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The study compares residential ‘pathways’ into homelessness of a sample of 50 homeless people in inner city Sydney, in an attempt to see whether gender difference or schizophrenia is more important in the determination of mobility patterns leading in and out of homelessness. Three structural processes contributing to the present pattern of homelessness in inner Sydney are identified, providing the context for observed differences in residential histories leading to inner city homelessness. A hypothesis of the study is that women would be likely to experience different factors in the pathway to homelessness such as child raising or partnerships that may influence their residential history. However, after the breakdown of marriage, partnerships appear to play a minor role in the residential mobility of both schizophrenic women and men.  相似文献   

Brian Hennigan 《对极》2019,51(1):148-168
Homeless people, so the story goes, are regularly excluded from spaces of consumption because they offend customers. For a significant portion of homelessness scholarship, such exclusion is the point of departure for subsequent analysis. Others, by examining homelessness within these consumption spaces, theorise that anti‐homeless policies and attitudes emerge because homeless people cannot or have not properly consumed (e.g. nice clothes, housing). This article, conversely, argues that homeless people's “offensiveness” derives from their relation to production (rather than consumption), from their class position. Homeless people's spatial incongruity, specifically, originates in their apparent unproductivity, their violation of the capitalist law of value and its ideological justifications. This historical materialist analysis is not only more revealing, it also positions homeless people as a working class faction in need of political organising rather than an abstract population in need of pitiful charity.  相似文献   

In this article we examine educational attainment levels for students in Milwaukee's citywide voucher program and a comparable group of public school students. Using unique data collected as part of a state‐mandated evaluation of the program, we consider high school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary institutions for students initially exposed to voucher schools and those in public schools at the same time. We show that exposure to voucher schools was related to graduation and, in particular, to enrollment and persistence in a 4‐year college. These differences are apparent despite controls for student neighborhoods, demographics, early‐career test scores and—for a subsample of survey respondents—controls for parental education, income, religious behavior, and marital status. We conclude by stressing the implications for future scholarship and policy, including the importance of attainment outcomes in educational research.  相似文献   

The Middle Bronze Age II is a period during which there exists a contemporaneous usage of arsenic copper and tin bronze for metal weaponry production. In order to learn more about the alloys used in this period, the blades and rivets from 65 daggers of two significantly different types, which were discovered at the Rishon LeZion (RL) cemetery, Israel, were tested by the non‐destructive method of X‐ray fluorescence (XRF). The results reveal new knowledge of the alloys selected for dagger and rivet production, both of which represent fine examples of the Middle Bronze Age II Southern Levant in metal industry.  相似文献   

Engaging with feminist political ecology and leveraging experiences from a 16-month critical ethnography, this research explores ways in which masculinities served as both a rationale and an outcome of men facing homelessness living in the margins of an urban municipal public park – a space known as ‘the Hillside.’ Ethnographic narratives point to Hillside residents making their home in nature, connecting experiences in nature with various masculinities, and the gendered eschewing of social services. These portrayals further highlight the perceived feminization of social services within a context of rapidly neoliberalizing urban environments, and illustrate the ways participants positioned and engaged with social services. Entanglements of health and nonhuman nature prompt a feminist political ecological engagement with masculinity. Experiences from the Hillside add textured richness to discourses concerning the ways in which contemporary landscapes are constructed, perceived, experienced, and co-constituted through and with gender.  相似文献   

Tony Sparks 《对极》2012,44(4):1510-1531
Abstract: In 2001, President Bush announced his intention to “end chronic homeless by the year 2012” as part of his broad “Compassion Agenda”. Since then, departmental consolidation, changes in funding allocation, and continued decentralization of services provision have dramatically reshaped the landscape of homeless service provision in the US. In this paper I examine how these roll‐out policies reify and re‐entrench liberal equations of property with rational self‐governance at the local scale. Particularly, I illustrate how tropes of homeless otherness work alongside and through federal neoliberal roll‐out policies to exclude homeless voices from the formation of local social policy. In doing so, I attempt to call attention to the mutually constitutive relationship between the spatial management of homeless bodies, tropes of homeless deviance and dependence, and limits to citizenship in the context of neoliberal urban governance.  相似文献   

