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The AIDA-89 campaign has yielded the most comprehensive set of low-latitude incoherent scatter radar power profiles and derived electron concentration results ever made. These results have been used to study the time-height trajectories of 80–150 km ion layers and serve to gauge both the periodicity and variability of ion layer structure throughout the campaign. Features of the AIDA ion layer trajectories point to a dynamics ‘zoo’ of processes ranging from multiday-period waves, tides and acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) to geomagnetic storm effects and evidence of coupled neutral sodium and ion layer/plasma processes. The semidiurnal and diurnal tides are evidenced in the almost always present layers, the Tidal Ion Layers (TILs), which are identified by their regular and periodic trajectories that also display regions of variable mixing or confluence of the various tides. The TILs are contrasted with the truly sporadic layers that include sporadic E and sporadic intermediate layers. The sporadic layers may be formed due to interaction of the tidal wind system with AGWs. The formation process may involve horizontal as well as vertical ion convergence mechanisms and/or various non-linear effects. Limits to the study derive from volume undersampling due to use of the single radar beam.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an investigation of the height variations of dynamic processes in the 80–110 km height region, carried out in Kazan, U.S.S.R. (56°N, 49°E) by the radiometeor method during the MAC/EPSILON campaign. Experimental results show that the largest values of vertical wind gradients, as well as zonal and meridional temperature gradients can be found at heights of ~ 83 km. At heights of 80 ⩽ h ⩽ 100 km, we can observe energy absorption of IGW and tides which are the major sources of turbulent energy in the above-mentioned height interval. Using the effects of IGW energy absorption, values of the turbulent eddy diffusion coefficient Kl ranging from 1600 to 4400 m2/s were calculated for October 1987. The energy dissipation rate ϵ was estimated to be from 0.1 to 0.4 W/kg.  相似文献   

The EISCAT incoherent scatter radar, operating in a full tristatic mode, provided data on the ionospheric plasma drift above northern Scandinavia, during the 24 h period, 11 UT 25 November to 11 UT 26 November 1982. For the hours of darkness, 14 UT until 05 UT, observations of thermospheric winds were made by means of a ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) operated at Kiruna Geophysical Institute (21° E, 68° N). During this period, the radar observations describe well the ebbing and flowing of regions of strong convective ion flow associated with the auroral oval. As individual geomagnetic disturbances occur, the overall ion flow pattern intensifies and moves equatorward. The zonal thermospheric wind observed by the FPI responds rapidly to surges of the local ionospheric convection, while the meridional wind response is slower and apparently to much larger-scale features of the geomagnetic input to the high latitude thermosphere. From the data base, periods of strong heating of the ionospheric ions and of the thermospheric gas can be identified, which can be compared with Joule and particle heating rates deduced from the observations of ionospheric drifts, neutral winds, electron densities and auroral emission rates. A three-dimensional, time-dependent global thermospheric model is used to distinguish local and global features of the thermospheric wind field. Meridional and zonal wind components at 312 km may be theoretically derived from the EISCAT data using an appropriate model (MSIS) for neutral temperature. The EISCAT-derived meridional wind is within about 50 m s−1 of the FPI observations throughout the period of joint observations. The EISCAT-derived zonal wind is systematically larger (by about 50%) than the FPI measurement, but the two independent measurements follow closely the same fluctuations in response to geophysical events until 03 UT, when the EISCAT solution is driven away from the FPI measurement by a sharp increase in both neutral and ion temperatures. Between 03 and 05 UT the EISCAT-derived zonal wind is 200–400 m s−1 westward. Allowance for the neutral temperature rise would reduce the EISCAT values towards the very small zonal winds shown by the FPI during this period. We describe the relatively straightforward analysis required to derive the meridional wind from the radar data and the limitations inherent in the derivation of zonal wind, using the ion energy equation, due to the lack of precise knowledge of the background neutral temperature from the EISCAT data alone. For analysis of EISCAT ion drift observations at 312 km, the ground-based FPI temperature measurements do not improve the accuracy of the analysis, since the median altitude of the FPI measurement is probably in the range 180–240 km throughout the observation period. This median altitude and the temperature gradient both fluctuate in response to local geomagnetic events, while the temperature gradient may be considerably greater than that predicted by standard atmospheric models. When the neutral temperature is well known, or when there is a large enhancement of the ion temperature, the EISCAT-derived zonal wind exceeds the FPI measurement, but the consistency with which they correlate and follow ion-drag accelerations suggests that the differences are purely due to the considerable altitude gradients which are predicted by theoretical models.  相似文献   

