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王文仙 《世界历史》2004,2(4):39-45
殖民地时期墨西哥大庄园是在特殊条件下兴起和发展起来的 ,殖民地的整体经济发展变迁影响着大庄园的发展。大庄园在追求赢利性的同时也保持着某种自给自足的特征。这种特征是对商业和市场形势做出的反应 ,是自我调整的结果。  相似文献   

公益捐是俄国村社为满足自身的经济、社会、文化等方面的公共需求而自主募集的资金。它是俄国村社自古以来的传统,也是村社财权最稳定、最可靠的保障。1928年初"粮食收购危机"爆发后,在斯大林"贡税论"的引导下,为给国家工业化建设提供资金,苏联政府采取将村社公益捐收归国有的政策,并借此迫使农民向国家售粮。尽管这一政策遭到广大农民的激烈抵抗,但在国家机器强力干预下,公益捐被迫变成地方税,最终导致村社财权丧失。其结果是,动摇了村社自治的经济基础,削弱了村社的公共服务功能,增强了村苏维埃的行政管理能力,加强了苏联政府对农村基层的管控,有利于农业全盘集体化的推行。  相似文献   

根据墨西哥宪法,墨西哥最基本的土地所有和使用制度主要有三种形式:小土地所有制,公社土地所有制和村社土地所有制。前两者,我国学者都很熟悉,且有不少论著述及。对村社却鲜有所闻,特别是墨西哥的村社制度。事实上,村社制是墨西哥农村中广泛存在的土地占有和使用制度,也是墨西哥农村中独特的政治和社会组织形式。半个多世纪来,村社在保持墨西哥社会的稳定和农村经济的不断发展中起着不可替代的作用。从村社的产生和发展,我们可以清晰地看出几十年来墨西哥农村的深刻变革。  相似文献   

王文仙 《世界历史》2005,2(5):84-92
殖民地时期墨西哥大庄园普遍实行债役雇农制。这种劳动制度是在殖民地社会内部商品经济和市场发育程度低下,没有能够形成自由劳动力市场的条件下形成的,是一种具有超经济强制特征的剥削方式和封建性的剥削制度。  相似文献   

本文主要研究18至21世纪初俄国农民群体的财产不平等问题。作者认为,财产不平等问题研究的理论方法和评价标准均需要重新思考。社会学和经济学等领域的不平等系数优点在于,人们可以据以测量不平等程度。然而,其缺点是只能测定相对的不平等,不能测定绝对的不平等。对俄国三百年间主要是农民群体的财产不平等问题的研究,集中于不平等程度差异。研究表明,这一时期俄国农民群体的财产不平等程度与英美等国家相比并不严重,但由于生产力水平较低、自给自足的自然经济力量强大、村社传统绵延不断,俄国农民对财产不平等问题十分敏感。这正是俄国社会矛盾激化的重要根源。  相似文献   

张勇 《沧桑》2015,(1):10-13,28
互助组是农业合作化运动时期最初阶段的合作经济组织。由于互助组建立在平等自愿基础之上,组员之间互通有无,对于解决农民生产资料缺乏和劳动力不足,调动农民的生产积极性,发展农业生产,增加农民收入,都起过良好作用,经济绩效较为显著。但也有少数互助组管理混乱,内部矛盾重重,导致生产下滑。  相似文献   

罗爱林 《史学月刊》2007,19(11):69-75,81
18世纪初,俄国确立等级义务兵役制,农民的兵役义务由此产生。兵役虽属国家义务,但国家并不直接从事征兵活动,而是由农村公社来实施。村社在选派新兵时力求遵循平均主义原则。随着农村商品经济的发展,村社内部的富裕农民开始从实体人充实军队的义务中解脱出来,这是农村社会分化的标志。兵役义务不仅是地主进行农奴制统治的重要方式,而且是农奴主和村社惩罚"不顺从"农民、"纯洁"农村社会成分、"保持社会稳定"的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

韩琦 《史学理论研究》2000,2(4):106-118
殖民地时期拉丁美洲社会究竟是封建主义的还是资本主义的?这是国内外史学界颇有争议的问题。一种是传统的观点,认为拉美是封建主义的,这种封建主义是欧洲封建主义的移植:西班牙国王利用类似采邑制的委托监护制将被征服地区的土地和土地上的印第安人分配给殖民者,由此兴起了大庄园制,自给自足的大庄园盛行债役农制,是封建主义的基础。另一种是A.G.弗兰克的观点,他强调自欧洲征服起,拉美地区的经济就深深地卷入了资本主义世界市场,  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,全球经济一体化模式正逐渐推进,在此发展背景下,传统农业种植模式已无法满足现代社会发展需求,需充分结合现代互联网技术,创新农业发展模式。那么在农业现代化发展进程中,受传统农民作业思维的影响,在极大程度上抑制了农业经济的发展,为此,文章综合分析互“联网 ”视域下,培育高素质农民的有效路径,希望能为优化农业生产模式提供参考性建议。  相似文献   

