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刘咸炘是近代四川著名学者,其学术研究近年来日渐受到重视。《华阳国志》乃东晋常璩撰述的一部记载我国西南地区历史、地理等方面内容的综合性著作。刘咸炘注重"土风",对《华阳国志》论述多有精辟之言。从时间与空间综合而言,《华阳国志》乃"横剖之史";地方著作大兴及常璩自身经历、学术渊源等是其撰书条件;《华阳国志》之《序志》末段暗指作者姓名。刘咸炘对《华阳国志》的论述有利于进一步探究刘咸炘的史学思想,丰富对《华阳国志》的认识。  相似文献   

晋代史学家常璩编撰的《华阳国志》,是我国现存最早的一部地方志。学术界对这部书的研究取得了丰硕的成果。本文从版本源流、校注译注、语言文学、历史资料、作者思想等方面对《华阳国志》研究成果进行概述,并提出相应的研究建议。  相似文献   

《华阳国志》撰著是我国西南历史上的重大文化事件,书中的“微言”无不折射出其与政治的密切联系,这种政治因素才是促使常璩撰著此志的真正动因。但由于人们尽信了常璩在其《序志》中所言,忽略了对此问题的深入探讨。本文拟从常璩所在时代的政治背景出发,通过浅析其体裁与结构创新原因之所在,以管窥英真正的创作意旨。  相似文献   

刘琳 《巴蜀史志》2012,(3):15-17
东晋史学家常璩所著《华阳国志》是我国现存最早的一部地方志,记载了公元四世纪中叶以前今四川、云南、贵州三省以及甘肃、陕西、湖北部分地区的历史地理,具有很高的文献价值。中国现存的旧方志将近1万种。这是我国古代历史文化宝库的一个重要组成部分,而《华阳国志》则是这个宝库中最耀眼的一颗明珠。如果我们给这一大批方志(这里主要指地方性或区域性的方志),就其历史价值与地位做一个排行榜,我认为第一名应属于《华阳国志》。《华阳国志》,可说是中国方志之王。  相似文献   

1999年新年伊始,四川省崇州市(原崇庆县)城区中心广场上新塑起一尊常璩铜像。至此,中国地方志的先祖在全国有了第一尊铜像。崇州是东晋史学家、《华阳国志》作者常璩的故乡。在“中国地方志初祖”《华阳国志》诞生1600多年之后,适逢改革开放历时20周年,和全国一样,崇州市发生了巨大变化,而占地18500平方米的中心广场的全面竣工,即为这一巨变的标志之一。最近,市委、市政府决定在广场北部为常璩建造一尊青铜塑像,以体现崇州这一四川省政府公布确认的历史文化名城的神韵。铜像为站像,高3.08米,重1.5吨。常璩一手握笔,一手握《…  相似文献   

陈晓华 《古籍研究》2001,(4):71-75,85
《华阳国志》是我国现存最早的地方志专著。东晋常璩撰,其所记的历史时间,上起巴蜀传说时期&;#183;下至东晋永和三年(347)止。其所叙述的历史地区,包括今天四川、云南、贵州以及甘肃、陕西、湖北部分地区,属《尚书&;#183;禹贡》九州之梁州。《尚书&;#183;禹贡》:“华阳黑水惟梁州”,故常璩称他的书为《华阳国志》。《华阳国志》共十二卷,归为三部分:“一至四卷主要记载梁、益、宁三州的历史、地理,而以地理为主,类似‘正史’中的地理志;  相似文献   

刘琳 《巴蜀史志》2012,(1):15-17
东晋史学家常璩所著《华阳国志》是我国现存最早的一部地方志,记载了公元四世纪中叶以前今四川、云南、贵州三省以及甘肃、陕西、湖北部分地区的历史地理.具有很高的文献价值。中国现存的旧方志将近1万种.这是我国古代历史文化宝库的一个重要组成部分,而《华阳国志》则是这个宝库中最耀眼的一颗明珠。  相似文献   

常璩及其所《华阳国志》,是成都市极其宝贵的无形资产,是价值无限的历史化资源。要把这项无形资产盘活,把历史化资源变成一项资本,建立一座常璩方志馆是行之有效的途径。在全国,不少地方都建有方志馆,湖南娄底还出现了佘国纲个人所建的影响全国的端阳方志馆。,这些方志馆已成为地情资  相似文献   

