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王悦 《文史月刊》2012,(Z3):20-21
开斋节、古尔邦节和圣纪节是回族最著名的"三大节日",即伊斯兰教的三大传统节日,在现代化的社会背景下,回族传统节日这一文化栽体,分别与宗教、地域和经济关联性强。此外,回族节日文化具备以下社会功能:放松娱乐,维系民族情感,提高民族自我认同,教育回族历史知识和文化习俗,继承和弘扬民族文化,发展经济.因此,回族节日文化是传统与现代的自我适应,也是继承与变迁的必然选择.  相似文献   

在黄河变迁史上,1855年黄河铜瓦厢北徙无疑是一次重大历史事件,其给铜瓦厢以下,尤其是山东西部地区的地理环境带来巨大的影响。笔者分别从土壤与民生、齐东地方社会、荒地开发与利津地方社会、民风民俗嬗变、交通、市镇与商贸五个方面,重点探讨了黄河铜瓦厢北徙后对山东西部区域人文环境产生的影响。由于山东西部地区地理环境存在内部差异,在黄河因素的影响下,不同类型人文景观的变迁在该区域内部亦表现各异,但总体看来,晚清山东西部地区与"水"和"土"相关的各人文景象又都或多或少地有着黄河的印迹,加深对黄河铜瓦厢北徙对山东西部地理环境影响的研究,不仅有利于促进黄河变迁史的研究,更有利于推进对山东西部区域历史地理进程的认知。  相似文献   

本文以城镇化进程中的新疆回族民俗文化保存及开发为研究对象。从描述鸟鲁木齐市米东区回族民俗文化变迁入手,进而分析回族民俗文化传承及民俗旅游产业开发现状,旨在探寻边疆少数民族地区民俗文化旅游的开发模式及发展对策。  相似文献   

马歆星 《丝绸之路》2013,(4):103-104
经济活动在人类的历史发展进程中扮演着重要角色,作为人类社会活动、文化活动的基石,一直被人们所重视。随着我国现代化进程的加快发展,女性在经济活动中的角色逐渐凸显。在这样一个文化多元、价值多元的时代,循着经济人类学、民族心理学的理论路径从女性视角出发,透过千变万化的经济活动现象,进行回族女性经济的研究,正是本文的出发点所在。本文通过对回族女性经济问题研究的梳理,试图从经济入手,寻找研究在社会文化变迁的大背景下,如何将回族女性经济问题与其生活现状以及背后的文化、心理动因联系在一起,以便更好地探究回族女性独具的传统文化如何变迁以回应现代性的时代要求。  相似文献   

宁夏地处西北黄土高原,是我国最大的回族聚居区。神秘古老的西夏文化、厚重悠远的黄河文化、特色鲜明的回族文化奠定了宁夏深厚的文化底蕴。西部民歌花儿、回族踏脚、隆德高台马社火、回族器乐及其民俗、回族传统服饰习俗及其妇女“针线”、民间剪纸等都极富民族地域特色。回族  相似文献   

蔡彤霞 《黑龙江史志》2013,(17):188-189
当下科技飞速发展的时代里,现代化图书馆已经被电子化、数字化、虚拟化所覆盖。而且任何一段不同的时代的社会里,图书馆的管理,发展,服务等都各不相同。所以要紧跟时代的步伐,顺应社会的变迁,进行自我更新,自我洗礼,力争做到完善图书馆服务的水平,从而提高图书馆的社会地位。本文将简单阐述服务——这个图书馆的恒久不变的主题及其主要方法和发展趋势。  相似文献   

新中国成立后中国社会变迁的现代化趋势和社会主义模式,使布朗山布朗族传统社会文化的变迁很大程度上是一种国家和政府行为,而非现代化影响的自我发展结果.这种国家主导下的计划性变迁,是布朗山布朗族50年来社会发展的直接动因.它在导致布朗族社会文化发生变迁的同时,也由于缺乏对布朗族传统文化的足够了解而使其变迁的计划和目的受到了一定程度的影响.  相似文献   

伊斯兰音乐是随着伊斯兰教的产生、发展而传播、变迁的。研究伊斯兰宗教音乐和回族宗教音乐必须与研究伊斯兰教相结合,从历史的发展演变和当时社会的政治、文化、经济等诸多方面来剖析。  相似文献   

论文探讨了留日回族对近代中国教育转型改革的作用和贡献。认为留日回族是近代回族留学生中人数最多、生源地最广的群体。立身特殊的时代中,留日回族以强烈的国家认同、中华民族认同和中华文化认同,投身国家教育事业,在回族社会中积极普及国民教育,奠定了近代回族教育的爱国传统,推动了中华民族共同体意识的形成与发展,促进了各民族的交往交流交融,引导回族社会的思想文化顺应国家需要与时代发展。这既是他们参与近代中国“中华民族观”讨论和中华民族共同体建构的重要方面,也是近代回族爱国运动的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

清水江"清白"文书是指清至民国贵州清水江地区少数民族记录其依照习惯及"村寨"法解决纠纷的文书材料;这些文书客观、真实地反映了清时苗疆地区在中央政府之下,各少数民族村寨沿用习惯法自力解决纠纷,维护村寨安宁和谐的历史事实。然而在国家权力之下,习惯法何以为生?习惯法与国家法间的互动关系及作用如何?习惯法存在的原因即是对国家法的补充、限制和延续。  相似文献   

