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存在于空气中的微生物种类极其丰富,空气中有害微生物对文物安全和游客健康构成威胁,国内外博物馆均开展了馆内空气微生物的研究。为研究荆州博物馆文物展陈环境空气中真菌数量及种群分布,调查潜在的有害微生物,采用自然沉降法对3个展柜及其所在的展厅进行空气真菌采样。对分离到的真菌菌株进行形态和分子鉴定,并分析群落分布特征。结果显示:展厅中真菌数量范围为17~74 CFU/m~3,展柜中真菌数量在12~21 CFU/m~3之间,青铜器和木漆器的展柜中真菌数量显著低于展厅(P0.05);纺织品展柜和展厅中真菌数量无显著性差异(P0.05)。共发现19属真菌,展柜空气中分离出8属真菌,展厅空气中分离出17属真菌。枝孢属(Cladosporium)和小球腔菌属(Leptosphaeria)分别占真菌总数的24.76%、22.86%,为优势真菌。枝孢属普遍存在于展厅和展柜中,小球腔菌属主要存在于展厅中,卵形孢霉(Oospora)和链格孢属(Alternaria)真菌为展柜特有菌。总体而言,荆州博物馆展陈环境中展厅真菌数量和种类多于展柜,木漆器展厅真菌数量最高,种类最丰富。博物馆展厅和展柜在6月和7月温度、相对湿度有利于真菌类微生物滋长,枝孢属和小球腔菌属作为展陈环境中优势菌属,在适宜的环境下,容易大规模生长,对文物或人体具有一定危害,可采取空气消毒措施。该研究结果对了解馆内空气污染现状,保护游客健康和文物安全具有重要的现实意义,可为馆藏文物的预防性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了解莫高窟不同层位关闭洞窟微环境变化规律,在岩体垂直立面上选择形制、大小相似的关闭洞窟分析各层位温湿度变化特征。结果表明,不同层位关闭洞窟受围护结构阻隔作用,相比外界环境高频率、大幅度波动变化,洞窟温度年变化平稳,从下至上,温度逐渐升高,波动幅度依次增大,相对湿度正好呈相反变化。各层位关闭洞窟温度对降雨响应变化不明显,相对湿度受降雨影响显著,时间上均表现出滞后效应,降雨集中月份,湿度波动幅度最大。从空间上看,莫高窟中、上层关闭洞窟常年湿度集中,波动区间窄,底层洞窟湿度分散,在降水偏多年份,高湿度(>60%)出现频次增多,存在激活盐害的风险。该研究有助于丰富莫高窟微环境研究,为进一步完善莫高窟预防性保护监测体系提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

考古发掘现场腐蚀微生物的鉴定与防治一直是考古学家和文物保护工作者面临的难点问题。截至目前,国内外对于文物出土现场微生物腐蚀信息和资料获取的研究还十分有限。本研究以山西翼城大河口西周墓地为例,探讨了考古发掘现场遗址表面腐蚀真菌的快速检测技术与可能的防治对策;通过现场直接镜检结合后期分子生物学检测技术,确定造成大河口西周墓地土遗址大量污染真菌的群落组成。研究发现,造成山西大河口墓地出土现场腐蚀的优势真菌类群主要隶属于假散囊菌属(Pseudeurotium)、链格孢属(Alternaria)和小不整球壳属(Plectosphaerella),它们分别占据了整个出土现场腐蚀真菌克隆文库中的23%、21%、和18%。竖直墓道发掘坑道内较高的温度和相对湿度以及较低的空气交换速率是造成发掘现场微生物大面积污染的主要环境因子。该研究为快速获取出土文物腐蚀微生物的群落信息提供了技术支撑,为后期腐蚀微生物的防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

