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香港的非赌场类博彩发展成熟,是研究此类博彩产业的良好案例。本研究采取问卷调查的方式,收集可供分析的603份问卷,采用单因子方差分析(one way ANOVA)等统计手段,得出以下研究结论:香港居民对于博彩业发展的态度不算积极;居民由于性别、年龄、受教育程度和职业的不同,出现对于博彩业态度与感知的差异。男性、老年人、受教育程度较高的人、中产阶级更加支持博彩发展或者更多的感知到其带来的正面影响,主要在于他们从中得到了更多的利益。本研究为香港政府进一步规划和管制非赌博类博彩业发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Impressions of the north, its landscape, and people are drawn largely from public images, not personal experience, making misconceptions commonplace among non-residents. The objective of this research is to improve our understanding of how communities cope with flood hazards through an assessment of the complex integration of traditional knowledge, community evolution, and modern technologies. This intersection of forces could influence vulnerability to natural hazards and affect preparedness and response. Field investigations were conducted in Aklavik, N.W.T., Attawapiskat, Ontario, and Fort Hard, N.W.T. as case studies. Central to the research design are distinctions between perceptions, attitudes, and activities at three operational levels: individual; communal; governmental - and an appreciation of how these levels interrelate in response to flood hazards. The research findings confirm the crucial value of local environmental knowledge, identify the influence of changing social structures on community vulnerability, and underline the jurisdictionally integrated character of disaster response. Le plus souvent, les impressions du nord, de son paysage et de ses peuples sont le résultat ?images percues par le grand public et non pas ?expériences vécues, et de ce fait, les impressions erronëes sont assez fréquentes chez les non-résidents. ?objet de la présente recherche est deàmieux comprendre les solutions trouvées par les com-munautés face aux inondations et ce, en analysant toute la complexité de /‘intégration des connaissances traditionnelles, de ?évolution communautaire et des technologies modernes. Ce regroupement des forces pourrait avoir une influence sur la vulnérabilité face aux dangers naturels et sur ?état de préparation et la réaction. Des études de cas, on été mencés Aklavik, T.N.O., à Attawapiskat en Ontario et à Fort Hard, T.N.O. Les recherches sont structurés en distinguant les perceptions, les attitudes et les activité‘s à trois niveaux de fonctionnement, soit individuel, communautaire etgou-vernemental. Files analysent également ?interrelation de ces trois niveaux lorsqu'il est question ?une reponse a un risque ?inondation. Les resultats de la récherche confirmed ?importance primordiale des connaissances de ?environnement local, tout en identifiant /‘influence du changement des structures sociales sur la vulnérabilité des communautés. Enfin, elles soulignent le phénoméne de /‘intégration des jurisdictions vis à vis de la réaction aux sinistres.  相似文献   

The BUNTEP programme has established itself as a successful innovator and purveyor of higher education to a hitherto neglected segment of the Canadian mosaic the isolated lndian reserves of northern Manitoba. BUNTEP comes at a time, however, when the reserves isolation from the outside world is breaking down. Combined with the stresses imposed by the post-war nuclear settlement policy of the government and the stresses of the population explosion, the formerly isolated bands are confronting challenges they are ill-equipped to meet. Television (which reached some reserves as recently as December 1977). the telephone, airplanes, motorboats, snowmobiles, and all the convenience goods sold at the local Hudson's Bay Company stores are steadily undermining whatever traditional culture is left. It is hoped that BUNTEP, and the successful graduates of BUNTEP, may provide these isolated communities with a means of coming to terms with the increasingly intrusive greater Canadian society.  相似文献   

The article starts from the premise that invasive life has the capacity to produce human communities. Invasive life is conceptualized as a way in which humans categorize proliferating organisms as ‘non‐native’ to a particular territory. The article focuses on the kind of relationship of human beings to invasive life that invokes a sense of ‘being under attack’ on the human side. It is argued that the threat of invasive life produces ‘communities of fate’, which are theorized for the sake of this article in close relation to the concept of ‘communities of practice’. The social dynamics set in motion by such community formation are further analysed in relation to two different case studies: (1) the emergence of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Mexico, and (2) the invasive plants eradication campaign of a group of activists in Germany. The article concludes by discussing the merits of analysing social dynamics and community formation in relation to challenges posed by invasive life.  相似文献   

The paper describes livestock herding in Shimshal, an indigenous mountain community in Pakistan, with particular attention to the considerations that inform herding decisions. Ethnographic fieldwork in Shimshal reveals two main categories of consideration: instrumental and symbolic. Habermas' theory of communicative action provides a basis for reformulating these categories into a set of conceptually integrated ideal types of resources and for arguing that instrumental and symbolic resources provide motivations toward consumption and conservation, respectively. Two examples of outside interventions to Shimshal's pastoral ecology reveal the limitations of conceptualizing indigenous resource use in purely instrumental terms. The paper concludes with a call to conceptualize indigenous community sustainability in instrumental and symbolic terms.
Cet article traite des troupeaux de bétail à Shimshal, une communauté indigène montagnarde au Pakistan en insistant sur des considérations qui influencent les décisions au sujet des troupeaux. La recherche éthnographique sur le terrain de Shimshal nous révèle deux grandes catégories: instrumental et symbolique. La théorie de l'action communicative d'Habermas fournit une base pour la reformulation des catégories en regroupant d'une façon conceptuelle des types de ressources idéales et permet de constater que les ressources instrumentales et symboli-ques motivent la consommation et la conservation respectivement. Deux exemples d'intervention externe à l'écologie pastorale de Shimshal révèlent les limites de la conceptualisation des ressources indigènes dans les ter-mes instrumentaux. Cet article conclut en suggérant le besoin d'une communauté indigène en termes instrumentaux et symboliques.  相似文献   

