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故宫灵沼轩是一座砌体结构与钢结构组合而成的文物建筑。为有效对其保护,采用数值模拟方法,研究了风振作用下结构的动力响应。基于灵沼轩结构现状,建立了有限元模型。通过模态分析,获得了灵沼轩的基频和主振型;通过对结构施加y向脉动风荷载,研究了重现期为50年时结构的风振特性,评价了结构在风荷载作用下的安全现状。结果表明:灵沼轩结构基频为f=5.75Hz,在x及y向的主振型以局部振动为主;脉动风压作用下,结构保持稳定振动状态,但顶部位置加速度峰值偏大。另风压作用下,砌体结构部分位置的抗拉强度不足,应在日常维护中予以重视;钢结构部分由于材料强度大,因而不会出现强度破坏。  相似文献   

为研究南京长江大桥桥头堡填充墙加固对结构抗震性能的影响,提出考虑较高填充墙开裂的双斜撑模型,用于罕遇地震工况下桥头堡的抗震性能计算,同时提出考虑填充墙加固后刚度增强效应的建模方法。利用SAP2000建立了加固前后用于多遇地震工况、设防地震工况及罕遇地震工况的分析模型,并选取了桥头堡在1974年经历的实际地震激励时程及El-Centro地震激励时程作为激励进行了加固前后结构的抗震性能分析比较。研究发现,填充墙加固后桥头堡的抗震性能有了明显提升,其位移响应峰值约下降8%~23%,层间位移角响应峰值约下降12%~22%,而且桥头堡结构在设防地震情况下2个方向的层间位移角均满足了规范要求。另外,在罕遇地震工况下,未加固的填充墙开裂会使结构的扭转刚度下降,而填充墙加固可有效提升结构的扭转刚度,降低桥头堡在地震时发生扭转振动的概率。这2种地震荷载激励的分析结果差异约在3%~21%不等,且响应峰值出现的位置也有一些不同,故对桥头堡进行抗震时程分析时建议选取多条地震波输入综合分析。研究成果可为同类型的钢筋混凝土建筑遗产的抗震加固提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

在对白居塔建筑形制调查研究基础上,区分塔体内嵌高山体和内嵌低山体两种情况,确定重力作用以及重力和地震耦合作用两种工况。基于采用岩土摩尔—库伦本构模型的有限元分析技术,对白居塔和山体的耦合结构进行稳定性分析。得出以下结论:自重作用下,整体结构稳定性满足,且有较高的安全稳定系数;白居塔整体结构的刚度较大,整个结构体系属于抗震有利体系;白居寺整体结构基频模态以侧倾为主;在7°(基本加速度0.15 g)多遇地震作用下,两个模型整体结构的抗震稳定性较好,结构不会产生整体性失稳破坏;在8°(基本加速度0.3 g)多遇地震作用下,较高山体模型主体结构基本处于安全状态,较低山体模型主体结构不满足稳定要求;较高山体的模型相对于较低山体的模型,安全稳定性要高。  相似文献   

故宫灵沼轩是我国最早建造的钢铁-砌体组合结构之一,目前损坏较为严重。为更好地保护和修缮该建筑,残损分析和结构性能研究是其修缮保护的科学基础。首先通过现场调研,对该建筑的残损状况进行分析,找出其显见的病害;然后通过精确测绘、材料检测及有限元模拟分析其结构性能,找出其隐在的病害;最后综合残损分析及结构性能分析结果,提出相应的保护措施建议。  相似文献   

