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Porcelain sauceboats excavated from a privy with a late 18th century (1786 or later) context at Independence National Historical Park (INHP) are anomalously Al-rich compared with previously analysed Anglo-American sulphurous phosphatic wares. Apart from their S content, they are most similar to phosphatic Wm Reid porcelain (Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, c. 1755–67, and its branch at Shelton, Staffordshire) in terms of their major element constituents, but they contain heavy minerals (e.g., TiO2 polymorphs) and in this regard resemble a dated (1773) silicious-aluminous-calcic (S-A-C) Bonnin and Morris porcelain (Philadelphia) openwork porcelain basket. In terms of morphology and composition, some TiO2 polymorphs in the 1773 basket match those from clay from White Clay Creek, Delaware, a resource reputedly exploited by Bonnin and Morris. Their high Nb/Cr ratios indicate derivation from a metapelitic (or granitic pegmatite) source. So too do some from the INHP sauceboats, although others are chrome-rich (∼1% Cr2O3), indicating a mafic source. The bedrock beneath White Clay Creek includes metasediments, granitic pegmatite, and metabasites (e.g., of the Wissahickon Formation), pointing to a local source for the TiO2 polymorphs in the porcelains described here. Although the evidence for a Bonnin and Morris provenance for the INHP sauceboats is circumstantial, their enrichment in heavy minerals, unusual – perhaps experimental – compositions, and aesthetic characteristics nonetheless suggest a Philadelphia origin for these artifacts. The compositions of 18th century Philadelphia porcelain support the contention that knowledge of phosphatic and S-A-C pastes originating in London was transferred first to Staffordshire and Liverpool, and then to Philadelphia, perhaps via a potter by the name of Wm Ball.  相似文献   

This study explores the feasibility of using strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analyses of enamel from domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) to investigate networks of exchange in the prehistoric Circum‐Caribbean. Dog teeth were obtained from burial and domestic contexts from two prehistoric sites (Anse à la Gourde and Morel) on Grande‐Terre, Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). Strontium isotope results were compared with local biosphere 87Sr/86Sr data at the scale of the site, island and archipelago. The isotope results indicate both local and nonlocal origins with three dogs (30%) identified as nonlocal (one from Anse à la Gourde and two from Morel). The variance in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the nonlocal dog teeth is consistent with diverse multiple origins external to the island of Grande‐Terre but consistent with origins from other islands of the Lesser Antilles. The diverse origins of the nonlocal dog samples indicate that the prehistoric circulation of dogs occurred at multiple scales from regional to long distance. Significantly, the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of some of the dog teeth are comparable with values of nonlocal humans at Anse à la Gourde determined in previous studies. It is possible that these comparable 87Sr/86Sr ratios result from similar natal origins, for example if individuals were migrating to Guadeloupe with dogs. The results of this study contribute to an ongoing regional investigation of the economic, social and political roles of animals and animal remains and the multiscalar networks of prehistoric mobility and exchange in the Circum‐Caribbean region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

白底黑花装饰风格的瓷器,始终是陶瓷、科技界和陶瓷爱好者关注的热点。临水窑(磁州窑)与介休窑白底黑花风格的瓷器之间有着密切的联系,但是对于两窑产品的科技分析甚少,至于两者的对比研究更是无从谈起。因此,本工作利用岩相分析、SEM-EDS等方法分析了临水窑(磁州窑)、介休窑样品的瓷胎、化妆土及瓷釉的化学成分和显微结构。比较分析显示,两窑样品的瓷胎均为低硅高铝配方,且介休窑瓷胎中的Al2O3含量更高;两窑瓷胎粗糙,Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高,致使其呈浅黄色。瓷胎表面均施有化妆土,所不同的是,介休窑的瓷胎表面施有两层化妆土,其靠近釉的一层化妆土(h2),Fe2O3、TiO2含量极低,靠近胎的一层化妆土(h1),Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高;临水窑样品的瓷胎表面仅施一层化妆土,其Fe2O3、TiO2含量较低,但高于介休窑近釉层化妆土中的相应含量。介休窑瓷釉为典型的高钙釉,而临水窑则为典型的碱钙釉和钙碱釉。不难认识到,介休窑似在临水窑白底黑花及化妆土工艺的基础上,因地制宜,勇于创新,形成了成本低廉、技术先进的两层化妆土工艺,在当地原料较为粗糙的条件下,生产出质量较好的白底釉下彩绘瓷器。  相似文献   

