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马加是廿世纪三十年代即活跃于坛的名东北籍作家,曾任辽宁省联主席,他大量的小说、诗歌和散作品,不仅描写了东北人民抗战的热情与史实,而且描绘了东北所特有的风土人情。本通过对马加作品的理性分析,从满族化特质角度,揭示出“民族英雄情结”和“故乡草原情结”是其创作意识中的两个基本特征,同时对作家在创作中重视满族民间化,以及重视满族的民族心理和化传统的趋向,作了论述。  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction of modern-world contexts in historical archaeology. To help draw out and understand the social and cultural contexts of capitalism, colonialism, and modernity, and how they may be materially understood, an explanation of the German history of everyday life school (Alltagsgeschichte) is presented. In this approach, the objects of historical study become the everyday cultural interpretations of past people and how these interpretations actively produced and reproduced cultures. This approach is illustrated by a landscape archaeology of the Bordley–Randall site in Annapolis, Maryland.  相似文献   

叶当前 《旅游科学》2008,22(6):49-54
送别诗作为旅游文化的组成元素,对旅游开发有着重要的意义。本文探索古代的祖饯仪式,揭示送别诗的起因,并结合古代文史资料对送别诗进行合理的归类,以期促进送别诗个案的研究与运用,从而推动旅游文学的深度开拓。  相似文献   

方志文化需要明确自身的历史定位和当代定位,以确立创新与发展的方向。当代社会对以地方志为代表的文化信息的巨大需求,通过相应的政治运行体制,特别是地方志的官修体制体现出来,从而决定了地方志是社会主流价值体系和知识体系的重要载体。地方志堪称文化事业中具有最深厚渊源的基因,在信息化时代,它仍然是最权威的官方史料文献之一,是最有保存价值的权威史料。这是新编地方志在当代的文化价值定位,也是地方志在信息爆炸式扩张的时代得以存续的理由。应主动适应时代变化和要求,对地方志的功能定位和工作机制做出新的理解。摆脱地方志困境的唯一出路是着力于功能创新、内涵创新、机制创新和学科建设,实现转型升级,使地方志真正发挥其社会主流价值文化载体的功能。  相似文献   

西津渡是古代长江下游的重要渡口,相关史料主要涉及历史事件、渡口建设和官设机构等方面.西津渡遗址考古发掘揭示了千年古渡的历史面貌和演变轨迹,其文化价值体现在对我国交通史的重要性、遗址时空的完整性以及文化景观的独特性等三方面.  相似文献   

Meaning is conveyed by context. Northern landscapes associated with oral traditions provide rich contexts for understanding archaeological features and their spatial and temporal distribution. At the same time, traditional knowledge, including place names, is supported by the persistence of an integral archaeological landscape. The lower Kazan River, Nunavut Territory, Canada, preserves a record of land use for a hunting-trapping society in archaeological remains and traditional knowledge. The record shows that traditions of knowledge are manifest in the archaeological landscape. These traditions include commemoration of people and events in monuments, enduring practices (land skills) that are associated with a traditional time, and principles of spatial differentiation and orientation based on relations between people and caribou.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the use of military or militarized experts for cultural property protection (CPP) during times of conflict. CPP activities generally take place within a juridical framework that gives obligations for all parties involved, primarily the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and attention is paid to various implications and challenges that occur when implementing military CPP obligations within this framework. To illustrate matters, the paper details a speci?c case study from the author’s own ?eld experience in the safeguarding of the archaeological site of Uruk in Iraq. Aspects, including economic, legal, ?nancial, and educational implications, are presented and these are especially relevant since they apply (to an extent) to other situations, such as the recent cultural disasters in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. The Uruk case study is used to suggest a number of key elements that are vital for the implementation of an effective CPP strategy in the context of military operations. Overall, the importance of international cooperation, training, and education, along with the assistance of civil reach-back capabilities, is emphasized. The paper argues that an effective way to protect Cultural Property during armed conflicts is through military channels and with military logistics and tools. To ful?l CPP in agreement with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) joint preparations in peacetime are necessary. The handover of military initiated CPP projects to civil authorities has to take place as soon as the situation permits. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations.  相似文献   

孟姜女传说的“在地化”研究虽然在研究范式和材料方面为民间文学研究提供了一个新的思路并注入了新的活力,但目前的一些“在地化”研究成果多把孟姜女传说置于宏观的中华民族文化与社会背景之中进行分析,极少涉及孟姜女传说文本的微观区域语境,这样就很难注意到传说与民间生活的相互依存关系,也就很难将传说的内在特征与作为语境的乡土社会做结构性的互文阐释。基于此,本文将以在山东省淄博市淄河镇8村搜集到的22则孟姜女传说文本为例,尝试着将其置于当地村落语境中,从当地村民生活出发予以解读,进而在此基础上探讨乡民对于自身文化文本的理解方式。  相似文献   

在公共文化服务的背景下,博物馆在未来的文化建设中将发挥更加重要的作用,在承载民族文化记忆、促进民族文化传承、助力优秀文化传播、推动公共文化共享等方面的社会责任都有新的扩展。  相似文献   

International law provides for a framework for protecting cultural heritage during armed conflict and for punishing those who transgress these principles. If understood within its limitations of dependence on state ratification and enforcement, international law protects cultural heritage by providing guidelines to those who wish to conform and by punishing after the fact those who deliberately destroy cultural heritage. Recent movement toward ratification of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its protocols by the major military powers should afford greater protection to cultural heritage in future conflicts.  相似文献   

本文根据良渚文化墓葬与居址的分布等特征,认为良渚文化核心家庭已成为有真正独立地位的社会组织良渚文化这一独特的社会组织形态的产生是与其社会分层运动同步进行的,其本身则已成为社会演进的最好标识  相似文献   

文物信息可视化是"让文物活起来"的重要途径,其关键是对信息的分类、管理、阐释、共享与创新.在数字人文视阈下,针对当前文物信息表达的同质化和浅层化现象,博物馆等文化遗产机构应该突破简单的复原展示瓶颈,从元数据标准与可持续开源数据集的科学构建、文物信息阐释的多主体参与、信息与数字技术的深度融合三个层次,推进对文物信息可视化的实践探索.通过以数据为导向完善基础设施建设、实施机构联动延伸信息维度、调动公众积极性参与知识共享等举措,借助集成性、自适应性和泛在化的数据转化过程和信息可视化模式,协调博物馆、文物、公众与技术之间的关系,提高文物信息应用与服务能力,提升可视化展示质量,为同类型展示提供可复制性方案.  相似文献   

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