An analysis of Mark Bevir's account of the role of language and tradition on the one hand, and the individual on the other in the generation of ideas, and proposal of an alternative account It endorses Bevir's project of finding a middle way between individualism and collectivism, but finds that Bevir exaggerates the role of the individual. It argues that human selves always remains dependent on language even to articulate their own intentions to themselves. Whilst they have a capacity to create new linguistic expressions, this is always limited to the exploration of possibilities already latent in the language. However, no one is a mere recipient and conduit of a given language: everyone hands it on transformed by their unique appropriation of it. The antifoundationalist analyses of Wittgenstein, Newman Collingwood, and Neurath are invoked to argue that this state of affairs also applies to the individual's relation to the beliefs and values inherited traditionally: there is no possibility of a wholesale rejection of what is received; no individual can reject all received traditions, and erect an entire belief structure from scratch, but can only modify it on a piecemeal basis, so that received tradition always remains constitutive of the individual mind. It is also argued that human self-consciousness is always socially formed, and no person ever completely integrated, and stabilized. No one is ever therefore in a state of complete self-possession. One therefore must reject Bevir's claim that the historian of ideas must initially presume that individuals are sincere, conscious and rational in their expressed beliefs: ‘sincere’ self-consciousness is an ideal never fully achieved, and beliefs as to what constitutes ‘rationality’ are so varied that specific presumptions cannot be made.  相似文献   

河南灵宝市西坡遗址墓地2005年发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西坡遗址位于河南省灵宝市阳平镇西坡村西北,坐落于铸鼎原南部,北距黄河约8公里,南距秦岭山脉北坡约4公里,东、西两侧分别为沙河的支流夫夫河与灵湖河,地势西南高、东北低,海拔456~475米,四周多为断  相似文献   

2010年12月,南京市博物馆考古部在南京市雨花台区西善桥街道梅山村发掘了一座明代单室券顶砖墓,从出土墓志可知墓主为明代早期道教领袖长春真人刘渊然。墓室内出土铜炉、铜烛台、铜瓶、铜尖状器、漆碗、石地券及墓志等,其中墓志虽残存百余字,但对文献记载有所补正。此墓的发现对于研究明代墓葬制度、道教礼仪等具有重要的学术价值。  相似文献   

河南舞阳贾湖遗址2001年春发掘简报   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贾湖遗址 2 0世纪 80年代中期六次发掘的资料公布之后① ,引起学术界的广泛关注② 。但限于当时的发掘水平 ,发掘中忽略了不少有价值的信息 ,使有些方面的研究无法深入进行。同时 ,中国科技大学科技史与科技考古系为了使科技考古专业的学生受到田野考古的训练 ,并探索使田野考古与科技考古如何融为一体的途径 ,2 0 0 1年春 ,经国家文物局批准 ,中国科技大学科技史与科技考古系和河南省文物考古研究所合作 ,在舞阳县博物馆的配合下 ,对贾湖遗址进行了第七次发掘。 (图一 )发掘期间 ,邀请了中国社会科学院考古研究所、中国农业大学、中国科学…  相似文献   


Historically, victims of sexual violence have rarely left written accounts of their abuse, so while sexual violence has long been associated with slavery in the United States, historians have few accounts from formerly enslaved people who experienced it first-hand. Through a close reading of the narrative of Louisa Picquet, a survivor of sexual violence in Georgia and Louisiana, this article reflects on the recovery of evidence of sexual violence under slavery through amanuensis-recorded testimony, the unintended evidence of survival within the violent archive of female slavery, and the expression of “race” as an authorial device through which to demonstrate the multigenerational nature of sexual victimhood.  相似文献   

J. Hewitt 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):351-358
Twenty years after the R.C.H.M. volume Shielings and Bastles drew attention to the survival of many bastles, thick-walled defensible upper-floor houses of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, characteristic of the Anglo-Scottish Border. Recent fieldwork in Northumberland has shown that bastles (the earliest vernacular house type to survive in any numbers within the county) also exist in considerable numbers in some areas slightly further afield, and notably in Allendale, to the south of the Tyne. Seven Allendale bastles or bastle-derivative houses are described in detail, and another twenty-seven listed in a gazetteer. The origins of bastles are discussed, and some possible medieval antecedents suggested; the fabric and morphology of the buildings are then considered, and various groupings—such as ‘extended bastles’ and groups around a common yard—examined. The continuance of the bastle tradition is seen in bastle-derivative houses of the later seventeenth century; the date at which conventional ground-floor houses were re-established varies from valley to valley.  相似文献   

The paper discusses, mainly from a programmatic point of view, the need for research into the relationships between climate and vegetation. Four lines of research are proposed: (1) the correlation between the distribution of vegetation and climate indices; (2) relationships between the distribution of vegetation and seasonal types of climate; (3) seasonal and annual changes in plant communities related to corresponding changes in the surface layer of the atmosphere and the soil and subsoil; (4) the exchange of matter and energy within an ecological system.  相似文献   

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