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为保护山东青州香山汉墓出土大量精美的西汉彩绘陶器,针对出土器物的腐蚀病害现状,运用X-射线衍射分析和偏光显微分析等技术手段,对出土彩绘陶器表面的白色盐分产物和陶片本体进行了检测。检测结果表明,表面盐分产物成分为碳酸钙和硫酸钙;该批陶器烧制材料主要由砂屑及粘土构成,所用粘土为岩土矿长期风化的积聚产物;制作工艺以模为主,模、塑结合;并结合以上的几种分析结果对其腐蚀病害及产生机理进行了论述,发现陶器表面风化是云母类矿物内部化学键断裂以及保存环境中的可溶盐的破坏应力所致。本研究结果为彩绘陶器保护修复提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

早在一万年前的新石器时代,我们的祖先就已发明并广泛使用陶器。在江西万年仙人洞遗址发掘的陶器,经科学测定,约为8800年前的遗物,是目前我国发现的最早的陶器。陶器是由质地较粗而且不透明的粘土制品,由粘土经成形、干燥、烧制而成,可上釉或不上釉,一般烧成的温度为800℃左右。按粘土所含杂质及成分的不同和烧制温度的差别,坯体呈白、青、褐、棕等颜色。贵州在新石器时代就出现了陶器。1977年贵州省博物馆考古工作者在赫章县可乐区试掘新石器时代遗址,就发现了大量的陶残片,有泥质陶和尖沙陶两种,火候较高,陶色以灰陶为主。但…  相似文献   

秦俑修复粘接剂实验初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
容波  蓝德省 《文博》2003,(2):71-78
1.前言 秦俑是我国文物宝库中的璀璨明珠,不仅具有极高的艺术欣赏价值,而且也具有极高的历史研究价值。秦俑质地为陶,在地下埋藏多年,深受沉重的泥土覆压,容易破碎,大多数秦兵马俑出土时,已是支离破碎的残片,失去了原有的风采,必须经过有效的科学粘接修复才能还其本来形貌。因此在粘接和修复秦俑过程中,粘接剂的选择显得格外重要。在国外,有各种成型的专用粘接剂。而  相似文献   

穆斯堡尔谱学是研究古陶瓷的一种极其有用的手段,它能提供粘土和粘土烧制条件的信息.穆斯堡尔谱的参数是烧制条件的函数。根据 Fe~(3+)与 Fe~(2+)的强度可能判断原始烧制气氛。根据Fe~(3+)、Fe~(2+)和磁性峰的强度.Fe~(3+)或Fe~(2+)的四极分裂(QS)可判断原始烧成温度。穆斯堡尔谱可以测定粘土或陶瓷中的结构铁和氧化铁的丰度.可测定与陶瓷着色有关的氧化铁粒子的尺寸和分布.钙质粘土的磁比率(M)较低.Q.S 值较大;而非钙质粘土的磁比率较高,Q.S 较小。穆斯堡尔谱可探测由于风化或自然辐照产生的年代效应,这为鉴别古陶瓷的年代提供了某种可能性,穆斯堡尔技术和其他分析技术相互配合可获得可靠的考古学信息。  相似文献   

在多年自然营力作用下,有些古建筑的砖体正遭受着严重的风化破坏,亟需修复和加固。为此,通过试验,研究烧制温度对红砖物理力学性质的影响,以期为古建筑修复和保护提供理论参考。利用模具手工制作边长为5 cm的立方体黏土砖。利用高温炉分别在700、800、900、1 000和1 100℃的温度下烧制成红砖。然后,测试不同烧制温度下红砖的块体密度、颗粒密度、开孔孔隙率、总孔隙率、常压吸水率、饱和吸水率、毛细吸水系数、纵波波速、孔径分布、单轴抗压强度。结果表明,烧制温度会影响物理力学性质,但物理力学性质并非随着烧制温度的增加而改善。烧制温度为1 100℃时砖的性能最优,烧制温度为800℃和900℃时砖的性能中等,烧制温度为700℃和1 000℃时砖的性能差。本文分析了烧制温度为1 000℃时红砖的物理力学性质差的原因。研究结果可为古建筑修复和保护提供理论参考。  相似文献   

广西桂平博物馆藏东汉铜甑对于研究广西地区青铜器冶铸技术的发展具有重要的研究价值。但器物长期保存于潮湿环境中,矿化严重、保存状况较差,亟须保护修复。本研究应用X射线影像观察、金相显微镜、扫描电镜及能谱分析、模拟实验验证等方法研究了器物的铸造工艺、合金成分以及锈蚀产物成分。结果表明该器物为整体铸造成形,器物铸造时使用了轮制技术、刮板造型工艺以及铸后刻纹的工艺,箅部范块制作过程是用器身模翻制器身范后脱模,将器身模的圈足部分切下,然后在圈足泥模上刻出箅部型腔。在此基础上,遵循最低限度干预原则,力求将传统的文物修复手段与现代修复理念相结合,通过除锈、修补等保护修复措施后,不但提高了器物的整体稳定性,而且达到了可以展陈,发掘文物潜在价值的要求。  相似文献   