洞窟微环境相对湿度是影响壁画保存的关键因素,为了解开放参观对莫高窟洞窟相对湿度的影响,本研究选择莫高窟南区四个相似洞窟进行长达10年(2004~2013年)的定期监测,对比分析了开放洞窟和关闭洞窟其相对湿度的变化情况。结果表明:开放洞窟相对湿度在开放时段波动频率与游客参观频次正相关,发生降雨时开放洞窟相对湿度迅速上升,关闭洞窟可有效阻隔窟外相对湿度波动的影响。开放洞窟在参观量大的旅游旺季,其相对湿度月极大值、日较差月均值以及日极大值超过60%的频次均明显高于关闭洞窟。将开放洞窟关闭,关闭洞窟开放后,其相对湿度呈相反规律变化。开放参观会导致洞窟相对湿度水平显著升高,日波动幅度明显增大,从而增加壁画劣化风险。这些结论可为洞窟的预防性管理和风险评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

泉州湾宋代海船于1974年发掘出土,是我国发掘的第一艘体量大,年代早的远洋贸易木帆船,也是研究我国古代海外交通史、对外贸易史、造船史等不可多得的实物资料,属于国家珍贵一级文物,具有重要的保护价值。作为国内乃至亚洲大型海洋出水木质文物保护的先例,泉州湾宋代海船经过多年来综合性保护修复和开放式展览,其船体的保存现状值得关注。 微生物是造成木材降解糟朽的重要生物因素之一。微生物对木材的危害主要是木腐菌、着色菌和霉菌等真菌以及一些能够分解纤维素的细菌引起的各种损害。因此,木质文物中微生物类群的解析是众多木质文物预防性保护的重要前期基础,也是微生物病害发生时针对性高效防护的重要保障。为了了解当前泉州湾宋代海船船体中微生物的种群及分布规律,本研究采集从船头到船舱及船尾组成的25个不同区域的样品,采用新一代高通量扩增子测序技术,分析了不同木材类型组成的船体微生物的类群及分布规律,并解析当前船体中是否存在对其潜在有害的致腐微生物类群。 微生物群落组成调查与分析结果表明,船体各个部位中存在稳定且丰富的微生物类群。尽管船体不同部位的细菌和真菌群落组成具有一定的差异性,但这种差异性与船体的木材类型和所处结构位置的关联性不显著。其中船体不同保存区域中存在的优势细菌种属为不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)(13.65%)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)(6.88%)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)(3.69%),优势真菌为枝孢霉属(Cladosporium)(12.26%)、假丝酵母菌属(Candida)(5.93%)和扁孔腔菌属(Lophiostoma)(5.66%)。本次检测分析发现的芽孢杆菌属、链球菌属、枝孢霉属和曲霉属均可降解木材纤维素,这些微生物在一定环境条件下生长爆发则会威胁船体的保存,具有一定的潜在隐患。因此,在后续该船体的保护中应该定期对船体进行微生物病害防治处理,严格控制船体的展存环境温湿度,以益于船体的长期保存。 本研究首次系统地解析泉州湾宋代海船船体各个部位的微生物群落结构组成,同时也对泉州海外交通史博物馆当前对该船体的开放式展览微生物病害风险进行评估,为后续该船体微生物病害的预防性保护工作提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

封闭对敦煌莫高窟洞窟温湿度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境温湿度是影响文物保护的关键因子。本研究通过对莫高窟北区(132窟)封闭与开放洞窟的监测,对比分析了封闭对洞窟温湿度的影响,并通过人工冷凝确定了洞窟水分的主要来源。开放洞窟的温湿度随大气波动变化,但日温度波动幅度较小;潮湿天气对洞窟湿度影响较大,窟内温湿度主要受外界天气过程影响。相应地,洞窟封闭可消除外界气候及其温湿度日波动的影响,但可导致窟内湿度增高,这说明有来自围岩的水分进入洞窟。长期的封闭会使空气相对湿度明显增高,激活盐分,不利于壁画的保护。而在封闭洞窟内安装冷凝除湿-温湿度控制系统可有效地控制洞窟内的温湿度。洞窟水分的有效收集,证明有来自围岩的蒸发水分。洞窟封闭对比研究为洞窟类文物保护模式的探索提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

