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JICMEICYAINCAINIn1965,aboywasborninaherder'sfamilyinDawnTownship,MarqinCounty,GologPrefecture.Golog,remoteandmysterioustotheoutsiders,isthesourceoftheYellowRiver.GuardedbytheAnyaimaqenMountain,itishighlyfrigidandlandlocked.TheboyislaterknownasJigmeiGyaincain.At10,hewassenttostudyinaprimaryschooloftheGologPrefecturalNormalSchool.Inashortspanoffiveyears,hefinishedhisstudythere,andsucceededintheentranceexaminationsforstudyinginthemiddle-schoolclassoftheQinghaiinstituteforNationaliti…  相似文献   

Lawrence Stone, Broken Lives: Separation and Divorce in England, 1680–1857 A. James Hammerton, Cruelty and Companionship: Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Married Life Diana Jeater, Marriage, Perversion and Power: The Construction of Moral Discourse in Southern Rhodesia, 1894–1930 Karen Dubinsky, Improper Advances: Rape and Heterosexual Conflict in Ontario, 1880–1928  相似文献   

The role of the private sector in international development is growing, supported by new and evolving official programmes, financing, partnerships and narratives. This article examines the place of the private sector in ‘community development’ in the global South. It situates corporate community development (CCD) conceptually in long‐standing debates within critical development studies to consider the distinct roles that corporations are playing and how they are responding to the challenges and contradictions entailed within ‘community development’. Drawing on field‐based research across three different contexts and sectors for CCD in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and South Africa, the article suggests that caution is required in assuming that corporations can succeed where governments, non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) and international development organizations have so often met with complex challenges and intractable difficulties. We argue that four specific problems confront CCD: (a) the problematic ways in which ‘communities’ are defined, delineated and constructed; (b) the disconnected nature of many CCD initiatives, and lack of alignment and integration with local and national development planning policies and processes; (c) top‐down governance, and the absence or erosion of participatory processes and empowerment objectives; (d) the tendency towards highly conservative development visions.  相似文献   

TheoverwhelmingmajorityofschoolsinKhamareorganizedandfundedbythegovernment.However,thereisasmallnumberofprivatelyfundedschoolsestablishedinremoteareas.Fundingfortheseschoolscomesfromwell--offTibetanswhocomefromorliveinthearea,andfromforeignsources.AkongRinpoche,aprominentGagyuincarnatelamawhoresidesinScotland,isprobablythemostprolificestablisherofprivateschools.Hehasfinanced36schoolsscatteredthroughouttheTibetanPlateau,andmakesannualvisitstocheckontheoperations.Thegovernmentapparentlydoesl…  相似文献   

Conventional analyses of conventional industrial clusters look at the local, regional,1 In this paper “regional” refers to a sub-national entity, such as a state, province, state or collectivity of a few provinces or states. View all notes national and global factors affecting their ability to compete and grow. However, it is beginning to become apparent that in at least a few cutting-edge, high-technology areas, firms compete directly on a global basis for talent and markets. A case study of the fuel cell cluster in Vancouver, Canada appears to confirm this proposition. Policy makers have realized that this cluster must compete on the world market if it is to succeed. The cluster is endowed with several favourable factors including a high quality of life for its human capital and strong support for demonstration projects.  相似文献   

The early Chinese Marxist, communist leader and martyr, Yun Daiying was an avid reader and collector of books. His intellectual and political endeavors started with reading and collecting various books and magazines on current affairs and social sciences from home and abroad. Yun Daiying founded his own private library in 1917 and expanded it into a public library while he was a student of Wuchang National Normal University. Later Yun established a reading club christened the “Mutual Aid Society” under the disparate influences of Kropotkin, Mushanokōji Saneatsu, and the YMCA. Yun's founding of the Beneficent Group Bookstore in 1920 epitomized his ideal of combining reading and the book trade with the dissemination of new knowledge and the reconstruction of society from the bottom up. Yun kept his distance from the other Comintern-influenced Wuhan Marxists, and it was rather upon the organizational foundation of the Beneficent Group Bookstore that Yun Daiying co-founded a more radical “Co-Existence Society”, whose members were eventually converted to communism in 1921.  相似文献   

As clusters have developed from an analytical concept into a key policy tool, numerous cluster initiatives, or collaborative organizations designed to enhance the competitiveness of clusters, have been implemented across the globe. However, while research on clusters is abundant, research specifically focusing on these emerging organizations is scant to date. This paper analyzes one such cluster initiative and its cluster, and in particular examines to what degree the public and private sectors (1) have the same understanding of the cluster's competitiveness and underlying strengths and weaknesses and (2) what activities the cluster initiative should conduct.  相似文献   

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