The microstructures of porcelain and stoneware bodies from north and south China, spanning the period from the Tang to the Ming dynasty (7th–17th centuries ad ), were examined in polished sections in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) after etching the sections with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Mullite, present as fine, mainly elongated crystals, is the dominant crystalline phase observed. The bulk chemical compositions of the bodies are determined by energy‐dispersive spectrometry in the SEM, and the relative amounts of mullite and quartz present in the different ceramics are estimated from X‐ray diffraction measurements. Mullite formed from areas of kaolinitic clay, mica particles and feldspar particles is distinguished through a combination of the arrangement of the mullite crystals, and the associated SiO2/Al2O3 wt% concentration ratios. It is shown that very different microstructures are observed in ceramic bodies produced using kaolinitic clay from north China (Ding porcelain and Jun stoneware), porcelain stone from south China (qingbai and underglaze blue porcelain and Longquan stoneware), and stoneware clays from south China (Yue and Guan stonewares). Therefore, SEM examination of HF‐etched, polished sections of the bodies of high‐refractory ceramics has considerable potential for investigating the raw materials used in their production.  相似文献   

IN Faenza, lii (1966) I published the fragments of Chinese porcelain found at Lucera Castle and at the same time collected evidence for the occurrence of Chinese vessels elsewhere in Europe in the middle ages.1 This paper contains a larger catalogue of finds and references, and attempts to assess the extent to which Chinese porcelain was available in Europe before the 16th century. It is divided into three parts: Introduction, Catalogue and short Discussion. An Appendix contains notes on Italian imitations of Chinese porcelain in the 15th and early 16th centuries.  相似文献   

The Palmottu hydrosystem is located in a granitic host rock in southern Finland. Along well‐defined pathways in the fractured crystalline rock, strontium isotopes are used to trace the degree of water–rock interaction (WRI) and mixing processes in groundwaters. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios range between 0.716910 and 0.735606 in the surface waters and between 0.719991 and 0.750787 in the groundwaters, but are between 0.720 and 0.735 in most of the samples. Moreover, the results show a lack of correlation between the water chemistries determining the classification into different water‐types (Na–Cl, Na–SO4, etc.) and the results of the strontium (Sr) contents and Sr isotopic ratios. From a WRI standpoint, this implies that the Sr behaviour is independent of the water chemistry; the occurrence of large 87Sr/86Sr variations is site specific and mainly dependent on the lithology. A model to determine the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of water after interaction with granite was developed. This model is based on the assumption that Sr was derived from three minerals: plagioclase, K‐feldspar and biotite. The results of the calculation indicate that around half of the water analysed within the Palmottu hydrosystem can be explained by the weathering of the granites. However, clearly lower 87Sr/86Sr are observed in waters when compared to the calculated 87Sr/86Sr and other sources of Sr, with low 87Sr/86Sr, rather than the calculated granite–water interaction, which may be suspected. When comparing the 87Sr/86Sr and ion ratios (Ca/Na, Mg/Na, Sr/Na, Cl/Na), the scattering of the data can be explained by the presence of four end‐members: a brine component (low 87Sr/86Sr and Ca/Na ratios…), a deep granitic component (high 87Sr/86Sr ratios and low Ca/Na ratios…), a subsurface component (intermediate 87Sr/86Sr ratios associated with high Ca/Na ratios…) and a surface end‐member:snow and river drainage (low 87Sr/86Sr and low Ca/Na ratios…). These extreme end‐members define a series of WRI‐mixing line within a rather complex hydrosystem.  相似文献   

Late prehistoric pottery is found in abundance at archaeological sites around Southern Indian Lake. Black residues, found on the two dominant vessel forms, flat plates and round pots, are presumed to be the remains of prehistoric meals. 13C cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (CPMAS NMR) and13C and15 N isotopic ratios and C/N ratios are used to reconstruct prehistoric diet and to shed light on possible uses for the plates. Samples of foods were cooked in clay pots, on a wood fire, to simulate the conditions of burning that could have produced the residue. Decomposition of carbohydrates, protein, and fat during cooking is studied with 13C CPMAS NMR, and the effect of cooking on isotopic and C/N ratios documented. Predominantly fish and fat were cooked in the pots, whereas the residues from plates contain a greater proportion of fat and could have been used as frying pans or possibly as fat-burning lamps placed on the ashes of a wood fire.  相似文献   