为了发现文物展陈环境中潜在的微生物病害,为馆藏文物的预防性保护提供科学依据,结合传统的纯培养技术和基于细菌16SrRNA基因的PCR-DGGE(PCR-Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)技术,综合分析博物馆小环境中可培养细菌的种属、数量及其时空动态变化特征。结果表明,博物馆小环境内可培养的空气微生物存在季节差异,在数量和多样性上均表现为夏季显著高于冬季,其主要优势菌群包括Acinetobacter sp.、Staphylococcus sp.、Pseudomonas sp.和Advenella sp.。此外,夏季空气的特征菌属为Acinetobacter sp.和Micrococcus sp.,冬季典型菌种为Bacillus sp.。  相似文献   

水分是导致壁画病害的关键因子。在封闭条件下,通过冷凝的方法对敦煌莫高窟B113窟的蒸发数量和特征进行了5年的监测。结果表明:B113洞窟水分年蒸发量为61189.9 g,日平均蒸发量为229.2 g,年蒸发量和日蒸发量都呈正弦曲线变化特征。监测表明:随着窟内温度升高,洞窟水分蒸发量增大;温度降低,洞窟水分蒸发量减小。温度决定蒸发水汽浓度,地气流出量决定蒸发水汽体量。洞窟水分蒸发从4月开始持续到12月中旬,6~8月洞窟水分蒸发最大,日水分蒸发7∶00~12∶00迅速上升,12∶00~23∶00下降,夜间也有持续的水分蒸发,是温度和地气活动量主导和控制着洞窟蒸发水分的数量。洞窟水分蒸发机制的揭示为今后洞窟微环境的调控和壁画预防性保护提供了理论基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

俄藏敦煌艺术品与莫高窟北区洞窟关系蠡测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过对俄藏敦煌艺术品的收集过程与特征分析,结合莫高窟北区洞窟出土的同类物的比较研究.分析指出俄藏敦煌艺术品的主要来源是奥登堡考察队在莫高窟北区石窟的挖掘所得,同样的道理,表明俄藏敦煌献中的部分也存在相类似的情况。并指出在研究中对俄藏敦煌艺术品与俄藏敦煌献与莫高窟北区洞窟出土物献结合研究的必要性与重要意义。  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟第98窟供养人画像多达251身,文章以该窟画像为案例,从画像本体出发,分析了画像在洞窟中的位置布局、画像的两种组织形式以及画像所持供养物品等,探讨了它们与供养人之间的尊卑关系问题。整体而言,位于洞窟内部南侧的供养人画像要尊贵于北侧;位于佛坛前部和后部的供养人画像的尊卑关系,是由东向西分为四级依次递减。  相似文献   


This study of Lascaux Cave consisted of simulating the evolution of changes in the levels of temperature and humidity both in the air and in the rock. By choosing different models (one-dimensional, three-dimensional, etc.), it was possible to calculate the required variables (temperature, moisture levels, speeds, etc.) at all points inside the cave, to locate zones of high water vapour concentration and to understand the nature of the airflow. The simulations described here provide the first general data on the airflow within the cave and its hygrothermic behaviour. The temperature fields result from natural convection phenomena, which are influenced by the climate outside the cave. From the point of view of air dynamics, we can observe the presence of an overall airflow that starts in the Machine Room (containing the air conditioning system installed in 1958), runs along the ground to the end of each of the branches of the cave, and returns along the cave vault to its starting point. This slow-moving phenomenon suggests the possibility of passive control of the ambient air from the Machine Room. There are localized risk areas where condensation of water vapour can occur, resulting in rapid deterioration of the limestone. Several of these areas are therefore monitored using condensation indicators placed on the cave walls or by visual observation of painted areas. The higher air speeds detected in some areas of the cave result in decay of the prehistoric paintings. The numerical modelling results, confirmed by observations and measurements in situ, should be taken into consideration when managing the conditions within the cave.  相似文献   

