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译者按:下面之译文是德国驻华军事顾问对1937年"八一三事变"爆发后所发生之上海战役(我方常称之谓淞沪会战或上海会战)及其随后撤退时日军追逐占所撰写的两篇报告,可能呈送给德国陆军总司令部,作为研究中、日两国军力与在远东所进行之战争的真相或特留之参考.  相似文献   

穷人子弟农宝央,遭强征壮丁入伍桂系国民党军,参加抗战,后随军驻海南。内战初,在莱芜被解放军收编,参加济南战役、孟良崮战役、淮海会战、渡江战役和解放上海战役。抗美援朝初,随志愿军第二十六军某团炮连急赴长津湖地区参战后被冻伤,短暂回国治疗又入朝归队。本文借这位当时不识字的普通士兵之视角,一窥那个年代基层士兵的境况,国共军队各有什么不同,战争环境的严酷……  相似文献   

武健华 《百年潮》2011,(9):23-27
1949年上海战役时,我和济南特别市军事管制委员会公安局的一些同事南下,参与了接管国民党上海市警察局的工作。虽然60多年过去了,但当时的情形仍不时浮现在眼前。  相似文献   

叶晖南 《神州》2008,(11):30-34
月浦——一块难啃的硬骨头上海是中国近现代以来重要的工商业城市,也是有名的国际化大都市。它既是中国共产党的诞生地,也是蒋介石的发祥地。上海战役发起之前,不论敌我,都对这一  相似文献   

通过对"长白山"名称的辨析,本文认为不成山是长白山最古老的称谓,其含义即是色白似盐而不成.徒太山、太白山等是长白山的别称,而盖马大山、单单大岭是指不相同的山脉,与长白山无关.<三国史记>中的"太白山"和<三国遗事>中的"太伯山"之所指皆不是长白山."白头山"与"长白山"在朝鲜文献中含义较为复杂,但当指称中国境内之长白山时,二者并无区别.  相似文献   

乡土志是乡土教科书之"名",乡土志的"实"是近代初等小学历史、地理、格致三科的乡土教学内容,它的"名"与"实"俱与地方志有本质的不同,不能与方志同归属.  相似文献   

一、下帐渊源及名称 "下帐"之名称最早见于<隋书>中关于后周静帝宇文衍的一段描述:后周大象元年,静帝宇文衍规定车、服制度,"又造下帐,如送终之具,令五皇后各居其一,实宗庙祭器于前,帝亲读版而祭之,……."①此后,新、旧唐书本、传记、唐会要中亦有下帐之说.最明确其称谓来源者属<资治通鉴>:"下帐,山陵中便房所用.此所谓下帐,盖周天元以自所居者为上帐,五皇后所居者为下帐也."②此条将"上帐"与"下帐"的来源、区别交代的清楚明了.故日"下帐"一词源于后周.时静帝造下帐仅为与五皇后嬉戏丧葬,因之,下帐的使用与丧葬直接关联.  相似文献   

27军在济南、上海战役和朝鲜战场上刨下多个"第一",《渡江侦察记》原型出自该部队中国人民解放军第27集团军,隶属北京军区,军部驻地为河北省石家庄市。在中国人民解放军各集团军中,第27集团军的成军时间较晚,但战功非同一般,有着不可磨灭的光荣记录。  相似文献   

毛键 《钟山风雨》2015,(3):52-53
孙中山先生不但是伟大的革命家,同时也是一位医学家、营养学家和美食家.他在《建国方略》中写道:"……烹调之术本于文明而生,非深孕于文明之种族,则辨味不精;辨味不精,则烹调之术不妙.中国烹调之妙,亦足表文明进化之深也."中山先生认为, 中国烹饪全球第一.  相似文献   

