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The new year has come, and I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of my colleagues, to extend our sincere greetings to you. We wish you good luck and good health in the forthcoming year.  相似文献   

I was embraced by a dream:to spend the rest of my life in a paradise with the old folks with whom we had spent our youth in Tibet.In August 2006,my 30th anniversary of entering Tibet.I drove back to the tableland and shared my wish with Tsering Lhada.He agreed and both  相似文献   

I was embraced by a dream:to spend the rest of my life in a paradise with the old folks with whom we had spent our youth in Tibet.In August 2006,my 30th anniversary of entering Tibet.I drove back to the tableland and shared my wish with Tsering Lhada.He agreed and both  相似文献   

放学了,我背起书包,慢慢地走在长廊上。这是我一天最享受的时刻。天,渐渐地黑了下来。天空被将要落下的夕阳渲染上了一层橘黄色的光。远处城市、大厦的灯光,零星地点缀在天空中,就好像天空中闪烁的星星。我喜欢在晚上放学回家,我喜欢独自漫步在灯光下,让灯光洒在脸上,给我温馨的感觉。带上耳机,听着"贝多芬的悲伤"。坐在公交车的座位上,看着车来来往往,看着红灯变绿灯绿灯变红灯,看着尘世的高楼大厦,在这繁弦急管、红灯酒绿的城市中,我是多么渺小,心中不免多了  相似文献   

恋爱歌男:大雁有一群,鱼儿也有伴。大阳和月亮,天上成一双。看着情妹孤单单,寸答你配对口难开。女:鲜花千万朵,哪朵花最香?星星满天有,你把哪颗攀?既想妹嫁你,开口有何难?男:鲜花千朵都不香,满天星星我不攀。一心只把情妹爱,金蝶只会恋牡丹。阿妹何时再相会?你我两个搭成双。女:若是阿哥真有情,鸳鸯配成双。明晚顺山·来找我,屋后小树旁。手捧香错酥里玛‘卫专等哥来尝。男:约好今晚来相会,爬山又过水。说在屋后树旁等,不见情妹影。阿妹为何要失约,莫非又反悔?来回走动心不安,肝胆要揉碎!女:约好今晚来相会,顺山藏小妹。试探阿哥爱妹心,偷看…  相似文献   

In the summer of 1944,When China was stillsuffering from theJapanese invasion,I fol-lowed Shen Zonglian to gofrom India to Tibet with thesame wish:To show theworld the situation in Tibet,which,long separated withthe hinterland,was underthe manipulation and con-trol of the British imperial-ists.Shen, with the Mongo-  相似文献   

Lying at Zam Border Portin Nylam County, Xigaze,is a small village facingNepal across the emeraldmountain. A red flag has been fluttering over a small house there everyday ever since the 1970s."Why do you do this everyday?" this reporter asked CeringQoizin, 84, the house owner."I am a Communist Party member! I do this as a token of my thanksfor the motherland, for the Communist Party of China, and for the lateChairman Mao Zedong !"Moreover, the national flag represents China. I wish pe…  相似文献   

"This year, I have seemingly become a famous movie star as my name is well-known amongst many overseas tourists traveling to Gyantse. It is incredible to me that this documentary series had such a great influence after being broadcasted all over theworld. I remember the time when Sun Shuyun (the director of the documentary) came to invite me to be the main character of the documentary and be followed everyday with a camera behind me. To some extent, I did feel frustrated during that particular period."  相似文献   

星轨是很多摄影爱好者喜欢拍摄的题材,人们通过追踪星星的足迹,见证天空的奇妙和美轮美奂. 用传统的单次长曝法拍摄星轨,在数码时代越来越受到制约.如:长时间曝光导致噪点过多,要开启降噪功能但等待时间过长,另外电池等问题都会给拍摄带来一定的困难.特别是在拍摄城市星轨作品时,受到环境光的影响较大,传统的单次拍摄方法很难一次拍到满意的星轨作品.  相似文献   

女:我站在高山下, 抬头仰望蓝天, 看见一颗星星落下来 了, 不,那不是星星, 是我心爱的人跑下山来 了。男:我坐在栗树下吹起竹 笛, 忽然听到旁边有个鸟儿 在啼鸣, 叫得很好听。 我转眼一看, 呵,那不是鸟在叫, 是我心爱人的声音。女:我们相会在一起, 心儿跳个不息。 假若我们两人呀, 能在一起挖地, 那是多么地美好, 好比一对星星永不分①坤琵:传说中的仙子男:唉,我们两个呀, 心儿贴在了一起, 如果你愿意的话, 我们就一同到山的那边 去, 去到没有人能看见的地 方, 我们在那里长久地住下 去,’二”心儿贴在一起(独龙族)@黄镇方 ~~…  相似文献   

