question of the normativity of law seriously and try to account for it, they are not successful in doing so. This failure in the prevailing literature on the philosophy of law, I suggest, nevertheless has an implicit reconstructive impact: the insights into the failure of natural law theory and legal positivism imply an alternative philosophical framework that may provide a positive answer to the question of the normativity of law.  相似文献   

周虹 《福建史志》2020,(2):26-30,36,71,72
中国传统法治文化是中华几千年国家治理的智慧结晶,在不同历史时期具有不同的文化特点,也存在自诞生之初就无法克服的不足之处,如强调人治、维护宗法、重刑轻民等。但是,传统法治文化有很多值得我们吸收改进的有益之处,尤其在教民、治吏与息诉这三点上,对当前地方法治政府建设有着重要的借鉴意义。本文结合包括福建本地的一些法治实例,阐述传统法治文化的特点和不足,以"从严治吏"为重点,对如何更好的建设地方法治政府提出几点个人思考和建议。  相似文献   

在哈萨克族长期的发展进程中,形成了具有哈萨克族游牧经济特色的习惯法文化,这些民族习惯法文化在婚姻方面体现得更为明显,对哈萨克族人民的社会生活产生了重要影响。但是在国家法律体系范围内,这些习惯法的存在和作用对国家法律的普及和实施也产生了不和谐的影响。  相似文献   

民俗与民法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
章礼强 《民俗研究》2001,2(1):36-44
从19世纪下半叶,对人类社会的研究逐渐从梅因所说的依靠史料、文献和考古,开始向“人类活化石”的考察转移。外国一些学者开始有意识并有成效地通过对自然生活在人们当中的一些原始部族的考察,来研究人类早期社会问题。马林诺夫斯基1914年曾在太平洋新几内亚的一些群岛采用“田野工作”(Field—Work)的方法,对当地的美拉尼西亚人的部落社会制度进行考察。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):628-640

The article aims to show a relationship between biblical law, or Torah, and human formation or spiritual growth. In a sympathetically critical dialogue with Burnside’s God, Justice and Society, and biblical theologians such as G. von Rad, H. H. Schmid, E. Otto and F. Crusemann, it considers the proper human response to law in terms of a vocation to understand the divine ordering of reality. Specific topics addressed include the relationship between “revealed” law and universal knowledge, law and wisdom, biblical law’s capacity to critique cultural norms, and the mandate implicit within biblical law for ongoing reinterpretation, across cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

周小粒 《世界历史》2012,(3):41-52,158,159
第二次世界大战后民族解放运动风起云涌,英国政府为了延缓殖民地独立的进程,在英国工党的推动下制定了《1948年英国国籍法》。该法案对法律和传统习俗都进行了重大变革,明确规定无论英国及其殖民地公民还是独立后的英联邦国家公民,都能以英国国民的身份自由移民进入英国。这一法案不仅为二战后大规模有色移民的涌入提供了法律依据,而且还加强了英帝国和英联邦的凝聚力,对战后英国的政治和社会均产生了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the organization and function of Italy’s police forces. In contrast with other countries there have been very few recent studies on policing in Italy. This article starts from the origins of the modern police in Italy and tracks changes over time. Police activities that relate specifically to surveillance of territory and individuals, maintaining public order, controlling immigration and the coordination of police operations are reconstructed and documented, with a specific focus on crime prevention. The article attempts to assess to what extent this has been achieved in recent decades, and to what extent the efficiency of crime prevention has increased or decreased over the last thirty years. The article also examines the relations between the size of the police force and crime statistics to discover whether the increase in the former is directly linked to a decline in the latter.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):442-462

Extending recent directions in the field and informed by a renewed reading of Aquinas, we argue for a broadened sense of the natural law that radiates to social and political life, not only in the narrow form of positive law but in the life of our institutions that necessarily presume an ordering to the common good. While increasingly under the threat of privatization or bureaucratization in individualistic cultures, institutions can and do function as sites where gifts are freely given and received, shared goods articulated and debated, and friendships formed.  相似文献   

郭婕 《史学月刊》2000,(2):48-54
劳乃宣是清末修律中礼教派的主要代表人物,由于他长期在基层做官,更能注意到传统礼教在国人法律心理中的广泛性和持久性。所以在改革法律的重心和程度上,他认为各国法律的起源和分类不同,其变法也不能趋同,应该立足本国国情,因俗治宜,保持各自的特色。劳乃宣关于法律特殊性的认识和主张,如果在清末修律中运用得当,就可以相应地减少清末修律中的盲目性,使新法在吸收旧有法律的基础上更具有可操作性和权威性。这与超前立法相比,更能保持社会的稳定性,也更符合法律持续性发展的规律。  相似文献   

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