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This paper describes a method of synthesizing oblique ionograms from vertical ionograms based on representing the ionosphere by multiple quasi-parabolic segments (QPS). The advantage of this approach is that it allows analytical solutions to be obtained for several ray parameters when the Earth's magnetic field is neglected and the ionosphere is spherically stratified. The no-field results are representative of the ordinary mode. In addition, results for the extraordinary mode can be obtained by introducing a perturbation to the effective frequency and modifying the no-field results. The method is illustrated by comparing synthesized oblique ionograms with observed ionograms and with results obtained for the ordinary mode using the classical method.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique lor oblique backscatter sounding (OBS) ionogram inversion as a diagnostic tool for the horizontally inhomogeneous structure of the ionosphere. Input data for the method include the leading edge of a backscalter ionogram that is measured through soundings in a given direction, and the vertical electron density profile measured over the sounding station or over some other site lying in the sounding direction. The method may be useful for reconstructing the two-dimensional electron density distribution in a vertical plane aligned with the direction of sounding. The inverse problem has been solved using the Newton Konlorovich method and the Tikhonov regularization method. The algorithm we have developed was tested against model data, that is, OBS ionograms synthesized using geometrical optics calculations for different models of the inhomogeneous ionosphere. Test results demonstrate that our method converges reliably, is stable to measurement errors and provides a good accuracy of reconstruction of inhomogeneous structures with scales of 100 2000 km. This indicates that this method shows promise as an operative remote diagnostic tool for ionospheric irregularities of natural and artificial origin.  相似文献   

This paper presents a first attempt to use oblique incidence ionograms over the 4500 km path from Sanae, Antarctica, to Grahamstown, South Africa, to deduce information about the ionosphere in the intervening regions. It is shown that existing methods for the reduction of oblique incidence ionograms to N(h) profiles give reasonable results even over the two-hop path involved. By comparison with vertical incidence ionograms made from a research ship below the reflection regions it is shown that the maximum observed frequency is normally limited by conditions at the southernmost reflection point, though this may be modified by ionospheric tilts, sunrise and sunset.  相似文献   

Meridional wind estimated from the bottomside ionograms making use of other thermospheric and ionospheric data from a unique rocket experiment from SHAR, has been compared with the direct, in situ measurement of the same. The agreement is found to be well within the experimental errors.  相似文献   

Simple structures are shown to be able to account for ionogram records supposed to be caused by the presence of horizontal stratifications in the ionosphere. Computer modelling has produced synthetic ionograms which appear similar to the real records, but based on the presence of several echoes, possibly due to small ripples in the ionospheric surface, as well as dispersion.  相似文献   

A method is presented for determining the amplitude and vertical wavelength of ionospheric irregularities which produce distortions or perturbations in topside ionogram traces. By way of illustration we discuss the application of the method to several examples which give irregularity amplitudes ranging from 0.1% to 10% and vertical wavelengths from 40–300 km. From the examination of 2 years data obtained by the ISIS II topside sounder it was found that irregularities readily analyzed using this method were confined to the equatorial region. They are detected at approximately 1000 km altitude and above, however, they may exist below these altitudes, since it is shown that topside sounders are more sensitive to irregularities in regions where the ionospheric scale height is large. Their characteristics are consistent with their being part of the field-aligned or duct irregularity phenomenon and their occurrence is consistent with the production mechanism suggested by Cole.  相似文献   

The numerical synthesis of ionograms by ray-tracing in an analytic two-dimensional ionosphere is simplified by a technique which avoids the usual wastage of ray tracings. The technique is particularly suitable for obtaining ionogram sequences corresponding to a moving ionospheric disturbance. It is applied firstly to a moving tilted ionisation increase, which gives the familiar travelling-cusp records. Ionograms do not give a good measure of the vertical distribution of ionisation, and in the case considered lead to an overestimate of the horizontal size of the increase by a factor of about 2. For a travelling ionisation decrease or trough, the ionograms show an additional U-shaped trace overlapping the main trace. Calculated ionograms agree closely with some observations. It is difficult to obtain any measure of the size of the electron-density decrease; critical frequency scalings may give no indication of the passage of an intense disturbance. Similar results are obtained for a wavelike perturbation in an exponential topside ionosphere. Topside ionograms then show multiple ‘nose’ traces, following in general the curve for the unperturbed ionosphere. It is suggested that the multiple echoes frequently observed on topside ionograms may, in some cases, be due to refraction in large disturbances rather than the commonly-assumed ducting mechanism.  相似文献   

A technique for determining ionospheric electron distribution from oblique ionograms is presented, based on the inversion method of Reilly and Kolesar (Radio Sci. 24, 575, 1989). It makes use of an equivalent operating frequency and an additional term to account for magnetoionic effects associated with the Earth's magnetic field. The technique is demonstrated by application to synthetic oblique ionograms, and to an experimentally obtained ionogram.  相似文献   

