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赵丛苍  祁翔 《文博》2021,(1):45-52
通过对墓地分区和墓葬特征的分析可知,凤翔孙家南头墓群周墓地的墓主至少应由周系族群和广义的殷遗民组成,其中以后者居多。墓地结构反映出这一地区社会亲属关系结构至少分为三个层级。不同亲属集团的墓葬群同处一地,两大族群的文化相互影响。二者人群主体的等级普遍较低,但殷遗民中不乏地位相对稍高者。此外,西周晚期该墓地规模的缩小,很可能与周人对关中西部地区控制力减弱有关。  相似文献   

Much can be learned about the religious ideology and mortuary patterns as well as the demographic and health profiles of a population from archaeological human fetal skeletons. Fetal skeletons are rare, however, largely due to poor preservation and recovery, misidentification, or non‐inclusion in general burial populations. We present an analysis of 82 fetal/perinatal skeletons recovered from Kellis 2, a Roman Period cemetery dated to the third and fourth centuries AD, located in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. Most of the fetal remains were individually wrapped in linen and all were buried among the general cemetery population in a supine, east–west orientation with the head facing to the west. Gestational age estimates are calculated from diaphysis lengths using published regression and Bayesian methods. The overall similarity between the fetal age distributions calculated from the regression and Bayesian methods suggests that the correlation between diaphysis length and gestational age is typically strong enough to avoid the ‘regression’ problem of having the age structure of reference samples adversely affecting the age distribution of target samples. The inherent bias of the regression methods, however, is primarily reflected in the gestational age categories between 36 and 42 weeks corresponding with the expected increase in growth variation during the late third trimester. The results suggest that the fetal age distribution at Kellis 2 does not differ from the natural expected mortality distribution. Therefore, practices such as infanticide can be ruled out as having a significant effect on the observed mortality distribution. Moreover, the Kellis 2 sample is well represented in each gestational age category, suggesting that all premature stillbirths and neonatal deaths received similar burial rites. The age distribution of the Kellis 2 fetal remains suggests that emerging Christian concepts, such as the ‘soul’ and the ‘afterlife’, were being applied to everyone including fetuses of all gestational ages. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖北随州市叶家山西周墓地   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在叶家山西周墓地共发现墓葬65座和马坑1座。出土铜器、陶器、原始瓷器和玉器等遗物700余件套,其中部分铜器上有"曾"、"侯"、"曾侯"和"曾侯谏"等铭文。据器物形制和铜器铭文,该墓地是西周早期曾侯的家族墓地。这对研究汉东西周早期曾鄂、曾楚关系具有重要的学术价值。  相似文献   

ALOS/PALSAR L-band full polarimetric data have been used to detect and characterize a well-defined geometric target hidden under sand deposits in the Western Desert of Egypt. This buried object is rectangular in shape with very straight boundaries and encloses an area of 500 m2. Inside the rectangular area there is a perfectly circular feature of approximately 53 m2 area. High and medium resolution optical satellite images (WorldView-2, ALOS/AVNIR-2) and field investigation confirm that the topography of the study area is relatively flat and completely covered by dry sand. The electromagnetic wave scattering behavior of the detected buried object was measured by decomposing the scattering matrix of ALOS/PALSAR full polarimetric data into Entropy-Alpha (H/α) and Freeman and Durden decompositions. Furthermore, a combination of unsupervised classification algorithms and Constant False-Alarm Rate (CFAR) edge detection was performed on the polarimetric data which revealed a well-defined geometric shape with straight borders. These borders have high α angles with low entropy, which physically means double bounce scattering mechanism with low randomness and is very similar to that of an urban scatterer, indicating that the detected target might be a buried wall-like foundation of a man-made structure. Moreover, 28 ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles were acquired using a 270 MHz shielded antenna to validate the satellite radar remote sensing results. The GPR profiles reveal very clear hyperbolic shapes at 1.5 m depth with one of them showing a large hyperbolic shape-like structure, which might indicate the presence of a buried foundation. Thus the site might have significance to archaeological studies of the Western Desert, particularly previous human occupation and the sources of water for such habitation.  相似文献   