论文根据《中华人民共和国归侨侨眷权益保护法》的相关法律规定以及国务院侨办的政策解释,对华侨、外籍华人、归侨、侨眷等法律概念,以及国际移民、华裔等非法律概念进行了初步界定,并简单分析了目前这些概念混淆、不规范使用的原因。有关华侨、华人的相关概念不只是术语而已,概念的不同意味着内涵的本质差异。概念的混淆使用不是小事,它会引发公众对政府侨务政策的误读,不利于正确的政策的宣传落实,不利于华侨华人在当地的长期生存和发展,不利于中外友好。因此,政府部门、新闻媒体以及学术界应该普遍重视这一现象,并且共同探讨纠正这种现象的可行办法。就政府层面而言,要加强对相关政策法规的宣传,让新闻媒体、社会各界更好地全面了解、掌握相关政策法规,减少不必要的错读和误解;就新闻媒体而言,报道中对有关概念的使用要严谨、慎重,避免随意性;而学界则更应该正确使用相关概念,根据不同研究对象多做分层研究、个案研究。  相似文献   

Homeless and street children are commonly portrayed in the academic and welfare literature as a prime category of ‘children at risk’. They have attracted world‐wide attention due to rising numbers in cities of the Western and developing world coupled with a discourse of childhood that ascribes risk to poor urban children unaccompanied by adults on the streets. This paper presents a critique of views about homeless and street children that rest upon an unhelpful blanket generalization of risk and, more specifically, that adopt polemical or categorical statements about homelessness as the most salient risk factor for poor health. Current research is distancing itself from a discourse that sets global characteristics for a ‘street lifestyle’, aiming instead to contextualize research on street children. Many studies have also questioned the stereotypical expectation that homeless children are the most vulnerable in deprived environments, arguing that poverty, not homelessness per se, carries the most significant risks to children's health. A risk discourse is unhelpful where it promotes a stereotype of vulnerability about children, resulting in further discrimination and social exclusion; it is most helpful when it focuses attention on ways to negotiate adverse situations. Some challenging academic and practical questions need to be raised regarding risk assumptions and risk assessment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the applicability and transferability of conventional frameworks of archaeological survey in the context of marginal alluvial environments, particularly the unique inland deltas of Central Asia. These dynamic and visually obstructed landscapes pose unique challenges not only to survey methodologies but also to theory and interpretation. Here, an exploratory approach to data analysis is used that applies three distinct yet integrated methodologies: visibility analysis, multi-scalar spatial analysis and directional (anisotropic) statistics. This approach thereby moves beyond many of the existing conceptual constraints about how we understand surface distributions in arid alluvial landscapes and ultimately identifies both transferable analytical methods and new fieldwork agendas that are relevant to a wide range of survey projects.  相似文献   

毛立平 《史学月刊》2006,(6):103-108
嫁妆跟随妇女由娘家到婆家,成为她们在新家庭中的“私产”。清代,大多数妇女拥有对自己嫁妆的独立占有权和支配权,并利用嫁妆为家庭、家族乃至社会作出贡献。妇女在支配嫁妆的同时,逐步加大其对家庭事务的影响,赢得家庭和家族成员的尊重,确立起她们在新家庭或新家族中的地位。  相似文献   

The use of computers and complex software is pervasive in archaeology, yet their role in the analytical pipeline is rarely exposed for other researchers to inspect or reuse. This limits the progress of archaeology because researchers cannot easily reproduce each other’s work to verify or extend it. Four general principles of reproducible research that have emerged in other fields are presented. An archaeological case study is described that shows how each principle can be implemented using freely available software. The costs and benefits of implementing reproducible research are assessed. The primary benefit, of sharing data in particular, is increased impact via an increased number of citations. The primary cost is the additional time required to enhance reproducibility, although the exact amount is difficult to quantify.  相似文献   