A method using the ratios between MnO, Fe2O3 and CoO to differentiate the cobalt sources for Chinese blue‐and‐white porcelain was developed in Oxford in the 1950s using X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis directly on the glaze. In this paper, six blue‐and‐white porcelain sherds from the Luomaqiao kiln were analysed by XRF on the glaze and by scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive spectrometry (SEM‐EDS) in cross‐section. The ratios between MnO, Fe2O3 and CoO calculated by quantitative XRF and EDS analyses are different. The analysis depths for MnO, Fe2O3 and CoO are < 60 μm by XRF analysis. However, the average glaze thickness of samples is > 400 μm, and the MnO, Fe2O3 and CoO mainly remain in the lower layer of the glaze, which is beyond the analysis depths of XRF analysis. The limitations of major and minor quantitative analyses for differentiating cobalt sources are discussed.  相似文献   

Contrasting lifestyles are recorded by the isotope composition of Bronze Age Beaker people (c. 2500–2000 bc ) from three burial sites (Boscombe Down, Normanton Down and the ditch around Stonehenge) at or near to the Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, southern England. Seven individuals (three adults, a sub‐adult, two juveniles and an infant) were recovered from a single grave at Boscombe Down. Strontium and oxygen isotope analysis of tooth enamel from two teeth (a premolar and third molar) from each of three of the adults in this grave (referred to as Boscombe Bowmen) show that they had all shared a pattern of mobility and migration during their lives. The three adult males spent their early childhood (as represented by data from the premolar teeth) in an area with a radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotope signature of around 0.7135. They each then moved, during early adolescence (as represented by the third molar results), to a less radiogenic area, where they acquired an 87Sr/86Sr signature of around 0.7112. This implies that they must then have travelled to the Stonehenge area of Wiltshire at a later time in their lives. Wales provides the closest area with rocks that supply suitable 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ18O isotope compositions for these individuals, although other areas of Palaeozoic rock, such as Scotland and parts of Europe, cannot be ruled out. Enamel from the two juveniles from the Boscombe Down burial yields 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7098 and 0.7099, and strontium concentrations for both of 55 ppm. The very close match of the data for the two juveniles supports the possibility that they were raised in the same environment. The difference in strontium isotope data between the juveniles and three adult males described above shows that the children did not come from the same homeland as the adults with whom they share a grave. The two adult males from the single burials at Normanton Down, and from Stonehenge itself, had static lifestyles and show no evidence of migration, in contrast to the Boscombe Bowmen. Their oxygen and strontium data are consistent with a childhood in the Stonehenge area.  相似文献   

