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<正>走近古城,犹如翻开一部大百科全书的通史卷,一页页都书写着曾经的沧桑与神秘。“雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改”,老城里的风,永远不急不缓地吹着,高高的围墙,雕花的屋檐,残存的瓦片,岁月和风雨磨损了当年的风光,老城的装饰却始终保存着历史的痕迹,昭示着曾经的辉煌,城墙背后的故事值得我们反复回味。  相似文献   


The decision of Allied Ironfounders Ltd in 1950 to clean and make use of the area of the buried (Old Furnace) in the Upper Works at Coalbrookdale revealed the extent and condition of the remains. Clearance for measurement and photography was followed by a recognition of the importance of the site and the decision was taken for its preservation. Clearance revealed a problem particularly of a high ground water level and some of the most important features, early foundations and structures were cleared up while regulating this deep drainage. Much structural stabilization was done and the perennial problem of the preservation of ironwork encountered. A small museum was added to illustrate 250 years of the Coalbrookdale Company.  相似文献   

David Holloway. Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939–1956 . New Haven.  相似文献   

The site of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, is well known for its distinctive architecture and sculpture that came to light in excavations initiated some 70 years ago. Less well known is the extensive corpus of archaeological research conducted over the past several decades, revealing a city that at its height covered an area of c. 16 km2 and incorporated a remarkably diverse landscape of hills, plains, alluvial valleys, and marsh. Its dense, urban character is evident in excavations at over 22 localities that uncovered complex arrangements of residential compounds whose nondurable architecture left relatively few surface traces. Evidence of craft production includes lithic and ceramic production loci in specific sectors of the ancient city. Tula possessed a large and densely settled hinterland that apparently encompassed the surrounding region, including most of the Basin of Mexico, and its area of direct influence appears to have extended to the north as far as San Luís Potosí. Tula is believed to have originated as the center of a regional state that consolidated various Coyotlatelco polities and probably remnants of a previous Teotihuacan-controlled settlement system. Its pre-Aztec history exhibits notable continuity in settlement, ceramics, and monumental art and architecture. The nature of the subsequent Aztec occupation supports ethnohistorical and other archaeological evidence that Tula’s ruins were what the Aztecs called Tollan.  相似文献   

The Deserted Village in Slievemore, currently the subject of research by archaeologists and students at the annual Achill Archaeological Summer Field School, consists of 74 buildings of an original 137. A survey of the architecture of the houses, excavation of a selected house, No. 36, and a field survey of the palimpsest of field systems surrounding the village suggest an origin for the village in the Early Medieval Period (A.D. 500–1200). Successive settlements modified, rebuilt, and destroyed much of the fabric of the original settlement, but sufficient diagnostic elements remain to plot tentatively the evolution of settlement up to and including final abandonment in the Post-Famine Period, ca. 1850–1890.  相似文献   

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