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墨脱,藏语里叫“梅朵”,即花朵的意思,所以墨脱是一个根据方言发音而来的地名。相传9世纪莲花生大师曾到达此地,发现这里的地形犹如一朵盛开的莲花,十分殊胜,于是就在此修行,并取名“白玛岗”。  相似文献   

在中国广袤的大地上,在全国2800多个县(旗、市、区)当中,迄今为止,只剩下这唯一一个不通公路的县——西藏墨脱。  相似文献   

所有若有若无的道路,指向同一个终点:最后的莲花圣地——墨脱。来到这里的每个人,之前都有各自不同的想象;等到真的来了,有人欣喜,也有人失落。但不管你的情绪如何,墨脱就是墨脱,就是眼前的模样。你需要做的,是睁大眼睛去记录下这一切——这里总在不停地变,而且即将有更大的变化——因为,扎墨公路很快就要正式通车了。  相似文献   

这是一个春日的黄昏,落日的余晖笼罩着这个高原小镇。山与天相接的地方被一层层地涂抹上金黄,一直往上就染到了云彩。  相似文献   

The Lhamo Monastery Town,a small town known as the "center of the south" in ancient times,lies at the junction of Gansu,Qinghai and Sichuan.The town is divided into two parts by a stream known as White Dragon River.  相似文献   

New Books     
Tibet during the Qing Dynasty and Bnlukpa The author,Dr.Thalho from the Ethnology and Anthropology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,wrote this book based on his wide-ranging and extensive study of historic literature in Chinese,Tibetan,Manchu and English.He sought to systematically analyze the complicated and uneasy relationship between Tibet during the Qing Dynasty and Bulukpa(today’s Bhutan).He offers a profound analysis of how the tributary system  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s note: Shortly after the founding of the People’s Republic of China,to gain an understanding of the general conditions of the nation’s ethnic minorit...  相似文献   

My name is Wangchug.I an 82 years old.I am from the Village of Namserling,in Chanang County.My former job was a "Lala",i.e the hail arrester (also a weather sorcery of hail prevention Lama).  相似文献   

<正>Polyandry is an ancient custom common in the countryside of Tibet.No scholar,who studies Tibetan social culture,could avoid the topic.However,like other plac...  相似文献   

I was born in 1961,the second year after the Tibetan Democratic Reform.Now,I am more than fifty years old.I am a lucky dog to be living in the times when millions of Tibetan serfs have been liberated.The older generations have spent the first half of their lives in the darkness of old Tibet. My father told me that there were six people in our family then,yet the livestock belonging to our family amounted to no more than 50 sheep...no-where near enough to make a living.So everyone had to work  相似文献   

There is a place where the grassland is so vast it spreads to the horizon.Under the blue sky and white clouds, "white buttocks"(goas, because of the white, heart-shaped patch on its rump)stroll leisurely in the sun,  相似文献   

<正>Le Salon Indien du Grand Cafe was a room in the basement of the Grand Cafe,near the Place de l’Opera in the center of Paris.It is notable for being the place...  相似文献   

On December 9th,2012,in a Xinhua News Agency report entitled Sichuan Police Successfully Prosecute Charges of Incitement, Instigation and Coercing of People to Self-immolate,hard evidence was provided to reveal the shameless brutality of the Dalai clique as the organizer and author of these crimes.More cases are expected to  相似文献   

<正>Yerpa has four villages,80 families,24.6 ha.of farmland,more than a thousand head of livestock and over 66.7 ha.of orchards.It all depends on a stream flowin...  相似文献   

七月,林芝松茸季刚刚到来,林芝的美食之旅才刚刚开启。这里蓝天白云山水静好,闷热的都市与田园的邂逅只有一张车票的距离,而迎接您的林芝,正是离蓝天最近的地方。  相似文献   

1964年,我入伍进藏当兵。作为新兵在青海适应高原气候训练结束后,行进西藏就开始了。进藏坐的是解放大卡车,整整坐了18天。一个车队,既有运兵车,又有救护保障车,几十辆车,像一条巨龙,浩浩荡荡地行进。  相似文献   

There used to be a primary school between Yulo and Sengo in Yerpa Village:three classrooms in a row,plus dormitories and a canteen. In the 1990s there were three teachers at the school and about 60- 70 students distributed over the three classes.When those village-funded teachers were dismissed,the township’s central primary school sent two teachers to work for six months.Later,Yerpa Primary School merged with the town school and ever since then the old school building has fallen into disrepair.  相似文献   

News in Brief     
Lhasa Old District to Get Big- budget Facelift The government of Lhasa is to spend 1.234 billion Yuan to protect its old urban area.The facelift project was launched on Dec.20 and is expected to be completed by July 2013,which includes renovation of water supply and drainage,power lines,pipelines,street lamps and construction of heating facilities.  相似文献   

<正>Looking far to the north above the city of Lhasa,you will see a yellow and white building sitting a little above the Sera Monastery on the eastern slope of M...  相似文献   

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