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在英国新左派史学界内部,学者们普遍关注爱德华·汤普森阶级经验叙事方式,将阶级研究中的文化与结构因素结合起来,探讨汤普森阶级史观在文化转向和新左派史学转向中的学术价值与政治意义。国际新文化史学界重点分析汤普森阶级话语运作机制、阶级经验方式及其主体性关联表征,强调在大众政治行动中的阶级经验形式与阶级意识差异,揭示政治、地域、性别以及不同社群文化对英国工人阶级形成的影响。马克思主义史学家从批判阶级话语分析学派出发,坚持对汤普森阶级史观进行历史唯物主义重建。在国际史学回归“宏大问题”叙事的当下情境中,全球劳工史学界亦参与到对汤普森阶级史观的阐释之中,学者们从理论与实践两个方面推进了马克思主义阶级史研究,彰显英国马克思主义范式的全球史学意义。  相似文献   

傅新球 《世界历史》2006,2(2):116-124
一随着20世纪50年代“新社会史”的兴起和60年代“家庭危机”的出现,家庭史研究在西方迅速发展,到20世纪80年代末,家庭史学已成为西方历史研究中的一门显学。家庭演变与西欧社会近代转型和工业化进程的关系尤其引起史家的浓厚兴趣。英国作为工业革命的发源地和第一个工业化国家  相似文献   

作为一场由英国马克思主义史学家发起的史学民主化运动,历史工作坊运动以其再现底层声音、挖掘史料来源和研究大众记忆方面的相关工作而受到学界关注。这场运动在继承“自下而上看历史”的底层史观基础上,利用口述资料呈现社会底层的日常生活和大众文化,极大地推动了英国口述史的兴起与发展。20世纪60年代末,为恢复和拯救边缘人物和弱势群体的“隐藏的历史”,口述史被历史工作坊运动的史学家广泛应用于英国地方史、社区史、劳工史和女性史等领域,进而呈现出鲜明的“新社会史取向”。20世纪70年代末,历史工作坊运动日益关注记忆问题,尝试从记忆和意识的角度考察口述史背后的社会脉络及其意义,进而推动了英国口述史的“记忆转向”。  相似文献   

杨崧愉 《史学理论研究》2022,(3):144-156+160
加里·纳什是20世纪60年代以来美国激进主义史学的领军人物之一。他博采新社会史和“新左派”史学的研究方法和路径之长,从“阶级”和“种族”两个维度对美国革命进行深入研究,并树立了激进主义史学对美国革命史的整体性解释框架。纳什以具有说服力的研究提升了激进主义史学的研究水平,帮助激进主义史学从边缘走向学术界主流地位。纳什还领导美国中学历史教育改革,扩大了激进主义史家对美国史学界、教育界及社会的影响力。纳什的史学理念和实践反映了激进主义史家对美国历史和现实的反思,有助于我们透视美国现代史学的发展演变,以及更深刻地理解美国历史的复杂性和现代社会思潮的变迁。  相似文献   

现今的俄国史学家习惯于把工运史称作劳工史(рабочаяистория).这是有道理的,因为工运史只是劳工史的一部分.在苏联时期,劳工史在史学中是"显学"之一.苏联解体之后,它的地位一落千丈.有学者指出,在20世纪90年代,俄国劳工史的没落惨状是史无前例的.旁观者甚至会怀疑,俄国是否根本不存在工人阶级,或者这个阶级在历史上没有起过什么作用.  相似文献   

<正>20世纪80年代末,美国史学界出现了文化转向和跨国转向两大潮流。受此影响,一些学者开始思考冷战国际关系中蕴含的“文化因素”和“跨国维度”。((1)) 他们以音乐、舞蹈、绘画、文学、歌剧、电影等文化艺术在全球范围内的传播为切入点,深入剖析冷战时期跨国文化传播的过程及影响,揭示了传统的民族国家史研究框架下被遮蔽的历史真相,形成了研究冷战史独具特色的文化和跨国路径。90年代末,以玛丽·杜齐亚克为代表的史家开始强调冷战外交中的“种族因素”,  相似文献   

“美国工人阶级史规划”是1981年美国劳工史教学与研究中出现的一个新事物。几年来,该规划影响日益扩大,值得在这里介绍一下。 美国工人阶级史规划领导人赫伯特·G·格特  相似文献   