本文对大同地区北魏、金元时期典型墓葬出土漆器残片进行工艺分析,利用科学仪器从微观结构上探究其制作的主要工序,为了解本地区各时期漆器制作工艺提供技术资料,为相关漆器保护修复提供参考依据。  相似文献   

文物保护的对象不仅仅是文物的本体,还包括其所承载的重要信息。沧州青县唐墓出土的2件漆盘残片上保存有木胎车削技术的痕迹,说明这种记录在明代文献中的制作工艺在唐代的木器加工中就已使用。为保证漆盘残片所反映的历史信息的完整性,在修复时不做进一步的补全修复,而是将其拼对粘接后直接做成标本,并制作相应的支架、夹具和文物包装,以便更好地进行保护、展示与研究。  相似文献   

秦俑足履的种类和制作工艺及名称,袁仲一先生已在《秦始皇陵兵马俑研究》一书里研究的很全面详细了。本人在1993年修复秦俑的过程中,对后来部分新出土的俑足履靴进行了详细的观察,想对它们所表现出的个别现象(图一)谈一点感受,不妥之处,敬请方家指正。(一)足...  相似文献   

为用现代化学分析手段来揭示古代漆器的髹漆工艺,对六件宋代温州漆器残片成分和髹漆工艺进行了分析。在利用现代化学分析方法,借助扫描电子显微镜、X-射线能谱仪、激光共聚焦拉曼光谱、红外光谱、X-射线粉末衍射、体视显微镜等对漆器残片漆膜成分展开分析。结果表明,红色漆膜的主要成分是朱砂(硫化汞),黑色漆膜的主要显色成分可能是炭黑;漆膜结构劣化降解明显,存在多种微缺陷;漆膜中成膜成分是生漆;截面分层明显;银扣漆器中的扣体成分是锡和二氧化锡的混合物而不是金属银,应命名为锡扣漆器;戗金和描金残片漆灰部分的X射线粉末衍射的分析结果表明漆灰层中有添加动物灰的做法。  相似文献   

Abstract. Some important novelists have written a great novel early in their careers and have produced lesser works thereafter, whereas others have improved their work gradually over long periods and have made their major contributions late in their lives. Which of these patterns a novelist follows appears to be systematically related to the nature of his work. Conceptual writers typically have specific goals for their books, and they produce novels that emphasize plot; experimental writers' intentions are often uncertain, and their novels more often stress characterization. By examining the careers of 12 important modern novelists, the author demonstrates that conceptual novelists—including Herman Melville, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway—are generally those who have declined after writing landmark early novels, while, in contrast, experimental novelists—including Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and Virginia Woolf—have typically arrived at their most important work later in their careers. As is the case for modern painting and poetry, the ranks of great modern novelists have included both conceptual young geniuses and experimental old masters.  相似文献   

This article discusses gender roles and behavior and changing relationships between the sexes resulting from Western influence on the Simbu people in Papua New Guinea. Sexual segregation and taboos, cult secrecy, and male domination of women have weakened during 50 years of contact with the West. The observations upon which this paper is based were made during 1958-65 and through individual and group interviews obtained in 1976, 1984, 1985, and 1987. Simbu women have been self-sufficient while appearing to comply with male dominance and group claims. More younger women are now asserting their individuality. With Westernization, many home crafts have been abandoned. Women have responded to new ideas and economic goals by promoting the education of their children. A notable few women have achieved professional positions or business success and have joined a new class of elite citizens with opportunities to expand their lives in ways formerly unimaginable. Both urban men and women retain close ties with their rural families. Urban men depend upon rural support groups to achieve their political ambitions. When successful, these men distribute favors to their rural supporters. Urban women may incorporate rural relatives into their urban households, but many reject their own domestic roles. This new urban elite is still in the formative stage and it is impossible to predict whether it will ultimately reject its rural foundation to embrace an urban multi-ethnic affiliation.  相似文献   

Villagers in northern Laos have been on the move for generations. Recent changes, however, in the location of their village and their daily mobility patterns differ from what they have experienced before; the government's resettlement programme has changed their livelihoods and made them more socially and economically vulnerable. The ethnic groups we studied have decided to use mobility to resist state control and seek livelihood security for themselves. By using the concept of motility, this article analyses how this household and community choices have a gender-differentiated impact. The mobility patterns of men and women have changed. While men attend to long-term investments, women are forced to make ends meet on a day-to-day basis. Men visit the market and public places more frequently, while women spend more time looking for non-timber forest products and working as hired labour. Although women now support the family and their mobility has increased, their say in the household seems to be on the decline, resulting in weakening women's motility.  相似文献   

城市化是世界各国经济社会发展的必由之路,但二战后中东国家的城市化发展模式与西方发达国家城市化发展的历史经验大不相同,实行的是以西方城市化为参照目标的赶超战略,导致严重的过度城市化现象。中东过度城市化的畸形发展引发一系列城市化问题,并对中东地区的社会稳定构成重要影响,体现在过度城市化孕育着不稳定的社会心理;过度城市化危及社会秩序稳定;过度城市化对城市社会结构产生影响,扩大底层社会的基础。  相似文献   

