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This paper considers the past and future of the journal Geographical Analysis (GA), as well as the broader field of spatial analysis. From my experiences as a former editor of GA, I first identify three external trends that I feel will provide the backdrop for the future evolution of spatial analysis. These surround the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science as disciplines. The paper also considers the structural changes that are occurring in the organization of science, and the trend toward democratization of spatial analysis and spatial data. I identify critical areas for methodological advances along with some opportunities for the rebranding of GA in the new era of data science.  相似文献   

琚小飞 《清史研究》2020,120(4):112-124
随着四库学的深入发展,在四库著作研究、四库问题研究与四库学学科建构研究等几个方面取得了丰富的成果。近年来,四库学研究日益受到材料的掣肘,如何深入开掘新材料并深翻旧材料,成为当下四库学思考的主要问题。四库学研究中尚有众多重要议题,如《四库全书总目》的编纂细节、《四库全书简明目录》的版本及校注研究等,还有深耕细作的余地。《四库全书》采择书籍的来源问题更是鲜有关注,可以成为今后四库学开拓的重要方向。  相似文献   

第二轮志书无论在篇目框架体例结构上或者在资料的选录和运用等方面都存在不少问题。二轮修志中某些单位编纂的志书粗制滥造,急于出书,有的方志工作者打着所谓创新的旗号,搞“新创”。方志界应克服浮躁、趋时不正之风,下苦功夫编好志书。那些已经参照享受公务员待遇的方志机构,必须认清地方志机构是具有一定行政职能的方志学术研究部门,应把编修志书作为第一要务、主要工作,其重心应放在地方志编纂和地方志学术理论研究上,地方志机构不应行政化。  相似文献   

关于中国旅游基本法几个关键问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王健 《旅游科学》2008,22(2):1-6
本文讨论了旅游基本法在各国旅游发展中的作用,分析了中国旅游基本法制定工作中存在的主要问题及其根源,提出旅游学基础理论、法学基础理论和哲学核心理论应作为指导中国旅游基本法立法工作的三大理论支柱。本文提出,中国旅游基本法应坚持五项基本立法原则,即:遵循旅游发展客观规律原则、人本主义原则、有效保护旅游各主体合法权益原则、国家对旅游资源永久主权原则、与国际通行做法保持一致原则。最后,作者就中国旅游基本法的框架结构和主要内容等提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

As it has now been widely argued, innovation is ever more seldom the product of isolated firms but usually requires a combination of multiple technologies, skills and competences, part of which have to be acquired from outside the boundaries of the innovating firm. As the literature on regional systems of innovation and other territorial innovation models suggests, the region is the most appropriate spatial level for investigating and understanding the nature of firms’ external knowledge acquisition in their innovation processes, as well as for identifying the critical actors and factors contributing to them. Unlike the majority of studies focusing on the innovation activities of firms at the regional level, this paper focuses not on the actual importance of different location factors, but on the perceptions of small- and medium-sized firms entrepreneurs of the quality of different factors in their regional innovation environment. By identifying differences between the perceptions of innovative and less-innovative firms, this study contributes to the literature on innovation as a regional-level phenomenon, and also tentatively puts forward some managerial and policy implications, as well as suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

高赟  巨生良 《丝绸之路》2010,(18):104-107
在高校的发展过程中,学科建设非常重要。学科建设在高校各项工作中处于龙头地位,没有一流的学科就没有一流的大学。在新时期,高校学科建设必须结合国家发展战略体系、区域经济社会发展需要、学科自身发展的实际。高校管理者要把握学科建设内涵,明确学科建设内容、学科建设原则和学科建设目标。在此基础上,积极为学科建设提供体制机制保障、人才队伍保障和条件环境保障,以适应高校学科建设集成化、基地化、团队化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This article is based on mixed‐method field research in Adimalathura, a coastal village in south Kerala, India, which has been identified as one of the poorest communities in the area. Although this fishing community has been facing severe ecological challenges, including massive resource depletion, it has been able to put up stiff resistance to impending dispossession in the face of a large port project actively promoted by the government, most major political parties and globalized capital. This article traces the history of public action and work in Adimalathura since the early 20th century, and reflects on its significance in the context of the present resistance. It examines the role of women in bolstering the community in times of severe challenges to men's livelihoods, and highlights the importance of women's provisioning work. Ultimately, the author cautions against exaggerating community strength and the capacities of the women even when they are able to utilize available resources competently.  相似文献   

A noted economic geographer and Sovietologist conceptualizes Russia's current economy as an archipelago, consisting of widely scattered nodes of viable, integrated activity separated by an enormous expanse of "dead space." The dichotomy between metropolitan Russia and its hinterland is developed through an examination of contrasts in such major indicators of well-being as natural gas consumption, access to education, the middle class, retail trade and services, undeclared income, and port-hinterland multiplier effects. Also discussed are the major types of hinterland (classical, or resource frontier, versus backwater), the special case of the Russian Far East and Transbaykalia, and contrasts with developments on the North American continent. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O10, O18, O50. 38 references.  相似文献   

旅游是什么——基于社会大众视角的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于“旅游是什么”的讨论由来已久,但以往对此问题的研究多采用演绎逻辑或历时分析.通过访谈收集62位社会大众对此问题的回答,并使用内容挖掘分析法提取高频词后,本文发现,旅游的核心构成是时间、空间与体验;旅游的本质动机包括放松、体验、猎奇、享乐、社交与审美.本文又采用扎根理论编码对访谈内容进行分析,发现,不同的消费者建构不同的旅游类型,具体包括享乐型旅游、体验型旅游、生活型旅游和消费型旅游.对文本进一步批判性分析又发现,社会大众建构的旅游是被体制化的,旅游所追求的自由是有限度的自由,体现在旅游时间和空间的限定以及对旅游行为特征的刻板印象.  相似文献   

在编纂志书的过程中,我们对文化的认识大致可分为大文化、中文化、小文化。志书文化部类的内容应该属于“中文化”的范畴。志书的分类应以科学分类和现实分工相结合为原则,不应机械地以承编单位的归属来认定。扎实的文化类资料是文化类分志的基础,二轮修志加大了经济部类内容的分量,但不能矫枉过正,削弱文化部类的内容。志书文化部类记述的只是一部分文化内容,这就需要非文化部类配合承担个别文化现象的记述。文化特色是地方特色的重要方面,对于有特色的地域文化要浓墨重彩。在志书编纂过程中要注意处理好文化部类与其他部类内容的交叉重复,要注意科学归类,详主略次,合理归口。  相似文献   

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