The Manitoba Escarpment is an area of severe environmental problems caused by a combination of adverse physical characteristics and inappropriate land use. Government programmes to solve these problems have emphasized, in succession, water control, land acquisition and use, and a combination of the two. Evaluation of these activities is difficult because of a lack of basic data on precipitation, runoff, and rates of erosion. Work is currently being done to provide the required information and to use it as a basis for land and water management programmes in conservation districts.
L'escarpement du Manitoba est une région de grands problèmes du milieu, du fait des traits physiques et contraires combinés avec le mésusage de la terre. A fin dé resoudre ces problèmes, des programmes gouvernementaux ont souligné d'abord la réglementation de l'eau, ensuite l'obtention et l'usage de la terre, et enfin une combinaison des deux. Aucune évaluation de ces projets est difficile à cause d'une manque de données véritables du milieu, y compris dés détails de précipitation, de l'écoulement de l'eau, et du dégre d'érosion. On essaie actuellement de fournir les détails nécessaires pour s'en servir comme base des programmes de l'entretien de l'eau et de la terre dans les régions de conservation.  相似文献   

关于社区地理学的若干理论问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙峰华 《人文地理》1996,11(4):50-53
本文着重探析社区地理学的理论体系、研究方法体系和研究领域等理论问题,并对其进行必要的评析,旨在促进社区地理学的理论建设,以推动社区地理学的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the fiscal, social, economic and environmental characteristics of 228 cities and counties. Using cluster analysis, 210 communities were classified into eleven types of communities. The empirical typings appear to support the proposition that communities control population growth to avoid adverse fiscal and environmental impacts and maintain the social and economic character of the community.  相似文献   

This paper explores national identity in Sleswig by examining three cultural communities. It describes the changing public appearance of these communities at different points in time, but it also reveals diverse layers of affiliation within them. By focusing on the prewar Danish community in Prussian North Sleswig, the interwar German community in Denmark, and the postwar Danish community in Germany, the essay examines the national dichotomy in diverse temporal and societal settings. The multifaceted appearance of these identities makes their analysis both challenging and intriguing.  相似文献   

基于2013年宜居北京大规模问卷调查数据和北京市基础地理信息数据,探讨了北京市居民宜居满意度的空间特征,并运用多层线性模型进一步分析城市建成环境对居民宜居满意度的影响。研究发现,北京市宜居满意度总体良好,空间分布存在中心高边缘低的特征。城市建成环境对居民宜居满意度存在显著影响。其中,丰富多样的服务设施、适宜的人口密度以及便捷的公共交通能够促进居民宜居满意度提升,而单一的土地利用和邻近商业中心则会降低居民宜居满意度。除此之外,城市建成环境对宜居满意度的影响在空间上存在异质性,同时建成环境对宜居满意度的影响在不同阶层中存在差异性,人口密度和服务设施多样性对中低收入群体的宜居满意度提升明显。  相似文献   

Our impressions of Canadian resource-dependent communities are often still influenced by the classic works of Innis, Robinson, Lucas, Siemens, and others. Although this research has proven to be valuable, it has also established several generalizations regarding these settings, including the perceptions that community labour forces and economic structures are relatively homogenous, that nonresource sectors play an insignificant role in the communities, and that these communities are found primarily in isolated northern regions. These generalizations are now beginning to be questioned, given the rapid economic and social changes taking place in these communities and the recent theoretical and empirical contributions of geographers and other social scientists. This paper summarizes this classic research, then challenges these generalizations by discussing recent applications of the concepts of economic restructuring and labour-market segmentation theory to the context of resource-dependent communities. To further illustrate these characteristics, the paper then presents an empirical analysis of 220 Canadian resource-dependent communities across six resource sectors, focusing specifically on their labour-market characteristics and the relationship between resource dependence and spatial isolation. Nos impressions des communautés mono-industrielles canadiennes spécialisées dans la production des ressources sont souvent encore influencées, entre autres, par les études classiques de Innis, Robinson, Lucas, et Siemens. Bien que cette recherche ait prouvé sa valeur, elle a aussi servi àétablir plusieurs généralisations concernant ces milieux, incluant les notions que la main d'oeuvre et les structures économiques de ces communautés sont relativement homogènes, que les secteurs non-reliés à l'exploration des ressources n'y jouent qu'un rôle peu significatif, et que ces communautés se retrouventsurtout dans les régions isolées du nord. Ces généralisations sont maintenant soumises à une remise en question, compte tenu des changements économiques et sociaux rapides dont ces communautés font l'objet et des récentes contributions théoriques et empiriques de géographes et d'autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. Cet article résume cette recherche classique et conteste ces généralisations en commentant les récentes applications du concept de restructuration économique etde la théorie de la segmentation du marché d'emploi associés au contexte des communautés dépendentes de l'extraction de ressources. Afin d'illustrer ces caractéristiques, l'article présente une analyse empirique portant sur 220 communautés canadiennes et sur six secteurs de ressources, etse concentre plus spécifiquement sur les caractéristiques de leur marché de la main-d'oeuvre et sur les liens existant entre la condition de dépendance à une ressource et l'isolation spatiale.  相似文献   

