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日本九州大宰府出土莲花纹砖浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦娜  宛方 《中原文物》2005,(2):71-74
日本九州大宰府出土的莲花纹砖和隋唐洛阳城出土的莲花纹砖,二者的质地、制法、功用相同,皆以莲花为主体花纹且外绕蔓草纹和联珠纹.主要差异是前者形制为长方形,莲花图案小并辅以水波纹,砖的侧面也有花纹;后者形制为方形,仅砖的正面有花纹,莲花图案肥大且没有水波纹.这表明在公元7世纪前后,中国和日本有着密切的文化交流,而日本国在吸收他国文化的同时又保持着本民族文化特征.  相似文献   

庙底沟类型彩陶纹饰新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仰韶文化庙底沟类型是由于在河南陕县庙底沟发现这一类型的典型遗址而得名。庙底沟类型碳14测定的年代,为距今5230±100年。庙底沟类型的彩陶发达,花纹繁多,最具代表性的纹饰是考古界一致公认的植物纹,如花瓣纹、花叶纹、豆荚纹、旋花纹等(图一)。我经过多年的反复比较和研究,认为庙底沟类型的花纹并不是所谓的植物纹,而是由半坡类型的鱼纹演化而成的组合鱼纹或变  相似文献   

一九七四年至一九七五年底发掘的秦都咸阳一号宫殿遗址中,曾出土一种少见的花纹铺地方砖,发掘简报将这种花纹称之为“太阳纹”(见秦都咸阳考古工作站:《秦都咸阳第一号宫殿建筑遗址简报》,《文物》1976年第十一期,十三页)。以太阳为纹饰,在中国古代花纹中尚不多见,故对其名称,有必要认真研究;对其表示意义,也有必要进行分析探讨。首先,这种纹饰称为“太阳纹”是不妥当的,因为花纹中并不包含太阳的图象。从实物和照片来观察,纹饰系四方连续图案,在直线交成的斜方格中,填以主纹和云纹等,组成一幅和谐的几何图案。主纹为园  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区包头市燕家梁元代遗址出土现藏于包头市博物馆该罐直口,短颈,溜肩,平底。罐口至颈部绘有缠枝花纹一周,颈至肩部绘有一周菊花纹及弦纹,腹部绘一周缠枝牡丹花纹,下腹部至底绘一周莲瓣纹。口径22、腹径35、底径19、高29厘米。  相似文献   

丹扬王墓位于山西省朔州市怀仁县城北4公里的大运公路东侧,墓葬坐北朝南,由斜坡墓道、前室、后室和前室两侧的左右侧室组成。前室、后室及四条甬道都有精美的画像砖和花纹砖,以前室的地面和前甬道为多,装饰纹样有文字、人物、鸟兽纹、花草纹四类,其中有模制阳文的"丹扬王墓砖"。花纹砖以忍冬纹为主,其基本特征与北魏时期装饰纹样相同,证明丹扬王墓为北魏时期墓葬。  相似文献   

1988年6月22日,微山县府办公楼基建工地发现7座砖室墓和石室墓,可惜在施工中均遭破坏,据工人介绍,有单室砖墓3-4座,双室砖墓1座,双室墓中间有隔墙,东西向.铺底砖砌成人字形.有1座石室墓,正北向,宽82、深60厘米,长度不明.有1座花纹砖砖室墓,被全部挖掉.我们捡回几种墓砖.花纹砖二种,一种长35、宽13.7、厚6.5厘米,一面饰粗绳纹,另一面为素面,侧面有纹饰:中间双圈,中心呈凸形,圈外八出纹,左右饰菱形纹(图一).另一种长29、宽14、厚6.5厘米,两端饰花纹,和第一种砖侧面的双圈八出纹同样(图二).楔形砖,上宽23.5、下宽18、厚6厘米.扇形砖,上下均呈弧形,上宽29、下宽24、厚6.5、高20.5厘米.我们收回了出土文物,双室墓出土陶器有罐(1件,灰陶,盘口,束颈,鼓腹.高24.5、腹径  相似文献   