大西洋史研究主要关注15世纪末至19世纪上半叶欧洲、美洲与非洲之间的跨大西洋联系。自20世纪90年代以来,一些非洲史学家以及关注美洲与非洲之间历史联系的美洲史学家对以往大西洋史研究存在的“欧洲中心论”提出质疑,他们倡导“黑色大西洋”的概念。这些研究在强调大西洋世界形成过程对于非洲造成严重暴力与剥削的前提下,尤其关注非洲社会在跨大西洋联系形成过程中的能动作用。相关研究涉及非洲奴隶贸易与大西洋世界的形成、与非洲联系对美洲文明的影响、非洲裔美洲移民文化的起源、大西洋联系对于非洲社会的影响等重要论题。这些研究关注的是跨越殖民地或者民族国家地理范畴的历史动力,在很大程度上纠正了大西洋史研究中存在的严重缺陷,并且也极大地拓展了非洲史的研究领域,有助于深入认识非洲在世界历史进程中的贡献。  相似文献   

二战后美国马克思主义史学及其特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪60-70年代美国的大众民主运动促成了马克思主义史学的热潮,一批新马克思主义史学家开辟了社会生活史、劳工史、黑人史等下层人民史研究的新领域,在工人阶级史、奴隶制史和黑人史研究中取得了丰硕的成果;伊曼纽尔.沃勒斯坦的世界体系理论产生了巨大的影响。他们倡导总体史观、坚持“自下向上看”的研究视角、重视文化研究以及地区和地方社区的研究,他们充分利用社会科学其他学科的理论和方法,通过自己的史学研究实践发展了美国的马克思主义史学。  相似文献   

概念史笔谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念史是20世纪70年代由英国剑桥学派的代表人物昆廷·斯金纳和德国的考泽莱克所开创。经过几十年的发展,它已成为一种较为成熟的为世人所公认的研究方法。概念史的形成,一方面得益于社会史和文化史的推动;另一方面,也与人文科学向语言学转向有关。目前,在西方一些主要国家都有专功概念史的学者,在一些国际合作项目中,也有以特定概念为主题的跨文化研究。这里,我们特约请了我国这一领域的几位专业学者就什么是概念史、概念史在历史认识中的意义、如何选择概念史研究的概念、概念史的研究方法以及学界对概念史的批评等问题进行了笔谈。此外,他们还对德国、法国和美国概念史的发展状况、特点和主要成就,从理论与实践的结合上进行了较为系统的介绍。  相似文献   

This article draws on labor history and science and technology studies to propose a method, and to provide an example, of historical analysis that is responsive to the conceptual categories that arise out of ethnographic accounts of individuals’ lived experiences. Using an ‘ontological tool-box’, this article follows various enactments of consumer appliances and, along with them, ideas of what it is to be a productive worker in a small appliance repair shop and across the practices of certain institutions of disciplinary power. Through an ethnographic and ontological analysis of repair in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Kensington, this article reveals that, rather than being inevitable or essential, all the categories used to organize our world, whether referent to identities or objects, are both constituted by and constitutive of a complex set of social relations and ideological priorities, which even historians are implicated in reproducing.  相似文献   

In this article, I analyze socio-spatial processes of subject-making at the center of the restructuring of export industries. To do so, I develop the concept of ‘embodied negotiations’ to explain the spatial and corporeal experience of trade zone workers reproduced as migrants with the collapse of garment exports in the Dominican Republic. Drawing on ethnographic research, I examine ‘rural return’ as both a livelihood strategy and a discourse shaped by inter-related gender and racial ideologies of labor as well as the uneven transnationalization of rural and urban localities. I show how the negotiation of social position by subjects marked by race, gender and class is always also a negotiation of spatial position in and between localities structured through raced, gendered and class relations. Men's efforts to remain in urban areas as a form of social ‘whitening’ are compared to women's resistance to rural return as an attempt to stay in circulation as paid labor. Overall, I argue that feminist research on global production should be ‘spatialized’ by attending to livelihoods and practices of subject-making that emerge in parallel to export restructuring.  相似文献   

Urban historians have greatly expanded their geographical purview in recent years, incorporating suburbs and hinterlands into their analysis of social and environmental change. Urban environmental historians and suburban historians have played a critical role in the regionalization of urban history over the last decade. This case study of the development of New York City’s water supply reveals the benefits of taking a regional approach to urban history. From the New York Public Library to Central Park’s Great Lawn to neighborhood parks, the New York City landscape bears the traces of the continuous development of the city’s water network. Expansion of the water system in rural hinterlands enabled municipal officials to put urban reservoirs to new uses, creating some of the city’s most beloved public spaces. The rehabilitation of urban infrastructure underscores the intimate linkages between rural development and the urban built environment.  相似文献   