The site of Conchopata in the central Peruvian Andes was the secondary center in the heartland of the Wari Empire (AD 600–1000), and in this study we examine whether this urban locale was populated by locals, voluntary migrants from distant regions, and/or captives who were forcibly brought to Conchopata. We examine radiogenic strontium isotope ratios from 72 dental enamel and bone samples representing 31 formal burials and 18 human trophy heads to distinguish between locals and non-locals, and we examine skeletal and archaeological data to establish whether non-local persons were voluntary migrants or captives. We also describe a new, straightforward technique in the evaluation of radiogenic strontium isotope ratios to assist in detecting non-locals when large datasets are available.Results show that natal Conchopata inhabitants should exhibit radiogenic strontium isotope ratios that range from 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70548 to 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70610. Thus, among the 31 burials, 29 exhibit local values, suggesting that Conchopata was not a cosmopolitan center to which numerous foreigners migrated; rather, it was populated by local peoples, likely the descendants of the preceding Huarpa culture. The two individuals with non-local radiogenic strontium isotope ratios are an infant and a 17–22 years old female. The archaeological context suggests that the female may have been taken captive for subsequent sacrifice, as she was interred in front of the ritual D-shaped structure in which decapitated human heads (trophy heads) and sacrificed camelids were deposited. Among the 18 trophy heads sampled, 14 have non-local values, confirming previous studies of smaller samples that suggested that Wari warriors travelled to other locales and took captives—both adults and children—for subsequent transformation into trophy heads. Additional analyses of bone-tooth pairs from a subsample (12 burials and six trophy heads) shows that the burial group was much more sedentary (homogenous radiogenic strontium isotope ratios in bones and teeth) and the trophy head individuals were much more mobile (heterogenous radiogenic strontium isotope ratios in bones and teeth). Overall, the multiple lines of evidence support the notion that the Wari Empire occasionally used militaristic means, combined with elaborate ritualism, to subjugate other populations, a tactic that may have helped Wari establish and maintain control in particular regions in the Andes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the potential use of oxygen and strontium isotope ratios (δ18Op and 87Sr/86Sr) measured in archaeological fish enamel as provenance indicators. δ18Op and 87Sr/86Sr were measured in a suite of archaeological carp remains recovered from the Anatolian townsite of Sagalassos dated to the Early Byzantine period (AD 450–650) and compared to that of modern fish, river and lake waters from the Anatolian region. We used sequential leaches in weak acetic acid to remove diagenetic Sr from fossil tooth enamel, monitoring the effectiveness of this approach by measuring the Sr/Ca ratios of the leachates via an isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry method (ID-TIMS). δ18Op values mostly excluded a riverine origin. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of one fish overlapped with the 87Sr/86Sr signatures of two lakes in the Anatolian region, and at least one lake (Gölcük) could be removed as a candidate owing to a very distinctive 87Sr/86Sr signature not found in any of the fish remains. Most of the tooth samples analyzed could not be assigned a precise geographical origin since the 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in enamel did not match that of any of the local lakes selected as potential origin. This result suggests that carp may have originated from lakes that have not yet been sampled, although this conclusion is not supported by other archaeological evidence. Alternatively, the lack of correspondence between lakes and fish Sr isotope ratios highlights several possible sources of uncertainties including spatial heterogeneity in 87Sr/86Sr ratio within a lake, the contribution of dietary strontium to the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of fish tooth enamel, and post-mortem alteration of the tooth Sr isotope signal during fossilization. In spite of the high precision of the strontium isotope analyses and the wide range of variation in the surface waters of the Anatolian lakes and rivers, this method may remain limited to distinguishing between lakes situated in regions of bedrock of very distinct age and geology until these sources of uncertainty are more fully investigated.  相似文献   

为系统了解历代上林湖地区越窑青瓷胎釉化学组成的特点,本研究采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱技术(EDXRF),对唐代、五代、北宋和南宋上林湖越窑青瓷作了分析。分析结果表明,越窑胎釉组成是低铝高硅的南方青瓷特征,有一定量的杂质,历代瓷釉均为高钙釉;从唐代到南宋,越窑青瓷胎的化学组成未发生明显的变化,但唐代青瓷、北宋透明釉青瓷、南宋乳浊釉青瓷釉的化学组成存在一些差异;南宋越窑部分青瓷的外观虽然发生了变化,但釉料仍延续了越窑独特的工艺配方,与北方青瓷和南方官窑青瓷等的釉料差异明显。分析同时表明:该技术的使用为解决薄釉的样品处理难题提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

The principles behind the strontium isotopic system are an important tool for archaeologists tracing human migration and patterns of movement in prehistory. However, there are several scientific challenges of analytical nature, as well as those which relate to unknown parameters inherent to the interpretation of such data. One prerequisite is the knowledge of the range of strontium isotopic ratios that best characterize the bioavailable fractions of a particular area of interest. The study reported here attempts to establish a baseline for strontium isotope signatures valuable for Denmark (excluding the island of Bornholm) and particularly for the use in archaeological investigations. We present strontium isotope ratios of bones and teeth from modern mice contained in owl pellets, of snail shells, and of archaeological fauna samples. We compare these ratios with median strontium isotope signatures characterizing human enamel populations from archaeological sites within Denmark. The fauna samples reported here range from 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70717 to 0.71185 with an average of 0.70919, and human enamel defines a range from 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7086 to 0.7110 with an average of 0.7098. In both datasets, we observe a small difference between the baseline values for the western (Jutland) and eastern (Funen, Zealand, and the southern islands) parts of Denmark. We therefore propose two slightly different baseline ranges with a partial overlap for the isotopic signatures of bioavailable strontium fractions within Denmark, namely a range of 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7078–0.7098 for the western area and a range of 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7089–0.7108 for the eastern parts.  相似文献   