为了对108窟内不同位置的温度、湿度和空气压力进行监测,设置了12个点的传感器。监测结果表明,窟内温度存在着显著的昼夜和长期的变化,其中上层空气的温度变化尤其明显,而下层空气的温度变化则相对较小。在夏天,窟内的上层空气温度高于下层空气的温度。窟内空气的绝对湿度受外部环境严重影响,存在近似昼夜的变化。在分布上,窟内空气湿度在上层和前部高,而在下层和后部则较小。窟内存在着净的水汽输入过程,但水汽不是从洞窟的入口进入的。同样,窟内的空气压力也存在着明显的昼夜变化过程,并受外部环境的影响而升高或下降,窟内东侧的空气压力大于西侧的空气压力。这些结果一致说明,在108窟的东侧上层存在着水汽和热量的来源。研究结果为下一步的盐害防治工作提供了思路,具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the taphonomy of predominantly biogenic sediments and pollen in the key archaeological site in the West Mouth of the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak. Strong spatial patterning of sediments and pollen were found, with a zonation related to distance into the cave. Near the cave mouth, sedimentation is silty and derived from waters running down the cliff outside the cave, with leaves from external vegetation. Pollen assemblages are similar to forest floor samples outside the cave, and thus are of airfall or wash origin. In the interior of the West Mouth, sedimentation is highly organic and composed largely of bird droppings. Pollen assemblages in the interior are strongly but regularly biased, with ‘over-representation’ of mangrove and riverine taxa resulting from the recruitment of pollen by bats and swiftlets foraging preferentially in these zones, over 7 and over 2 km from the cave, respectively. The significance of these findings for the understanding of humid tropical cave sequences and particularly for the current reassessment of Niah Cave is discussed.  相似文献   

A high correlation between chronometric determinations based on aspartic acid racemization ratios and radioactive dating methods is described from samples of cave bear (Ursus deningeri and Ursus spelaeus) dentine. For samples from a very restrictive environment, as deep cave bear sites are (in view of their highly stable geochemical and thermal history), an age calculation algorithm was obtained. It has been found that there is a very close relationship between collagen preservation, from total aspartic acid in the > 3500 D fraction, and the amino acid racemization.  相似文献   

An early hominid skull found in Petralona Cave in Greece has been widely quoted by the archaeologist now excavating the cave as being about 700,000 years old. A recent volume of the journal Anthropos (Athens) carried several papers dealing with uranium series, thermoluminescence, ESR and palaeomagnetic studies on material from Petralona. Careful reading of these papers shows that there are problems with all these methods when applied to material from this site and that it is not possible at present to give an age for deposits in the cave. In this paper we discuss each technique in the light of current knowledge.  相似文献   

通过对炳灵寺石窟第128窟连续一年的微环境监测数据分析,结合游客参观统计,探究了游客量对炳灵寺第128窟微环境的影响;其中CO2浓度与游客量呈正相关,窟内外温差越大,其衰减越快。洞窟温度升高与游客量呈一定程度正相关,温度增量主要为正值,负值与气象条件相关,温度的衰减与温度增量及窟内外温差正相关。窟内相对湿度变化较为复杂,监测期间游客参观对相对湿度影响在-5%~10%范围内,以降低窟内相对湿度为主。研究结果表明,目前的开放模式有助于CO2浓度衰减,可适当扩大每批次参观人数至10人左右,以应对大客流状况;注重旅游旺季特别是5月、9月下旬至10月中旬时间段洞窟内相对湿度变化的监测,做好游客管理和洞窟相对湿度控制应对措施。本研究对于炳灵寺石窟第128窟及其他相似洞窟的旅游开放管理具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Until now, the oldest known human hair was from a 9000-year-old South American mummy. Here we report fossil hairs of probable human origin that exceed that age by about 200,000 years. The hairs have been discovered in a brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) coprolite from Gladysvale cave in South Africa. The coprolite is part of a hyaena latrine preserved in calcified cave sediment dated between 195,000 and 257,000 years ago. This find supports the hypothesis that hyaenas accumulated some of the early hominin remains found in cave sites, and provides a new source of information on Pleistocene mammals in the Sterkfontein Valley.  相似文献   

