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光绪二十六年(1900年),慈禧太后及刚毅等人.企图借助义和团消灭洋人。邀义和团入京。京城秩序大乱,烧杀抢掠,商店及金融机构等遭受巨大损失.中国通商银行北京分行也在劫难逃。五月二十六日(6月22日),该分行遭兵、匪抢劫,并被焚毁。六月十六日(7月12日),北京分行襄理钱邦彦在致总行总董、督办函中谈到这此被抢的损失说:“计抢去本行钞票十万两.现银二万八千余两。银元二万五千余两,及各户借券、契据一概无存,房屋殆尽。内有税务司汇丰帐目等项一并失毁,触目伤心。  相似文献   

有一种说法,认为义和团进入北京以后,帮助清政府捕杀谋叛的白莲教。有的并由此引申出其他的结论。实际上,这件事本身究竟如何,还需要探讨。 光绪二十六年六月间,义和团在清政府的默许下,大批进入北京。接着,在北京城内发生了几起义和团捕杀白莲教的事情。这方面的史料记载虽参差纷歧,但归结起来,主要有六月十九日,杀白莲教七十八人;二十三日,杀三十余人;七月初六日,又杀三十余人。前后几次,一共杀了一百多人。这一百多人都是以白莲教的名义被杀的,那么,他们是否真的是白莲教呢?是否真是谋叛造反呢?  相似文献   

袁昶、许景澄庚子"三折"质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光绪二十六年七月初二,太常寺卿袁昶、吏部左侍郎许景澄突然身陷囹圄,翌日,二人被处死。处死他们的原因为“声名恶劣”、“各存私心”、“语多离间”等道德评判的语词(故宫博物院明清档案部编《义和团档案史料》(上),中华书局1959年版,第392页),“并未明宣罪状”(中国社会科学院近代史研究所《近代史资料》编辑组编《义和团史料》(上),中国社会科学出版社1982年版,第256页)。袁昶、许景澄以未明罪状招致杀身之祸,成为晚清的一大悬案。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正>民国晋学家王堉昌(1876—1938),字养斋,号高凉迂叟,稷山县城南门人。民国时期山西著名金石家、晋学家。稷山县城南门内王家世有名宦,科第相望,簪缨不绝。其父王畴五系稷邑乡贤,王堉昌幼承家教,从童年开始,在其父的教诲下,对金石考据即产生浓厚的兴趣。清光绪二十六年(1900年)义和团反洋运动,山西被停止科考,王堉昌在光绪二十七年(1901年)陕西中举,成为辛丑科举人。清光绪二十八年(1902年)四月初一,王堉昌就读于山西大学堂中斋,光绪三十一年(1905年)毕业,授予贡生名义。  相似文献   

杨柳 《文史博览》2007,(3):52-55
同治九年(1870年8月22日)七月二十六日,两江总督马新贻被刺身亡,他是清代惟一一位被刺杀的总督大员。  相似文献   

[南京二十四日晨专电]上海各界争取和平之马叙伦等11人来京向蒋(介石)主席请愿(反内战),23日晚7时抵达下关车站时,被300余所谓难民代表殴辱,往访之记者多人亦被殴打,事态延展达6小时余,前后遭打4次,以末次最严重。由40余难民代表将10余人拥入一室,以木棒玻璃瓶等痛殴甚久,旁仅有宪兵二人保护。难民代表于动手之先,将诸人皮夹现款手表钢笔小本子搜劫一空,各人损失起码十余万,均衣服粉碎,遍体鳞伤,昏厥于地。  相似文献   

蒋仁 《福建史志》2007,(5):30-32
清光绪二十六年(1900年),刘志标率领十八兄弟起义,头扎红布,号称“红巾军”,队伍很快达到万余人.先后攻克江山、常山县,围攻衢州府城,遭到清兵驰援夹击,转战江两,进攻玉山县城,在闽浙赣三省清兵会剿下失败,起义时间持续两个多月.虽然失败.但影响甚大;  相似文献   

方广锠 《文献》1999,(4):8-24
一 清光绪二十六年(1900)春夏,中国北方爆发义和团反帝运动,俄、英、美、日、德、法、意、奥等八国组成联军进行镇压.八国联军攻陷紫禁城,大掠北京.慈禧太后携光绪皇帝仓皇出逃.第二年,清政府与英、美、俄、德、日、奥、意、法、西、荷、比等十一国签定屈辱的《辛丑条约》.  相似文献   

清光绪二十六年五月二十六日(公元1900年6月22日),正当中国北方爆发的义和团反帝运动如火如荼之时,远离战火硝烟数千里之外的河西走廊的尽头——敦煌莫高窟,一个名叫王圆箓的道士,非常偶然地在一个洞窟甬道的墙壁中发现了一个古代废弃的耳窟,其中装满了从公元4—11世纪的古代遗书与物。震惊世界的敦煌遗书由是出世。这个洞窟,后来编为第17窟,就是举世闻名的藏经洞。  相似文献   

由天津蓝天国际拍卖行主办的蓝天2004年秋季艺术品拍卖会将于12月14日-16日在天津市南京路20号金皇大厦举行。拍卖预展于12月14日,15日两年进行,16日为拍卖日。本届拍卖会分为中国书画(一)、中国书画(二)及瓷器、玉器、工艺品专场,共推出拍品八百余件,其中以近现代绘画大师任伯年、吴昌硕、齐白石、黄宾虹、张大千等人精品力作最为耀眼。  相似文献   