Incoherent scatter radar measurements of the diurnal variation of the electron and ion temperatures, electron density and vertical plasma drift are used to determine the diurnal variation of neutral winds at F-layer heights over Millstone Hill (42.6°N, 71.5°W) for different seasons. The technique to derive the thermospheric winds from incoherent scatter radar data and the results for equinox conditions have been discussed by Roble et al. (1974). Data for three summer and three winter days in 1969 and 1970 are examined for seasonal characteristics during geomagnetic quiet time at solar cycle maximum conditions. The derived diurnal variation of the neutral winds for summer months shows a later morning transition from equatorward to poleward winds and an earlier evening transition from poleward to equatorward winds than during winter months. These times of transition have a pronounced influence on the ionospheric structure and are partly responsible for the characteristic ‘summer’ and ‘winter’ type behavior of the ionosphere observed over Millstone Hill. The diurnally averaged values of the thermospheric winds at 300 km also have a seasonal variation. During summer, the zonal winds are westward at about 15 m−1 and are eastward at about the same velocity during the winter. The diurnally averaged meridional winds show a strong equatorward flow during summer of about 50 m s−1 whereas during winter months the winds are considerably weaker and irregular, with an average equatorward flow on some days and poleward flow on others. The zonally averaged values are consistent with a mean meridional circulation from the summer hemisphere to the winter hemisphere at F-layer heights. However the irregular meridional winds in the winter indicate a weakening of this circulation near Millstone Hill.  相似文献   

Since the 1982/1983 winter, the UCL group, in collaboration with the Swedish Institute for Space Physics (previously Kiruna Geophysical Institute), has operated a Doppler imaging system at the high latitude station of Kiruna (67°N, 22°E). The Doppler imaging system is an imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer of 13.2 cm aperture. This instrument has been operated on a ‘campaign’ basis for mapping thermospheric winds using the OI emission at 630 nm (240 km altitude) from a region up to about 400 km radius about Kiruna. In November 1986, the performance of this wide-field Doppler imaging system was augmented by improvements to the detector and all-sky optics. We present data from December 1986, obtained during periods with both clear skies and active auroral and geomagnetic conditions. Maps of the neutral wind flow within the auororal oval during disturbed conditions and near magnetic midnight show continuous and rapid changes of thermospheric winds. The typical scale sizes of eddies observed within the mean flow around magnetic midnight are 100–300 km, with fluctuations at all time scales resolved by the 10 min between successive Doppler images. The local and short period fluctuations appear to be a filtered response of the thermosphere to rapid local variations of the convection and precipitation patterns, within a background of global scale changes  相似文献   

Meteor wind results obtained at 93–95 km altitude at seven sites, six in the Soviet Union and one in Antarctica, between 1965 and 1985 are reported. Attention is focussed on the amplitudes and phases of the semi-diurnal tide, showing a 22-yr oscillation, and of the generally weaker diurnal tide. The measurement results are compared with the results of theoretical models.  相似文献   

The O2 atmospheric (0–1) night airglow emitted within the gravity wave saturation region at ∼90–100 km can serve as a means of studying the wave activity. In this analysis, the atmospheric motions were described by a mean spectral model and an algorithm was developed to infer the wave kinetic energy density and momentum flux from variations in O2 (0–1) airglow emission rate and rotational temperature. The method was applied to eight nights of data collected by MORTI, a mesopause oxygen rotational temperature imager, during the AIDA campaign of 1989 in Puerto Rico (18°N, 67°W). The observed r.m.s. fractional fluctuations of airglow emission rate and rotational temperature were of the order of ∼0.07–0.15 and ∼0.02–0.04, respectively, and the characteristic vertical wavelengths were estimated at ∼10 2 -20 km. The inferred r.m.s. horizontal velocities and velocity variances were found to be ∼12–25 m/s and ∼150–600 m2/s2, with the majority of the horizontal velocity and its variance associated with low-frequency, large-scale wave motions. The estimated momentum fluxes, mainly contributed by high-frequency, small-scale waves, were ∼2–10 m2/s2. These results are in good agreement with those obtained from other measurements using different observational methods at low and mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