何瑞明 《巴蜀史志》2005,12(1):32-35
在我国古代史籍中,描写活动家在历史上的各种人物传记,占有十分重要的地位。由于人物传记具有重要的历史价值,史志中记载人物就成了定例。“二十四史”大部分是记述人物的传记,被称为“记传体”。司马迁的《史记》全书130篇,人物传记就占了112篇。而东晋常璩的《华阳国志》12卷,就有7卷为人物志。古往今来,地方志中的人物被誉为“志中之志”、“书中之髓”。  相似文献   

晋人常璩的《华阳国志》,是我国较早的一部地方志。 常璩,字道将,晋蜀郡江原(今四川崇庆县)人,生卒年不详。他初仕于成汉,曾任散骑常侍,掌著作。成汉亡,入东晋,官位不显。东晋穆帝永和中,常璩撰成《华阳国志》十二卷,共约十一万字,他利用在成汉政权时曾接触大量官方收藏资料的有利条件,取精用宏,在书中记述了从远古到东晋穆帝永和初数初千年间,处于“华山之阳”的梁、益、宁三州(今四川、云南、贵州三省及湖北、陕西、甘肃部份地区),在政治、地理和人物各方面的历史状况。这是研究古代西南地区政治史、经济史、地理沿革史和少数民  相似文献   

墓葬位于大同市南郑区水泊寺乡田村村北,为长斜坡墓道砖构单室墓,由墓道、甬道、墓室组成。墓室平面呈方形,墓室北侧置石棺床,以石板搭成床框与床榻,石板问有榫卯结构相连,棺床立面饰浮雕纹样。棺床上置石灰枕。出土随葬器物以陶质类器物为主,包括陶俑和生活用器模型,多施有红彩。通过墓葬形制及出土器物的类比,确定墓葬的时代应为北魏太和年间。  相似文献   

Cultures of Experiment. – It is generally accepted that the development of modern science is rooted in experiment. Yet for a long time, experimentation did not occupy a prominent role in history of science. With the practical turn in science studies, this has begun to change. This paper is concerned with cultures of experiment. In the first part, a suggestion is made as to how the concept of experimental culture can be used to go beyond a history of disciplines. In the second part, a particular experimental culture in the life sciences is looked at more closely. A survey is given on the changing forms of in vitro experimentation, that is, on analyzing biological functions in a test tube.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to explain the peculiarities of the Deborah narrative. In contrast to other savior- judges, Deborah is a prophetess, a judiciary, and a woman. Her role as a savior differs from other judges in that she is a high commander, but Barak carries out the actual task of battle. Deborah's rule conveys the lesson that God is responsible for victory. This is why she is presented as a prophet and a messenger of God and her personality is not portrayed in the story at all; rather, she is shown as a well-established judge and therefore an anti-charismatic figure. The emphasis on her status as a woman is meant to prevent her from becoming involved in an actual battle; this is left for Barak to carry out. When Barak demands the presence of Deborah on the battlefield, it might be thought that her presence is necessary to gain victory; then, as in the Ehud narrative, an unhealthy dependency between the people and Deborah might have been produced. Deborah responds with a prophecy that a woman will kill Sisera; in this way she reinforces her prophetic role rather than her personality, rectifying the damage caused by Barak's request.  相似文献   

Reconciliation is often suspected of being an inherently ideological concept in the sense that it fosters acquiescence to a social order that is neither necessary nor desirable. In particular, it is sometimes argued that this is because reconciliation is a religious concept that has been transposed into political discourse. This transposition is seen to be inappropriate because reconciliation presupposes a prior social unity that needs to be restored when, in fact, no such unity has ever existed between historical antagonists. In this article, I argue that the presupposition of a social unity is, indeed, always in danger of becoming ideological to the extent that this unity is conflated with the nation. However, the invocation of a counterfactual social unity or ‘polity’ also potentially enables the staging of a reconciliatory politics in a way that politicises the terms of association between former antagonists.  相似文献   

