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Historically, the United States has achieved a relatively high degree of political stability. The reason: the Federal Constitution provides a complex architecture that checks and divides political power and compels compromise. In A Constitution in Full: Recovering the Unwritten Foundation of American Liberty, Richard Reinsch and Peter Augustine Lawler recommend the work of Orestes Augustus Brownson, a Civil War era theorist, to properly interpret the genius of this unique American constitutional order. In The American Republic (1865), Brownson emphasized that America’s written constitution is rooted in its unwritten constitution; the habits, customs, and sentiments of the people. The Founders’ federal division of authority between the nation’s general government and the particular governments of the states simultaneously recognized Americans’ national unity and genuine diversity. Today, that diversity—racial, religious, ethnic—is even more granular. In accommodating that diversity, a revitalized federalism would return greater power to the people of the states over domestic policies. This would not only regenerate democratic decision-making, but would also help to reduce the political polarization by allowing policy outcomes suitable to diverse communities.  相似文献   


This article examines Reinsch's treatment of Orestes Brownson in light of arguments over whether American constitutionalism can withstand post-liberalism.  相似文献   


Sentire cum Brownsone provides an exposition of the political philosophy of Orestes Brownson (1803–1876). Negatively, his disagreements with modern social contract theory and its underlying anthropology are laid out, while positively, his key concepts – the unwritten constitution, territorial democracy, and the American Republic – are unpacked. His thinking about the complex relationship between Christianity and America's constitutional order is also highlighted.  相似文献   

"It is the Fortune of few to chuse their Situation—it is the Duty & Interest of all to accommodate themselves to the one which Providence chuses for them." 1 So said John Jay, Chief Justice of the United States. Duty was paramount in the lives of Jay and many of his contemporaries of the founding generation.  相似文献   

秦南海郡辖南海县说商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对传世古官印"南海司空"之性质和新出土南越国木简所见"南海"地名之性质的重新研究,对秦南海郡辖有南海县说进行了商榷,认为所谓传世秦官印"南海司空"估计是南越国官印的误断,南越国木简所见"南海"地名指的当是南越国的南海郡,也不能排除是指南海郡治(即南越国都番禺城)的可能性,但没有任何证据可以证明指的是南海县,有学者推测秦代与南越国时期一样也设有南海县,显然缺乏立论的根基。  相似文献   

清政府对云南铜矿实行高度垄断经营的政策,即以低于商品自由贸易市场数倍的价格收购矿铜,又以相对较高的价格将矿铜批发给各铸钱局,通过统购统销来赚取价差,获得了大量垄断利润"铜息"。低价矿铜用于铸钱,极大地降低了铸钱成本,各铸钱局获得了丰厚的"铸息"。不仅如此,各铸钱局利用商品货币市场铜钱价格的高昂,通过出售铜钱或搭放兵饷等途径,最大限度地扩大"铸息"。"铜息"是清政府对云南铜矿实行垄断经营的直接利润,"铸息"是铜矿垄断经营的间接利润,是铜矿垄断利润向铸钱利润的转移。  相似文献   


In speech and deed, Lincoln's statesmanship manifests the possibility of an honorable, reasonable, and just love of country—that is, a reflective patriotism imbued by a republican love of liberty under God's Providence. In his speeches and writings, Lincoln consistently underscored that love of country must be governed by “reason,” “wisdom,” and “intelligence.” Thus, in his First Inaugural, March 4, 1861, he characteristically appealed to the combined forces of “Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land.” Lincoln's reflective patriotism was nurtured by his gratitude to the Founders and measured by his fidelity to a national Union dedicated to the universal moral principles of the Declaration under the particular rule of law established by the Constitution. Historically, it was articulated as an alternative to rival forms of allegiance that Lincoln opposed as both unjust and unreasonable during the Civil War era—namely, sectionalism, nativism, and the imperialism of Manifest Destiny. Each of these disordered forms of love threatened the inseparable moral and fraternal bonds of liberty and Union that Lincoln sought to perpetuate through an ordinate love of country guided by wisdom and critical self-awareness. Lincoln's Eulogy to Henry Clay, June 6, 1852 provides the most cogent expression of his reflective patriotism.  相似文献   