于冰 《东南文化》2011,(2):14-18
工程遗产不同于古建筑,也不同于工业遗产。中国的古代工程遗产具有独特的科学技术价值、集成价值和发展价值。然而工程遗产实物难于辨识,遗产价值易被忽视,遗产性质和遗产构成难于界定,遗产真实性难于评估,遗产保护和展示难度大,因此长期以来重视程度不够。我们需要加强基础研究,并争取政策支持和开放合作,以实现对工程遗产的整体保护。  相似文献   

Recent discussions of political actions have emphasised the ways that strategic use of spaces, places and various spatial scales helps to constitute activist practice. Advancing their interests involves activists in spatial practices that seek simultaneously to achieve cohesion and identity for their group, and to negotiate the shifting 'opportunity structures' of their context. In this article, the authors use examples of Australian women's activism in urban and rural contexts to show (1) the spatial processes with which activist groups have negotiated their strategic identities, and (2) how activist groups have constructed their politics spatially with reference to the opportunities presented by the Australian state of the early to mid-1990s. The urban activism discussed is that of parents (primarily women) contesting the quality of children's services in an outer suburban Melbourne municipality; the rural activism is that of the national Women in Agriculture movement, seeking increased recognition of the roles of women in agricultural occupations and sectors. The article elaborates on how the groups have mobilised to develop their constituencies within the contexts of the Australian state of the time, using different spaces and sites, finding appropriate languages and bureaucratic targets, and making a space for their concerns politically, symbolically and materially.  相似文献   

论文以22名嫁韩中国女性为对象,从跨国主义的视角分析她们在韩的婚姻现状、与原生家庭间的跨国联系及这种联系的性质和意义。研究发现,这些女性绝大多数来自中国东北三省和山东沿海地区;中介婚姻占近70%,且与丈夫的年龄差距普遍较大;再婚者占较大比例。其中,60%与韩国丈夫育有子女,已在韩国生活多年,并从事各种非专业化工作。这些女性通过汇款寄物,信息通讯交流,回国探亲,邀请家人来韩等一系列方式维持着跨国家庭纽带。而她们的中国家人也为其提供育儿、家政以及精神抚慰等多方面的支持。通过跨国家庭纽带,汉族女性与原生家庭成员之间实现的是一种灵活变动着的"跨国看护",双方是互惠互利的。  相似文献   

This study uses secondary data from 2006 to assess the physical and mental health of rural, home-based sex workers and their young children in rural Andhra Pradesh state of India. The analyses of survey and clinical data show a high level of morbidity amongst sex worker women and their children. Women show high levels of nutritional deficiencies, anaemia, weight loss and hospitalisation. Women's mental health is particularly serious, with 92 per cent being depressed and 57 per cent having attempted suicide. The majority have experienced domestic and work-related violence, including rape. Clinical assessments of sex workers’ children show that most have received vaccinations, but almost half have parasites, dental problems and nutritional deficiencies. Both the physical and mental health of sex worker mothers are associated with the health of their children. Therefore, health interventions focusing on sex worker mothers have the potential to improve the health of their children.  相似文献   

首都博物馆是北京市的窗口单位,应该营造一个舒适健康的环境, 不仅保护公众健康, 而且有利于文物保存,因此对博物馆内空气中微生物进行分离和鉴定具有重要意义。对首都博物馆内空气中微生物进行采样,分离鉴定优势细菌28株,由形态、生理生化及分子生物学结合鉴定。前两项确定细菌的基本形貌和特征,分子生物学方法得到28株细菌的16S rDNA 序列与 Genbank 中标准序列对比进一步确定种属,鉴定出所有菌与已知菌的同源性均在99%以上,且均为条件致病菌。在正常条件下不能够导致传染类疾病的发生,对观众和工作人员安全。在鉴定细菌种类的同时,根据其固体培养特征和生理生化特点,从现象到机理本质分析了细菌可能对文物造成的危害。以上工作为博物馆空气质量监测、文物保护保存环境提供参考  相似文献   

论文对加拿大二线城市卡尔加里和爱德蒙顿华人新移民的主要特点、移民动机和融合过程中的主要障碍进行了分析,探讨了新移民在加拿大向下层社会流动的问题。研究显示,新移民在经济融合过程中遭遇多方面的障碍,尤其在就业和语言方面。他们在移民加拿大之后,经历了去技能化和以前的学历和工作经验贬值,促使他们向下层社会流动,而这种状况反过来又阻碍了他们的融合进程。华人新移民的负面经历可以归因于由玻璃大门、玻璃房门和玻璃天花板构成的"三重玻璃效应"。加拿大政府应采纳融合框架政策,除承认移民的流动自由外,还要保证他们能享有与其他加拿大人一样同等的公民权益。  相似文献   

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