大河口墓地M1034是一座东西向长方形土坑竖穴墓,葬具为一棺一椁,椁下有两根垫木,墓底中部有一腰坑,坑内殉狗一只。墓主头向西,仰身直肢,男性,年龄为18~19岁。随葬品共计691件套,种类有青铜器、陶器、玉器、石器、蚌贝器、骨牙器和漆木器等。其中青铜礼器有鼎3件,簋2件,青铜兵器有戈、矛、剑、镞等,陶器仅有陶鬲1件。墓葬年代为西周中期早段,墓主为霸国中等贵族。  相似文献   

本文在对琉璃河西周燕国墓地玉器进行考古学研究的基础上,结合文献,对西周燕国玉器的使用制度进行了分析考证,认为燕国在西周早期,以组玉佩和葬玉为代表的与礼制相符的用玉制度已见端倪,在中国玉器发展史上占有重要地位。  相似文献   

C. D. Reader 《Archaeometry》2001,43(1):149-165
There are a number of features of weathering and erosion within the enclosure surrounding the Great Sphinx of Giza that suggest the action of flowing water. That this erosion is not uniformly distributed is consistent not with erosion by rainfall per se but by rainfall run‐off—an erosive agent that is known to have been experienced at Giza until the late Fifth Dynasty. When the spatial relationship of various features within the Giza necropolis is considered, the extant erosion indicates that the Sphinx may pre‐date the reign of Khufu, the builder of the first Giza pyramid. The existence of pre‐Fourth Dynasty development at Giza can be inferred from this—support for which is provided by a number of archaeological finds excavated from the site.  相似文献   

Genetic and archaeological evidence suggests that the majority of mummified ritual cats (Felis libyca subsp.) in ancient Egypt carried the t+ allele and exhibited the striped tabby phenotype. A few of these ritual cats, however, appear to be F. chaus subsp., most likely carried the Ta allele and were characterized by the Abyssinian phenotype. Several types of evidence suggest that the Ta allele first became fixed in a Felis sp. population in either southeast Asia or northeast Africa. A number of Felis subspecies appear to be plausible candidates for the population of Ta origin.  相似文献   

神女路墓地位于重庆市巫山县巫峡镇高塘村,现为巫山县新城区,西北部为大巴山脉,东南面距长江1.5公里,是一处时代为秦、两汉时期的中小型墓地。为配合三峡工程和迁建的巫山新城区建设,2000年9月,武汉市文物考古研究所联合重庆市文物考古研究所、巫山县文物管理所,在此进行了抢救性考古发掘。共清理发掘墓葬15座,主要为竖穴土坑墓,竖穴砖室墓和土洞砖室墓三种形制。根据墓葬形制及随葬器物组合,这批墓葬可分为三期六段,是研究峡江地区秦、两汉时期丧葬制度及习俗等重要的考古资料。  相似文献   

An archaeologically-derived example of congenital absence of the ulna and humeroradial synostosis in a prehistoric North American adult female from Moundville, Alabama is presented. That a physically deformed individual could survive to adulthood attests to her ability to physically adjust to the handicap, as well as society's acceptance, support, or at the very least its indulgence, of persons with potentially crippling deformities. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The conservation of the painted Roman-era reliefs in the temple of Deir el Shelwit in Luxor, Egypt, was recently initiated by the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE). As a critical step in a series of preliminary preventive conservation measures undertaken at the temple, a resident bat colony was excluded to control further deterioration of the painted reliefs and stone fabric (Figure 1). In consultation with a bat biologist, a comprehensive humane, low-tech emergency exclusion programme was designed and implemented, which included roost location, behavioural surveys, species identification, sealing of building openings, bat exclusion and the design of an alternate roost site. This programme may serve as a useful example for other conservation projects in Luxor, since it provides much-needed information on the behaviour of local bats, as well as relevant insights gained from the exclusion procedure.  相似文献   

A geophysical survey at the pyramid complex of Senwosret III at Dahshur sought to determine the suitability of magnetometry and electromagnetic induction (EMI, or conductivity) for mapping the area where several ancient boat-burials were found in the 1890s. At least one boat reported at the time of excavation remains unaccounted for. Tests demonstrated that magnetometry does detect subsurface structures of stone, fired brick, and unfired brick under current site conditions. Data indicated areas of geological activity as well as unexcavated archaeological remains, though no definitive traces of boat burials. No excavation was undertaken but another survey season is planned.
© 2009 The Authors  相似文献   

