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土族民间有许多精通土族民居文化这门艺术的木匠,在他们娴熟的技艺下,一座座被当地老乡称之为“大房”的民居就盖了出来。“大房”的种类因地域的差别其分类方法略有不同。有的地方分四种之多,有的地方却只有  相似文献   

欧元贬值,加上6月下旬至7月中旬是欧洲大多数国家的全面减价折扣季,使得现在持币入场的中国人全面享受旅游和购物的双重优惠!精明的“购物狂”们早就计划就绪,怎么利用欧元“8”时代和商品差价让自己的欧洲之旅成为超值之旅:  相似文献   

Extension of hedonic modeling strategy to the case of apartment rents in the Dallas region reveals the influence of a complex network of activity centers and highway axes. Nodes other than the CBD exert greater influence on rents than the CBD and amenity variables and externalities have both positive and negative effects. These findings demand reevaluation of the place normally assigned to higher-density rental housing in urban models.  相似文献   

DuringarecentvisittoLhasa,Iwentwindowshoppingforacoupleofdays,andwasverymuchimpressedbythewell-stockedmarketsthere.PURNITUREWORLD.Iwentintoafurni-turemarketontheBejingRoadEast.The300-metersectionoftheroadisflankedbyestablishmentsofferingmorethan300kindsofTibetan-stylefurniture,includingcabinets,teatablesanddesks.Alsoavailablearekardiancushionsembroideredwithflowerandbirdpatterns.Therearealsocushionsembroideredwithreli-giouspattemsintendedtodispeltheevilspirits.Weenjoybriskbusiness,s…  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the social geographies of people with intellectual disabilities. We focus particular attention on the significance of shopping and spaces of consumption as they relate to questions social inclusion and belonging in the lives of PWID. The focus on consumption offers a useful counterpoint to a prevailing policy emphasis on social inclusion through productive activities. The paper also contributes to the literature on intellectual disability within social and health geography, shedding light on the varied socio-spatial experiences of people beyond the confines of community-care facilities and other separate spaces. Our analysis draws on data collected from a participatory research project in Toronto (Canada). The project involved a small but diverse group of people with intellectual disabilities, who led academic researchers on a series of excursions designed to explore those places and routes that make up their everyday social geographies. Shopping emerged as a significant but often ambivalent theme in the context of these geographies, and the analysis demonstrates the complex interplay of autonomy and control, pleasure and restraint, care and support that shape people’s experiences of consumption. We conclude by discussing the significance of these findings for notions of social inclusion and belonging.  相似文献   

Drawing on the Marxian theory of ground rent, this paper develops an analysis of “global commodity chains” (GCCs) with agrarian roots. There is an acknowledgement that the concentrated downstream governance of primary commodity‐based GCCs has created a set of “asymmetrical” power relations which blocks the transmission of value upstream towards small producers. This paper argues that this research under‐specifies what is meant by value and rent, and in doing so marginalises the analysis of value production before its journey through inter‐firm relations. We demonstrate the importance of theorising the value constitution of commodities produced on the land and the forces that contest the payment of ground rent and thereby shape the geography of GCCs. Based on empirical research conducted around Ecuador's “post‐neoliberal” cocoa re‐activation plan, we identify the class politics and production mechanisms through which value and rent escapes the hands of a stratified network of small owner producers.  相似文献   

1 从网购看中国消费摩根士丹利大中华区首席经济学家乔红分析中国11月一组增长超出预期的数据,即淘宝和天猫在“双十一”(俗称光棍节)促销期间销售额达191亿元,同比增长267%。对比美国感恩节后的“网络星期一”的网络促销盛宴,也创出了同比增幅17%、总额接近14.7亿美元的佳绩。  相似文献   

The overall pattern of home values in metropolitan Halifax has been strongly influenced by the early (mid-nineteenth-century) establishment of a prestige sector in the South End. This sector failed to develop outward due to the barrier of the Northwest Arm, which, paradoxically, was not bridged, since to have done so would have marred the original attraction of the sector. While nearly all ‘exclusive’ housing remains in pockets on or near the Arm, new prestige housing areas have been developed in the suburbs, wherever fine settings and the absence of wartime shacks allow. In particular, the presence of extensive ‘low-value’ tracts south of Armdale has forced most new high-value developments in Halifax to the north mainland. Finally, while public housing has tended only to reinforce the low-value pattern established by 1950, publicly funded land developments, particularly Forest Hills, have created large peripheral areas of below-median value.  相似文献   

A permanent dockyard for the Royal Navy was begun in the Bermudas when Ireland Island was purchased in 1809. This article describes the construction between 1822 and 1831 of a house for the Commissioner. Designed by Edward Holl and completed by George Ledwell Taylor, it is notable for its extensive use of cast and wrought iron, possibly the first such use in a residential building of this size.  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars have focused on how affective life becomes implicated in biopolitical interventions in a variety of spaces, including spaces of consumption. Less has been said about how the emotional domain also becomes a space of biopolitics. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork at a mall in Buenos Aires, this paper attends to this link and outlines a methodology that generates insight into the layers of intimacy that help shape these social and political spaces. What I am calling images of critical intimacy point to how these biopolitical spaces may be operating today and also what their limits appear to be.  相似文献   

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