This study tests the precision and accuracy of laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) for measuring strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) in fossil teeth from Swartkrans and Sterkfontein in South Africa, and explores the extent of diagenesis in these specimens. Compared to solution MC-ICP-MS or thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) methods, LA-MC-ICP-MS can be faster and less expensive, but has lower precision and accuracy. We found that 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fossil rodent teeth measured by LA-MC-ICP-MS were offset from solution values by a mean of 0.0005 ± 0.0010 (2σ). Because of the very wide spread of biologically available 87Sr/86Sr ratios (∼0.710 to ∼0.790) in the region, LA-MC-ICP-MS is more than sufficient for assessing the geographic origins of the fossil rodents. The concentration of strontium in modern and fossil enamel from the area is statistically indistinguishable, as is the range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in modern rodents and fossil rodents from Swartkrans. Thus, there is little evidence of diagenetic Sr in the fossil enamel. In contrast, the fossil dentine may contain up to ∼50% diagenetic strontium, although many dentine 87Sr/86Sr ratios are still far removed from the background cave value of 0.729. We propose that LA-MC-ICP-MS will also be of use for investigating the geographic origins of other, non-rodent fossil teeth from the Sterkfontein and Swartkrans collections, and may prove of similar utility at other suitable sites.  相似文献   

We present here 129I/I and 36Cl/Cl ratios, together with halogen concentrations in crustal fluids from the continental deep drill site (KTB‐VB) in Germany, where fluids were collected from 4000 m depth during a pump test carried out in 2002 and 2003. Compared with seawater, the fluids are enriched by factors of 2, 8 and 40 for Cl?, Br and I, respectively, and show little variation over the test period. The 129I/I ratios are between 1700 and 4100 × 10?15; the 36Cl/Cl ratios are below 10 × 10?15. Co‐variation between 129I and 36Cl concentrations in the fluids indicates that anthropogenic components are absent and that the ratios reflect an addition from crustal sources. The results suggest residence times of 10 Ma or more for the fluids in formations with uranium concentrations of 1 ppm. A minimum age of 30 Ma for the iodine source was derived from the correlation between 129I and 36Cl concentrations in the fluids. The results demonstrate that the halogen characteristics of the KTB fluids are very similar to those of other deep crustal fluids and that the combination of 129I and 36Cl systematics allows determination of residence times and source ages of such fluids.  相似文献   

87Sr/86Sr ratios have been determined for glasses from four production sites, dated to between the sixth and the 11th centuries, in the Eastern Mediterranean region. On the basis of elemental analyses, the glasses at each location are believed to have been melted from different raw materials. Two glass groups, from Bet Eli‘ezer and Bet She‘an, in Israel, are believed to have been based upon mixtures of Levantine coastal sands and natron, and have 87Sr/86Sr ratios close to 0.7090, plus high elemental strontium, confirming a high concentration of modern marine shell (87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7092) in the raw materials. The isotopic compositions of these two groups of glasses differ slightly, however, probably reflecting a varying ratio of limestone to shell because the sands that were utilized were from different coastal locations. Natron‐based glasses from a workshop at Tel el Ashmunein, Middle Egypt, have 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70794–0.70798, and low elemental strontium, consistent with the use of limestone or limestone‐rich sand in the batch. High‐magnesia glasses based on plant ash, from Banias, Israel, have 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70772–0.70780, probably reflecting the isotopic composition of the soils that were parental to the plants that were ashed to make the glass. Strontium and its isotopes offer an approach to identifying both the raw materials and the origins of ancient glasses, and are a potentially powerful tool in their interpretation.  相似文献   

