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贾榕榕  吴冰 《人文地理》2020,35(2):142-151
精英的权力是社会分层和领导者研究领域的重点问题。随着乡村旅游的蓬勃发展,旅游精英成为带领农民致富的领路人,但旅游精英的权力却未获得足够关注。本文采用建构主义扎根理论方法,基于乡村旅游地居民的访谈资料和网络资料,探索旅游精英的权力维度如何呈现,并深入研究乡村旅游精英的权力是否会随旅游地生命周期呈现动态变化特征。研究发现:(1)旅游精英在乡村旅游发展中呈现六维权力:全局掌控权、制度制定权、空间生产权、声誉权、人情权与魅力权,进而以六维权力深入剖析了旅游精英带领村民致富的内部机理;(2)乡村旅游精英的六维权力处于动态演变中,在引入期、成长期、成熟期权力呈现特征显著不同。  相似文献   

Our multidisciplinary study of historic Thoroughbred horses solves two long‐running mysteries in racing history. Eclipse, the greatest racehorse ever known, never lost a race. His skeleton is housed in the Royal Veterinary College, London; however, there is controversy over its authenticity. The 1880 Epsom Derby was won by Bend Or. In one of the great controversies of Thoroughbred racing, the owners of Bend Or were accused of swapping him with another horse, Tadcaster, whose maternal pedigree was more prestigious. Bend Or's skeleton resides at the Natural History Museum, in London. Eclipse and Tadcaster were both extremely popular at stud, and the vast majority of racehorses today are descendents. We compared mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of living and historic Thoroughbred skeletons, including those of Eclipse and Bend Or. Additionally, we compared skeletal morphometrics of Eclipse's skeleton with measurements taken at autopsy. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of a range of skeletal elements were compared in order to establish that the Eclipse skeleton was that of a single horse. Our multidisciplinary data suggest that the putative skeleton is consistent with that of Eclipse. In contrast, mitochondrial DNA haplotype sharing indicated that the skeleton known as Bend Or is most probably that of Tadcaster.  相似文献   

资源型城市核心竞争力的演变与调控——以冷水江市为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
资源型城市是指伴随资源开发而兴起的城市,我国有各类资源型城市120余座。作为特殊的经济区,资源型城市曾经为加速我国工业化进程和增强我国经济国际竞争力发挥过重要作用。但在其发展过程中,由于资源条件和发展思路的差异,有的至今保持旺盛的竞争力,有的却因资源枯竭或市场障碍渐入窘境。因此,资源型城市的衰落与振兴日益成为地理学家关注的热点问题。本文从资源型城市核心竞争力结构入手,分析了资源型城市核心竞争力成长阶段及演变特征,并以冷水江市为例,论述了资源型城市核心竞争力调控的模式和途径。  相似文献   

The fur trade detached European commercial capital from Europe, relocating it in the North American interior. There it worked out a set of largely taken-for-granted assumptions and practices - what might be called the discourse of the fur trade - that embodied a commercial geography and closely related strategies of Native management. These strategies rested on a politics of terror, a theatre of power, and complex alignments of Native and white interests. Native and white agency were often reinforcing but, overall, the balance of power tilted towards whites, and the fur trade became a protocolonial presence in the Cordillera.
La traite des fourrures a eu pour effet de déplacer le capital commercial de ľEurope, en le relocalisant vers ľintérieur des terres de ľAmérique du Nord. Elle a pour une série de suppositions et de pratiques prises pour acquis, ce que ľon pourrait appeler son discours. Ce discours englobait une géographie commerciale et des stratégies qui étaient étroitement reliées et qui tou-chaient la prise en charge des autochtones. Les stratégies reposaient sur une politique de la terreur, une représentation du pouvoir et des alignements complexes des intérêts des autochtones et des Blancs. Souvent, les liens entre les deux groupes s'intensifiaient, mais dans ľensemble, la balance du pouvoir penchait du côté des Blancs. Le commerce des fourrures s'est alors trans-formé en une présence protocoloniale dans la cordillére.  相似文献   

'Mediterranean polyculture'(the systematic exploitation of olives and vines in addition to cereals from the beginning of the Bronze Age) has been considered as one of the main factors which led to the development of palatial institutions in Bronze Age Crete and mainland Greece. This paper reviews all the available, direct archaeological evidence for olive and vine exploitation and oil and wine production and use from Bronze Age Crete (microbotanical, macrobotanical, artefactual, epigraphic), discussing at the same time their taphonomic, analytical and interpretative problems. It is suggested that, at present, there is no reliable direct archaeological evidence to substantiate the 'Mediterranean polyculture'model. More significantly, research on wine and oil, if disconnected from the discourse of subsistence and the cultural-evolutionary models such as that of subsistence-redistribution and viewed within the framework of the anthropology of consumption, can more fruitfully illuminate important issues related to the dialects of power such as establishment and legitimation of authority, exploitation of labour and factional competition.  相似文献   