在我们文物考古界,已有不少人长期保持这样一些概念——“战国时盛行半瓦当,瓦当上有花纹,以(?)纹、涡形敦、双兽纹、树木纹等最为常见。”①又瓦当“在西汉中叶以后普遍成为圆形、瓦当上的纹饰,有的是“云”纹的几何画案;有的是“青龙”、“朱雀”的动物图样;也有的是文字瓦当,如“长乐未央”、“延年益寿”,等吉祥语。”②由于上述概念在一些人的思想里形成了成见。所以有些文物工作者往往调查东周城址或  相似文献   

赵建龙 《陇右文博》2001,(2):24-27,11
鱼纹和三角纹是仰韶文化彩陶的主要母体花纹之一,它在秦安大地湾遗物中也不例外。我们通过对大地湾遗址出土遗物的整理,更进一步地认识到,大地湾仰韶文化的鱼纹和三角纹,不仅是这一时期的主要母体花纹,而且,还有其自身的演化发展和变迁的规  相似文献   

簋是古代人用来盛黍、稷、稻、梁等的用具,属于食器类。故宫博物院收藏的这件龙耳篡通高33.9厘米,通耳宽43厘米,口径23.1厘米,器作园形、双耳、方座。通身满饰花纹;器盖饰云带纹,盖的顶部有一圈蟠尴纹,在盖顶的  相似文献   

铅山县博物馆最近收集到一面铜镜,为1981年陈家寨公社一民工挖掘房基地时发现。1983年12月送交县博物馆。铜镜背面为大圆形纽,连珠纹纽座。内区花纹为浮雕式四条龙纹围绕七个踞坐仙人,以八个环状乳相隔,外为十二个方形枚和十二个半圆形枚相间排列,方形枚上铸有铭文:"吾作明镜,幽湅三商,周得无极。"外区花纹为栉齿纹、鸟兽云气纹、菱形纹各  相似文献   

山东新泰出土东周青铜复合剑制作技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨东周青铜复合剑的制作技术,采用X光探伤、CT、XRF、金相分析等方法,对出土于山东新泰周家庄战国早期齐国墓的2把青铜复合剑进行了内部结构、制作工艺、合金技术、金相组织等方面的研究.结果表明:2把青铜复合剑均采用低锡合金和高锡合金两种材料复合而成.在检测分析的基础上,讨论了新泰出土的2把青铜复合剑与吴越特色青铜复合剑制作技术上的差异:在结构上,低锡区设置在剑脊的两侧,其截面结构呈现多种形式,与高锡区铸接,浑然一体;在成分上,低锡区含锡量仅为4%,具有锡青铜最佳的延伸率.结合青铜复合剑剑柄的特色,认为虽然新泰出土复合剑的内部结构与已研究的吴越特色青铜复合剑有明显差异,但制作理念应是一脉相承的.  相似文献   

收藏于复旦大学博物馆的高山族腰刀是研究台湾高山族化的珍贵物。为了了解这些腰刀材料组分,以便更好的保护它们,我们通过PIXE测得了高山族腰刀刀体和金属饰钮组分的较详细信息。此外,我们又分别对腰刀的金属刀体和木质刀鞘采取了有效的保护和修复:一是利用苯并三氮唑对刀身进行缓蚀处理,二是对破损的木质刀鞘进行了陈列修复。  相似文献   

山东新泰出土同心圆剑首连接技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山东新泰周家庄出土了东周时期大量带有吴国特征的兵器,其中尤以青铜剑最具特色。为探讨东周同心圆剑首与剑茎的连接方式和连接结构,采用X射线探伤机、CT检测了3把同心圆首剑。检测结果显示3把同心圆首剑采用了2种铸造技术,即浑铸技术、铸接技术。其中2把铸接的同心圆首剑分别用2段式和3段式铸接成形。文章首次用CT清晰地展示了2把铸接的同心圆首上设置的榫头形状及分布状况。讨论了古代同心圆剑首连接技术的多样性、灵活性,说明了当时青铜连接技术已经非常娴熟、高超。  相似文献   

傅举有 《收藏家》2010,(5):29-34
中国古代盛行佩剑之风,尤其是战国和汉代,只要是有点地位的男子,几乎是无不佩剑的。《后汉书·舆服志》刘昭注:"自天子至于庶人,咸皆带剑。"考古发现,一些规模较大的战国男性墓中,大多有剑随葬。汉画像石、画像砖、帛画、壁画上,多有佩剑的男子(图1-4)。在当时,  相似文献   