为保护壁画文物,以四川省广元市剑阁县大雄宝殿为例,对汶川地震作用下殿内壁画的震害进行了研究.根据震后勘查结果,讨论了大雄宝殿壁画的典型震害症状,分析了古建筑侧脚构造对壁画抗震的有利影响.根据大雄宝殿壁画加固工艺作法及古建筑榫卯连接特点,建立了大雄宗殿的震前有限元模型.为研究汶川地震作用下壁画的震害特征,首先对其进行了模态分析,然后将模拟汶川地震波进行调幅,然后作用于大雄宝殿进行地震反应分析.通过采用时程分析法,获得了地震作用下不同时刻壁画整体的内力与变形响应峰值,并获得了典型节点的地震响应曲线.结果表明:大雄宝殿壁画开裂与空鼓的主要原因是面层与墙体粘结不牢导致的受拉破坏;地震作用下壁画保持稳定的振动状态;为提高壁画的抗震性能,壁画木框与外墙板间应加强连接,并在空隙处填塞隔震材料,同时应加强壁画本身保养工作.  相似文献   

故宫地下文物库开建于1986年,年代久,防震问题较为突出。为更好解决库房改造中遇到的困难,结合库房现状,研究提出了一种相对较适宜的防震措施。方案里提供的装置主要由夹头、导杆以及阻尼板组成,构造简单且便于安装。为评估其抗震效果,建立了有限元分析模型,并选取了三条地震波进行时程分析。从结果中发现:故宫库房内的独立储藏柜抗震性能较差,九度罕遇地震作用下,储藏柜摇摆剧烈,甚至发生了倾覆。而采用装置后,组合双柜能通过增大的滑移距离更好地耗散掉地震能量,摇摆幅度均明显降低,最大仅为1.64°(El Centro波)。因此,分析结果验证了装置的抗震有效性。  相似文献   

为了对金陵大报恩寺南北两块御碑遗址进行科学保护,首先通过有限元模拟对南北御碑遗址的现状结构性能进行分析,找出其在正常使用和地震作用时存在的安全隐患;然后根据计算分析结果及整体设计要求提出增设隔震支座的保护技术方案,采用有限元模拟计算对南北两块御碑遗址在增设隔震支座后的结构性能进行分析。计算结果表明:带有御碑的北碑的第一阶自振频率约为不带御碑的南碑的0.087;地震作用下,带有御碑的北碑最有可能破坏的部位是御碑,而不带御碑的南碑最有可能破坏的部位是龟趺头部。施加隔震支座后,南北两块御碑遗址结构的振动频率、最大主拉应力和最大主压应力均明显减小,在7度罕遇地震的情况下均不会发生破坏。研究结果对石碑的结构保护工程研究有参考价值。  相似文献   

本文采用反应谱分析法对西黄寺清净化城塔进行了地震安全性分析,找出其薄弱环节,得出对其结构抗震安全性评价有价值的结论。目前的反应谱分析多般基于线弹性应力应变模型,但结构一旦出现开裂,结构的应力应变关系将是非线形性的,若求解开裂结构的位移和应力,反应谱分析不再适用。但反应谱分析结果能够帮助分析人员找出结构的薄弱环节,判断结构在关键部位是否会出现裂缝以及其定性地判定裂缝开展的程度。从这个意义上讲,反应谱分析对结构的抗震分析具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

为更好地保护故宫太和殿,采用有限元分析方法,研究了太和殿的动力特性及常遇地震作用下的响应。采用弹簧单元模拟榫卯节点及斗拱构造,并考虑柱础为铰接,建立了太和殿有限元模型。通过模态分析,获得了太和殿基频及主振型;通过对模型进行时程分析,获得了典型节点的位移、加速度响应曲线,以及典型单元的内力响应曲线,评价了太和殿的抗震性能。结果表明:太和殿基频为0.9Hz,主振型以平动为主;常遇地震作用下,太和殿能保持稳定振动状态,结构的内力和变形均在容许范围内,且斗拱及榫卯节点均能发挥一定的减震作用。  相似文献   