赵鹏军  孔璐 《人文地理》2017,32(5):125-131
TOD被广泛认为是一种可持续城市发展模式,同时对于促进绿色交通也具有重要意义。但是,学术界对TOD的交通影响研究仍然存在争论。本文以北京为例,通过实际调查,采用定量研究方法,对地铁站周边居住居民的通勤出行方式进行了研究。在控制了居民社会经济属性和出行距离等因素的情况下,回归分析结果表明,地铁站周边地区的土地利用混合度、接驳公交服务、模式通勤时效等对居民通勤出行方式具有显著影响。高土地混合度和便捷交通接驳服务能够提高居民选择公交或非机动出行的比例;由于各模式时效差异,长距离通勤的居民更加倾向于选择地铁出行。同时,TOD模式能够提高需求出行导向的居民绿色通勤的可能性。  相似文献   

王敏  张敏 《人文地理》2020,35(5):25-35
在我国居民消费趋于个性化和多元化的情形下,基于代群特征与差异的研究显得尤为缺乏。本研究结合代际差异理论和行为地理学、社会学的研究方法,研究居民消费时空行为特征及影响因素的代际差异。通过对南京市50后—90后的5代居民抽样调查,利用ArcGIS平台、SPSS23.0中多独立样本非参数检验和相关性分析方法,刻画并分析5个代群之间及两两代群之间的差异。研究发现:①不同代际群体在消费空间类型、消费出行距离和消费频率上存在显著代际差异,消费时长和消费出行时耗没有显著代际差异,这种差异性与代群之间的年龄差距并非呈线性相关;②居民日常消费时空行为所受影响因素的类型存在代际差异,不同代群尤其是年龄相近的代群之间所受主要影响因素的显著差异,进一步说明代群所内涵的社会文化特征以及习惯和观念等方面的差异,构成其消费时空行为的内在驱动机制;③消费的代沟是局部存在的。研究发现消费时空行为的代际差异与代际差异理论内涵之间具有联系,并表明代际差异是一个重要的视角,有助于我们揭示社会群体消费时空行为的多样性和差异性。  相似文献   

在我国城市化过程中,由于城市基础设施、公共交通等方面规划建设的需要,对居民活动的研究成为人文地理及城市规划领域所关注的重点。随着"大数据"时代的到来,改变了以往研究居民活动的方式。本文通过新浪微博平台提供的API接口,采用Ajax技术抓取包含时空信息的西安市微博数据,运用Arc GIS10.1中的热度分析工具,以可视化的表达形式揭示出:西安市居民夜间活动在大尺度范围内与城市的区域定位、居民结构及活动时间关系密切。同时,本文采用微博数据来研究居民活动的方法为研究这类问题提供了一种新的尝试。  相似文献   

居民消费行为与城市生活空间行为规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入消费社会以后,社会经济的发展促使居民生活行为发生了很大的变化。消费作为居民日常生活的一部分,在社会空间秩序中起着越来越重要的作用。文章以"人本主义"地理学为出发点,应用数理统计和随机过程理论,结合影响居民消费行为的因素对居民消费行为的演进过程进行分析,来探讨城市居民消费行为与日常生活空间行为的关系,并总结出相应的居民消费生活空间行为规律。  相似文献   

The municipal waste disposal crisis has received considerable public attention in recent years, particularly as it has become increasingly difficult, both financially and politically, to dispose of the steadily growing volume of waste. With municipalities under pressure to find acceptable alternatives to the traditional forms of refuse disposal - landfilling and incineration - the recycling of household waste has been advocated by policy makers and some environmentalists as a possible solution. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing the collection and disposal of household recyclables, as well as the effectiveness of institutional strategies to induce residents' participation in such a program. The study area is the city of Brandon, Manitoba, a settlement of some 40 000 people, 210 kilometres west of Winnipeg. To obtain a representative overview of the recycling behaviour of the population, three groups totalling a sample of 490 respondents, were investigated. Two of these groups were made up of people who actively recycle, and the third constituted a control group made up of those who do not engage in recycling activities. An overview of the municipal initiatives in Brandon, and an analysis of the data collected in the study, as well as statistics available on recycling programs from other sources, indicate that the recently introduced services and facilities have contributed to make significant qualitative changes but with limited success in dealing with the real magnitude of the solid waste problem. It is suggested that the goals of the various strategies have been established, but there is currently little incentive -apart from personal satisfaction - for residents to participate. This would seem to explain the limited success, in quantitative terms, of the programs to date  相似文献   

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