Abstract. Language is often a central issue in nationalist ideologies. It is seen as a crucial element in the definition of people's identities, and it is often a battlefield for nationalist activities. An analysis of how language is conceptualised and made part of a particular nationalist struggle may yield insights into the ideological structure of this particular nationalism, and thus lead to more refined ways of distinguishing between various types of nationalisms. In this article, a comparison is made between language in Flemish nationalism and in Tanzanian post-Ujamaa nationalism. In both cases, great emphasis is placed by the nation-builders on the central role of language in attaining the nationalist goals. However, a comparison of both cases also yields significant differences. The Flemish view of language is predominantly ethnic. Dutch is seen as an inalienable marker of identity, shared with the Dutch people, and creating a fundamental difference with the Walloon Belgians. Also, language is closely associated with the territory on which it is being spoken, which yields a homogeneistic and assimilationist attitude towards speakers of other languages on Flemish temtory. In Tanzania, Swahili is seen as an instrument for attaining a socialist political- ideological hegemonisation of the state. Swahili is chosen not for cultural reasons, but because it allows for egalitarian, socialist connotations. Underlying both language ideologies are basic differences in the structure of nationalism in Flanders and Tanzania, Flanders being an example of ethnic nationalism and Tanzania an example of socialist state nationalism.  相似文献   

The dependence of the width of the a posteriori distribution (i.e. parameter estimation error) in a multiparameter fit on the a priori width of another parameter is studied in the framework of linear statistical inversion theory. An exact formula is given which makes it possible to estimate how accurate the a priori information on a given parameter must be in order to obtain the other parameter with a prescribed accuracy. These estimates are useful in those cases where some errors are strongly correlated, like the ion temperature and the O+ content in incoherent scatter measurements with the EISCAT UHF radar. The dependence of the solution on the accuracy of the power profile estimates is given. Likewise, the behaviour of the error when a linear combination of the parameters is known exactly is given. The formulae given have a very simple geometrical meaning, and together they give a complete solution to the problem of estimating the accuracies in a multiparameter fit when a linear combination of the variables is known with a prescribed accuracy. It is shown that under the conditions considered in this paper, oxygen content can be determined to an accuracy of 10 % when the ion temperature is known to within 7 %, if we can assume that the collision frequency is zero.  相似文献   

Commerce changes the production of wealth in a society as well as its ethics. What is appropriate in a non-commercial society is not necessarily appropriate in a commercial one. Adam Smith criticizes Stoic self-command in commercial societies, rather than embracing it, as is often suggested. He argues that Stoicism, with its promotion of indifference to passions, is an ethic appropriate for savages. Savages live in hard conditions where expressing emotions is detrimental and reprehensible. In contrast, the ease of life brought about by commerce fosters the appropriate expressions and sharing of emotions. Imposing Stoicism on a commercial society is therefore imposing an ethic for savages onto a refined society – something to abhor. Smith’s rejection of Stoicism in commercial societies can thus be seen as a defence of commerce.  相似文献   

Alternative development has been concerned with alternative practices of development—participatory and people-centred—and with redefining the goals of development. Mainstream development has gradually been moving away from the preoccupation with economic growth toward a people-centred definition of development, for instance in human development. This raises the question in what way alternative development remains distinguishable from mainstream development—as a roving criticism, a development style, a profile of alternative positions regarding development agency, methodology, epistemology? Increasingly the claim is that alternative development represents an alternative paradigm. This is a problematic idea for four reasons: because whether paradigms apply to social science is questionable; because in development the concern is with policy frameworks rather than explanatory frameworks; because there are different views on whether a paradigm break with conventional development is desirable; and finally because the actual divergence in approaches to development is in some respects narrowing. There is a meaningful alternative development profile or package but there is no alternative development paradigm—nor should there be. Mainstream development is not what it used to be and it may be argued that the key question is rather whether growth and production are considered within or outside the people-centred development approach and whether this can rhyme with the structural adjustment programmes followed by the international financial institutions. Post-development may be interpreted as a neo-traditionalist reaction against modernity. More enabling as a perspective is reflexive development, in which a critique of science is viewed as part of development politics.  相似文献   

In a largely expository style, a typical rural-urban migration problem where urban unemployment is a central issue is modelled as a problem in optimal control. Some of the shortcomings of the Todaro specification of the expectations phenomenon in rural-urban migration are discussed and an alternative specification is presented. The resulting optimal control model is solved in two alternative ways. First, Pontryagin's maximum principle, in spite of all its limitations, is used to generate some of the qualitative properties of the model, and some standard results are formalized. Secondly, a simple differential equation approach is employed to depict some essential qualitative features of the optimal control problem. Finally, some of the limitations of the optimal control model are discussed.  相似文献   

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