西汉陵邑是以西汉帝后陵为中心建造的专供守陵、护陵和祭祀之用的特别行政区。随着西汉政治经济的发展,陵邑居民构成发生了明显的变化,在政治上强干弱枝以拱卫京师,经济上提高农业技术、增进商业发展,文化上推行教育、提升当地文化素质的同时促进了关中地区民风多样化。本文通过分析西汉各个时期陵邑各类人物地域分布的不同,讨论其历史地理原因及对西汉社会的影响。  相似文献   

2012-2013年,宁波市文物考古研究所等单位对浙江宁波奉化尚桥科技工业园物流中心建设地块进行了抢救性考古发掘,其中清理唐代墓葬19座,出土有"大中二年""大中元祀""唐明州"等字样的铭文砖,为研究区域内唐代丧葬文化提供了新的资料.  相似文献   

晚清士大夫对古埃及史有着浓厚兴趣,就纪年方面,他们把古埃及年代与先秦纪年接榫,在书写过程中表达了自己的历史观,如林则徐在书写埃及史时故意不用武则天纪年。就物质层面,晚清士人对古埃及的金字塔和木乃伊特别关注。就典籍层面,晚清士人被掌握话语霸权的西方人误导,误以为承载古埃及文明的亚历山大图书馆被阿拉伯人焚烧,从而对阿拉伯人口诛笔伐。就文明层面,晚清士人在埃及文明哺育希腊罗马文明的基础上,将拉克伯里"中国人种西来说"进行改造,构建出埃及文明源于中国的说法,这样的西学中源循环说为晚清中国学习西方文明提供理论依据,唐才常、王树楠等人认为西方文明实际上最早发端于中国,我们只是"礼失求诸野"而已。  相似文献   

At the Roman quarry settlement of Mons Claudianus in the Eastern Desert of Egypt extreme aridity has preserved large amounts of organic matter. Amongst the faunal remains were several hundred bird bones, together with feathers and egg shell. The majority of the bird bones have been identified as domestic fowl Gallus gallus. Other species are rare: they include a few passage migrants and resident species. Finds of spurred tarsometatarsi and bones with medullary deposits indicate that both male and female domestic fowl are represented. It is likely that they were transported to the site from the Nile valley alive; some may have been kept at the settlement. Cut marks suggest that some at least were eaten, but the birds may have been used for different purposes, both secular and ritual. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The case reported here refers to the skeletal remains of a mature adult male found in a collective grave known as ‘Giant's tomb’ located near Donori (Sardinia) and dating to the end of the Bronze Age. The skeleton showed bilateral shortening of the forearm associated to radial bowing, marked deformations at the radio‐ulnar distal joints and subsequent posterior dislocation of both ulnae. The whole alterations fit well with a diagnosis of Madelung's deformity, a rare form of mesomelic dysplasia. At present, this case is the most ancient evidence of Madelung's deformity. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over 70 ancient vessels have been discovered by the Institut Européen d'Archéologie Sous‐Marine in the port‐city of Thonis‐Heracleion, Egypt. These were deposited both individually and in groups from the 8th to the 2nd century BC. This paper investigates the contexts of these vessels to suggest that a variety of explanations—shipwrecking, ritual deposition, abandonment, and structural reuse—account for their deposition. It also seeks to place these events within the changing landscape of Thonis‐Heracleion to understand the agency behind many of the decisions about what to do with old ships and boats at the end of their use‐life.  相似文献   

Analysis of the skeleton from tomb 144 of the early medieval necropolis of Vicenne‐Campochiaro in Central Italy revealed several features indicative of leprosy. The skeleton belongs to a male estimated to be between 20 and 25 years of age at death. The distal halves of the 1st and 2nd left metatarsals present acro‐osteolysis and both legs show severe subperiosteal bone reaction. The facial skeleton shows changes compatible with a chronic inflammatory process, possibly due to an infectious disease. The anatomical distribution of the lesions and their association with other skeletal lesions seems to be compatible with a near‐lepromatous form of leprosy. A differential diagnosis is made, and the skeletal traits pathognomonic of leprosy are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

新乡凤凰山战国两汉墓葬分布密集,墓地布局经过严密设计。战国时期墓葬形制主要为土坑竖穴墓。两汉时期墓葬形制为土洞墓和砖室墓两种,墓地划分若干区域,推测每个区域为家族墓地区。  相似文献   

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