本文选择了杭州市城郊结合部某村的小产权房开发作为研究案例,通过探索此处小产权房从网络构建到销售为止一系列的开发过程,来反映"小产权房"产生的背景与制度环境因素。研究发现,此案例小产权房的开发依托于社会网络形成并且运作。并且在开发的最后阶段,开发商通过两种途径,实现小产权房的进一步集中与出售,保证了小产权房的开发出路。作为时代的"产物",小产权房有其不合法性,也有其合理性。本文对小产权房的研究,对未来小产权房的进一步研究具有积极的意义,也为合理治理小产权房提供了有力的依据。  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑  刘晨 《人文地理》2012,26(1):119-126
本文在构建情境主题餐厅概念的基础上,选取广州味道云南食府的顾客为研究对象,基于问卷调查,运用结构方程模型(SEM)、T检验和非参数检验的方法,探讨顾客对情境主题餐厅表演的感知特征。主要结论有:(1)情境主题餐厅表演感知影响顾客感知价值;(2)情境主题餐厅表演的感知价值影响顾客满意度;(3)情境主题餐厅表演感知影响顾客满意度;(4)顾客特征差异影响他们对情境主题餐厅表演的感知、感知价值和满意度。该结论对于新文化地理学城市微观文化空间的顾客感知理论有重要价值,对于情境主题餐厅的经营和发展也有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

文章以广州某古村落的改造为例,关注宗祠的神圣性建构以及其面对快速的现代化和城市化等世俗力量时的政治响应。通过微观研究,发现:1宗祠政治性来源于其服务村民的世俗功能;2在宗祠受到外界世俗力量的侵占时,村民通过运用特定时空条件来施行"避让但不逃离"的巧妙战术进行抵抗,从而实现自身权力的宣示和表达。本文旨在从日常生活和空间政治性的角度重新认识处于快速城市化进程中的中国乡村神圣空间的政治建构,为中国乡村和城镇化研究提供有益的研究视角。  相似文献   

姚娟  马晓冬 《人文地理》2019,34(2):135-142
阐释后生产主义乡村内涵和特征基础上,以无锡马山镇为实证,运用文献分析法和图谱比较法,比较分析城郊乡村从生产主义到后生产主义的经济形态、功能布局及空间景观的变迁。研究表明:后生产主义乡村具有非农化、多功能化、生态化和空间资本化特征,并呈现多元景观和价值空间;近30年马山镇从传统山村——乡村工业化——生态旅游度假岛的发展过程,也是从生产性乡村逐步演化到后生产性乡村的过程;马山后生产性乡村多元价值空间重构过程,是在空间生产机制作用下,面向旅游消费、高品质居住和生态服务等多元价值空间产生、扩张和集聚,具有后生产主义乡村特征的景观在镶嵌、蔓延和组合中得以塑造  相似文献   

本文从现代旅游业的特点出发,运用旅游学的基本理论,结合黑龙江省的实际情况,对本省旅游业的发展策略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Arguments for the expanded use of Kuznetsk coal in electric power generation within the European USSR are presented within the context of the goals of the Energy Program of the USSR and current efforts at overall economic restructuring: fuel substitution as a means of conserving oil and gas resources, replacement of difficult-to-mine and increasingly finite Donets coals by the more abundant, surface-mined Kuznetsk variety, and elimination of an irrational pattern of energy flows generated by the present fuel balance in electric power stations. A three-stage model is described which incorporates a wide variety of alternative assumptions about the fuel mix at power plants for projections of the future role of Kuznetsk coals in the region (translation by Andrew R. Bond).  相似文献   

孙天胜 《人文地理》1994,9(3):68-74
祖国医学中含有丰富的医学地理思想。在"人与天地相应"的哲学观念指导下,传统医学认为:地理环境的差异,必然导致气候类型、水土性质、中药药性的差异;地理环境不同,人的生活习惯、体质特点和地方性疾病也不一样;诊治疾病必须因地制宜。本文以现代医学和药物学为对照,阐明了中医的这种思想。  相似文献   

本文采用因子生态分析方法剖析多伦多都市区的居住空间结构。主成分分析表明,家庭构成、年龄构成、职业构成是形成城市居住分异的主要因素。聚类分析表明,家庭构成和年龄构成的分异呈同心园格局,职业构成的分异呈扇形格局。形成这种居住分异格局的机制包括动力机制、管理机制和行为机制三个方面。  相似文献   

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