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“摇钱树”一词,最早见于明冯梦龙的《警世通言》三二卷“杜十娘怒沉百宝箱”一文中。作为一个考古学名词,是我国著名考古学家冯汉骥先生,在四十年代对彭山汉代崖墓出土的一种随葬器物,进行研究后提出来的。六十年代,于豪亮先生《“钱树”“钱树座”和鱼龙漫衍之戏》一文在《文物》杂志上发表后,这一称谓便为考古学界所接受。  相似文献   

This commentary takes its point of departure in the debate provoked by the landscape theory that Denis Cosgrove presented in his seminal book, Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape (1984), in which he defined landscape in terms of scenic, spatial forms of representation. By unpacking the evolution of the concept of landscape the author proposed an alternative interpretation to Cosgrove's, emphasizing differing conceptions of lawfulness, in which the “substantive” platial landscape was introduced as a counterpoint to the scenic spatial concept. Initially, and for two particular reasons, the substantive landscape became theoretically placed in Norden: first, due to the historical and contemporary territorial/platial connotations of the term in the Nordic realm, and second, because the interest in a substantive landscape has been considerable among Nordic scholars. Today, this interest goes well beyond a Nordic context. In commenting on the contributions in this special issue the paper points at how different engagements with a “substantive landscape” might inform present and future scholarly debate concerning the role and meaning of landscape.  相似文献   

<正>新年,一个新的开篇,从这一刻起,一场新的旅行又开始了。记得有位旅行作家说过,你最爱的地方就是你曾经到过的地方。因为走过了这些地方,你便与它们有了关联,分享了那里的生活,那里的喜怒哀乐,并且从此对那个地方生出了一份关爱。当习惯了熟悉的地方,你会自然而然对这里有了依赖,依赖熟悉的场景,依赖每一个亲近的人。  相似文献   

From a hermeneutic point of view, understanding is always conditioned by one's own horizon and perspective. as the great poet Su Shi remarks, we do not know the “true face of Mount Lu” because what we see constantly changes as we move high or low, far off or up close. But the point of the “hermeneutic circle” is not to legitimize the circularity or subjectivity of one's understanding, but to make us conscious of the challenge. How do we understand China, its history and culture? What should be the appropriate paradigm or perspective for China studies? More than twenty years ago, Paul Cohen argued for a “China‐centered” approach to understanding Chinese history, but to assume an insider's perspective does not guarantee adequate understanding any more than does an outsider's position guarantee emancipation from an insider's myopia or blindness. By discussing several exemplary cases in China studies, this essay argues that neither insiders nor outsiders have monopolistic or privileged access to knowledge, and that integration of different perspectives and their dynamic interaction beyond the isolation of native Chinese scholarship and Western Sinology may lead us to a better understanding of China and its history.  相似文献   

The new system was introduced on the basis of the traditional way of studying the sutras of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a brand-new Geshi award system,which fully respects and carries forward the traditional system in terms of sutra studies and Geshi title promotion. In terms of content, the way to study them and the way the tests are given, the new system basically follows the traditional practice of various sects of Tibetan Buddhism. Hence it is well received among the eminent monks of Tibeta…  相似文献   

Von Thünen's classical model of agricultural location was published in the Soviet Union in Russian translation in 1926, a hundred years after its original publication in Germany, but was soon denounced as a bourgeois theory seeking to optimize location from the point of view of minimizing production costs or maximizing the profit of the entrepreneur. The view that the von Thünen model was not applicable to Soviet conditions was stated as late as 1966 in Vol. V of the Kratkaya geograficheskaya entsiklopediya [Short Geographical Encyclopedia], pp. 196, 525. A Moscow University agricultural geographer, in reassessing the von Thünen model, now points out that its objective of determining optimal production systems for a given set of physical (land quality) and economic (market) conditions is shared by anyone who seeks the most highly cost-effective form of agriculture in a particular setting.  相似文献   

简述在中国发现的拜占庭帝国金币及其仿制品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止在中国境内已经出土发现了36枚拜占庭帝国金币及其仿制品,这36枚所发现的拜占庭金币及其仿制品都是通过当时的丝绸之路流入,它们是当时东西方商品相互交易流通的必然产物,且根据它们的铸  相似文献   

权力制衡学说最早起源于古希腊的亚里士多德.历经数世纪的发展演变,十八世纪启蒙运动时期.由法国启蒙思想家孟德斯鸠进行了全面而系统的阐述,从而形成了完整的权力制衡理论.笔者认为,任何一种理论的产生都与其历史地理环境存在着紧密的联系,是海洋文明而非农耕文明催生并发展了这一理论.权力制衡学说不仅对中国近代的康有为、孙中山等人产生了很大的影响,对近代欧美各主要资本主义国家的影响尤为深远.西方各国的政治制度基本上是按照这一理论建立起来的.权力制衡理论无疑对我国目前的政治文明建设具有积极的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on plain, stylistically unvaried pottery from three Late Neolithic sites from the Mondego Plateau, Portugal, and investigates ceramic production and exchange among small‐scale prehistoric societies by means of thin‐section petrography and chemical analysis (INAA). The results show that the majority of the pottery was made with widely available, granite‐derived sedimentary clays, but petrographic differences between fabrics indicate collection at multiple locations within these deposits. Variation in chemical composition is consistent with site‐specific sourcing areas, while comparison with data from earlier sites in the Mondego and surrounding mountains suggests that such sources were geographically restricted within the plateau. In contrast, the small percentage of vessels produced with residual clays of metamorphic and intermediate igneous origin, which outcrop over 10 km and 30 km from the archaeological sites, demonstrates that plain pottery did circulate during the Neolithic beyond the funerary sphere. This is the product of the routines of mobility and social networks of Neolithic groups across the wider landscape, which involved the exchange of ‘mundane’ vessels. Finally, the study demonstrates that micro‐regional provenance studies can provide significant insights into prehistoric social landscapes if the data are interrogated beyond simplistic classifications of local and non‐local.  相似文献   

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