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Strategies and techniques of food production change throughout the world reflecting the influence of a range of social and ecological factors. Often excluded in discussions of changing cultivation strategies, however, are the structuring effects of history. Within this paper, an examination of how history structured changing food production over the last 2700 years is presented using a case study of the island of Ofu in the archipelago of Samoa. The environment of Ofu has been altered significantly since human colonization, and many of these changes were caused or modulated by cultivation strategies. These cultural landscapes were inherited by subsequent generations of producers, impacting future productive strategies. Far from being simple artifacts of the past, these modified landscapes created by past producers continue to be inherited and cultivated by modern groups.  相似文献   


Drake's Island of Thieves. Ethnological Sleuthing. By William A. Lessa. Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii, 1975. xviii, 289 pp. Maps, illus., bibliography. $US 12.00.

The First Casualty: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker from the Crimea to Vietnam. By phillip knightley. London, Andre Deutsch, 1975.465 pp, plates, notes on sources, bibliography and index. £5.95.

Not as a Duty Only: An Infantryman's War. By Henry ('JO') gullett. Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1976. x, 169 pp, illustrations. $A 12.00.

Voyages to Hawaii before 1860. By Bernice Judd, enlarged and edited by Helen Yonge Lind. Honolulu, The University Press of Hawaii, 1974. xviii, 129 pp. Bibliography.  相似文献   

Derek Freeman. Margaret Mead and Samoa; the Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1983. 375 pp. $20.00  相似文献   


Since the mid-19th century, the copra trade has created challenges and opportunities for Pacific Islanders, including Samoans. In the wake of formal annexation in 1900, German colonial officials tried repeatedly to force Samoans to work on foreign plantations for wages. In this article, I argue that Samoans resisted these demands in two major ways. On the one hand, the overwhelming majority of Samoans continued subsistence agriculture that offered greater control over their lives. On the other hand, Samoans selectively adapted to new economic circumstances. Occasionally, Samoans engaged in wage labour on Euro-American plantations to earn the cash needed for imported goods, government taxes and church donations. To circumvent the monopolistic practices of Euro-American traders, Samoans also founded copra cooperatives. These ultimately folded under coercion, but not without creating a crucial legacy for future anti-colonial resistance. In Samoa’s world of copra, sweetness and colonial power were tightly bound together.  相似文献   

Drawing on English language sources and material relating to the colonial administrations of Western Samoa (now Samoa) and American Samoa, this examination of photographically illustrated serial encyclopaedias and magazines proposes an alternative historical analysis of the colonial imaging of Samoa, the most extensively covered field in Oceanic photographic studies. Though photographs published between 1890s and World War II were often ‘recycled’, without acknowledging the fact that they were taken much earlier, and despite claims in the text of illustrated publications of an unchanged, enduring, archaic tradition in Samoa, the amazing variety of photographic content often offered contradictory evidence, depicting a modern, adaptive and progressive Samoa. Contrary to orthodox historical analysis, the images of Samoa in illustrated magazines and encyclopaedias were not limited to a small repetitive gallery of partially clothed women and costumed chiefs; and the ways in which readers understood Samoa from photographs and text raises questions still to be explored.  相似文献   

Women’s political representation has historically been low in Samoa, as in much of the Pacific region. Candidate selection is viewed as a crucial factor in women’s under-representation globally. This article contends that the lack of formalised party selection processes sets Samoa apart from most other countries studied as part of the literature on gender and candidate selection. Yet, as this article shows, pre-selection processes exist at the village level, where a weak level of institutionalisation in the party system gives an inordinate amount of influence to local male gatekeepers. These processes are gendered, but can advantage female candidates that successfully navigate them. The extent to which these pre-election processes affect results depends largely on informal norms of group consensus within communities. This article looks at these processes in the context of the 2016 Samoan election, the first since a constitutional amendment mandating a minimum level of women’s representation in Parliament.  相似文献   

One of the innovative aspects of the mandates system of the League of Nations, the oversight regime applied to the former German and Ottoman territories seized by the Allied Powers in the First World War, was that it included a right of petition. Inhabitants of any territory governed under mandate, or any interested outsider, could petition the League of Nations if they believed that the stipulations laid down in Article 22 of the League Covenant or in particular mandate texts were being violated. This article explores the origins, development, politics and scope of the practice of petitioning under the mandates system, arguing that it was much more significant, extensive and consequential than has previously been recognised. Petitions rarely offered petitioners redress; instead, they made visible the assumptions about racial and civilisational hierarchies, and the realities of power, on which the system was based. Yet petitions were not only revelatory of political relations but also altered those relations in turn, as petitioners used the opportunity of appeal to learn the skills of claim-making, international lobbying and political mobilisation. The article looks closely at one dramatic case—that of the mass movement against New Zealand's administration of the mandated territory Western Samoa in the late 1920s, which involved numerous petitions to the League—to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

The relationship between cultures in place and exogenous political‐economic forces is the driving concern of contemporary historical anthropology. The prevailing discourse has moved from the phraseology of “world system” and Western “impacts” to a concern with local/global intersections. Culturalist and political economy analyses have been viewed as conflicting perspectives in historical analysis, the former emphasizing indigenous symbolic structures and models of action, the latter focusing on modes of incorporation into the world economy. The two perspectives converge in studies of local points of articulation with capitalism. An examination of the differential outcomes of Western contact in Hawai'i and Samoa demonstrates that a complex order of determinations is at work in contact encounters, as indigenous cultural and political structures dialectically interact with particular agents of colonialism.  相似文献   

卢超 《风景名胜》2011,(3):60-65
凹造型,其实就是摆pose,不是只有我们才会研究怎样凹出各种造型。食,亦然,凹的不仅仅是主体——食物的造型,也是载体——餐厅的造型。  相似文献   

The study of food in the middle ages attracted much interest among antiquarians from the eighteenth century on. New perspectives came with the growth of social and economic history. Over the last two decades, re-evaluations of historical sources, along with contributions from other disciplines, especially archaeology, the archaeological sciences, anthropology and sociology, have changed the possibilities for this area of research. The study of cooking, of cuisine and its cultural context, as much as food production and the material conditions of life, is now central to developing our understanding of consumption. This paper explores new possibilities for the study of taste and demotic cuisine, food and virtue, the association of women with food, and the role of food in society and in cultural change.  相似文献   

Given the large impact that domestic violence has on many women's lives, it is surprising that research in this area has largely neglected the ways in which women respond to this problem in different cultural contexts. This article examines variations in Western Samoan women's responses to domestic violence in three different contexts, in rural and urban Western Samoa and in Christchurch, New Zealand. The authors find that processes relating to the individualisation of social relations, changes in women's economic independence, and political mechanisms that provide formal support for battered women go some way to explaining variations in women's responses to abuse in the three contexts. However, the findings rule out any simple link between context and responses to physical abuse and caution us against the naive hope that changes in a single variable will reduce women's vulnerability to violence.  相似文献   

本文对明代太湖流域主要粮食作物种植面积的变化、粮食产量、粮食消耗状况进行了详细考察,认为明代后期太湖流域的粮食面积比重确实有了大幅度的下降,但由于粮食作物和经济作物种植比重的消长实际上是对土地利用方式的一次大调整,粮食生产的专业化水平随之有了很大提高,平均亩产有了较大的增长,就整个太湖流域来说,仍是国内一个重要的余粮区;明代后期太湖流域从其他地区大量输入粮食的原因,主要是由于当地的赋税负担极为沉重。  相似文献   

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