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“在从事海盗活动8年后,我决定退出。今后我不会卷入(海盗)团体的活动。我一直在鼓励许多同行退出海盗活动,他们已经这么做了。”  相似文献   

当索马里海盗猖獗时,很少有人想起在中国广阔的海疆上,也曾活跃着不少海盗,其参加人数之多,活动规模之大,堪称一大历史奇观。然而,中国历史上的海盗到底是一群什么样的人,他们是如何生活与行事的,却鲜为人知。当我们穿越时空的隧道,去体验海上曾经的惊心动魄与刀光剑影时会发现,中国海盗有其独特性。  相似文献   

二十一世纪的今天,中世纪神学殿堂的废墟上正在崛起新的大厦,海盗犯罪活动在新的时代也被赋予了新的意义——恐怖主义。在全球反恐的呼声中,我们往往将目光聚焦在陆上,拉登、猛虎组织成为人们的眼中钉;而在拥有陆地面积近三倍的海洋上,海盗仍在默默活动。国际海洋组织公布了一组近年来船只被袭事件的数据;1997年:253起;1999年:285起;2000年:469起,2003年,被海盗杀死的船员总人数要比2002年多上一倍。海盗不再是那些身着皮甲的伽太基人或是头顶角盔的维京生番。今天的海盗已不复大航海时代的魅力。越大的不同,越大的吸引。那个时代海盗的世界又是怎样的时间、地点、人物,怎样的情景?  相似文献   

中国是一个大陆国家,也是一个海洋国家,海盗问题是伴随着海洋发展而滋生的社会现象。清朝作为我国历史上最后一个王朝,在历经康乾盛世的繁荣之后开始走向衰微,各种社会问题日益突出。在东南沿海,不少沿海居民下海为盗,最终形成乾隆末年至嘉庆上半叶海盗活动的高潮。  相似文献   

近日,索马里几个比较大的海盗团伙宣布“金盆洗手”。有分析人士宣称,该地区长期存在的海盗活动有望彻底解决。然而,事情并非这么简单。近日,在索马里的一次解救人质行动中,法军特种部队遭遇挫败——两人阵亡,其中一人为该行动的指挥宫,人质也并未获救。更糟糕的是,索马里叛军声称,该指挥官是被战友留在战场而遭到射杀的。如果情况属实,则说明法军特种部队的指挥徊情报出现问题,战斗意志和训练也未达到应有的水准。  相似文献   

胡应霞 《神州》2012,(17):195-195
在伊丽莎白时代,英国资本主义取得极大地发展,英国的势力也延伸到世界的各个角落。究其原因,与当时悄然兴起的海盗势力有着莫大的关系。在同海盗接触中,伊丽莎白清楚的看到这股力量的强大,并选择了依靠海盗来谋求英国的发展,这不仅仅是为了经济上的财富需求,也非但为了政治上跻身大国的需要,更是为了顺应其谋求海外扩张的需求,海盗也"不辱使命",开辟了一个新时代,为"日不落"帝国的形成初步奠基。  相似文献   

周志兵  张志勋 《神州》2011,(1):63-64
20世纪以来,海盗行为愈演愈烈,已严重危及国际海上贸易安全及世界的和平与安宁。为打击海盗,各国通力合作,相继签署和批准了许多公约,尤其是1982年通过的《联合国海洋法公约》,确立了对海盗罪的普遍管辖权,为各国打击海盗行为提供了国际法依据。但是,随着时间的推移,情况已发生变化,原有的普遍管辖权机制已不能适应现阶段海盗行为的特点。因此,必须对原有的普遍管辖权机制加以修改和完善。本文通过分析海盗罪的普遍管辖权机制的确立、现状及其局限性,对海盗罪普遍管辖权机制的完善提出若干意见。  相似文献   

林雯  王一行  安然 《神州》2012,(33):174-174
海盗罪作为一项传统的、公认的国际犯罪,严重破坏公海秩序,危害海上运输事业的安全和发展。本文通过分析海盗罪及其国际法有关规定,拟以海盗罪的犯罪构成为角度,对我国应如何适用《联合国海洋法公约》惩治海盗行为进行分析,提出在我国法律体系中增设海盗罪的具体构想。  相似文献   

