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ALEXANDER DE GRAND. Italian Fascism: Its Origins and Development. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982; PTERRE AYQOBERRY. The Nazi Question: An Essay on the Interpretations of National Socialism (1922–1975). Tr. by Robert Hurley. New York: Random House, 1981; WILLIAM MILES FLETCHER III. The Search for a New Order: Intellectuals and Fascism in Prewar Japan. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982; and BEN-AMI SHILLONY. Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.  相似文献   

While vacation colonies, camps for children and young people, well-equipped beaches and playgrounds, and the first national parks were conceived in Italy during the Liberal period, it was not until the late 1920s/1930s that they were created and transformed by the Fascist regime. This article will analyse the purposes of the use of the environment and protected areas by Fascist organisations during the Fascist regime by different social groups and classes. It will try to answer several questions: how did Fascist mass organisations (youth organisations such as the Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) and Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (GIL), leisure organisations like the Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro (OND), sports associations) relate to environmental space? Which popular activities were conceived for open-air, urban and national parks? How did the relationship between outdoor leisure and the environment develop in the ‘new’ middle class in the 1930s? How did Fascism conceive of the relationship between human beings and nature? The Nazi regime and the US New Deal were the strongest models at that time in terms of the politics of land conservation and leisure time. Did Fascism look to those experiments; did Fascism find its own modern ‘conservative’ relationship with the environment? This article will try to answer some of these questions, mindful of the lack of studies on Italy in comparison with the expanding historiography on the German and American cases.  相似文献   

“所谓中间内阁,是在要求变革或维持现状这两种相反的主张与行动中,倾向于维持现状,并想使两者妥协而产生的。”1932年的“5.15”事件,为战前日本的政党内阁划上了休止符,此后到1936年“2.26”事件后建立的完全听命于军部的广田内阁止,共有斋藤实和冈田启介两届中间内阁。…………  相似文献   

陈祥超 《世界历史》2001,2(1):37-47
法西斯主义于20世纪初渊源于意大利。墨索里尼作为开山鼻祖,对法西斯主义思潮、运动和体制在国际范围的滋生与泛滥起了先导作用,他于1922年10月率先在意大利建立人类历史上第一个法西斯政权。  相似文献   

This article deals with a specific aspect of the development of corporativism as ‘unofficial’ doctrine of Fascist Italy: its presence in Italian universities. It argues that corporatist schools followed the fortune of the ideals they were called to represent, which were definitely eclipsed by the mid-1930s, when the economic crisis called for more direct and effective forms of state intervention in economic life. In the universities, the rise of corporativism as a specific field of study, and the broader project of creating an ideologically educated future ruling class, challenged the domination exercised by the powerful faculties of law in particular, which traditionally were the key paths for access to the legal profession and the civil service. The resistance of the conservative university establishment meant that the plans to promote corporatist curricula had failed well before the fall of the regime, but many of those appointed to teach Corporative Studies under Fascism maintained their academic positions in Italy's ‘de-Fascistized’ post-war law faculties, and made innovative contributions to Italian social and economic thought.  相似文献   

两战间的日本法西斯主义及其对外扩张理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两次世界大战之间的二三十年代,法西斯主义在日本兴起。法西斯主义不仅改变了日本的社会政治,更提出了一系列扩张理论,强化了近代军国主义确立以来的对外侵略政策,为发动第二次世界大战从多方面作了社会动员与理论准备。由近代军国主义体制的制约,新兴法西斯主义可以区分为民间(即不穿军装的)法西斯与军队法西斯两大类别。借对外战争实现其大陆侵略政策,同时反击民主派势力,这是军部法西斯与民间法西斯势力的主要契合点。日本法西斯扩张理论的基本特点在于,为论证对外战争的必要性,最大限度动员民众投入战争,它们遍及思想文化各领域,花样繁多、内容庞杂。既有对于传统武士道、日本主义、天皇中心论等思想的兼收并蓄,更主要是一批现代法西斯理论家、活动家针对时局提出各种论述,以及军部各决策机构制定策案纲要所确认的指导思想,表述形式五花八门,极富于诡辩性、多样性、独特性、应用性与丰富性。  相似文献   

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