We have observed Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) in the night-time D- and E-regions using a 2.66 MHz imaging Doppler interferometer radar. TIDs were observed in two distinct ways. In the first, the TID was manifested as discrete traveling surges, with average spacings of 54 min. The D-region surges were so well defined that they could be tracked as they passed close to overhead by using the phase differences across the antenna arrays. A velocity of 135 m s−1 to the south was measured, giving a horizontal wavelength of 440 km typical of medium scale TIDs. The direction of phase travel relative to the horizontal was −6° (i.e. downwards). These observations were made during a night of extraordinary OH infrared mesopause structure activity made visible by the presence of a total lunar eclipse. In the second type of TID observation, we show the Doppler interferometer analysis of ripples on the under surface of sporadic-E layers taken on two nights of significant OH infrared and OI 5577 Å wave activity. The TIDs were observed to propagate at speeds of 120–300 m s−1, with directions predominately toward the southwest, again typical of medium scale TIDs. These results show definite wave effects on MF radar returns and thus suggest that the measurement of mesospheric bulk winds with MF radars should be approached with some caution. Comparison of the TID characteristics with the OH structure characteristics show that the TIDs travel faster than the OH structures, have longer apparent horizontal wavelengths and generally travel in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (1.s. TIDs) have been investigated in order to derive the horizontal velocity dispersion by using f0F2 data from four ionospheric observatories in Japan. It was found that the horizontal phase trace velocity lies between 300 and 1000ms−1 with periods in the range 50 to 150 min. There is evidence that the derived velocity generally increases with increase of wave period. This is consistent with the dispersion predicted by the theory of the internal gravity waves. The azimuthal angles are distributed in ±35° sectors centered around 197° (measured clockwise from north), indicating that 1.s. TIDs may be obtainable when they are excited along the auroral zone of the same sector in longitude as that of the observatories. The average propagation direction shifts by 17° from south towards west. This clockwise shift is consistent with the rotation caused by the Coriolis effect. This means that the Coriolis effect cannot be ignored for the wave propagation of 1.s. TIDs. In addition to the positive correlation between TID speed and geomagnetic activity, the direction of wave propagation is found to be correlated with polar magnetic activity. The propagation direction is mostly southward during the period of large polar magnetic disturbances, while during the period of low magnetic activity the direction scatters considerably.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for use in the real height analysis of ionogram data using the ordinary ray only, to allow for the presence of underlying (low density) ionisation. A controlled extrapolation of the virtual heights, with upper and lower limits, gives some useful correction under most conditions. For more accurate and consistent results a synoptic model is used to give a mean starting height at a fixed frequency of 0.5 MHz. Constraints are placed on the profile shape between 0.5 MHz and the lowest observed frequency 1, to minimise the variations with different methods of analysis and different values of 1. Suitable model starting heights are described for day and night conditions, and presented in tabular and graphical form. Equations are also given from which the model starting height can be calculated directly as a function of the local time, the month and the station latitude.  相似文献   

This paper presents simulated ionograms calculated for a parabolic ionospheric layer containing irregularities in the form of small amplitude waves. With small amplitudes, perturbation techniques can be used enabling results for the irregular ionospheres to be calculated from the results for smooth ionospheres. This approach is relatively straightforward and avoids having to ray trace new paths each time the irregularity parameters are changed. It is, however, restricted to irregularities which do not cause multiple echoes. Irregularities with vertical wavelengths of up to a few kilometres can produce significant changes in the ionosphere over height intervals smaller than those involved in reflecting a single pulse. Consequently, in the simulation procedure, it is essential to consider not just the carrier frequency but the complete frequency spectrum of the pulse. Irregularities with vertical wavelengths of the order of 10 km or more can produce ripples in an ionogram trace. These will, of course, be more evident on ionograms with high frequency resolution. Irregularities with vertical wavelengths of up to several kilometres and amplitudes up to a few per cent can produce significant pulse spreading and splitting. The actual effects depend not just on the irregularity properties but also on the ionosonde pulse width, gain and frequency and height resolutions. Some simulations show trace splitting and quasi-horizontal traces similar in many respects to effects observed by Bowman (1987, J. atmos. terr. Phys. 49, 1007) and Bowmanet al. (1988, J. atmos. terr. Phys. 50, 797). Consequently it is suggested that, at least in some cases, small amplitude (≤3%) and small scale (≤4 km) irregularities produce the spread-ifF reported by these authors.  相似文献   

An investigation is made of the adequacy of the simple corrugated reflector model to simulate the effects of large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) on the bearings of HF transmissions. Model results are compared with the quasi-periodic variations of bearings measured simultaneously for a number of geographically spaced transmission paths and with results obtained from 3D ray tracing studies incorporating a more realistic TID model (the ‘'wave’ model).Although the bearing error signature is, at some times (particularly during the day), similar to that predicted by the corrugated reflector model, ray tracing calculations with the ‘wave’ model give generally better results and predict bearing error signatures which correspond much better to some of those observed in the experimental data than those predicted by the simpler model. However, the prediction accuracy of both models is found to be limited by temporal variation of both the TID waveform and the ambient ionosphere.  相似文献   

