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This paper takes as its focus the practical solutions and new ways of thinking being forwarded by women across Europe under the umbrella of EuroFEM. It sets these case studies in the context of the developing importance of the ‘everyday life concept’. This concept has grown from two routes, firstly, feminist concerns for the way in which much of women's time is spent attempting to overcome the separation of home, waged work, the market and public institutions, secondly, arising out of stmcturation theory, the discussion of the opportunity/constraint negotiation through which life is lived and the possibility of public policy enhancing survival and coping strategies. The paper goes on to ask how these ways of thinking about daily life can be mainstreamed.

The paper draws upon research currently funded under the fourth action programme of equal opportunities for women and men.  相似文献   

Elvin Hatch. Culture and Morality: The Relativity of Values in Anthropology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983. 163 pp. Bibliography, index. $27.00 cloth; $12.50 paper.

Raoul Naroll. The Moral Order: An Introduction to the Human Situation. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1983, 498 pp. Tables, appendices, notes, glossary, bibliography. $29.95 cloth; $14.95 paper.  相似文献   

Linda B. Hall 《外交史》2002,26(1):143-146
Book reviewed in this article:
Daniela Spenser, The Impossible Triangle: Mexico, Soviet Russia, and the United States in 1920s  相似文献   

Voluntary environmental governance arrangements (VEGAs) are designed to minimise negative outcomes through the use of collectively agreed arrangements. They have attracted a large literature, but issues remain unresolved, especially regarding their effectiveness. This article takes up a small part of this challenge of mapping the role of VEGAs in larger systems of environmental governance by examining the development and implementation of a range of VEGAs in the Australian building sector, here defined as the construction and use of buildings.

人们设计了自愿环境治理计划,意在通过集体认同的安排尽量减少消极结果。它吸引了大量文献的关注,但问题依旧是问题,特别在效率方面。本文试图回答其中一小部分问题,通过考察其在澳大利亚建筑部门(这里定义为建筑和建筑物的使用),看看自愿环境治理计划在更大的环境治理中究竟扮演什么样的角色。  相似文献   

秦文志 《攀登》2007,26(1):108-110
新加坡之所以能够在全国范围内成功构建和谐社会,主要得益于他们牢牢抓住了如下几个重要的环节:始终把民族和睦作为构建和谐社会的文化基础,把防微杜渐作为构建和谐社会的制度保证,把奖优济困作为构建和谐社会的政策导向,把保护环境作为构建和谐社会的外在动因,从而保证了国家经济的持续发展和社会的文明和谐。新加坡在构建和谐社会方面的许多做法和经验,值得我们去认真研究和思考。  相似文献   

金山咀秦代建筑遗址发掘报告   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
<正> 遗址位于河北省秦皇岛市北戴河区金山咀及其附近(图一,(1))。金山咀系一伸入海中的高岗岬角,其东、南、西三面环海,北与陆地相连,形如一个半岛。据调查,秦代建筑遗址在金山咀及其附近原有较大范围的分布。多年来,这里被辟为旅游区,兴修了大量现代建筑,对遗址造成大面积的破坏,目前可以工作的地方已寥寥无几。 这一带属沿海丘陵区,地势高低错落,起伏较大。目前已知的秦代建筑遗址分布在以金  相似文献   

Geir Inge Orderud 《对极》2011,43(4):1215-1249
Abstract: The aim of this article is to improve our understanding of finance in home building by introducing an actor perspective in structure‐oriented theories of capital circulation. David Harvey's three‐circuit theory, with fixity‐motion processes and (de‐/re)‐territorialisation, is taken as the starting point. The analysis is based on a case study of Norwegian home‐building finance, outlining the emerging structure of housing and finance under the Norwegian version of neoliberalism; comprising deregulation and re‐regulation phases. The article delineates today's home‐building finance, and identifies large banks, small banks, large investment funds and small investment funds as structural actors operating within actual fixity and motion processes, causing a distinct territorialisation of urban landscapes, as exemplified by gentrification.  相似文献   

