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Pottery making in Tibet has ancient roots.Artifacts unearthed from the Karub Ruins in Qamdo,a New Stone Age site, include more than 20,000 pottery shards.  相似文献   

Starting off from Lanzhou andgoing west along the Hexi Cor-ridor, one first reaches Wuwei,a famous historical and culturalcity in Gansu Province. Wuwei,called Liangzhou in ancient times, occu-pies an important position on the SilkRoad. In fact, it is the important political,economic and cultural center in North-west China. Some 1,600 years ago thestate power of four dynasties once made ittheir capital. Even today, it remains a citywith many well-known historical sites andabundant cultural…  相似文献   

Wonders of Namco LakeWondersofNamcoLake¥byCeringYuzhoinTheresidentdivinityoftheNamcoLakeissaidtobeadragon'sdaughter,amerciful...  相似文献   

ROOFOFTHEWORLD:FormationandScenicWonders¥//YANGYICHOUQomolangmarisessome8,848.13metersabovesealevel,toweringovertheworldlikea...  相似文献   

NorthofFuchengmenneiStreetlindowntownBeijingtowerstheancientLongevityandPeaceTemplebuiltduringtheYuanDynasty(1271-1368).IntheensuingMingDynasty(1368-1644),itwasrenovatedandcalledtheMiaoyingTemple.However,asithousesagiantwhitedagoba,thetemplegraduallybecameknownastheWhiteDagobaTemple.ThewhitedagobawasdesignedbyNganigo(afavoreddiscipleofYuanImperialTutorPagba)fromNepal,anderectedin1279tohouserelicsofSakyamuni,founderofBuddhism.ItwasalsousedfortheimperialfamiliestoconductBuddhistrituals…  相似文献   


As with any work of art or industrial product, good design of jewellery is essential if it is to appeal to its owner. In the field of gold jewellery, the World Gold Council is playing a leading role and its efforts are here reviewed by commenting on the taste in British and Continental design of gold jewellery. Consumer preference, whether organic, symbolic or elementary jewellery is preferred, and the growth of the market are here discussed.  相似文献   

本认为彭耜与王庆升是道教金丹派的两位重要传人,他们都有诗词作品传世。彭耜的作品保存于《金华冲碧丹经秘旨》;王庆升的作品保存于《爰清子至命篇》及《三极至命筌蹄》中。他们的诗词作品通过特殊的意象组合,暗示了内丹修炼的原理与境界,体现了道教的审美情趣。  相似文献   

This paper reviews twenty years progress in the study of gender in Third World development and the extent to which gender has been incorporated within mainstream development theory and practice. Special reference is made to the role geography has played in this arena. It is argued that while gender as a theoretical framework for explaining women's differential but continued subordination should be reaching maturity, there has been little attempt to formulate cohesive models which integrate micro-and macro-level concepts and which could provide a firm base for future theory-building. More important, studies of gender in the Third World development have seldom addressed the question of development policy or put forward practical solutions for the integration of gender issues in development planning. As a case study of gender in development planning the paper examines the Australian Government's women in development (WID) policy, the ways in which it was informed, and the extent to which it has been implemented.  相似文献   

当身边的风景已觉漠然、平淡的生活使人慵懒的时候,我们决定去西部,用手中的相机和虔诚的心愿,去寻访玉洁冰清的雪山圣境,在行行摄摄的奔波中去感受那一份壮美。沿着西部与国境线近乎并行的长路,我们7个人,驾两部车,在夏末初秋时节开始了漫漫旅程。  相似文献   

晨晨 《旅游纵览》2008,(8):72-72
<正>题记:民族的就是世界的,当中国一个又一个的自然、文化瑰宝被列入《世界遗产名录》时,我们自信,历史悠久、文化灿烂的中国,凭着巍峨的山川,秀美的河流,雄伟的古代建筑,会越来越受到游人的青睐,成为各国游人向往的旅游目的地之一。  相似文献   