On oblique ionograms, the maximum frequencies of the ordinary and extraordinary modes are referred to as nose frequencies. The difference in the nose frequencies depends on parameters such as the length of the propagation circuit and the direction of propagation. In this paper, the difference in nose frequencies is studied using the frequency scaling technique of Bennettet at. [(1991) Appl. Comput. Electromagn. Soc. Jl6, 192]. For long paths, an explicit formula is obtained which gives the difference approximately as a function of the local magnetic dip and azimuth of propagation at the ray mid point. For shorter paths, it is shown how analytic ray tracing can be used to determine the difference.  相似文献   

The steerable beam Bribie Island radar (152°E, 27°S) operating at a frequency of 1.98 MHz was used to obtain data relevant to reflection conditions near 100 km altitude on 7 days during June–October 1982. The rapid signal fading commonly observed is primarily due to transient reflectors with lifetimes of a few seconds, often seen up to angles of 20° from the zenith. Longer lived moving reflectors (presumed to be sporadic-E clouds) also play a part. Certain properties of the transient reflectors are consistent with a turbulent generation mechanism. However, any theory of their origin must explain why, for about a third of the time, they tend to occur preferentially to the north and east of the observing site. A direct comparison of velocities using Doppler and spaced antenna drifts methods shows reasonable agreement when the data is averaged over quarter hour periods. However, conclusions by previous workers, on the basis of observations of motions of diffraction patterns, that the ionospheric structure responsible for the diffraction pattern observed on the ground is undulations of the isoionic contours by gravity waves, is not supported by a detailed analysis of the data.  相似文献   

In the high latitude wintertime mesosphere VHF radar measurements usually reveal several turbulence layers at heights between 65 and 85 km which are closely related to strong vertical wind shear. The turbulence layers are superposed by turbulence bursts, which often form sequences with periods similar to those of simultaneously observed velocity oscillations. The horizontal propagation velocity of the resulting turbulence structures can be obtained by cross-correlating the signal power time series measured at three antenna beam positions. A statistical study using a total of 71 events shows that there is a significant correlation between the propagation velocity of turbulence structures and the mean wind, being consistent with the assumption that turbulence is advected by large scale motions. It is suggested that the observed turbulence bursts are due to secondary static instabilities, which for their part are generated by primary Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in regions of strong wind shear.  相似文献   

The M w7.9 Wenchuan earthquake produced a rich set of over 1,400 accelerograms, which helped us to better understand strong ground motions from such a large event. Using the abundant data, we investigated the characteristics of response spectral accelerations from this event. This study includes: the spatial distribution of spectral amplitudes at three periods selected to represent ground motions at short, short-middle, and middle-long period ranges; attenuations of response spectral accelerations at periods between 0.05 and 10 s; comparison between the observed ground motions and predicted motions from empirically based equations [Abrahamson and Silva,1997 Abrahamson, N. N. and Silva, W. J. 1997. Empirical response spectral attenuation relations for shallow crustal earthquakes. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 923. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Boore et al., 1997 Boore, D. M., Joyner, W. B. and Fumal, T. E. 1997. Equations for estimating horizontal response spectra and peak acceleration from Western North America earthquakes: a summary of recent work. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 128153. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Campbell, 1997 Campbell, K. W. 1997. Empirical near-source attenuation relationships for horizontal and vertical components of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 154179. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Huo, 1989 Huo, J. R. Ph.D. 1989. Study on the attenuation laws of strong earthquake ground motion near the source, Dissertation, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration. (In Chinese) [Google Scholar]] commonly used in America and China; comparison between the average response spectra at three distance bins and the Chinese seismic design spectra under major earthquake (with the recurrent interval of over 2,000 years);, the vertical-to-horizontal ratio of response spectra and its dependence on the rupture distance, period, and local site condition; and comparison between the fault-normal and fault-parallel component spectral accelerations within the rupture distance of 60 km. Based on these analyses, we finally drew some conclusions regarding the engineering characteristics of spectral accelerations from large earthquakes, such as Wenchuan of M w 7.9.  相似文献   

This paper explores the contribution that applied forensic entomology can make to our understanding of prehistoric mortuary behaviour. Samples of insect remains were recovered from a mummy bundle that has been attributed to the Chachapoya people who occupied the northern highlands of Perú from ca. AD 800 to ca. AD 1532. The insects were identified to the family level and used to create a hypothetical timeline of post‐mortem interval before the construction of the mummy bundle. The individual in question suffered from a number of blunt force insults to the head, followed by two and possibly three trepanation events. We speculate the initial insect colonisation to have taken place almost immediately following injury and subsequent surgery, occurring before the individual's death. Insect succession patterns and timing estimates for the appearance of periosteal reactive bone suggest that the individual was wrapped shortly following death. The application of such modern forensic techniques holds vast promise for addressing issues concerning Chachapoya mortuary behaviour and, further, these results can expand our understanding of mummy studies in general. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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