The confessionalisation paradigm, introduced by two German historians in the early 1980s, initiated a fundamental change of perspective in the scholarship of early modern Germany. Taking into account long‐term developments and directing attention to the relatively neglected period between the Peace of Augsburg in 1555 and the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648, the concept paved the way for historical writing that considers ‘religion’ and ‘church’ as an integral part of societal history (Gesellschaftsgeschichte). This essay discusses the background of the confessionalisation model in German historiography as well as its essential features. Second it offers an overview of the critique and recommendations towards a refinement of the confessionalisation thesis. What follows is a presentation of several ongoing case studies of scholars affiliated with the Humanities Center for the Study of East Central European History and Culture in Leipzig, Germany (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas or ‘GWZO’). The relevance of the concept of confessionalisation for these research projects will be explored here, focusing on the Crown Lands of Bohemia, as well as, Poland and Hungary in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  相似文献   

This article proposes to introduce the study of European identity into colonial history and vice versa. It analyses the ways in which the legal classification of the population functioned in late-colonial Indonesia. A close inspection of this case reveals that the oft-cited fundamental colonial difference between ‘ruler’ and ‘ruled’ was in reality not nearly as clear-cut. The concept of ‘Europeanness’ – as opposed to ‘Whiteness’ – is highlighted as the category at the center of colonial hierarchy. This leads to a re-evaluation of the relative significance of various differentiating categories in the colonial context, most importantly race and class. The author concludes that by not taking ‘Europeanness’ seriously as an independent category, scholars of ‘cultural racism’ have tended to overemphasise ‘race’, with the consequence of oversimplifying the complex, multi-layered nature of the colonial social hierarchy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the characteristics of post-war Polish historiography on the working class and relates it to current trends in global labour history. Although, in Poland, labour history never existed as a separate field, many historians focused their studies on either working-class history or the history of the workers’ movement. After 1945, Polish historiography was circumscribed by political and ideological considerations; however – except during the brief Stalinist period (1951–56) – Marxist methodology was not imposed or applied uncritically. In fact, discussions about the role of the working class in history that began after 1956 generated research interest in new groups of workers and labour relations. Much of this research concerns recently highlighted aspects of labour history, such as marginal groups of workers or free versus unfree labour. Polish historians’ reinterpretation of Marxist orthodoxy proceeded from their empirical studies of nineteenth-century Polish lands – at the periphery of Western capitalist development – as well as from their theoretical influences. This article argues that some aspects of the Polish historiography on the working class qualify it as part of labour history’s heritage, despite the historiography’s significant limitations.  相似文献   

柯林武德试图将历史学建立在一种新的客观性概念的基础上。他指出:历史中的客观性是在绵延不断的"历程"中得到体现的,在这一历程中,历史当事人的思想与后来的历史学家对它的反思不是"两个"思想而是"一个"思想,历史体系是历史与历史学家的统一。在历史体系中,历史学家即使不受纯粹历史"事实"的制约,也必然受整体"历程"的制约。柯林武德的这些观点使得一种新的史学"客观性"观念成为可能。  相似文献   


This article contributes to the literature on the mechanisms, rhetoric, and limits of mid-Victorian expansion by asking how far late Tokugawa Japan was subject to forms of British imperialism. In September 1862 a British merchant was murdered on the high road between Edo and Kyoto; a year later, a British fleet bombarded Kagoshima in retaliation. By engaging with John Darwin’s concept of the ‘bridgehead’, this article examines the circumstances in which a lonely death on the frontiers of British commerce could be transformed into a Victorian ‘outrage’. It considers what we stand to gain by bringing an imperial history perspective to bear on what remains, for most imperial historians, a largely forgotten conflict. In positing Yokohama as a bridgehead that could gain only fitful purchase in London, it asks new questions about the conduct of ‘gunboat diplomacy’ and the fault lines of mid-Victorian expansion; the place of Japan in British political imaginaries; the nature of informal empire; and the discourses buffeting British expansion in the turbulent 1860s.  相似文献   

Arts development policies increasingly tie funding to the potential of arts organisations to effectively deliver an array of extra‐artistic social outcomes. This paper reports on the difficulties of this work in Northern Ireland, where the arts sector, and in particular the so‐called ‘traditional arts’, have been drawn into a politically ambiguous discourse centred on the concepts of ‘mutual understanding’ and, more recently, ‘social capital’. The paper traces the recent history of these policies and the difficulties in evaluating the social outcomes of arts programs. The use of the term ‘social capital’ in the work of Putnam and Bourdieu is considered. The paper argues, through a rereading of Bourdieu’s articulation of the ‘forms’ of capital and Eagleton’s ‘ideology of the aesthetic’, the concept of social capital can be released from its current neoliberal trappings by imagining a reconnection of the concepts of ‘capital’ and ‘the aesthetic’.  相似文献   

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