为有效保护古建筑,采用振动台试验方法,研究了中国明清官式木构古建的抗震性能。以故宫某单檐歇山木构古建为对象,制作了1∶2缩尺比例模型。模型含浮放柱底、柱架、斗拱、歇山屋顶、墙体等所有构造,且施工工艺完全符合中国明清官式木构古建施工规定。通过施加白噪声激励,获得了模型的基频和阻尼比。通过施加不同强度等级的1940年El-Centro波,获得了模型典型节点的位移和加速度响应,讨论了模型的减震系数,评价了浮放柱底、榫卯节点、斗拱、屋顶、墙体等构造的抗震性能。结果表明:模型的振动形式表现为平面内的扭摆,其原因与歇山式屋顶质量分布不均密切相关。模型的震前基频为1.47Hz,阻尼比为4.6%。地震作用下,模型的位移及加速度响应曲线近似稳定、均匀。尽管屋顶构造则对地震力有一定放大作用,但浮放柱底、榫卯节点、斗拱等构造能发挥较好的耗能减震作用。对于不同构造而言,榫卯节点的减震性能最好,其减震系数可降至0.30;斗拱次之,其减震系数可降至0.53;而浮放柱底与柱顶石之间的摩擦耗能性能最弱,其减震系数最小值为0.66。墙体在地震波强度增大过程中发生倒塌,但不影响结构整体稳定性。因此,单檐歇山式木构古建具有良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

Response of masonry walls to out-of-plane excitation is a complex, yet inadequately addressed theme in seismic analysis. The seismic input expected on an out-of-plane wall (or a generic “secondary system”) in a masonry building is the ground excitation filtered by the in-plane response of the walls and the floor diaphragm response. More generally, the dynamic response of the primary structure, which can be nonlinear, contributes to the filtering phenomenon. The current article delves into the details and results of several nonlinear dynamic time-history analyses executed within a parametric framework. The study addresses masonry structures with rigid diaphragm response to lateral loads. The scope of the parametric study is to demonstrate the influence of inelastic structural response on the seismic response of secondary systems and eventually develop an expression to estimate the seismic input on secondary systems that explicitly accounts for the level of inelasticity in the primary structure in terms of the displacement ductility demand. The proposed formulation is discussed in the companion article.  相似文献   

Much research in recent years has focused on the seismic analysis of concrete and earthfill dams, and few works have addressed the case of masonry dams. The structural behavior of masonry dams is controlled essentially by its discontinuous nature, which may induce significant nonlinear response during an intense earthquake. In this article, a numerical tool based on the Discrete Element Method is presented, aimed at the static, dynamic, and hydromechanical analysis of masonry gravity dams. The use of discontinuous models is mandatory for the study of failure mechanisms involving the masonry discontinuities, the dam-rock interface or the rock mass joints. The Discrete Element Method is able to assemble continuous and discontinuous meshes simultaneously in the same model, providing a versatile tool to consider various assumptions and levels of analysis, ranging from simplified to detailed structural representations. A comprehensive study of the seismic behavior of Lagoa Comprida Dam, located in Portugal, is presented. Both continuous and discontinuous models were developed to assess the main failure mechanisms, including overstress, partial and global sliding, and overturning.  相似文献   


A displacement-based (DB) assessment procedure was used to predict the results of shake table testing of two unreinforced masonry buildings, one made of clay bricks and the other of stone masonry. The simple buildings were subject to an acceleration history, with the maximum acceleration incrementally increased until a collapse mechanism formed. Using the test data, the accuracy and limitations of a displacement-based procedure to predict the maximum building displacements are studied. In particular, the displacement demand was calculated using the displacement response spectrum corresponding to the actual shake table earthquake motion that caused wall collapse (or near collapse). This approach was found to give displacements in reasonable agreement with the wall’s displacement capacity.  相似文献   

The sequence of earthquakes that has affected Christchurch and Canterbury since September 2010 has caused damage to a great number of buildings of all construction types. Following post-event damage surveys performed between April 2011 and June 2011, an inventory of the stone masonry buildings in Christchurch and surrounding areas was carried out in order to assemble a database containing the characteristic features of the building stock, as a basis for studying the vulnerability factors that might have influenced the seismic performance of the stone masonry building stock during the Canterbury earthquake sequence. The damage suffered by unreinforced stone masonry buildings is reported and different types of observed failures are described using a specific survey procedure currently in use in Italy. The observed performance of seismic retrofit interventions applied to stone masonry buildings is also described, as an understanding of the seismic response of these interventions is of fundamental importance for assessing the utility of such strengthening techniques when applied to unreinforced stone masonry structures.  相似文献   