The government of Providence builds the order which pastor Süßmilch sees in the demographic events and especially the order of mortality. God governs the length of human life and assigns to each person a just balance between fear of death and expectation of life. This authorizes Süßmilch to clarify the notions of probable life and life expectancy with the design to treat of their main application in the field of political arithmetic, that is the computations of Government loans under the form of annuities on lives. So he treats of an important question which concerns the history of actuarial calculation as well as the history of probability, of statistics and demography. We cannot forget also the political and philosophical points of view which the pastor underlines vividly: what sort of contract joins the individual together with the State? And, above all, what sort of contract joins the creature and his God? This study of the contingent but optimal regularities which Providence makes in the world builds an important contribution to the physico-theological current.  相似文献   

西方古典史学至公元一世纪时已渐趋困顿,新兴的基督教史学则为其召唤了一位拯救者——上帝。而早期基督教的隐喻解经法,正是促成此举的一个关键因素。一、它让古典史学中作者的自我主体,转换为上帝的神意载体,使上帝降临于历史撰述者自身;二、它更促使上帝成为史学撰述的客体与目的,令历史由对人事的再现,转向为对神意的显现。这一过程由斐洛肇创,经保罗、德尔图良、奥利金等转构,最终完成于攸西比乌斯。借助于隐喻解经法,基督教于是建构起了一种全新的史学理论结构。  相似文献   

This article traces the history of the creation and early precarious existence of the oldest Soviet nature reserve, Askaniya-Nova in the Ukraine, and represents part of the ongoing Soviet re-assessment of environmental history in that country (for a Western view, see [60]). It describes the protracted conflict between preservationist and utilitarian perspectives on land use in the reserve, the latter gaining ascendancy during the 1930s under Lysenko and Stalin. Of special interest is coverage of post-war “restoration” at the reserve, or more specifically, the continuation of less than ideal conditions up to the present (translated by Elliott B. Urdang, Providence, RI 02906).  相似文献   

乾嘉时期学者对"经世致用"的诉求依然强烈,只是迫于当时的文化高压,采取了迂回曲折方式,进行了别样表达:以积极的姿态,寻找出当时最可行、合"法"的"考据"治学方式;循着稽古—通经—明道—救世的治学路径,探寻经典本义,实现其学术"经世"的终极目的;通过对"汉学"旗帜的高扬和对"宗""源"的强调,迂回表达出他们对清庭"非正统"统治的不满和揶揄,折射出意识形态上的抗争。  相似文献   

A substantial assemblage of material culture deposited ca. 1843–45 in Cambridge, England, is examined from a biographical perspective in terms of what it tells us of the preceding century or so—ca. 1730-1845—rather than the contemporary 1840s. It reveals a materialized temporality, bound up principally with the lives of the college cooks Richard and Sarah Hopkins but also numerous other individuals. The assemblage is also viewed from the perspective of the processes of discard and deposition, and the likely relationship of those involved in this to Richard and Sarah Hopkins.  相似文献   

姚崇灭蝗是唐代一次成功的灭蝗运动,但却是一个个案。大部分唐人认为蝗是天灾,应修德以禳灾。食蝗在唐代首次出现,是百姓无奈的大胆尝试。社会环境的好坏对灭蝗效果有很大影响。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):227-245

The purpose of this article is to problematize secular humanistic conceptualizations of human rights by challenging the absolutist and supposedly irreligious foundations on which they rest. In doing so, this piece will adopt the position that secular humanism is, in fact, a religion, and, as such, its dictates concerning human beings and the proper treatment thereof are logical byproducts of a very peculiar "modern" religious faith—a religion, as it were, that places humanity at the center of its worship—and, therefore, are no less arbitrary than the overtly religious dogma it rejects. By exposing the all too confident moral authority that secular faithful bestow upon themselves and the will to judgement that is so prevalent in modern humanistic ideology, this article hopes to create a space for a re-imagining of human rights that is less authoritarian and more open to self-criticism than the modern, secular movement.  相似文献   