《醒世姻缘传》是一部成书于明末的世情小说。在这部小说中,记载了明末时期一些戏曲的流传与演出情况。其中,有的剧目如《五子登科记》等,未被任何戏曲目录学著作所著录。从《醒世姻缘传》所记载的这些戏曲史料中,可以看出当时戏曲的流传与演出在人们的日常生活中发挥着重要的作用,影响着人们的精神活动。  相似文献   

T he H uman W eb : A B ird 's-E ye V iew O f W orld H istory . By J. R. McNeill and William H. McNeill.  相似文献   

The gold finds from Bernstorf, in the Freising district of Bavaria, were discovered in 1998, in the area of a Bronze Age settlement. First analyses with X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) revealed gold of an unusually high purity grade, which was explained by the use of cementation techniques. A newer analysis with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) indicated an even higher purity. The analytical results were the starting point of an ongoing discussion. In this study, we re‐analysed 11 gold samples with synchrotron radiation–induced X‐ray fluorescence at the BAMline at BESSY. In a thorough analysis, different excitation and detection conditions were applied to confirm or disprove the previous results. It was shown that the purity of the gold from the specimen is higher than 99.9%. The main impurities are silver in a range between 20 and 200 μg g?1 and copper between 1 and 10 μg g?1. The results are in very good agreement with the LA–ICP–MS measurements and provide basic information for discussions about provenance, processing techniques or considerations of authenticity.  相似文献   

"蜀人好乱"之说起源于南朝,在宋代尤其是北宋仍是社会各界的主流认识。但随着形势的发展,巴蜀社会稳定、地位不断提升,以蜀人为主的一部分士大夫从乱蜀者、蜀中及全国形势、治蜀政策等多个方面,极力批判蜀人好乱之说,为蜀人辩诬。明清以来,蜀人好乱之说更为流行,宋人的辨析无疑在巴蜀史上成为独特的现象,其深厚的历史及思想文化内涵值得人们反思。  相似文献   

Alan Mcpherson 《外交史》2004,28(1):83-112
In January 1964, riots broke out along the so-called border between Panamanian cities and the U.S.-run Canal Zone, resulting in loss of life among Panamanians and U.S. citizens and serious economic and political damage on both sides. While historians have mainly focused on the causes of the riots and the U.S.-Panama diplomacy that followed, a close look at the lesser-known international investigations of the violence adds texture and detail to the riots themselves as it also uncovers broader cultural and political dynamics surrounding the episode. This essay, informed partly by interviews with Panamanian participants and by documents from the Panamanian government, argues that Panamanians expressed a potent anticolonial discourse during the investigations, one that allowed them to conceal their government's substantial irresponsibility during the riots and help convince the U.S. government to negotiate the devolution of the canal into Panamanian hands.  相似文献   

Cambanel, P. et Cassan, M., Les Catholiques français du 16e au 20e siècle (Nathan, 1997), 128 pp., 49F., ISBN 2 09 190468 6

Fouilloux, E., Les Chrétiens français entre crise et libération (Seuil, 1997), 300 pp., 130F., ISBN 2 02 028131 7

Tallett, F. and Atkin, N. (eds), Catholicism in Britain and France since 1789 (Hambledon Press, 1996), 186 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 1 85285 100 7  相似文献   

<正>芬兰拉普兰的"黄金村",是世界著名的黄金主题旅游地。这座小镇曾是淘金者的天堂,小镇的建筑淳朴而乡味十足,在这里还看到以黄金为主题的纪念品与餐厅。当然,最让游客们感兴趣的当然是亲手淘金了,小镇上会有专业指导来传授游客们淘金秘法,然后,你就可以到小河中去一试身手和运气了。1黄金真的只能放在柜台里卖吗?在这个小镇上,在这家可以说是世界上最简陋的"金店"里,任何人都可享受自助购买黄金。放在玻璃瓶中的  相似文献   

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