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徐博凯 《丝绸之路》2014,(22):74-75
在科技飞速发展的时代,文物病害图作为文物档案的重要组成部分,也紧跟时代步伐不断改进和完善,随着一些新技术的应用,逐渐形成行业标准,达到全国规范化。其中,AutoCAD2004绘图软件由于操作简单、绘图精准等优越性,现已广泛应用于国内文物测绘及病害图绘制中。  相似文献   

利用CorelDRAW软件绘制考古器物图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绘制考古器物图,长期以来考古工作一直沿用传统的绘图方法,给考古研究、资料管理带来诸多不便。本通过计算机技术的引进和计算机辅助设计软件Corel—DRAw的应用,结合考古绘图的要求和规程,总结出了利用CorelDRAw软件在计算机上完成考古器物绘图的方法。  相似文献   

付仲杨 《南方文物》2014,(3):145-151
文章介绍了应用ArcGis和Adobe Ilustrator软件进行考古田野绘图的方法,并分析了利用该方法绘图的优点,同时对其在考古工作、研究和文物保护等方面拓展应用及意义进行了剖析。  相似文献   

中华民族有着几千年的历史文化,而在中华优秀历史文化传承与发展的过程中,文物古迹传递着我国古代文化的风采与特色,起着重要的媒介作用。同时人类的进化与发展也需要对人类历史进行反复研究总结,历史文物作为重要的证明材料在促进人类进步与发展过程中发挥着重要的作用。考古文物绘图在历史文物实物反映与精神文化传递的过程中作为第一手材料,能够借助于绘图过程中的简单线条和阴影部分反映出文物的原始风貌,使得文物的文化价值以及所蕴含的神秘文化色彩被凸显出来。考古文物绘图是历史信息挖掘、文物保存以及文化传承中的重要工作。传统的考古文物绘图采用手工绘图为主,随着科学技术的进步,影像学、计算机技术、虚拟现实技术等多种图像处理技术的应用,使得考古文物绘图更加高效精确易于操作。文章对考古文物绘图中的轮廓线提取这一关键环节进行了剖析,总结了考古文物绘图的步骤及流程。  相似文献   

方启 《北方文物》2011,(1):102-104
全站仪在考古绘图、考古测量与发掘布方中有着广泛的应用前景,如能很好解决当前对全站仪缺乏认知、教育缺失和其价格昂贵的三大问题,应该会在考古中得到更好的应用。  相似文献   

考古绘图是将制图学应用于考古发掘调查和研究工作中,用制图学的理论知识和技术方法来表现考古材料的一门基础学科,也是考古工作者必须掌握的一门基本技能,考古调查、发掘和研究都必须借助于绘图、照相、测量等技术手段,最终才能完成简报、报告的编写和论文撰写。考古绘图具体包括绘图工具的使用、绘图的步骤与方法、图字的标注等,通过客观翔实的绘图尽可能全面地反映出土遗物的大小形状、花纹和质地,达到见图如见物的效果。近年来,数字化技术飞速发展,数字测绘在考古工作中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但传统的考古测绘也有其独特的优势,二者相辅相成,共同构成考古测绘中不可或缺的两部分。  相似文献   

考古调查、发掘和研究,都必须借助于绘图、照相、测量等技术手段,来编写简报、报告和撰写论文。利用绘图反映出土遗物的大小形状、花纹和质地的真实面目,达到见图如见物的效果,为科学研究提供可靠的资料。因此,考古绘图是一项重要而细致的工作。目前,我省从事考古绘图工作的同志,大多没有经过专业学习,在绘制器物图的表现手法上也各有不同。因此,对于从事考古绘图工作者来说,一方面通过自己的实践,不断总结经验、改进绘图方法,另一方面还要加强学习互相交换心得。下面谈谈自己从事绘图工作十几年来的一点体会。  相似文献   

张毅  刘香 《东南文化》2016,(4):10-10
正2016年7月12—17日,"探索汉帝国东部的诸侯王陵——南京博物院第三届中学生考古夏令营"顺利举行,来自江苏、江西、河南、上海等地的27名热爱历史、考古的中学生参加了此次活动。为期6天的夏令营活动为年轻的考古爱好者们搭建了零距离接触考古活动的平台,学员们在认真聆听考古专题讲座和博物馆内文物专题导览的同时,在考古工作人员的带领下亲临考古发掘一线,学习并实践考古勘探与记录、遗迹清理与绘图、发掘土样浮选、文物绘图、器物拓片、人骨鉴定等考古工作  相似文献   

对考古现场进行三维重建可以全方位地记录考古遗址和遗迹在不同时段的重要信息及其空间关系,对后续的遗址展示、绘图、研究分析具有重要意义。文章以浙江省杭州市余杭区径山镇小古城遗址部分发掘探方为研究对象,运用多视角三维重建技术制作三维模型,并生成正射影像和数字高程模型等成果,可满足考古绘图、三维展示、空间分析等需求。  相似文献   