The effect of asymmetrical thermospheric winds on NmF2 at the dip I = 30° and its magnetic conjugate point have been computed for equinox conditions to study asymmetry in the ionospheric equatorial anomaly in the African and West Asian regions. The wind models of I11 et al. and Chan and Walker have been used in our computations. During the daytime, due to the winds NmF2 in the northern crest becomes greater than NmF2 in the southern crest; at night the reverse is true in both regions. It is shown that the observed asymmetry in NmF2 at the equatorial crest in the African sector can be well explained by considering the effects of asymmetrical winds with respect to those in the West Asian sector.  相似文献   

Observations of the twilight sodium emission from the 90 km level have been made at Mt. Torrens, a southern mid-latitude station, using a high resolution Fabry-Perot spectrometer. An outline of the analysis required to determine temperatures is presented. A winter mean temperature of 199 K and a summer mean temperature of 150 K are determined from 2 years of data. The diurnal tide is shown to produce a distinct difference between the dawn and dusk temperatures during late summer and autumn.  相似文献   

High-resolution daytime incoherent scatter radar measurements of plasma temperatures and drifts in the ionospheric E-region above Millstone Hill (42.6°N, 71.5°W) have been used to derive horizontal neutral winds and temperatures in the lower thermosphere (105–130 km) during five multi-day campaigns in 1987–1991. The underlying semi-diurnal tidal component has been determined from the observations, with characteristic average amplitudes of 50 ± 15 m/s and 30 ± 10 K. Phase propagation with altitude follows the expected structure of semi-diurnal tidal modes, but reveals complex coupling of tidal modes, particularly above 115 km. Day-to-day variability in the winds and temperatures is large, and the deviations from the semi-diurnal harmonic can exceed 40 m/s and 50 K. No strong correlations have so far been found with geophysical parameters to explain the observed variability.  相似文献   

A second series of long term mesospheric and lower thermospheric wind observations was conducted at Arecibo (18.4°N, 66.8°W) between 6 and 20 March 1981 using the UHF Doppler radar, following the first observations in August 1980 (Hirota et al., 1983). Zonal and meridional wind velocities were measured during the morning (8–10 LT) and afternoon (13–15 LT) periods. The mean wind profile averaged over the entire observational period shows the predominance of the diurnal tide. The fluctuating wind vector rotates clockwise relative to height with a characteristic vertical scale of about 10 km. The phase difference inferred by a cross correlation analysis between morning and afternoon profiles indicates that the dominant period is about 20–30 h. This oscillation is discussed in relation to internal inertia-gravity waves observed by the same radar in the lower stratosphere. On the other hand, wind fluctuation with a vertical scale larger than 20 km shows a substantial day-to-day variation with a period of 5–8 days. This long period oscillation shows a good correlation with the global scale geopotential height anomalies at 1 mb (46–48 km) observed by the Tiros-N satellite at 20°N. Our evidence suggests that westward travelling planetary-scale waves with zonal wavenumber one may propagate up to the lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

High resolution vertical wind measurements of the upper and lower thermosphere were made at Poker Flat, Alaska, using a scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS). Observations of the λ558 and λ630 nm emissions of atomic oxygen were made on 21 nights and allowed for the simultaneous determination of wind and temperature at altitudes of about 130 and 240 km, respectively. On two occasions, significant upwelling events were measured which lasted between 15 and 25 min. Peak velocities were up to 42 m/s at 130 km and 138 m/s at 240 km. Auroral activity was monitored using a meridian scanning photometer (MSP). On both occasions, the region of upwelling was located on the poleward side of the auroral oval during geomagnetically active conditions. A schematic model is used to describe an event from which the horizontal scale of the upwelling region is estimated to be less than 320 km in the lower thermosphere and less than 800 km in the upper thermosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of diagnostics of the lower ionospheric parameters by using the resonance scattering method (RSM) of radio waves on periodic artificial irregularities (PAI). The following ionospheric parameters have been measured by the heating facilities ‘Zimenki’ and ‘Sura’: electron density including the E-F interlayer valley and the lowest height of the ionosphere; the velocity of the vertical wind; the relaxation times of the PAI characterizing coefficients of ambipolar diffusion, and coefficients of attachment and detachment of electrons from negative ions. Variations of these parameters have been considered as a function of height, local time, season, solar activity as well as being induced by passing acoustic-gravity waves and by ionospheric disturbances.  相似文献   