在内战后,美国南部的农业经济走向衰落,农民经济上处于贫困,由于战前财富的主要来源于出口的棉花,战后依旧大规模的投入棉花生产,导致生产过剩。而战时的北部贸易封锁,棉花生产得不到有力的销售,人们经济积累减少,买不起必需品,国内市场萎缩,人民购买力不足,粮食生产不能自给自足,仍需要进口,更不要说改进农业生产技术、大规模生产机械化。进入了一个恶性循环。本文就美国国内市场对南部农业发展产生的影响作以讨论。  相似文献   

国家银行业务在农村的延伸是新中国乡村借贷关系转型和现代化的标志之一。建国初期,为了活跃农村金融,促进农村经济的恢复与发展,国家大力举办了农贷。这一时期,国家农贷在规模上是逐年增加的,在发放对象上倾向照顾农村合作经济组织和广大贫困农民,在贷款利率上有逐年下降的趋势,在贷款用途上绝大部分是为了解决农民的生产困难。总体上看,国家农贷作为建国初期人民政府扶持和发展农村经济的重要措施之一,对当时农民的生产经营和农村经济的发展发挥了重要作用,但也存在一定的缺陷和不足。  相似文献   

陈勇勤 《安徽史学》2007,(1):110-115
中国农民包括小农、大农、雇农三大类.黄宗智的中国小农"三幅面孔"统一体说,事实上是个随意拼凑的"创见".经营式农场主、雇农都不在小农范畴,"三幅面孔"只能和富农、自耕农、佃农相关.经营式农场主和雇农二者所构成的一种生产方式,根本就不能用来反映中国小农经济的内部结构以及受其影响小农经济所表现出来的某种状态.中国小农"三幅面孔"统一体说提出的目的,在很大程度上是为了把经营式农场主、富农、自耕农、佃农、雇农都被包含在小农范畴.由于和农业商品化联系最密切的是经营式农场主-雇农生产方式,所以考察农业商品化、世界经济、帝国主义等对中国小农经济的影响,就需要把经营式农场作为主要研究对象.  相似文献   

Historians have recently argued that by the late Middle Ages a number of Mediterranean economies, notably southern Italy and parts of Spain, stood in a “colonial” relationship vis-à-vis other Mediterranean or northern European regions. For Sicily it has been argued that its economy was based on the exchange of agricultural products, principally grain, for imported manufactures, mainly textiles. Sicilian cloth manufactures were too weak to withstand foreign competition, which created an unbalanced and externally dependent structure of exchange and radically curtailed any chance of autochthonous economic development. This article discusses the empirical evidence upholding these statements about Sicilian textile manufactures. It includes an evaluation of the proportion of foreign imports to local production and consumption, of the socially distinct markets to which foreign and local manufactures catered, and of the nature, quality and extent of local production; the discussion is set in the context of the economic and social transformations taking place in Europe after 1350. The final part briefly analyses the institutional structures and constraints peculiar to Sicilian manufacture, such as the relationship between city and countryside and the apparent lack of any craft organizations. In the light of the extensive evidence for textile manufactures, the author concludes that the empirical basis for the argument that Sicily had a “colonial” dependence on cloth imports is insufficient, that local manufacture was quite capable of withstanding foreign competition of comparable quality, and that the explanation for Sicily's economic development in the late medieval and modern periods must be sought in its own social structures and in the result of the conflicts that arose within them.  相似文献   

近年来,延安市农民人均纯收入一直低于全国平均水平,城乡居民收入差距也不断扩大。为改变这一局面,延安市政府实施了生态移民工程,进行了农业产业结构调整。这些措施在一定程度上改善了农民的生活水平,但是,制约农民收入增长的根本性障碍仍然存在。只有促进高附加值农业的可持续发展、鼓励农村剩余劳动力的外出就业和使农村非农产业实现较快发展,才能建立起农民收入的可持续增长机制。  相似文献   

中国的社会主义三大改造是与市场调节机制退出经济运行同步进行的。而市场调节机制从农村经济退出的表现之一就是自由市场的关闭。陈云最早发现了由此产生的严重弊端,并提出了在国家计划市场为主体的前提下,开放农村自由市场。这个设想的付诸实施,也确实活跃了城乡经济。但是自由市场在短缺的条件下,必然会对高积累和农副产品统购统销产生冲击,同时也为农民脱离集体经营和集体经济进而脱离国家计划控制提供了空间。因此,在1957年社会主义教育运动之后自由市场就又被关闭了。尽管如此,这次短暂的探索不仅为后来的改革积累了历史经验,而且使人们认识到如果没有生产环节的变革,仅有流通环节的改革是行不通的。  相似文献   

