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ABSTRACT. Recent research suggests that in nonmonocentric cities compensation for commutes takes the form of both lower housing prices and higher wages. This paper develops a random utility model that predicts the probability of an actor choosing to commute between each residence and job in a metropolitan area conditional on the observed location of housing units and job sites. The model allows commuting time, origin-specific amenities, land prices, destination-specific amenities and wages to influence actors' choices. We estimate the model using maximum likelihood and generalized least squares techniques and data on commuting between each of 38 origin and 15 destination jurisdictions in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The empirical results show that, all else equal, a one percent increase in commuting time reduces the probability that a route (origin-destination combination) will be chosen by almost five percent. Origin-specific amenities are not completely capitalized into land prices and destination-specific amenities are not completely capitalized into wages. Desirable residential amenities include school quality and a low ratio of day to night population. Desirable workplace amenities include a large share of white collar jobs and a high density of employment.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that the spatial distribution of development within a local jurisdiction affects the costs of providing local public services. We use GINI coefficients to characterize these distributions at the county level and estimate the effects on real per capita expenditures from reductions in the spatial concentration of all buildings and nine alternative types of development. We also estimate the effect on expenditures from expansions in the developed area of a county. The results obtained from a panel of Florida counties confirm our theory and suggest that the geography of development within a county affects public services costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study re‐evaluates the returns to geographic mobility and to the level of education taking into account the interaction between these two variables, and using the distance covered as a proxy for migration costs. We have at our disposal an original French database that permits precise calculation of the distance between the place of education and the location of first employment. For men, we find decreasing returns to spatial mobility as the distance covered rises and increasing returns to mobility with higher levels of education. The marginal returns to spatial mobility for women are lower across the board.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This study develops identification strategies utilizing spatial bidding patterns to detect possible collusion in auction markets. The identification strategy is applied to examine bidder behavior using data drawn from nearly 3,000 auctions (over 10,000 individual bids) for cutting rights of standing timber in British Columbia for the period 1996–2000. Results suggest that observed patterns of behavior are inconsistent with a model of perfectly competitive bidding. Further, changes in such patterns across geographic space are remarkably consistent with patterns of decay in the transmission of knowledge reported in previous empirical work on spillovers.  相似文献   

Public sector aid to K-12 parochial schools is often justified on the basis that providing assistance is cheaper than having to absorb all those students into public school systems. But is it? The cost of transferring students from parochial to public K-12 schools has never been satisfactorily calculated. This article points to the weaknesses in previous efforts and outlines the elements that must be present in a comprehensive estimate of transfer costs.  相似文献   

We study how municipal amalgamation affects local government spending, taxation, and service provision in the Netherlands. Employing different models, different control groups, and a number of robustness tests, we find no significant effect on aggregate spending or taxation, although spending on administration is reduced. We explore whether this finding might hide amalgamation effects working in opposite directions for different types of municipalities (e.g., small versus large, or homogeneous versus heterogeneous), cancelling each other out. This does not seem to be the case. We also investigate whether amalgamation leads to better public services instead of lower spending, but find no evidence.  相似文献   

Are government policies of any real significance in shaping the pattern of development in metropolitan regions? This essay summarizes the widely-held view that ‘economic forces’ determine the distribution of jobs and residences in urban areas, and argues that this conclusion involves serious conceptual difficulties. The essay then shows how the theory of political influence and related concepts can be used to clarify the issue of causation in urban development, and summarizes the authors' own substantive conclusions—that under certain specifiable conditions government activities do have a highly significant role in shaping metropolitan growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first TL dates for burnt quartzites and silcretes from the Still Bay layers of Blombos Cave (South Africa). These layers contained engraved ochres and marine shell beads that could be an early manifestation of symbolic and thus ‘modern’ behaviour by the Middle Stone Age humans. The procedure devised to calculate the ages is presented in detail, particularly with regard to internal microdosimetry, because the problems faced in estimating the dose rates require an approach different from the one usually used on flints and sediments. A mean age of 74 ± 5 ka was obtained for five burnt lithics unearthed in the BBC M1 member of the Still Bay layers. This result is in good agreement with both ESR dates on teeth and OSL dates on sediment, and demonstrates the great antiquity of the archaeological remains discovered at Blombos Cave.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Using county‐level data from the 1980s and 1990s and a county‐level trade measure that incorporates the county's industrial mix and patterns of international trade across industries, I provide new evidence that trade with developing countries raises the demand for skill and the skill premium in the U.S. Consistent with Heckscher–Ohlin, I find that trade driven by differences in factor endowments has an economically significant impact on local labor markets. The evidence suggests that when trade with developing countries rises, counties with higher skill endowment and greater employment in industries with larger trade shares experience greater relative demand for high‐skilled labor.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact on aggregate economic activity in a small, open region of an income tax funded expansion in public consumption that has no direct supply‐side effects. The conventional balanced budget multiplier produces an unambiguously positive macroeconomic stimulus, but the incorporation of negative competitiveness elements, through the operation of the local labor market, renders this positive outcome less certain. Simulation using a single‐region Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model for Scotland demonstrates that the creation of local amenity effects, and the extent to which these are incorporated into local wage bargaining, is central to the analysis.  相似文献   