吕小满 《民俗研究》2007,(1):145-163
上个世纪40年代,闻一多先生《说鱼》1一文在考释"鱼"字的隐义时附带谈及"鹭",将鱼、鹭两者释为男女关系的两方,这应该是"鹭"与其他象征之错综复杂关系的一个方面.本文认为"鹭"的杂多象征关系中还有一个被以往学者已注意到但尚未展开的方面,即鹭与舞、鹭与鼓的关系.  相似文献   

This article argues against the dominant Anglophone and Francophone interpretation of Fichte, which reads him as advancing either a form of ethnic or cultural nationalism. It claims that what is missing from the current reception of Fichte is the essentially philosophical and cosmopolitan character of his nationalism – the fact that the Addresses to the German Nation uses non‐empirical and cosmopolitical concepts to develop and articulate its nationalistic viewpoint. It therefore claims that the notion of a national philosophical idiom that the Addresses present, far from being a screen for its nationalism, is its driving engine. It does this by considering the problems of translating the German locution ist unsers Geschlechts. Consequently, it is claimed that the cosmo‐nationalism of Fichte is not reducible to a set of claims regarding ethnicity or even the empirical world, even if a discourse on the organismic, on what counts as life, irreducibly haunts the Addresses.  相似文献   


The former Conservative and Unionist prime minister, Arthur Balfour, contributed an article in 1912 to the German magazine Nord und Süd in which he explained why the ‘English point of view’s viewed Germany with ‘deep uneasiness’s. His theme was the role of narrative in Anglo-German relations: British anxieties stemmed from the interpretation that people ‘have thought themselves obliged to place upon a series of facts, or supposed facts, each of which taken by itself might be of small moment, but which taken together can neither be lightly treated nor calmly ignored’s. The building of a large fleet, the arms race, the demands for territory, and the threats to Europe's small states, notably the Netherlands and Belgium, made an Anglo-German war appear increasingly likely. If Germany wanted to improve relations with Britain, Balfour concluded, it had to prove its love for peace by co-operating with other states. A longer narrative underlay the famous memorandum written five years earlier by the head of the western department of the foreign office, Eyre Crowe. For him, the ‘maintenance of a state of tension and antagonism between Third Powers’s had characterized German foreign policy since the time of Prince Bismarck, whose bid for colonies had been an act of ‘direct and unmistakable hostility’s to Britain. By the time Crowe put pen to paper, in January 1907, German antagonism had become a feature in the landscape of British foreign policy-makers.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to discuss various points of interest concerning the pilgrimages to Jerusalem which started from the German Empire during and after the Crusader period. On the basis of a comprehensive critical investigation, it will be demonstrated that by reason of extremely high travel expenses, most pilgrims decided against going on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is pointed out to what extent the noble and non-noble pilgrims from the Empire who planned the journey to Jerusalem would have to take into consideration their legal and moral obligations toward their feudal lords or local communities. It will be shown that most German pilgrims' ignorance of foreign languages furthered the cohesion and isolation of their travel parties on the road to Syria. As may be proved, they were not ready to adapt themselves to unusual manners and customs and had a remarkable penchant for violence. Finally, it will be demonstrated that the presence of German pilgrims ready to give donations or to pay for an indulgence must always have been a very important economic factor for some of the religious communities in Jerusalem.  相似文献   

From the German attack on Poland, the political aims of National Socialist ideology replaced other considerations in the field of counterinsurgency. This tendency escalated during the following years, with the invasion of the Soviet Union as the key turning point. The fighting at the front and against insurgents became interconnected with the destruction of the European Jews, and the radicalisation of the German approach provoked further resistance from underground movements throughout Europe. In the form of a literature review that presents the current state of research on six operational areas (Poland, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, and the Soviet Union), this article argues that German counterinsurgency policy between 1939 and 1945 combined military necessity, ideology, and mentality in a way that facilitated genocide.  相似文献   

第三阶段 日本向西进攻及稍后朝南方直至中国撤退至苏州河对岸后 9月12日--10月26日 中国方面分段与指挥关系之调整  相似文献   

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