By revisiting the work of Blais and Rae, this article develops a new classification of electoral systems focused on input rules. An Unknown Winning Number family is distinguished from a Quota family with known winning numbers for most of the counting process. Branching family trees are developed and used to help explain some Australian experience with accentuated disproportionality in two electoral systems which have been omitted from otherwise path-breaking recent analysis (Taagepera, R. and Shugart, M.S. 1989. Seats and votes: The effects and determinants of electoral systems. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press). These omitted systems are identified as effectively giving electors as many votes as seats available in a district. The input-rule family trees remind us that number of votes is an important component of electoral systems, although elusive and somewhat forgotten in much recent analysis. More conventional groupings of electoral systems are identified as output peer groups.

本文通过重读布莱斯和雷的著作,提出了一种强调输入规则的选举制度的新分类,即未知获胜票数系,以区别于为大多数计票过程所知的获胜票数配额系。该系及其分支有助于解释澳大利亚所经历的两种选举体制的某种不均衡性。这种不均衡性被本来可能具有开创性的最新分析(塔格佩拉与舒噶特的《席位与投票:选举制度的效果和成因》)所忽略。被忽略的制度有效地给予就一个选区既定席位而言尽可能多的票数。输入规则系告诉我们投票数是选举制度的重要组成部分,只是在最新的分析中没被正视,甚至被忽视了。选举制度更传统的分类被定为输出同类组。  相似文献   

In1950,ChairmanMaoZedongorderedtheChinesePeople'sLiberationArmy(PLA)tomarchintoTibetandbuildroadsallalongtheway.Fromthenon,hundredsofthousandsofthePLAmenandciviliansworkedhardforthispurpose.Theydug30millioncubicmetersofstoneandmud,andbuiltsome400bridges.Some3,000peoplediedforthispurpose.Asaresult,theSichuan-TibetandQinghai-TibetHighwayswereopenonDecember25,1954.HISTORY.Accordingtohistoricalrecords,Tibetfeaturedhorsespassingrockymountainpaths.Numerousserfsandslavesdiedontheroad.Goi…  相似文献   


Because of the scarcity of printed information on building equipment for archaeological excavations, this paper provides instructions and plans to build the basic equipment required, using standard-size and readily available lumber and hardware.  相似文献   

王霏 《安徽史学》2015,(6):128-133
叙利亚现代民族国家构建可分为三个历史阶段:法国委任统治阶段(1920—1946年)、独立的探索阶段(1946—1963年)与复兴党统治阶段(1963年至今)。其构建过程有三大特征:其现代民族国家构建与中东的民族思潮及民族独立运动紧密相联;其民族国家构建过程中族群、部落、区域冲突等问题错综复杂;复兴党的统治为其民族国家构建带来了极大的独特性。  相似文献   

This paper summarises the methodological approach taken in an interdisciplinary project involving geographers and architects. The project charted the diverse afterlives of the modernist‐inspired, state‐sponsored, residential high‐rise, and did so drawing on two cases: Red Road Estate in Glasgow and Bukit Ho Swee Estate in Singapore. In offering a specific account of, and reflection upon, the methodologies used in the High‐rise Project, we hope to advance the methodological repertoire of human geography generally and contribute further to the new wave of scholarship on geography and architecture.  相似文献   

田亮 《中国地方志》2012,(5):44-48,4,5
作为中国特色社会主义文化事业一部分的地方志事业,要想在新的历史时期实现可持续发展,应当以开放的姿态,面向社会,面向大众,面向世界,在以下方面做出努力:一是工作定位要开放。《地方志工作条例》将地方志工作的范畴从单纯的志书编纂扩大到为地方经济社会发展服务的全新境域,从而使地方志工作从封闭转向开放。二是工作主体要开放。地方志的工作主体是人才队伍,为适应工作定位从单纯的编纂工作到建设开放的地方志事业的转变,地方志需要一支开放多元的人才队伍。而这需要通过创新用人机制、拓宽用人视野、完善培训工程来实现。三是工作机制要开放。通过建立市场化运作机制、区域联动机制、合作研究机制、对外学术交流机制、品牌运作机制,形成一种有凝聚力和辐射力的工作机制。四是资源成果要开放。通过开发志鉴衍生产品、优化公众传播渠道等,推进地方志资源成果的开发利用。  相似文献   