《Romance Quarterly》2013,60(4):326-339
Piotr Rawicz's novel Le sang du ciel depicts a Jewish protagonist, Boris, who manages to escape the Nazi genocide and, as a result, doubts his own legitimacy to bear witness to the other Jews' fate during that period. His difficult relationships with the Jewish community find expression in an intertextual construction, founded on the ontocosmology developed in Plato's Timaeus. Boris uses—and sometimes perverts—Plato's world vision both to measure his own inauthenticity and to define new ways of creating a state of "fusion" with the "beings" surrounding him. Another technique to overcome Boris's inability to testify is the use of a frame narrative, which, moreover, sheds new light on the protagonist's identity as a witness.  相似文献   

传统基于个体旅游视角构建的旅游理论和模型,无法有效阐释亲子旅游等"群体旅游"现象。理解游客需要将其放置到"生理因素-个体行为-交往-关系-组群-社会"的社会复杂性连续层面,及其在不同旅游情景中的不同角色功能。通过研究城市家庭亲子旅游行为,以期回答"群体旅游"中个体成员内部之间的互动关系。研究发现:家庭旅游活动成为家长精心组织和策划的,以"出去玩""见世面""涨知识"为鲜明主题,以加强儿童教育作为主要动机,以促进家庭关系作为次要动机的一种休闲安排,"以儿童为中心"的亲子旅游决策特征非常明显。通过神情专注和情感涉入,父母收获了"好的父母"的身份认同和"共同在场"带来的家庭意识。  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the politics of memory during the Toledan reforms—a series of ambitious administrative changes legislated in colonial Peru between 1569 and 1581, by viceroy Francisco de Toledo. At the center of Toledo’s project was an initiative to resettle the entire native population of the audiencias of Lima and Charcas into a series of planned towns called reducciones. This movement—reducción—sought to transform Andean indigenous peoples into subjects of the Catholic Church and the Spanish crown through a series of explicitly spatial operations, including regional population nucleation and settlement planning. But the terms of these changes were also temporal: as reducción shaped landscapes and built environments, it also sought to transform indigenous historicity, bringing native peoples into the Era of Christ and carefully regulating the social institutions and practices by which they accounted for their pasts. The Toledan reforms therefore present a clear example of one empire’s attempts to subjugate conquered peoples through mnemonic practices. Yet archaeological research in one corner of the viceroyalty—Peru’s Zaña valley—suggests that the story of how indigenous memories were actually shaped during the course of resettlement and its aftermath was far from straightforward. To understand these transformations, I argue that we must explore not only the short-term dialectic of Spanish designs and their indigenous responses, but also the “afterlives” of reduccion in the 17th and 18th centuries. Over the longer term, reducción achieved staying power through a series of unanticipated pathways, in which landscape change, demography, and indigenous agency all played essential roles. I argue that these developments ultimately resulted in much more complex forms of remembering than those implicit in reducción legislation and that they underscore the importance for archaeological studies of memory of attending both to the materiality of imperial landscapes and long-term processes of subject formation.  相似文献   

唐朝在突厥降户中贾胡的处理上采取把他们安置在适合生活的地方,并对之进行驱使的办法。这典型的表现在"六胡州"州城的建置及其运用之上。六胡州设于"河曲"之地的中西部一带,介于六州中的灵州、夏州之间,是指鲁、丽、塞、含、依、契等六小州。在突厥降户中,主要是贾胡降户被集体安置在这些州城之内。这些州城位于今内蒙古自治区河套地区的最南段一带,以及长城以北较为狭窄的地区,属于北方著名的湖泽地区,利于养马。六胡州民之所以主要由贾胡降户来组成,是因为他们具有养马等技术特长。他们在六胡州的州城内受到统治,并受驱使从事养马的工作。六胡州在高宗调露元年建置,这时唐朝正好遭遇养马大量丧失的危机,这是建置六胡州的重要原因。此外,六胡州因"以唐人为刺史",而不称羁縻州。六胡州民居于州城内的"坊"里。他们不一定都一直活动在州城之内,但应"编籍"在州城中一定区域的名称之下。  相似文献   

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