考古绘图工作是记录文物信息的基本方法之一,长期以来,考古绘图工作都由手工绘制完成,而运用现代数码摄影技术及电脑软件可制作出更为精细的图片,从而可更好地为考古文物工作服务。  相似文献   

Within the context of a growing emphasis on digital recording, what is the place of analog drawing in archaeological fieldwork? In this article, we situate the increased application of digital drawing methods by providing several historical examples of archaeological field drawing in British archaeology to demonstrate the connection between understanding the archaeological record and illustration. Given this background of analog archaeological recording, we then explore the current state of archaeological field drawing and the affordances of digital illustration for recording and interpreting the archaeological record, review literature in architecture and design regarding the cognitive function of analog and digital drawing, and discuss the possible future implications of born-digital or paperless archaeology.  相似文献   

徐承泰 《华夏考古》2006,(4):99-104
本文试图在科学、规范的要求下,重新界定田野考古绘图中探方分层平面图的涵义及其命名方式,强调对于地层分布线记录的重视,探讨了探方分层平面图绘制的一般性原则。对考古绘图的发展前景,及其在未来的考古学研究中的作用作了一点思考。  相似文献   

Archaeology Unfolding: Diversity and the Loss of Isolation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.   British historical archaeology has seen new theoretical engagement in recent years. A diverse and distinctive body of theory has developed in this increasingly vibrant and international area of study, testing disciplinary boundaries, especially with history, social anthropology and material culture studies.
This paper takes stock of three distinct processes within the new historical archaeology: the birth of material history, the loss of antiquity, and the loss of isolation. The implications of these processes for the wider discipline are explored with reference to landscape archaeology, using the example of the Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire. In a consideration of future directions, it is argued that historical archaeology provides particular insights to the need across the discipline for archaeology to respond with self-confidence to complexity by drawing out and celebrating diversity in theory and practice.  相似文献   


This paper proposes an archaeology of recent conflict in western Great Lakes Africa as a means to give volume to subaltern voices marginalized within and since the conflicts, to produce alternative historical narratives and thus create a more nuanced understanding of war and its aftermath in this region. In addition, by drawing upon emerging theoretical and methodological frameworks in contemporary archaeology, this paper proposes that a politically and socially engaged participatory approach to the material remains of the past may also contribute toward cathartic post-conflict local resident healing and academic understandings regarding the contemporary construction of post-conflict identities. In so doing, the paper presents a survey of prominent conflict remains and discusses their suitability for archaeological approaches, focusing upon one site, Pabbo, an Internally Displaced Person camp in Northern Uganda.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(1):15-26

The potential of an oral history approach to the study of landscape archaeology is considered. The paper presents the findings from an Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funded project ‘Landscape archaeology and the community in Devon: an oral history approach’, which aims to transgress some of the epistemological boundaries of archaeology by drawing on the discursive genre of oral history in order to augment, challenge and destabilize existing landscape narratives. We suggest that oral histories can offer both consensual as well as alternative narratives of landscape and have the ability to engage the public, not just in terms of the popular consumption of archaeological knowledge, but also in the actual construction of archaeological knowledge.  相似文献   

2006年吉林省考古研究所在永安遗址发掘两座彩绘圆形砖雕墓葬。从墓葬结构和出土文物判断其年代大致为晚唐五代时期。这两座墓葬的发掘为研究唐宋时期砖雕墓葬提供了新的实物资料。  相似文献   

This paper considers recent attempts within archaeology to create, integrate and interpret digital data on an unprecedented scale—a movement that resonates with the much wider so-called big data phenomenon. Using the example of our work with a particularly large and complex dataset collated for the purpose of the English Landscape and Identities project (EngLaID), Oxford, UK, and drawing on insights from social scientists’ studies of information infrastructures much more broadly, we make the following key points. Firstly, alongside scrutinising and homogenising digital records for research purposes, it is vital that we continue to appreciate the broader interpretative value of ‘characterful’ archaeological data (those that have histories and flaws of various kinds). Secondly, given the intricate and pliable nature of archaeological data and the substantial challenges faced by researchers seeking to create a cyber-infrastructure for archaeology, it is essential that we develop interim measures that allow us to explore the parameters and potentials of working with archaeological evidence on an unprecedented scale. We also consider some of the practical and ethical consequences of working in this vein.  相似文献   

This article examines how historical knowledge about Southern African chiefdoms was produced in D.F. Ellenberger's research archive (c. 1860–1913) and archaeology drawing on his scholarship. I describe a historiographic approach detailing how Ellenberger's work co-opted the material world to create historical facts, obscuring diverse meanings of home, movement, and authority.  相似文献   


The archaeology of the 20th century has been studied since the 1960s, but it is only more recently that explicit theoretical and methodological issues have been explored by the wider archaeological profession. This paper explores some of those issues in the contexts of developer-funded archaeology and community archaeology. Ways in which the archaeology of the more recent past may both help and hinder the discipline are considered, together with the relevance of archaeology to society at large.  相似文献   

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