Ritual tooth ablation was extensively practiced among Jomon (Japanese Neolithic) societies in their final phase (ca. 3000-2300 BP). This tradition includes two different tooth ablation patterns, type 4I and type 2C, referring to extraction of the mandibular incisors and canines, respectively. However, the reason for this difference is unclear. Previous carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of human remains from the Inariyama shell mound revealed that type 4I individuals were more dependent on terrestrial resources and type 2C individuals on marine resources. To test this hypothesis, we performed strontium (Sr) isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analyses on the same skeletal remains and on modern plants around the site. Because Sr isotope ratios of plants differ according to the local geology and seawater has a consistent Sr isotope ratio, the Sr isotope ratios of tooth enamel can reveal both migration and diet. Comparing Sr isotope ratios in plants and seawater with those of tooth enamel, we identified four possible immigrants. Type 4I locals had significantly higher Sr isotope ratios than type 2C locals. The ratios of the type 4I and type 2C locals were close to those of terrestrial plants and seawater, respectively, suggesting that type 4I locals had incorporated much Sr from terrestrial resources and type 2C locals from marine resources. These results support the hypothesis that ritual tooth ablation reflects dietary differences throughout an individual’s life, and they suggest possible occupational differentiation among the Jomon people.  相似文献   

J. Chen  D. Liu  P. Peng  C. Yu  B. Zhang  Z. Xiao 《Geofluids》2013,13(3):381-394
The most important petroleum exploration target in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, is the paleokarst reservoir. To understand the source and evolution of brine in this type of reservoir, a total of 37 formation‐water samples were collected from the Middle‐Lower Ordovician paleokarst reservoir in the Lunnan oilfield. The δD‐δ18O correlation and Cl/Br ratios reflect the mixture of two fluids: meteoric water and evaporated seawater. The different degree of mixture divided samples into two groups. Group 1 samples, from deep strata (5150–6667 m.b.s.l.) in the east of the field, with elevated δD (?53.5 to ?38.0‰), δ18O values (0.66–5.99‰), and lower Cl/Br ratios (336–478 for Cl/Br, except LN634‐1 and LN631‐1) were formed by evaporation of seawater plus a small contribution from meteoric water. Group 2 samples, from shallow strata (5038–6067 m.b.s.l.), in the west of the field, have contrasting features (?59.6 to ?48.5‰ for δD, ?0.47 to 2.17‰ for δ18O, and 501 to 871 for Cl/Br), which reflect a mixture of evaporated seawater with a high proportion of meteoric water. Both of the fluid types exchanged oxygen isotope with minerals. The investigation into cation composition reveals that, before entering into the current reservoir, waters suffered albitization of plagioclase; moreover, meteoric water dissolved evaporites and seawater experienced dolomitization. A mixing trend showed by strontium isotopes (0.709801–0.711628) gave further evidence for the mixture of two fluid types. Based on the correlation of geological history with our data, two infiltration models of meteoric waters can be constructed. According to the chemical and isotopic compositions of the waters, an east fluid regime (Group 1) and a west fluid regime (Group 2) have thus been defined. Better understanding of the subsurface fluid movement patterns may be helpful for the local exploration.  相似文献   

Three different Scottish peat bogs were sampled, dated and analysed for carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations. The mean long‐term apparent rate of C accumulation (LARCA) for the three bogs is 213 g C m~2 yr‐1’ over the past eight to nine thousand years, comparable to estimates from other parts of the world with similar climate conditions. Within the catotelm portion of peat sequences, the LARCA is variable, ranging from 4.1 to 72.5 g C m~2 yr~1. Rates were highest in the early Holocene, in peat rich in woody fragments, and lowest in the mid‐Holocene during drier periods, followed by increased rates during the late Holocene. Analysis of C/N ratios shows a significant positive correlation with peat humification. This may be because past changes in bog wetness affected the C/N ratios of newly forming peat by altering rates of N mineralisation and loss before incorporation of peat into the catotelm.  相似文献   

This study presents bone collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the Migration Period cemeteries (fifth/sixth century AD) of Obermöllern and Rathewitz in Central Germany. The human average δ 13C ratios of ?19.8?±?0.3 ‰ and δ 15N ratios of 9.6?±?0.9 ‰ (n?=?43) reflect a mixed diet in a temperate C3-based ecosystem without significant difference between the two sites. The average offset between human and faunal δ 13C and δ 15N values indicates a significant contribution of plant food to the human diet that has different isotope ratios from the forage of the animals. It furthermore suggests the influence of land management on the δ 15N values. One adult male from Obermöllern stands out due to his elevated nitrogen isotope ratio, body height, grave goods, and burial position. The collagen isotope data of this study are comparable with data from other central European sites and confirm rather stable communities with moderate variation in the environmental conditions of arable land.  相似文献   

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