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Michael D. Gambone. Capturing the Revolution: The United States, Central America, and Nicaragua.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来美国女性单亲家庭变迁初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代以来,美国女性单亲家庭数量骤增,引发大规模道德批判风潮,政治倾向日渐保守,政府福利政策随之紧缩。综观其发展历程可知,两性经济格局的变更,婚姻与性观念的嬗变,单身母亲自有的婚育价值观,政府公共政策的双重作用,合力推动了美国女性单亲家庭的群体扩张。就所占比重和贫困程度而言,黑人女性单亲家庭是尤其值得关注的群体。对以母子为基本关系单位的家庭模式的认可度,以及黑人社区中适婚男性数量上的匮乏,是美国黑人家庭中女性单亲家庭比重较大的特定因素。  相似文献   

张杨 《世界历史》2006,11(1):31-38
战后美国的科技政策经历了一次重大变革:联邦政府在国家决策层中设立了负责科技事务的职位,并开始将大量联邦资金投入到支持国家冷战目标和保障国家安全而进行的科研项目上;与此同时,美国科学家也由疏离政治转而融入举国一致的冷战中。这一变革始于冷战初期,到肯尼迪执政时期才最终转型成功。本文试图从美国空间决策的角度探讨科学家在美国冷战决策和政府科技政策转型中的作用以及科学家和科学研究又是怎样通过与国家政治目标保持高度一致而被“冷战化”的。  相似文献   

战后美国的科技政策经历了一次重大变革联邦政府在国家决策层中设立了负责科技事务的职位,并开始将大量联邦资金投入到支持国家冷战目标和保障国家安全而进行的科研项目上;与此同时,美国科学家也由疏离政治转而融入举国一致的冷战中。这一变革始于冷战初期,到肯尼迪执政时期才最终转型成功。本文试图从美国空间决策的角度探讨科学家在美国冷战决策和政府科技政策转型中的作用以及科学家和科学研究又是怎样通过与国家政治目标保持高度一致而被“冷战化”的。  相似文献   

向丽华 《世界历史》2012,(4):25-33,158
第二次世界大战后,美国为同苏联争夺第三世界国家实施了第四点计划。通过对20世纪50年代美国在拉美开展经济援助外交进行历史的纵深考察后可以看出,美国从自身国家安全、繁荣等国家利益出发,将拉美视为其"战略资源库"和"传统盟友",加以严密掌控。但是,这一时期美国对拉美经济援助的重视程度与美苏两国对抗和争夺的激烈程度相关联,服从于美苏争霸的总体战略需要。而援助双方基于国家利益的深刻矛盾,是导致此期美国对拉美经济援助外交失败的根本原因。  相似文献   

20世纪五六十年代中国史学的基本走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪已经结束了。 2 0世纪的中国发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化。2 0世纪的中国史学同样经历了急剧的演变。在跨入新世纪的时刻 ,为了更好地推动中国史学的发展 ,我们很有必要认真地总结和反思它在 2 0世纪的发展。大家都承认 ,2 0世纪的中国史学取得了重大的成就 ,同时也存在许多问题。在学界中对这些成就和问题至今存在着不同的看法 ,这本是很正常的现象。重要的是 ,我们应该通过不同意见的交流和切磋来加深我们的认识 ,更好地进行总结和反思 ,从而促使我国的史学在新世纪发展得更快更健康。这就是本刊举办这次学术讨论的目的。应该说明的是 :一 ,这次学术讨论的题目和范围是 2 0世纪中国史学的发展 ,重点是 1 94 9年新中国成立以后。二 ,讨论的重点是对 2 0世纪的中国史学或其中的某个阶段 ,或某个学派 ,某个学术思潮 ,某个史学分支 ,某个重大专题 ,某个史学领域 ,某种重要现象等从总体上进行观察和评述。一般不对某个具体学者进行讨论和评述。三 ,讨论必须坚持“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣”的方针。欢迎发表各种不同意见 ,进行平等的讨论。四 ,讨论中的任何意见均不代表编辑部的看法。文责均由作者自负。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,《大公报》之所以能够成为新中国财经战线的机关报,与它作为民办报纸的影响力有关,与它政治立场的适时转变有关,与它对于资本主义的了解、对于国际问题报道的熟捻有关。《大公报》的成功改组和转型,反映了中共对于优秀文化资产改造和利用的有效性,有成功的经验和可资吸取的教训。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the state and art collectors during the 1950s and 1960s in Shanghai. It explores how the state gained control over art and collecting, by building state museums, by co-opting connoisseurs and their collections, and by extending “socialist transformation” to the antiquities market in 1956. However, state control was far from complete, and some trade in antiquities continued outside of official channels. To crack down on this illegal trade, cultural authorities in Shanghai launched a Five-Antis Campaign in 1964 to punish alleged art speculators. Through its cultural institutions and political campaigns, the state controlled culture but did not monopolize it.  相似文献   