杨婕  陶印华  刘志林  柴彦威 《人文地理》2021,36(2):27-34,54
本文基于2017年北京市居民日常活动与满意度调查数据,运用多层次路径分析方法,以社区及周边环境作为地理背景,探讨邻里环境、社区交往和生活满意度之间的复杂关系.研究发现,在控制个体和家庭社会经济因素后,社区建成环境对生活满意度的直接效应较弱,仅公园可达性显著正相关.然而,建成环境通过社区交往对生活满意度的间接效应显著,尤...  相似文献   

The Mt Lecco glass factory was one of the most important production centres in Liguria (Italy) during the 14th and 15th centuries. Archaeological evidence indicates that the whole production cycle took place here. During the glassworking process, production defects such as ‘stones’ were identified and discarded. Stones are partially melted, glass‐coated relics of raw materials or fragments of crucible. The study of the microtexture of stones together with microprobe analyses of phases provides a key for understanding the glassmaking procedure carried out in the Mt Lecco glass factory. The melting rate can be inferred from the compositional variability of glass, which suggests fractional melting of the batch. Glass composition indicates that the Mt Lecco production was a mixed‐alkali one, probably made of quartz‐bearing material as vitrifying agents, plant ashes as fluxing agents and dolomitic limestones as stabilizing agents.  相似文献   

黄倩  谢朝武  陈岩英 《人文地理》2020,35(3):140-150
客源地—目的地关系和游客的旅游决策是旅游营销研究中的重要议题。本研究基于联想网络理论,构建了关系质量、多分类旅游意愿、游客风险倾向等变量之间的融合影响机制,以大陆赴台湾潜在客源市场为例,依托问卷调查数据,采用结构方程模型进行建模和检验。研究表明:(1)消极化的客源地—目的地关系质量通过直接效应和旅游形象的中介作用负向影响游客对目的地的旅游意愿(赴台旅游意愿);(2)消极化的关系质量负向影响游客的基础旅游意愿(出境旅游意愿),并强化了替代旅游意愿(非台湾旅游意愿)的替代作用;(3)低风险倾向游客的多分类旅游意愿受消极化关系质量的负向影响更强。本研究拓展了联想网络理论的应用领域,揭示了客源地—目的地关系质量对多分类意愿的影响机制。  相似文献   

王维艳 《人文地理》2018,33(5):152-160
针对中国乡村旅游空间实践中存在的空间生产非正义问题及其制度缺陷症结,在空间正义和依法治旅语境下,文章通过对地役权的空间再生产权能、权能空间生产及其空间正义的系统阐释,并结合多个乡村旅游案例的分析,构建了旅游地役权的权能空间再生产与空间正义实现概念模型,以期探寻中国乡村旅游地空间正义实现的法理路径。研究表明,地役权可以凭借其需役地和供役地的权能空间再生产及其权利人之间的竞合博弈机制,将物权与空间生产联系起来,使当地居民的资源环境权益与旅游开发企业的资本权益实现有法(律)可依;空间生产正义与分配正义的有机统一实乃地役权制度的题中之义,启用地役权正当其时,并将有助于建立乡村旅游地的空间正义法治体系。  相似文献   

Heat treatment of lithic raw material is known from the Middle Stone Age to the Neolithic. These findings require archaeometric techniques and methods for detecting the heat‐induced effects within lithic artefacts. However, the existing methods are often cost‐intensive and time‐consuming, and most of them are destructive. Here, we present a new method using the infrared spectroscopic measurement of the strength of H‐bonds formed between surface silanole groups (SiOH) and H2O molecules held in open pores of the samples. The reduction of H‐bond strength in chalcedony is shown to be strongly correlated with the loss of open pores induced by heat treatment. Hence, the method is based on measuring one of the transformations aimed for by the instigators of the heat treatment: the reduction of porosity that modifies the rock's mechanical properties. A first application to heat‐treated material from the Neolithic Chassey culture (southern France) shows that flint was heated to temperatures between 200°C and 250°C in this period. This has important implications for the study of the procedures used and the heating environments. Our new method is non‐destructive, rapid, cost‐effective and allows for detection of the used annealing temperatures.  相似文献   

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