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小泉八云于1890年赴日,后加入日本国籍。他的作品洋溢着对日本古老文明的赞美、怀念以及对西方文明的辛辣批判。这使得他在当时倡导“和魂洋才”的明治日本中期成了“日本文化发现的恩人”。经历了从英国、法国、美国、再到日本的流离生活,使得他对异文化有着自己独到的理解,本文将从比较文化论角度通过分析小泉八云对日本文化的受容及其文学作品,探究小泉八云对异文化以及自身归属问题的认识。  相似文献   

认识他者与反观自我:近代中国人的韩国认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朝鲜的兴亡是近代中国人从传统中华主义向近代民族主义转变的重要参照物,因而中国人的韩国认识与近代思想演化有着密切的联系。复杂的国际国内环境,东西思想的冲突,以及深厚的历史记忆,使近代中国人在对韩认识方面往往不得不面临种种情感和思想的困境。首先,对于大韩帝国灭亡一事,虽然中国人普遍谴责日本帝国主义的背信弃义和侵略行径,但是为了唤起国民,追求自强,中国人又往往更愿意从其内部来寻找其亡国之原因;其二,在如何认识日本帝国主义下朝鲜的殖民地近代性问题上,有人持肯定、甚至赞叹的态度,也有人认识到近代化成就背后朝鲜人民所遭受的苦痛,直到日本侵占中国东北以后才基本统一到彻底的反殖民主义立场之上;其三,近代中国人的韩国认识往往受到历史记忆的很大影响,对宗藩关系的记忆增进了中国人对支援韩国独立运动的责任感,同时中国支援韩国独立运动也是因为中国人认为朝鲜半岛对于中国来说有重要的地政学意义,关系到中国乃至整个东亚的和平与安全。这种对韩认识的复杂性体现了近代中国他者认识与自我认识的相关性,也对中国近代民族主义的形成具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

2004年3月,故宫博物院原院长、国家文物局考古专家组成员张忠培教授,应内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所的邀请,在呼和浩特进行学术考察。3月13日下午,张忠培教授在内蒙古博物馆大会议室做了一场精彩的学术报告。现根据记录将张忠培先生的学术报告刊载如下,题目为编者所加。  相似文献   

新疆多元民族文化特征论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为多元民族文化汇聚的地区,新疆民族文化具有变迁模式的突变性、文化内涵的变异性、结构体系的兼容性和文化表象的宗教性特征。本文认为,认识这些特征,有益于深入理解新疆民族文化的发展,有益于促进民族发展与各民族共同繁荣。  相似文献   

本文认为,新疆古称西域,其实西域常指包括新疆及其以西的中亚广大地区。“中亚”亦有广义和狭义之分,是见仁见智的近代地理概念。此外,古今中外还有一些与新疆和中亚有关的地理概念,都有一定的历史文化背景,系统考察之,那就是一部亚洲腹地地缘政治文化史。近年美国人提出Greater Central Asia(大中亚)的概念,另有一番政治含义。  相似文献   

当代西方新社会文化史述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自 2 0世纪七八十年代以来 ,西方的历史学研究正经历着一次“语言转向”或“文化转向” ,出现了新的研究领域和方法 ,这种新的史学研究实践通常被称为“新社会文化史”。本文考察了“新社会文化史”产生的背景 ,其理论基础 ,它对历史学带来了何种冲击和影响 ,并开拓了历史学研究的哪些新领域 ,提出了历史学研究何种新方法。文章也对新社会文化史进行了简要的评论 ,提出我们该如何面对这种新的历史学理论和方法 ,并作出我们的选择。  相似文献   

《Romance Quarterly》2013,60(4):326-339
Piotr Rawicz's novel Le sang du ciel depicts a Jewish protagonist, Boris, who manages to escape the Nazi genocide and, as a result, doubts his own legitimacy to bear witness to the other Jews' fate during that period. His difficult relationships with the Jewish community find expression in an intertextual construction, founded on the ontocosmology developed in Plato's Timaeus. Boris uses—and sometimes perverts—Plato's world vision both to measure his own inauthenticity and to define new ways of creating a state of "fusion" with the "beings" surrounding him. Another technique to overcome Boris's inability to testify is the use of a frame narrative, which, moreover, sheds new light on the protagonist's identity as a witness.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between the other and the writing self in three of Barthes's works and shows how the anxious and changeable state of the ‘je’ unsettles conceptions of ‘theory’ and its analytical object. Barthes attempts to conceptualise cultural otherness in Mythologies, L'Empire des signes and Incidents, and, on one level, his fantasies of encounter serve to displace or unground the writing ‘self’. On another level, however, the theorist's persona in these works turns out to be disorientated and unnerved by these displacements, and he couples his jubilant self-dissolution with a longing for a sense of origin or ground. Barthes as a result remains undecided about his positioning within his own discourse, and his works demonstrate the necessary interpenetration of theories of alterity with the contradictory subjective and affective desires of the writing self. The aim of the piece is ultimately to argue that, for its very flaws and inconsistencies, Barthes's writing about otherness may help us to understand the challenges and deficiencies of postcolonial conceptions of cultural difference.  相似文献   

Recent excavations at Sisak, Croatia, unearthed an Early Iron Age pot filled with archaeobotanical remains within the floor of a structure dating to between the sixth and fourth centuries BC. Burnt in situ the archaeobotanical remains provide unique evidence for diet and agriculture in a region where archaeobotanical evidence is rare. The preliminary results from this analysis are outlined here, with a focus on the discovery of foxtail millet (Setaria italica [L.] P. Beauv.) and its contribution to the diet of the Early Iron Age population at Sisak.  相似文献   

长白山文化的界定及其他   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,东北的学正在以集体的力量撰写《中国长白山化》一书,其中涉及许多理论问题,本就长白山化的界定等问题作一综述,以供深入探讨。  相似文献   

In many ways, the 1707 Act of Union encouraged various practices of literary nation-building and the search for authentic ’British’ voices. In their desire to assert the politeness of this newly constituted British identity, writers such as Joseph Addison, Thomas Blackwell and James Macpherson shared a preoccupation with a quality which Addison termed ‘majestick Simplicity’. The implicit codification of polite manners and taste in the Spectator might at first appear to contradict this literary fascination with the search for exemplars of native British simplicity. This article explores the continuity of these concerns in the writings of Addison, Blackwell and Macpherson, suggesting some of the ways that authenticity and politeness exerted conflicting demands on the eighteenth-century literary culture of Britishness.  相似文献   

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