Q. Wang 《Archaeometry》2021,63(1):105-121
In this paper six bronze artefacts of the Eastern Zhou period to Han dynasty (770 BC ‐ 220 AD) with tin‐rich surface decoration in the British Museum collection were studied using a variety of analytical techniques. The decoration patterns include trellis patterns (菱形纹) on two swords of the Yue state, tiger's striped patterns (hu‐ban‐wen, 虎斑纹) on two swords from the Ba‐Shu region, a hexagonal star pattern (六角星纹) on a spearhead of the Wu state, and a cloud‐like pattern on a garment hook. The tin‐rich decorations on those objects were produced by deliberate tinning processes; at least three different tinning techniques were used, including the use of tin‐rich pastes for the trellis pattern of a Yue state sword and for the mottling decoration on the Ba‐Shu swords, amalgam tinning for the hexagonal star pattern on the spearhead of the Yue state, and hot tinning for the cloud‐like pattern of the garment hook. Different tinning techniques could have been applied to produce similar tin‐rich decoration patterns, and vice versa, a single tinning technique could have been used to produce different tin‐rich patterns on different objects.  相似文献   

Re-examination of St-Brieuc and Wilburton metalworking shows they cannot align, and this requires a general reordering of the Atlantic Late Bronze Age sequence. They have many differences, principally sword types. St-Brieuc always has U-butt Kerguérou (Limehouse in Britain) swords, whereas Wilburton always has Wilburton swords. Wilburton must follow St-Brieuc, so a new Limehouse stage is inserted between Penard and Wilburton, to align with St-Brieuc. The combination of U-butt sword and straight-mouthed chape of St-Brieuc and Limehouse is consistent throughout Atlantic Europe. So too are the characteristics of Wilburton metalworking which followed, and its Brécy equivalent in France. In Britain the contemporaneity of Wallington and Wilburton is reaffirmed. Both played a part in the emergence of Ewart Park 1 metal-working, with South Yorkshire/Lincolnshire a vital contact zone. The Atlantic Late Bronze Age unravelled after Wilburton. Iberia effectively dropped out after Huelva, diverted by Phoenician influences. Links between Britain and Atlantic France declined, and their sword and axe preferences diverged. The various weapon complexes of Ewart Park 1 in Britain have no equivalents in France. Ordering and sub-dividing this final phase of the LBA has always been imponderable but has been helped by the identification of St-Philbert (Huelva) swords, which show what are Ewart Park 1 hoards in Britain and contemporary Longueville hoards in France. They also make clear that the Carp's tongue complex must be relegated to the last part of the Late Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Pattern‐welding is a well‐known technique that was widely employed in the manufacture of swords. While the decorative effect of genuine pattern‐welding (employing phosphoric iron) is indisputable, to date its reinforcing effect is rather unclear. In order to understand this issue better, wrought iron, phosphoric iron, steel and various pattern‐welded samples were prepared and mechanically tested, and the results obtained are discussed in detail. Both the mechanical testing and the long‐term metallographic investigation of medieval swords suggest that pattern‐welding does not have any significant positive effect on the mechanical properties of swords and we should consider it a primarily decorative technique.  相似文献   

As one important type of bronze swords, the amount of Wu- Yue style daggers was quite dominant. Further studies will be beneficial to the understandings of their origins and roles of daggers played in the developmental process of swords. By typological comparison to other set of data, it is very clear that Wu- Yue daggers influentially impacted the development of daggers in Lingnan region, indicating a wide communication between two regions.  相似文献   

Although the bureaucratic decision rules that govern delivery of municipal public services are presumably distributionally benign, they may in fact exert a strong influence on the distribution of urban policy benefits. This article explicates the decision rule governing delivery of two specific types of fire protection services in a small city, measures the distributional inequity characteristic of the patterns of delivery, and infers one or more distributional standards implicit in the decision rule. Statistical analysis using the Index of Inequity indicates that some decision rules incorporate elements of both equality and market standards, while others support need as the distributional standard.  相似文献   

In this article it is demonstrated through empirical observation that Bronze Age swords were functional and efficient weapons. Their use in real combat is testified by recurring patterns of blade damage and resharpening. Furthermore, ritual depositions of swords with unrepaired scars on the blade demonstrate the prehistoric roots of the Celtic–Germanic–Greek ritual of sacrificing weapons after a victorious fight.  相似文献   

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