The article presents seismic resistance evaluation study of unreinforced brick masonry buildings. The study was carried out as part of the Ph.D. research work of the first author. As part of the study, in addition to the standard laboratory tests, a dynamic field test was carried out on single-story, single-room unreinforced masonry structure. The model structure was tested in actual ground conditions against simulated earthquake vibrations produced through controlled explosions, especially designed for this purpose. Based on masonry properties accrued from lab and field tests, finite element models of the brickwork system were also studied. Finally, the software named, “Shear Damage Index (SDI),” developed as part of this study, was used to plot contours of shear demand (shear stress) to shear capacity (shear strength) ratio on the numerical model and hence to identify potential weak zones in the model for possible strengthening of those locations.  相似文献   

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD buried and preserved the Stabian Baths building in the exact configuration which the archaeological excavations carried out in the second half of the 19th century recovered. By combining archeologists’ studies with the analysis of deformations and cracking pattern due to the 1st century seismic events, in this article numerical models have been formulated which allowed the formation of some hypotheses coherent on the timeline of the events, the damage to as well as the change of the shape and stylistic language of the thermal building. Specifically, through global seismic analyses and kinematic analyses of masonry portions of the “destrictarium” block, it is proven that during the 1st century not only a sole catastrophic earthquake occurred but, at least, two important seismic events took place.

The purpose of this article is to identify and parameterize the responsible earthquake by the analysis of seismic effects detectable in the damages and archaeological remains of the masonry walls of the Stabian Baths. The identification of the earthquake and the grading of provoked damages represent a useful knowledge tool that provides information about the vulnerability of ancient buildings and can be suitably used also to safeguard architectural heritage from seismic risk.  相似文献   

A large part of the building population in Switzerland is made of unreinforced masonry. For the assessment of the seismic risk the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of existing unreinforced masonry buildings is therefore crucial. In this paper a method to evaluate existing buildings, which was developed for the earthquake scenario project for Switzerland, is briefly introduced and discussed in more detail for unreinforced masonry buildings. The method is based on a non-linear static approach where the seismic demand on the building is compared with the capacity of the building. In-plane and out-of-plane behaviour are considered. Comparisons with test results from model buildings show that the proposed method suitably forecasts the capacity of a building. Finally, a numerical example of the application of the method to a building in the city of Basel is given.  相似文献   


Traditional domes are obtained by double curvature shells, which can be rotationally formed by any curved geometrical plane figure rotating about a central vertical axis. They are self-supported and stabilized by the force of gravity acting on their weight to hold them in compression. However, the behavior of inverted domes is different since the dome is downward and masonry inverted domes and their structural behaviors in the literature received limited attention. This article presents a nonlinear finite element analysis of historical brick masonry inverted domes under static and seismic loads. The brick masonry inverted dome in the tomb of scholar Ahmed-El Cezeri, town of Cizre, Turkey, constructed in 1508 is selected as an application. First, a detailed literature review on the masonry domes is given and the selected inverted dome is described briefly. 3D solid and continuum finite element models of the inverted masonry dome are obtained from the surveys. An isotropic Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) material model adjusted to masonry structures with the same tensile strength assumed along the parallel and meridian directions of the inverted dome is considered. The nonlinear static analyses and a parametric study by changing the mechanical properties of the brick unit of the inverted masonry dome are performed under gravity loads. The acceleration records of vertical and horizontal components of May 1, 2003 Bingöl earthquake (Mw = 6.4), Turkey, occurred near the region, are chosen for the nonlinear seismic analyses. Nonlinear step by step seismic analyses of the inverted dome are implemented under the vertical and horizontal components of the earthquake, separately. Static modal and seismic responses of the inverted masonry dome are evaluated using mode shapes, minimum and maximum principal strains and stresses, and damage propagations.  相似文献   

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