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ABSTRACT. We discuss the distance to shopping in the context of three fundamental theories: The Optimal City Theory, the Central Business District Theory and a Cost-Benefit Theory. Each is described and estimated separately by econometric models. The three theories are combined in a final model using the expansion method. The final model, including all three theories, is based on enquiry data from 15 Danish towns.  相似文献   

中部地区典型煤炭城市接续产业响应模式分析及比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在煤炭城市转型的基础上采取适宜的转型路径和适当的响应模式,是煤炭城市实现可持续发展的必须条件。本文基于产业生命周期发展理论,在确定中部地区典型煤炭城市接续产业的前提下,利用SOFM模型,将中部地区典型煤炭城市发展接续产业响应模式进行了系统分类,并确定了具体的四类响应模式及相应阶段的特征,最后针对城市煤炭城市接续产业响应模式提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

感知距离与游客满意度影响关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游客感知的内容与形式,取决于对距离本身的感知。行为地理学认为存在着环境意象,且与实际行为之间存在着密切的联系,对于旅游点的吸引力真正起影响作用的是感知距离而不是客观距离。本研究利用2008年九寨沟问卷调查数据,采用排序Logit模型与单因素方差分析定量分析了游客感知距离与满意度的相互影响关系。研究发现:(1)感知距离对游客满意度的影响是一种正向积极的影响;(2)九寨沟游客的旅游花费对于游客的满意度是呈现正向的影响;(3)游客的满意度会显著影响到感知距离的估计,游客估计的感知距离会随着满意度的提升而减小。  相似文献   


ABSTRACT. In a polycentric urban context, several urban nodes may exert an influence over land rents. Where this is the case, regression analysis to explain land rents should employ distance variables corresponding to each of the urban nodes. However, these distance measures may be highly intercorrelated, thereby posing a problem of “spatial multicollinearity.” This paper demonstrates that problems arising from spatial multicollinearity can be avoided or substantially lessened by carefully selecting the geographic domain from which observations are drawn.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper has been to explore the variation in the distance between the residence and work locations of industrial workers. This distance has been theoretically and empirically related to the income, number of dependents, marital status, sex, and age of workers whose job site was located in the centre of the city. A multiple regression model has shown the over-all importance of the budget constraint as a factor in the residential location decision relative to the job site. Of the variables included in the analysis, the wage rate of the worker is the strongest determinant of the location decision. Although workers who have the same budget constraint show weak locational relationships with the job site relative to the number of dependents and marital status, as suggested by the model, the only strong difference in spatial location occurs when the budget constraint is allowed to vary. Once workers have the means to increase their over-all utility level, they do trade off journey-to-work disutilities for residential facilities farther from the central city job site. But the social conditions of the worker tend to influence the residence-to-work distance only slightly when considered apart from the influence they may have on the wage rate. The over-all dependence of the journey-to-work distance on these variables in this setting hence was small, reaching an R value of only 0.38.  相似文献   

The decade of the 1970s is viewed as a turning point in the development of socio-economic geography in the West. An increasingly sociological focus has been accompanied by strong criticism of the traditional foundations of human geography and economic geography. A radicalization of socio-economic geography has involved several contradictory trends and periods. A symptomatic and important aspect, from the Soviet point of view, has been increasing interest on the part of some Western scholars in Marxist theory and in the work done by Soviet geographers in socio-economic geography.  相似文献   

河南省城镇发展演化的时空格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔家君  常黎 《人文地理》2007,22(1):73-76,91
利用2004年河南省997个城镇数据及夏代以来的城镇演化空间数据,对河南省城镇发展进行了时空梳理,河南省城镇数量的变化可以划分为5个阶段,呈现出较强的波动性,其原因主要有:全国经济重心南移、政治重心北上、政府行政干预等。河南省城镇分布的最初格局受当时人们取水方式等技术条件的限制呈现沿水系分布的空间格局,铁路的兴建使河南省城镇布局的限制条件得到改善,公路建设使城镇布局更加趋于合理、均衡。但不同区域经济的增长使城镇分布又相对集中,20世纪90年代以来,全省城镇分布向均衡化方向发展,同时在局部地域又有较为集中的块区。河南省城镇的空间格局基本符合中心地理论,但各地域的主导因素有一定差异。  相似文献   

基于ESDA的新疆城市化空间格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用ESDA并结合标准差指数、变异系数等方法,从空间相关的视角分析新疆各县域城市化发展水平空间差异.结果显示,以非农业人口来计算的新疆城市化水平呈现北疆、东疆、南疆逐次下降的空间格局.1978-2009年间:新疆县域城市化水平的空间自相关测度Moran's I由0.2065上升至0.4414,表明城市化水平格局的空间集聚性在不断增强,城市化空间分异的结构化特征明显.从局域自相关分析来看,区域间具有较明显呈现两极分化,说明新疆城市化水平在空间分布上具有不均衡性.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to assess an approach to statistical modeling of point referenced establishment data that permit inclusion of “environmental” or establishment‐specific covariates and specific forms of interestablishment interaction. Gibbs models are used to decompose the conditional intensity of the spatial point process into trend and interaction components. The trend is composed of access measures (primarily different classes of roads) and three different interaction processes are tested: Geyer, area interaction, and Strauss hard core. While the models used have proved to be useful in ecology, we are unaware of any applications to establishment or firm data. In empirical application, the models yield intuitively appealing results for the trend component, and the ability to specify the interaction component gives deeper insights into interestablishment spatial dynamics than any previously published methods.  相似文献   

上海市共享住宿时空格局及影响因素识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以Airbnb共享住宿为研究对象,通过GIS空间分析工具对上海市2010-2019年期间共享住宿空间演变与形成机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:①上海市共享住宿经历了自发萌芽-快速增长-稳步发展三个主要阶段;②上海市共享住宿正相关性逐年增强,空间聚集态势明显,局部格局整体呈现中心高、外围低的分布特征,研究期内逐渐由西北-东南向东北-西南方向扩散;③道路密度、经济水平、房源供给、服务群体与空间集聚对上海市共享住宿分布格局具有显著影响,并通过制约机制、供需机制、触发机制影响共享住宿选址布局,经过个体与时间积累效应,最终形成上海市共享住宿空间动态演化特征。  相似文献   

苟倩  王成金  程佳佳 《人文地理》2017,32(6):95-103
粮食运输关乎中国民生大计,而港口是其网络中的重要节点。本文以中国港口为研究对象,着眼于1982-2013年,从进出港、进出口等角度,深入考察中国港口在国内外贸易中的职能分工与变化,归纳其空间模式。同时,从粮食生产分布、产需差异、需求结构、政策等方面探讨其格局演变的动力机制。研究发现,中国港口粮食运输能力不断增强,出港格局先是“向环渤海地区集聚”再“轻度分散”,进港格局则从“以北方港口为主”向“较为分散”演化,环渤海港口一直承担着中国粮食的出口职能,粮食进口则由“北进”向“南北同进”模式演变。  相似文献   

非摩擦经济是不同于传统经济模式的一种低成本、无摩擦、高效率的全新的经济形态。网络经济是一种典型的非摩擦经济。非摩擦经济不仅对传统的经济学理论提出了严峻的挑战,而且以最为鲜明的力量对社会制度、法律、政府和人们的观念形成巨大冲击,尤其是对企业的运作机制和竞争策略提出了更高要求。因此,现代企业应遵循非摩擦经济的运行规律,重视新技术的应用,提升经营理念,以增强竞争能力。  相似文献   

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