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<正>在马来西亚沙巴州西南海岸的红树林保护区,居住着一种珍贵的灵长类野生动物——长鼻猴(proboscis monkey)。长鼻猴有着大得出奇的长鼻子,目前只有在马来西亚婆罗洲的沙巴、沙劳越等地的红树林中才能看到,属于世界濒危动物,也是马来西亚的国宝。  相似文献   

<正>长岛县,烟台下辖县,位于黄渤海交汇处。迷恋海滩风情的旅人自然不应错过山东的迷人景点——长岛。这里风光旖旎,奇特的礁石、洞穴在日出日落的金色光芒中幻化出让人迷醉的景象,让人沉醉在这一场又一场的熔金之景里。天朗气清时,或在渔船上吹着海风飘飘荡荡地流连于海面,或登上九丈崖,看自然的鬼斧神工。山东长岛,凭借着她那奇绝的美,在我心中留下了惊叹与回忆。落日的景象是壮观、美丽而迷人的,尤其多云时会出现灿烂的晚霞。铁当然这样的景色不会天天遇到,还要靠运气。当天下午来到长岛,傍晚到海边渔村就看到了这样绚丽的景观:  相似文献   

<正>扬州王氏是中唐崛起的文化世家,堪称唐代扬州第一望族。尽管扬州人对唐代王播的名字比较熟悉,对"饭后钟""碧纱笼"典故耳熟能详。但对唐代的这个王氏家族则了解不多,尤其对这个家族"一门四进士两宰相"更是知之甚少。王播同其弟王炎、王起皆为进士,侄子王铎也是进士。《嘉庆重修扬州府志》一书收录的唐代扬州进士仅九人,王氏兄弟独占其四。"一门两宰相"也殊为不易,王播和其侄王铎,都曾两度出任唐朝宰相,在扬州历史上尚无先例。王播居官10年,历经唐穆宗、唐敬  相似文献   

The Times was a mid-nineteenth-century newspaper phenomenon, defeating rival London newspapers through its skilful management, advanced technology, greater editorial resources and access to powerful politicians. Its authority enabled it to make and break governments. However, the uniqueness of The Times limits its usefulness as a historical source. This article begins with a brief history of The Times, before analysing how the newspaper remains centre stage in the historiography of journalism and of nineteenth-century culture more broadly, despite the digitization of provincial and other London papers. Over-dependence on The Times, it argues, has exaggerated the significance of London daily newspapers and underplayed the importance of weekly papers, particularly those published outside London. The Times was unusual because it was a metropolitan rather than provincial paper, with a focus on political news and a dearth of lighter, broader content, or news of events around the UK. Using quantitative analysis of recent scholarship, the article demonstrates that unwarranted conclusions are still drawn from over-use of this source and from a wider view that it was representative of nineteenth-century newspapers in general. The conclusion urges a more geographically and culturally nuanced approach to Victorian newspapers, beyond a metropolitan-focused political and cultural history.  相似文献   

The Day in Lhasa     
Procession at Sunup As the sun rises,pilgrims,one after another,come from various directions and gradually form a procession around the Potala Palace.Undeniably,in the short term,this daily procession has been reduced due to the negative impact of the tragedy that occurred on March 14~(th) in Lhasa. Notwithstanding,today it seems everything has returned to normal.  相似文献   

<正>松鼠(Squirrel)是—种常见的野生动物,原产地是我国的东北、西北部以及欧洲地区。一般体型细小,以草食性为主,食物主要是种子和果仁,部分种类以蔬菜、昆虫为食。身手矫健机敏警觉众所周知,啮齿类动物中大部分都是身手矫健、灵活机敏的。而作为啮齿类大家族中一员的松鼠,更是有过之而无不及。但凡见过松鼠的人都会对它们产生非常深刻的印象:上  相似文献   

Previous efforts to determine how many inhabitants of Pennsylvania and other states were of German descent at the taking of the first Federal Census in 1790 have produced estimates that vary greatly. This study presents an improved procedure for using surname analysis to calculate the German stock in post-Revolutionary America, and it offers new data describing the distribution of that group throughout Pennsylvania and the rest of the United States. The revised estimates show that German-Americans were not only the predominant ethnic group in Pennsylvania, but also were dispersed more widely among its counties than had been thought. The study then employs the same methodology to identify localities in other states inhabited by sizeable German communities, in order to trace patterns of internal migration by Pennsylvania Dutch emigrants, and also to provide more accurate information about the group's contribution to 18th-century population growth and frontier expansion.  相似文献   

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