This paper examines points during the 1930s in which the colonial state in Nyasaland attempted and failed to bring groundnuts more into the colonial export economy. Nyasaland colonial officials, the Department of Agriculture, European export companies and the British Colonial Office attempted to establish the groundnut as an ‘economic crop’ for African smallholder farmers in the Northern Province of Nyasaland in the 1930s. Their failure was in part due to competing and conflicting interests: payment of hut taxes, reduction of millet production, improvement of food security, payment of railway costs, and reduction of migration. Farmers actively resisted colonial efforts to sell groundnuts to European buyers. The paper addresses the question: how can we understand the nature of colonial state power in relation to Nyasaland peasant agricultural practices in the 1930s? I argue that conflicting interests within the colonial state, as well as external constraints led to efforts to both stabilize and exploit the Nyasaland farmer in the Northern Province. These competing agendas helped lead to a failed effort at groundnut promotion. Colonial officials' actions were linked to ideas about gender, ethnicity and migration. Lack of colonial scientific knowledge about groundnuts, including their gendered role in the local food system contributed to the failure. The focus on groundnuts is a lens through which to understand the nature of colonial power in Nyasaland and the role of agricultural science in the colonial state. The paper contributes to broader discussions about multiple historical geographies of colonialism, the nature of African colonial states, and the relationship of African farmers to colonial states.  相似文献   

Focussing on the cotton improvement projects in Dharwar, western India, that exemplified the modernising aims of colonial agriculture in nineteenth-century India, this article interrogates the architecture of cotton imperialism in the colonised world through the conceptual lens of political ecology. In particular, it brings to the fore the crucial dimension of climate both as an element in colonial thinking and planning, and as a dynamic force impacting on the cultivation of transplanted American cotton. The climate of Dharwar was not quite what the cotton authorities had constructed it to be, and it was, moreover, undergoing change due to the impact of regional deforestation. Furthermore, the article shows how this failure to come to terms with local climate conditions and changes was symptomatic of a broader failure to consider the overall agricultural livelihoods of peasant cultivators. Apart from a brief period when prices were artificially high, peasants much preferred growing the accustomed indigenous cotton rather than the new exotic variety. In turn, cotton was less of a priority than the production of millet food crops. By exploring the ways in which climatic conditions interacted with the economic, social and technological processes of cotton production in Dharwar, this article highlights why American cotton cultivation failed to meet colonial expectations during this period while also revealing the fragile architectural edifice of colonial power.  相似文献   

Using the political culture analysis method, this paper discusses the origin, contents and functions of the agriculture encouragement system of the Song dynasty, which originated from the pre-Qin period (221–207 BC). The main content of this system in its early stage is that in the early Spring days, the king symbolically ploughed a piece of land near the suburbs of his capital in order to send to his subjects a clear message of the importance he attached to agriculture. It was expected that peasants would be encouraged by his majesty’s guidance, and thus agricultural production of the countryside would be promoted. With the rationalization of the political system since the Qin period, agricultural encouragement gradually became a routine work of the Chinese governments at different levels. Under the Northern Song dynasty (960–1127), “agricultural encouragement envoy” was added to the official rank of heads of counties and prefectures. They each were required to take the responsibility of persuading peasants in their jurisdiction to work harder in the field. The actual work as an “agricultural encouragement envoy” in the Song dynasty was to go to the countryside to reward peasants with food and wine in early February, and to write an essay to express his encouragement, and to distribute it to the peasants. Formalistic as it is, the agricultural encouragement system is a typical manifestation of the traditional Chinese political culture. As one of its social impacts on the Song society, it helped the spread of advanced agricultural technology with its institutional basis. __________ Translated from: Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao, Renwen Shehui Kexue Ban 浙江大学学报: 人文社会科学版 (Journal of Zhejiang University, Humanities and Social Science), No. 1, 2004  相似文献   

近代长江中下游地区农村典当三题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐畅 《安徽史学》2005,1(3):53-59
典当是中国农村重要的金融机关,与其它借贷相比,利息较低,属于温和的高利贷.典当与农村经济和农民生活关系密切,它不仅是农民重要的融资机构,而且还是连接都市金融与农村金融的桥梁,对农村金融运转有重要的作用.  相似文献   

"两个飞跃"是一个完整的历史过程,实现第二个飞跃是农业发展的方向和必然趋 势。河南农村共同致富的典型--刘庄、南街、竹林,从发展村镇企业入手,促进农业现代化生 产,增强集体经济实力,并且在农民收入增加的过程中,集体收入比重占据绝对优势。这种既适应 了科学种田和生产社会化需要、又推动了适度规模经营和集体经济发展的成功实践,充分说明了 "两个飞跃"思想的科学性。  相似文献   

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