Cave Art is a fragile testimony of past human societies and the development of modern behaviours. In limestone caves, moonmilk commonly endanger the artworks. It is a calcite deposit with a large variability of chemical composition and morphological structures and it hosts numerous microbial communities. The possibility to characterize this deposit in the field would aid in a better understanding of cave behaviour and allow the setting up of proper conservation measures. The present study analyses the variability of a moonmilk strip of metric size in Leye Cave in the Vézère Valley (Dordogne, France). The cave was not ornate and was selected as a laboratory cave in which in‐situ observations and micro‐sampling could be carried out, before they were performed in cavities hosting parietal artworks. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations of 24 samples allowed, for the first time, an investigation of the variability of moonmilk deposits over the same wall of a few metres dimension. The observations highlighted the low variability of the moonmilk at the microscopic scale when regarding the chemical composition and morphological structures, despite significant macroscopic diversity, thus providing insights into how to optimize the sampling strategy of moonmilk in ornate caves.  相似文献   

The Chauvet-Pont d'Arc and Deux-Ouvertures caves, located along the Ardèche River (France), contain abundant remains of the extinct cave bear (Ursus spelaeus). Because they also display a variety of Palaeolithic anthropogenic evidences, such as the earliest charcoal drawings recorded to date (Chauvet-Pont d'Arc), and delicate engravings (Deux-Ouvertures), they offer the opportunity of studying the interaction between animals and human beings during a key period for Pleistocene species extinctions. We characterized cave bear specimens from these two sites by radiocarbon dating, stable isotopes, and mitochondrial DNA analysis. In Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, we obtained radiocarbon ages that ranged between 29,000 and 37,300 years before present (BP). The Deux-Ouvertures cave bear specimens clustered to the bottom of this time frame, returning radiocarbon ages of 27,440–30,220 years BP. Cave bear nitrogen isotope values were all compatible with a vegetarian diet. Mitochondrial DNA analysis, carried out on a highly variable domain of the control region, evidenced only two cave bear haplotypes, including a new haplotype, and a common one which largely predominated. We detected both haplotypes in Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, but only recorded the predominant one in the Deux-Ouvertures Cave. Our data put forward the surprising observation that cave bears inhabited Ardèche over a short period of time, from about 37,000 to 27,400 years BP. They were notably present during the first (Aurignacian) phase of human intrusions in Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, 30,000–32,000 years BP. This points to the possible competition for cave sites, presumably on a seasonal scale considering the cave bear habit for hibernation. During this time period, the small number of haplotypes is at variance with the extensive genetic diversity reported elsewhere for much more ancient specimens.  相似文献   

Existing 14C dates of charcoal and bone samples from different layers of the Late Epigravettian sequence at Arene Candide (Liguria, Italy) place the formation of the deposit between 12,000 and 10,000 (uncal.) BP, but it is unclear how long this cave was used for funerary purposes. Clarifying this point has important archaeological and anthropological implications, given number and variety of inhumations. These include single and double burials of richly ornamented adults, adolescents and children and disarticulated accumulations of bones. Six new direct 14C AMS dates obtained from human skeletons place more precisely the necropolis at the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene boundary, and appear distributed in two distinct groups that indicate two phases of funerary utilisation of the cave. Although separated by many centuries, the two phases of interment show recurring formal elements. Both groups include skeletons in anatomical connection exhibiting similar grave goods as well as chaotic accumulations of bones and, more importantly, the double burial of an adult with a child lying to its left. The reappearance of similar funerary patterns in the same site at two widely separated points in time suggests that the cave held a symbolic significance over several centuries. This, and the additional evidence of funerary use of the cave during the preceding Gravettian, points to the endurance of Upper Palaeolithic cultural traditions.  相似文献   

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