To take my aged father to Dejung hot spring for several days in summer or fall had long been a wish of mine since I started working. Now 77 years old, my father's rheumatic arthritis had worsened a lot since he was 70. A rugged and proud man, he had some tough times in his youth. He used to silently swallow all the pain without any complaint, afraid of causing trouble for his children.  相似文献   

我时常用又大又暖的毯子裹着孩子,带孩子到院子里,并让孩子坐在我的大腿上,然后一起观赏月亮和星星。这对我们来说是最美的时刻。我给我的孩子保存了一本她4~9岁的日记。我想让她知道,我是多么地爱她。没有这些记录,我们的一些重要瞬间、美妙时刻将很容易遗忘;也靠着这些日记,孩子成长中的趣事,乃至“恶作剧”,都能如实地记录下来。  相似文献   

正轻轻地,悄悄地,夏,来了。夏说:"来找我吧,让我们一起寻觅夏天的踪迹。"夏夜星空夏夜,天空中,星星奇迹般地展现它优美的身姿,忽隐忽现,仿佛在星空中表演着奇特的魔术。不一会儿,它的好友喜鹊来了,喜鹊搭了一座小桥,让星星表演。星星突然消失了,可一会儿又突然显现了出来,它把牛郎织女魔法般地变在了桥的两边,让他们相会。牛郎看到了织女,织女看到了牛郎,立刻深情地拥抱在一起。星星忽然把他们俩一盖,他们又变回了两颗星,互相看着对方。终于,表演进入了高潮,星星变成了屈原!屈原看着人间的繁华,立刻撰写了一副对联:人天共享合欢乐,天地齐吟合家欢。横批:夜赏人间。说完,他消失了,同时,节目也结  相似文献   

1961年2月14日,正好是除夕。那时我正在海南岛最南端的海军榆林基地任俱乐部主任。除夕下午,基地司令员袁意奋将军把我叫到他办公室,对我说:“今晚要给首长们举行舞会,你们八点钟要准时赶到鹿回头。’俄接受任务后正要告退,司令员却喜形于色地对我说:“小李,你知道今晚给谁举行舞会吗?一他笑着告诉我,今晚是给郭沫若举行舞会,他又加重语气强调说:“郭老是世界闻名的大文化人,今晚的舞会可不能有半点马虎呀!”我从小便喜爱郭老的诗歌和文章,念中学时读过他的《女神》、《棠技之花》,其中一些诗句、歌曲,至今我能背、能唱。…  相似文献   

我叫莉莉,我今年七岁了。我是女孩,我喜欢洋娃娃。我是彼得,我今年六岁了。我是男孩,我喜欢玩具。I am lily.I am seven.I am a girl.I like dolls.I am peter.I am six.I am a boy.I like toys介绍歌~~  相似文献   

Before seeing Asgen I had imagined a girl who has been on the stage of various parties on CCTV(China Central Television)many times for such a young age.She might have the air of a star but when I saw her the first time,my former suspicions all vanished right away.Before me,was a Tibetan girl who is so pretty,nice and easy going. When Asgen did the interview with me,the sunshine shone through the window and it was warm and peaceful in the room.As she spoke to me, her eyes were attentive and her voice seemed to penetrate one’s heart with enchantment.  相似文献   

引歌男:今晚月亮明又明,莫是银河水又清?今晚喜鹊喳喳闹,莫是凤凰林间行?今晚灯芯结红彩,莫是贵客到村来?打扰堂中父母亲,烦你村里同般人。我俩同米堂前坐,坐在堂前唱山歌。凤凰出山唤三声,画眉开口歌成河。花开引来蜜蜂闹,贵客来到要唱歌。千错哪,手昔在甫嘎跟前舞弓箭,错在鲁班门下弄斧刀;错在孔子面前论书画,错在裁匠面前剪纸花。今晚哟,错在师傅跟前来唱砍,千错万错怪我不自量。今晚哪,我象蝴蝶刚生翅,我似嫩燕才学飞,我象小牛刚套犁,诚愿众人多教诲。今夜呵今夜,金鸡飞到谷堆边,花鹿来到青草间,燕子飞到梁上住,凤凰飞到屋边田。阿哥有…  相似文献   

仰望星空,寻找知名、不知名的星星是我的童年乐事之一。而如今那些与我对话过的星星都只能沉睡在我的记忆里了。在乡下的时候我就喜欢仰望晴朗的星空。那时的夜晚我大多是数着窗外的星星入睡的。  相似文献   

那年,我没有考上大学,我感到前景一片黑暗,看不到一点亮光。一天晚上,父亲带我到野外散步。父亲要我抬头看看天上,只见天上一片漆黑的夜幕,点缀着几颗稀疏的星星。“看到了什么?”父亲问。“几颗星星。”“天上是一大片夜幕,星星只是几个小小的点而已,你本应该看到的是夜幕,而不是星星呀。”  相似文献   

在祖国边防最东端的角落,耸立着我们小小的哨所.每当星星月亮悄悄地隐没,那是我第一个把太阳迎进祖国.  相似文献   

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