于文杰 《世界历史》2006,3(3):69-75
休谟生活在一个天生自由又充满悖论的拥有独特传统的君主制国家,正是在这样的国家同时凝聚着丰富和深邃的共和思想。休谟的共和思想,不仅涉及到英国共和主义思想的历史根源和伟大传统,以及其如何以具体的存在方式影响英国政治的历史进程,而且影响到现代民族国家的演进和当代世界政治的发展,因此休谟的共和思想具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

文物建筑材质的研究与保存   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
古建筑建造中不少传统材料具有科学性与实用性,同时也有局限性,应探讨新材料如何与传统材料相结合。  相似文献   


Methodologies are proposed for assessing the state of preservation of pollen and plant macrofossil remains based on the investigation of known prehistoric waterlogged sites in the Somerset Levels, under threat from peat extraction and peat wastage. For each sample assessed, a fixed number of pollen grains and macrofossil seeds was classified according to deterioration type and scored for intensity of deterioration. The principal deterioration types recognised for pollen were biochemical (corrosion and degradation) and mechanical (breakage and crumpling). For seeds two main categories of deterioration were adopted, fragmentation and erosion/corrosion of the seed testa. The calculation of preservation indices for pollen and macrofossils allowed comparisons to be made within and between sites. A range of factors which may have influenced variations in preservation are briefly discussed. These methodologies are potentially valuable where there is a need to assess the survival of the archaeobotanical record, particularly where sites are sensitive to environmental change.  相似文献   

商代马车及其相关问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷墟发掘以来 ,曾多次发现商代车马坑。但在解放前 ,因受当时发掘条件所限 ,都未能将坑中的木质车子的遗迹清理出来。19 5 0年在河南辉县琉璃阁战国墓地 ,夏鼐先生带领数名技工 ,通过精心操作 ,剥剔出十几辆已朽为尘土的木车遗迹。后来 ,随着发掘经验的积累和发掘技术的提高 ,新中国考古工作者先后在大司空村、孝民屯南地、白家坟西地、郭家庄西南、刘家庄北地、梅园庄东南等处的商代车马坑的发掘中 ,经过精心细致剥剔清理 ,将数十辆殷代车子发掘出来 ,为复原商代车子提供了可靠的依据 ,也为研究商代车制及其相关问题提供了珍贵的科学资料。…  相似文献   

浅谈年鉴的基本属性及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年鉴具有年度性、连续性、资料性和工具性这四个基本属性。要克服年度性带来的缺陷,年鉴就必须注重连续性;检索性(或易检性)只是工具书的特点之一,年鉴作为工具书的属性应当表述为工具性;对年鉴基本属性的理解,还要掌握四个属性之间的关联性,而不是独立地理解每个属性。正确运用对年鉴基本属性的理解,可以解决一些存在争论的观点,明确年鉴的定位,促进我国年鉴事业的科学发展。  相似文献   

Using audio, video, and radio interviews, the Cleveland HomelessOral History Project (CHOHP) has sought to foster the developmentof a collaborative analysis of homelessness from the bottomup. Designed to overcome problems with traditional academicresearch on homelessness, CHOHP explicitly seeks to share researchwith those living on the streets and in the shelters in Cleveland,Ohio and involve homeless people in the process of analysis.Rather than focusing on the personal pathologies of the homeless,the analysis that emerges from CHOHP suggests that trends indowntown and neighborhood real estate development, the criminalizationof the poor, the growth of the temporary labor industry, andthe retrenchment of the welfare system have led to the emergenceof powerful interests invested in perpetuating homelessness. Beyond analyzing these trends, CHOHP's formal research settinghas emboldened homeless people to act and become agents forsocial change.  相似文献   

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