The article discusses the thinking of Mario Einaudi in relation to the ambitious measures with which the Italian government sought to move towards land reform in the immediate post–war period. Einaudi, an intellectual and academic, was by birth Italian but moved to the United States during the Fascist period. Like his father Luigi, the noted economist, he was convinced of the need to stimulate the free market in land in order to increase productivity and modernise cultivation methods; in his writings he repeatedly sought to develop a plan of action that would facilitate collaboration between Rome and Washington in this field, identifying the Tennessee Valley Authority approach as especially suited to the Italian case. However, while his ideas achieved a good public airing, they had a limited impact: on the political front, Cold War priorities pushed Italian and US Marshall Plan experts more towards the redistribution of landownership than towards stimulating the productivity of agricultural businesses, in the attempt to rapidly build a consensus behind the government; and on the cultural front, at the end of the 1950s the issue of backwardness in the rural South started to be interpreted in terms of cultural and social anthropology, an approach which did not directly relate to the development of political programmes.  相似文献   

刘莲芬 《世界历史》2006,7(3):51-59
1950—1970年代的美泰关系与亚洲冷战密切相关。亚洲冷战格局形成后,两国逐步结成双边同盟,在美国侵越战争期间密切合作。20世纪70年代初,美国根据全球和国内形势的变化调整亚洲政策,致使美泰关系由盛转衰。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,中央政府十分重视对科学研究的规划,科学事业逐步纳入了有计划进行的轨道。1956年初,中共中央制定《1956~1967年全国农业发展纲要(草案)》后,推动了各方面着手制定12年发展远景规划。国务院组织了几百名科学工作者着手制定《1956~1967年科学技术发展远景规划(修正草案)》(以下简称12年远景规划)。这个规划,成为当时中国科学技术发展的指导性纲领。  相似文献   

The "quantitative revolution" in human geography which swept across so many universities in the 1950s and 1960s had its main diffusion centers in a few locations which were to have global significance. Two critical early centers were the University of Washington in the Pacific Northwest and Lund University in southern Sweden. But the experience of change was different in different locations as the general forces of perturbation sweeping around academia were translated into local eddies with local repercussions. Here, small and somewhat random quirks at the outset, led eventually to fundamental divergences between adoption and rejection. The theme is illustrated by reference to changes which occurred at Cambridge, one of England's two oldest universities, as seen from the perspective of someone who—as undergraduate, graduate student, and later, faculty member—was caught up in these changes and took some small part in propagating them. Special attention is given to the role of two environmental scientists, Vaughan Lewis and Richard Chorley, in introducing changes and the way in which later developments in human geography drew on preceding experiences in physical geography. The reasons behind the "Cambridge variant" and the questions of how intellectual DNA is passed across the generations are discussed.  相似文献   

This essay examines the environmental history of US development programs during the early Cold War. The first part of the essay revisits Point Four programs, arguing that resource development was an essential, but now frequently overlooked component. The rest of the article reviews several recent scholarly works about development to examine changes in three crucial parts of the global environment: river systems, agriculture, and human health. These recent works show how central environmental manipulations were to American development programs. I stress the importance of looking not just at the ideas behind a project, but also what happens ‘on the ground,’ especially the meanings local residents attach to environmental changes.  相似文献   

This special issue grows out of a shared research interest in the state-building process during the formative years of the People's Republic of China (roughly defined,1949-66) and its profound political,social,economic,and cultural consequences.Five articles in this issue demonstrate that the Communist Party ot China made a great effort to mobilize different political constituents,social classes,professional groups,and cultural communities to consolidate its rule and advance its revolutionary agendas.Governing a deeply diverse and discontented society,the Party created a system of control and mobilization based on the combined mechanisms of political indoctrination,bureaucratic intervention,neighborhood surveillance,and social voluntarism.Communist rule in the 1950s and early 1960s created new cultural forms,business practices,and a new framework under which the party-state's political agenda and bureaucratic apparatus interacted with individual lives.  相似文献   

This article uses memory and specifically my memories to build up a sense of how Australians perceived India in the second half of the 20th century. I focus first on the late 1950s to consider Australian perceptions of India as seen through my eyes as a university student. I then present my observations as a student studying in India in the first half of the 1960s to track the limited awareness of Australia in India. The final section, based mainly on newspaper clippings of the late 1980s, assesses how India featured in Australian perceptions some two decades on and in the very different world of the day – one that was much more knowledgeable but not necessarily significantly more involved.  相似文献   

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