Thicknesses derived from SAMS (Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder, on-board Nimbus 7) and 30 mbar height analyses based on radiosondes have been combined to give monthly mean height charts of the upper mesosphesre, (0.01 mbar level, approximately 78–80 km). Four years of data are available, 1979–1982.Based on this material, the geostrophic winds were derived for the grid point 50°N, 110°W and compared with winds observed over Canada (52°N, 107°W) using the Saskatoon medium frequency (MF) radar. Agreement, especially in the summer months, was very good, however, significant ageostrophy was evident in autumnal and winter months. Possible causes are confluence associated with large scale circulations and gravity wave drag.  相似文献   

Measurements of ion temperature, ion-neutral collision frequency and ion drift in the E-region from the period December 1984 to November 1985 are used to derive neutral temperatures, densities and meridional winds in the altitude intervals 92–120 km, 92–105 km and 92–120 km, respectively. Altitude profiles of temperature and density and their seasonal variations are compared with the CIRA 1972 and MSIS 1983 models and the effects of geomagnetic activity are demonstrated. Semi-diurnal tidal variations in all three parameters are derived and the comparison with lower latitude measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

During the period July–August 1991, observations were made of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) at 46.9 MHz and 224 MHz by the CUPRI and EISCAT radars, respectively, at two sites in northern Scandinavia. Those observations are compared here with observations of noctilucent clouds, energetic particle precipitation and magnetic disturbances. The appearance and morphology of PMSE are found to be closely correlated at the two frequencies and the two sites, 200 km apart. No correlation is found between PMSE and noctilucent clouds or magnetic disturbance. No correlation is found between energetic particle precipitation and the appearance of PMSE at 46.9 MHz for the whole time period. At 224 MHz, there is no evidence for a correlation before the beginning of August and only one event suggesting a possible correlation after the beginning of August. A minimum in occurrence frequency for PMSE is found between 16 and 21 UT (17–22 LST) which may be related to an expected minimum in background wind strength in that time interval.  相似文献   

A comparative study of ionospheric measurements obtained by different sensors on two satellites has shown excellent agreement between the principal techniques used to measure the plasma density and ion composition. Results from an ion mass spectrometer on the S3-1 satellite and from an impedance probe and a retarding potential analyzer on the AEROS-B satellite have been compared for five cases that represent the closest coincidence of measurements that occurred during the satellite lifetimes. The crossings occurred at high polar latitudes and the studies have indicated that invariant latitude is more important than altitude, geodetic latitude, or geomagnetic latitude in systematizing the data. The ratios of the mass spectrometer ion densities to the impedance probe electron densities resulted in an average value of 1.00 with a standard deviation of 6%. The composition percentage for the molecular and atomic ions from the retarding potential analyzer agreed generally within about 20% of the mass spectrometer measurements.  相似文献   

With the help of incoherent scatter (EISCAT) data the thermodynamics and electrodynamics of the auroral E-region north east of Andøya Rocket Range has been investigated between 1740 UT and 2040 UT on 31 January 1984. This time period covers the D salvo of MAP/WINE and the EISCAT incoherent scatter data comprise a useful supplement to interpret the rocket data. Good agreement has been found between the EISCAT temperatures and those derived from mass spectrometer data. Neutral wind velocity estimates from EISCAT and from a falling sphere rocket experiment are in satisfactory agreement for the zonal wind component, but disagree for the meridional component.  相似文献   

For the winter 1983/1984 the close coupling between stratospheric and mesospheric disturbances is discussed, using derived dynamical quantities of the stratosphere and prevailing winds of the upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

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