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面对画面,人们无法听到表演者吹出了怎样悠远的笙乐,却可以从中感受到一种原生态的魅力,就像那些用砖石铺成的图案,从中心放射出无法抵挡的光芒,辐射着四周,俨然就是一个圆圆的太阳,而他们则要沿着太阳规定的轨迹一直行走下去,忘记了周遭的存在,追求着一种"天人合一"的自然境界。  相似文献   

张佳生 《满族研究》2001,(2):96-96,94
《锡伯族民歌集》是一部有价值的挖掘、整理、宏扬民族文学及民族文化的书籍。通观全书,它的价值至少有如下几个方面。  相似文献   

tibetans are fond of carrying knives for different purposes such as domestic use, primary production, and self-protection as well as just for decoration. Tibetan knives have a history of over 1,000 years. It is quite difficult to produce a Tibetan knife and usually the blade is forged in steel while the knife handle is often made of either yak horn or hard wood. Tibetan knives are classified into three kinds,  相似文献   

<正>在灵泉古村漫步,不经意间就可以遇到在其他村子已经不多见的毛驴套着的四轮车,扛着铧犁牵着耕牛的老人从南城门前的关帝庙前走过。每走进一户人家,都能感受到村民的淳朴善良、温顺谦恭。沏茶让座,递烟送水,热情得让人感觉不是来做客,而是回到了久别的家中……  相似文献   

Although Lhozhag County is a border county in Tibet Autonomous Region,it is enriched with deep traditional culture.Many traditional folk arts are in full vigor,such as traditional dances,like the laymen Chamo from the town of Lhakhang,Lugu Lhamo from Dzari,Goshe,andalso Godrang.  相似文献   

Zou Guifen is a 46-year-old Tibetan lady. She lives in Meixing Town, Xiaojin County in Siehuan Province. For several decades, she has carried on the art of embroidery and knitting, and set her heart on preserving these handierafts. She has successfully taught manyfriends the technique. The embroidery and knitting works in her collection, including 50 insoles, 30 belts, and over 10 cross-stitch works, are all deemed classics of local folk culture.  相似文献   

论民俗旅游资源及其开发   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
田里 《人文地理》1997,12(3):16
本文从旅游学与民俗学交叉渗透研究的角度,阐述并分析了民俗旅游资源的主要类型及其基本特征,以此为依据提出并论述民俗旅游资源的四种开发类型、三类开发方式及其三项开发导向原则。  相似文献   

<正>The Tibetan edition of The Three Collections of China's Tibetan Folk Literature has now finally met with readers.As an authoritative version to comprehensively reflect the current situation of Tibetan folk literature,it is a faithful record of the folktales,ballads and proverbs orally passed down by different  相似文献   

中国民歌文化的地域特征及其地理基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在简述民歌文化研究状况的基础上,作者分析了中国民歌文化区形成的历史基础;并从文化地理的角度,探讨了民歌文化的地域整合性。然后将全国民歌文化区分为七大区域,包括:以江南小调为代表的"江南水乡风格",以北方号子为代表的"粗犷刚劲风格",以"信天游"、"花儿"为代表的"西北高原风格",以云、贵、川山歌为代表的"西南高原风格",以长调为特色的"北方草原风格",异域风格的新疆民歌以及高山雪原上的民歌,作者还论述了各区域民歌文化的特征及形成的地理基础。  相似文献   

小城  小鲍 《旅游纵览》2009,(9):58-59
<正>那些关于过去的鲜活记忆似乎根本就不曾消失过,当一本本页面已经发黄了的小人书,一张张破旧的粮票、肉票出现在人们眼前,很多人都会情不自禁地对同伴、跟孩子讲起那些久远的往事……  相似文献   

Classification of earthquake strong ground motion (SGM) records is performed using fuzzy pattern recognition to exploit knowledge in the data that is utilised in a genetic algorithm (GA) search and scaling program. SGM records are historically treated as “fingerprints” of certain event magnitude and mechanism of faulting systems recorded at different distances on different soil types. Therefore, databases of SGM records of today present data of complex nature in high dimensions (many of the dimensions—or SGM parameters in time and frequency domain—are presently available from different archives). In this study, simple ground motion parameters were used but were combined and scaled nonlinearly such that the physical properties of the data could be preserved while reducing its dimensionality. The processed data was then analysed using fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering method to explore the possibility of meaningfully representing earthquake SGM data in lower dimensions through finding subsets of mathematically similar vectors in a benchmark database. This representation can be used in practical applications and has a direct influence on the processes of synthesising ground motion records, identifying unknown ground motion parameters (e.g. soil type in this study), improving the quality of matching SGM records to design target spectra, and in rule generalisation for response. The results showed that the stochastic behaviour of earthquake ground motion records can be accurately simplified by having only a few of motion parameters. The very same parameters may also be utilised to derive unknown characteristics of the motion when the classification task on “training” records is performed carefully. The clusters are valid and stable in time and frequency domain and are meaningful even with respect to seismological features that were not included in the classification task.  相似文献   

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