The present boundaries of Moscow's suburban zone are tested by delineating a so-called zone of active influence of Moscow city based on demographic structure and the significance of commuting to work in the city. The most favorable age-sex structure, with a high percentage of population in the working age groups and a relatively high percentage of children, is found in a zone within 50 to 60 kilometers from the city limits. This zone generates a daily flow of more than 500,000 commuters to places of employment in Moscow, 90 percent of whom spend less than 110 to 120 minutes traveling each way. These commuters represent about 2 percent of the total working-age population in the suburban zone. On the basis of the demographic structure and commuting linkages, Moscow's zone of active influence is therefore defined as the zone within which 90 percent of the commuters reside, or within 52 kilometers of the city limits. This conforms roughly to the present definition of the suburban zone.  相似文献   

近年来,居民时空间行为的社会分异已成为学者们广泛关注的话题。然而,已有关于居民时空间行为的社会分异研究中,缺少对于居民活动情境的社会分异的研究。因此,本研究基于时间地理学中对人类活动的情境嵌入性与情境的不同维度的相关理论,以北京清河街道为例,分析不同住房来源居民在日常情境、地理情境和社会情境下的时空间行为的社会分异,尝试从多个情境维度拓展对时空间行为社会分异的理解。研究发现,市场性住房居民“朝九晚五”的活动特征明显,活动同伴选择外向性突出;单位性住房居民职住相对接近,在社区空间内分配时间最长且活动目的多样;安置性住房居民活动较为分散,地理情境与社会情境都呈现出“家庭内向性”特征;保障性住房居民非工作活动的“滞后性”明显,对社区空间的时间分配总体较低。除住房来源因素与个人社会经济因素外,建成环境因素对于居民对社区空间的使用有显著影响。  相似文献   

孙烨  张宏磊  刘培学  张捷 《人文地理》2017,32(3):152-160
网络搜索引擎是旅游者获取旅游信息的最重要入口,百度指数通过反映关键词被搜索的次数表征旅游者的网络关注度。文章以三清山为例,首先利用协整理论及格兰杰因果检验分析了PC端和移动端百度指数与实际游客量之间的关系,进一步建立日游客量ARMA模型和分别加入PC 端和移动端百度指数的VAR模型,对游客量预测结果及预测能力进行比较分析,以期通过不同客户端、不同搜索关键词来填补游客量预测过程中旅游网络数据提取的单一性,得到更好的预测效果。发现移动端比PC端百度指数模型具有更好的预测效果,移动端比PC端百度指数对实际游客量的变动具有更好的解释能力。  相似文献   

Differences in industrial development of the Soviet union republics are found to persist, and the basic factors are analyzed. The presence of a skilled labor force is an important factor in insuring a high level of industrial output per capita and a high rate of return on capital. However, the distribution of labor-intensive industries does not always conform to the availability of labor resources. Such industries have reached a high level in the Baltic republics, where the reproduction rate is low and additional labor must be brought in from the outside, and they have not been fostered in Central Asia, where the rate of natural increase is high. The emphasis on resource-based industries that is characteristic of some republics (oil and gas in Azerbaydzhan and Turkmenia, nonferrous metals in Kazakhstan, etc.) is usually associated with a high level of fixed assets (capital intensity) and a low rate of return as well as low levels of industrial output per capita.  相似文献   

<正>Bawo Tsukla Chengwa(1504-1566) is the author of Banquets of Wises (in Tibetan,it is Lho-brag-chos-vbyung for short).The book has five volumes of which the mo...  相似文献   

Fifty-one waster sherds of Terra Sigillata (~20-0 b.c. ) from Arezzo, Italy and Lyons, France have been chemically analysed for twenty-eight elements by neutron activation and seven by X-ray fluorescence. Most of the elemental abundances were measured with high precision and cross-comparisons of the two techniques of measurement (and sample preparation) give added insight as to their relative precision, the calibration differences and the extent to which volatile materials such as carbonate or water influence the results. The sherds from Arezzo formed a homogeneous and distinctive chemical group while all but two of those from Lyons were classified into three such groups. Two of the Lyons groups (MML A and MML B) were from Montée de La Muette and one was from Loyasse. Four additional sherds from houses excavated in Strasbourg and one from Lyons, all of which bore the signature of the famous Anetine pottery-making firm of Ateius, were also analyzed by the same techniques. These signed sherds all had the same composition pattern and it closely matched one of those from Montée de La Muette (MML A) in Lyons. It is therefore suggested that these five sherds bearing the Ateius signature were made in the general vicinity of Lyons and were part of the output of an as yet unknown Gallic branch of the firm of Ateius.  相似文献   

周玮  黄震方 《人文地理》2016,31(1):42-49
伴随全球化和城市化的快速推进,城市街巷空间的原生态环境和文化生活气息开始退变,城市记忆逐渐缺失,趋同化和均质化的城市危机显现。为此,选取南京夫子庙街区作为典型个案,采用认知地图、口述访谈和GIS空间统计方法,实证研究城市街巷空间居民的集体记忆,发现居民对夫子庙街巷空间的集体记忆呈现"光环区"→"亚光环区"→"缓冲区"→"盲点区"依次递减的特征和规律,"平民化"的城市设计理念缺失成为重要诱因。街巷空间作为城市公共空间的重要组成部分,具有特定的历史内涵与场所精神,其担负的集体记忆保护功能,应该引起学界和社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

<正>July 4th,2010,which was also May 23rd of the irontiger year according to the Tibetan calendar,was a most auspicious day.Tibetan Buddhism welcomed this very important event,drawing lots from the golden urn to search for the soul boy of the Fifth Detrul reincarnation. Over 150 representatives from all walks of life and adherents witnessed this great event in Tibetan Buddhism in front of the statue of Sakyamuni in the Jokhang Temple.  相似文献   

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