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雷戈 《安徽史学》2008,(3):22-32
王权、君权和皇权在中华专制主义的语境中只具有一种形态差异,而没有实质差异.中国历史一文化和政治-思想虽非理性类型,但这并不妨碍依然可以使用"理性"这一概念来对中国历史-文化和政治-思想进行描述和分析.问题是,运用"理性"概念来作出的这种描述和分析本身则必须包含有前在的概念省思,以便使我们对其内涵和界限能有一个确切的思想把握.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Mason et al. (2001) demonstrated that enamels on mina’i ware, a Persian ceramic of the 12th century, were applied using a special firing of short duration. A similar principle was exploited to enamel glass, beginning in Syria in about the same period. This gives new credence to the long‐standing idea that the origin of enamelling on glass resulted in part from an interaction between glass workers and potters.  相似文献   

In order to grasp some of the key intellectual developments and trends that shaped the global politics of twentieth century and continue to shape our own world—neo-classical economics, modernization theory, deterrence theory, the democratic peace, among others—it is necessary to explore the history of the human sciences. It is important, in other words, to examine the role of the modern research university in producing and diffusing ideas about the self, society, the economy and world order. International Relations (IR), and political science more generally, played a significant role in this story. In recent years we have seen a growth of interest in the history of IR, though it is still an underdeveloped area of research. Among other things, scholars have shown that many of the foundational myths of the discipline—the views that inform textbook understandings of the past and present—are deeply flawed. This article first surveys this recent work, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and then proceeds to offer some thoughts on future directions for research. It identifies a range of questions and topics that have yet to be adequately addressed, and draws on the latest methodological work in intellectual history, highlighting some new interpretative approaches that can enrich scholarship in this area.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to challenge some of the established views on monetary and economic aspects of medieval Norwegian history. This challenge is not only based on a different understanding of the evidence, but also on new interpretations of documentary and numismatic evidence. Contrary to what has been the general understanding I argue that money was available, and it was, in longer periods of time, available within a framework of a well organized monetary system with large coinages. In the second half of the 12th century, coins became distributed and used among a larger group of people in rural areas than ever before. In market places and towns, money economy was emerging in the 11th and 12th, and probably seen partly in effect in the 13th and 14th century. If we accept the evidence for coinage and the use of money as being widely distributed, or even accept it partly, it opens up a range of new perspectives to use as starting points for understanding medieval monetary and economic history in Norway.  相似文献   

The attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September appeared as something entirely new in the escalating terrorist 'War on America' declared by Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qa'ida network in 1998. While there are undoubtedly novel elements in the atrocity which cost nearly 3,000 innocent, non-combatant lives, the strategic motivation of the attack, aimed at the protectors of the ruling Saudi dynasty, was not inconsistent with earlier patterns of Islamic revolt against Muslim governments and their European backers, notably the Sudanese mahdiya of 1881–99. Though spearheaded by technically sophisticated Islamist ideologues, the overwhelming presence among the hijackers of Saudis from the Asir region, with its Yemeni tribal links, is indicative of a pre-modern pattern of rebellion that fits in with the paradigm of cyclical revolt and dynastic renewal discerned by the Islamic philosopher of history Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406).  相似文献   

Las personas O'odham, los Tohono O'odham y los Alkimel O'odham tienen una larga historia en los desiertos solitarios del suroeste de América del Norte. Este trabajo es un esfuerzo etnográfico en conjunto que incluye a las personas mayores de los O'odham y los consejeros culturales. Presenta un estudio sobre los motivos por los cuales los lugares ancestrales y antiguos son una parte fundamental de la experiencia O'odham en la actualidad. Al concentrar el estudio en el valle de San Pedro, un área tradicional, que no está bajo el control de los descendientes de los O'odham, podríamos comenzar a entender la compleja relación que une a los indígenas norteamericanos con el entorno que sus antepasados crearon. Las denuncias de la herencia indígena y la necesidad creciente de hacer un balance sobre los valores de los múltiples interesados en el manejo de los recursos culturales son aspectos que toman una importancia inmediata. Yo argumento que los estudiosos necesitan entender mejor los sitions qrqueológicos y sus objetos no sólo por lo que estos puedan cecir sobre el pasado sino también sobre el mundo actual. (O'odham, etnohistoria, herencia, terreno arqueológico, valle de San Pedro).
Résumé Les peuples O'odhams, Tohono O'odham et Akimel O'odham, ont une longue histoire dans l'austère désert du grand sud-ouest nord américain. issue de la collaboration d'un projet ethnohistorique avec les a?nés O'odham et les conseillers culturels, ce travail présente une étude sur les fa?ons selon lesquelles les endroits anciens et ancestraux font partie intégrante de l'expérience actuelle des O'odham. En se concentrant sur la vallée de San Pedro, une région traditionnelle qui n'est plus sous le contr?le des descendants des O'odham, nous pouvons commencer à révéler la complexité des relations qui lient les autochtones américains aux paysages matériels que leurs ancêtres ont créés. Dans le contexte des revendications du patrimoine autochtone et la demande croissante d'ajuster la valeur des enjeux multiples dans la gestion des ressources culturelles, ces questions prennent de l'importance et de l'urgence additionnelles. Je soutiens que les universitaires ont besoin de mieux comprendre les sites archéologiques et les objets, non seulement pour ce qu'ils nous apprennent sur le passé, mais aussi sur ce que ces endroits et ces objets nous apprennent sur notre monde d'aujourd'hui. (mots clés: O'odham, ethnohistoire, patrimoine, archéologie du paysage, la vallée de San Pedro).

In the history of Dutch neurology Muskens has a place in his own right. Elderly neurologists still attest to the special fame of Muskens. He held a strong opinion on developing the specialty of neurology independent of psychiatry. At the same time he maintained that surgery of the nervous system also should be included in the realm of neurology. These views met with considerable opposition from colleagues and led to Muskens' isolation. To the field of epileptology he contributed both clinical and experimental neurological studies. With Donath he was the co-founder of the International League Against Epilepsy in 1909. In addition he held a lifelong interest in the pathophysiology of forced movements, which he studied both in human pathology and in experimental studies throughout the vertebrate series. This resulted in his magnum opus on the supravestibular system in 1935. His scientific work was well received in scientific societies all over Europe.  相似文献   

Nithard's Histories of the civil wars fought between Louis the Pious's sons reveal much about mid‐ninth‐century nobility, political values, and the author's changing social position. This article considers how Nithard's immediate familial history affected the text's composition. We argue that his incorporation of authorial voice and detail, crafting of the royal lineage, and emphasis on fraternitas suggest that Nithard employed the text to fight for legitimacy and honour, both familial and individual. We propose that the Histories should be read as a social commemoration of Nithard's familial memories, thus complicating the assumption that family histories were the purview of women.  相似文献   

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