中国延绵数千年的藏书文化是中华民族极为珍视的传统。苏州常熟和吴县的藏书楼在中国藏书楼历史上占有重要的地位,尤其是晚清四大藏书楼之一的铁琴铜剑楼,历史悠久,藏书享誉海内外,巍然独存。作为传承历史文化载体的图书,以及图书的承载体藏书楼和藏书文化对于百姓具有很强的感召力和教化功用,只要引导得当、支持有力,具有悠久历史和丰厚文化底蕴的藏书楼必将再次焕发新生。  相似文献   

中共十九届四中全会指出:“坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,是全党的一项重大战略任务。”A这是全会从党和国家事业发展的全局和长远出发提出的一个十分重要的论断。全面理解和准确把握这一论断的思想内涵和实践要求,对于深入学习和贯彻四中全会精神,加强制度建设和治理能力建设,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Success or failure of a polycentric system is a function of complex political and social processes, such as coordination between actors and venues to solve specialized policy problems. Yet there is currently no accepted method for isolating distinct processes of coordination, nor to understand how their variance affects polycentric governance performance. We develop and test a building-blocks approach that uses different patterns or “motifs” for measuring and comparing coordination longitudinally on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Our approach confirms that polycentric governance comprises an evolving substrate of interdependent venues and actors over time. However, while issue specialization and actor participation can be improved through the mobilization of venues, such a strategy can also fragment overall polycentric capacity to resolve conflict and adapt to new problems. A building-blocks approach advances understanding and practice of polycentric governance by enabling sharper diagnosis of internal dynamics in complex environmental governance systems.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, scientists fascinated by the behavior of free-living animals founded research projects that expanded into multi-generation investigations. This paper charts the history of three scientists’ projects to uncover the varied reasons for investing in a “long-term” perspective when studying animal behavior: Kenneth Armitage's study of marmots in the Rocky Mountains, Jeanne Altmann's analysis of baboons in Kenya, and Timothy Hugh Clutton-Brock's studies (among others) of red deer on the island of Rhum and meerkats in the Kalahari. The desire to study the behavior of the same group of animals over extended periods of time, I argue, came from different methodological traditions – population biology, primatology, and sociobiology – even as each saw themselves as contributing to the legacy of ethology. As scientists embraced and combined these approaches, a small number of long-running behavioral ecology projects like these grew from short pilot projects into decades-long centers of intellectual gravity within behavioral ecology as a discipline. By attending to time as well as place, we can see how this long-term perspective was crucial to their success; they measured evolutionary changes over generations of animals and their data provided insights into how the animals they studied were adapting (or not) to changing local and global environmental factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationships between areas of building fire incidence, levels of socio-economic disadvantage and the underlying socio-economic characteristics in the South East Queensland (SEQ) region, Australia. Disaggregated fire incident data was acquired from the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) and then aggregated to the Statistical Local Area (SLA) level. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) defined index of socio-economic disadvantage (called ‘SEIFA’) has been used as the basis to identify relationships between socio-economic disadvantage and building fires. A regression model was then developed to predict the incidence of building fires using a range of socio-economic variables. Five significant predictors were identified that include: i) percentage of unemployed, ii) proportion of Indigenous population, iii) families living in separate dwellings, iv) one parent, and v) parent families with children less than fifteen years of age. Results also show that the distribution of building fires varies markedly across the SEQ region, with some of the Brisbane inner suburbs, areas of high socio-economic disadvantage, and parts of inland SEQ associated with relatively high fire rates.  相似文献   

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