从古代起,海盗就肆虐于海上,哪里有商船,哪里就有海盗船尾随其后。 在古罗马时代,罗马帝国就同海盗在地中海鏖战多次。希腊和小亚细亚的海盗在罗马到埃及的航线上大肆抢掠,一度迫使罗马帝国运粮的主要航线中断,造成粮价暴涨,饥民起义。罗马朝野为之震动,派出著名统帅庞培于公元前70年率领舰队清剿海盗,但仍不能将海盗彻底消灭。大军一走,海盗又死灰复燃。  相似文献   

刘华 《世界》2007,(7):20-21
随着《加勒比海盗3》票房横扫,海盗成为今夏新偶像,加勒比海这个梦想之地也再次升温。早年的维京人几乎就是海盗的代名词,而Northman这个名字本身,在北欧语中也包含两层意思,首先是旅行,然后才是掠夺,两者关系足够密切。这也解释了为什么狂热的旅行者都有海盗情结,只不过掠夺的东西上升到了精神和心灵的层面。  相似文献   

Many analysts are concerned about territories subject to state failure becoming safe havens for terrorists. In this article, I apply this logic to maritime piracy syndicates and their ship hijacking operations, and argue that a focus on the geographies of state failure can help us explain why pirates' behavior varies between failed and weak states. Analysis of a dataset of hijacking incidents suggests that state failure is associated with less sophisticated attacks, while state weakness encourages more sophisticated attacks. Through case studies of the process by which pirates carry out their attacks in East Africa and Southeast Asia, I argue that it is the differences in political and economic landscapes that influence how pirates embed their operations across territory, and thus how they carry out their operations. Notably, because they do not have to worry about enforcement, pirates in failed states can engage in time-intensive kidnappings for ransom, while only weak states provide the markets and transportation infrastructure necessary for operations where ships and cargo are seized and sold for profit. These findings suggest that weak states might actually be more problematic for international security in some respects than failed states.  相似文献   

Combating piracy is fundamental to the policy ‘priorities’ of the Motion Picture Association of America, the trade association representing the major Hollywood entertainment corporations. As the MPAA implements a multitude of actions to fight piracy, it is impossible to locate the formation of the Association’s anti-piracy policy in any single source. Instead, this article sees MPAA anti-piracy policy as formed across three fronts: the legal, through anti-piracy litigation; the political, by the MPAA joining with other trade groups from across the copyright industries to lobby for stronger domestic copyright laws and influence US trade policy; and the discursive, seen in the production of statistics to evidence the value of copyright to the US economy and consequent harms caused by piracy. Examining these actions confirms the cultural and economic influence of MPAA policy but the article is also concerned with how Hollywood’s anti-piracy efforts are challenged and contested from various directions.  相似文献   

During the peak years of ransom piracy along the coast of Somalia, hijacked vessels remained anchored with hostages aboard for months or even years whilst hostage takers awaited ransom payments in exchange for releasing these vessels and their hostages. The present study theorizes how spatial strategies of violence co-produced carceral experiences among hostages and hostage takers alike by analyzing testimonials from former ransom piracy hostages aboard ships whose owners lacked insurance to disburse ransom payments and whose crew consisted of seafarers from African, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries ill-equipped to provide ransom payments. Utilizing a threefold theoretical conceptualization that unites work by political geographers on negative biopolitics (Rose), the violence of logistics (Cowen), and state ignorance (Hannah), the present study illuminates the precarious situation of both seafarer hostages and hostage takers aboard captured ships and demonstrates how hostage takers, ship owners, and global geopolitics jointly contributed to the suffering associated with ransom piracy along the coast of Somalia.  相似文献   

环境营造:中国历史上人类活动对全球变化的贡献   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在古代-近现代中国,历时数千年人类活动展开所具有的时空条件、土地面积和经营方式、人口规模和质量、社会组织形式、社会形态延续条件等基本内容,在世界各国中是难有其比的。国外许多科学家将加大力度利用丰富的历史文献(中文为主),用于研究和解释人类活动对地球环境变化可能具有的作用和影响份额的希望,寄托在中国科学家和历史学家身上,是有充足理由的。本文认为,发挥国情和历史地理专业优势,现阶段可以视为全球变化研究框架中的重要内容是(1)土地利用与土地覆盖格局的变化;(2)流域生命-文化环境的构成及其成长;(3)河湖海系统的演变;(4)制度和政策因素怎样调节人类的社会经济行为;(5)提取和整理对地球环境有重大影响的自然、人文事件。为了对人类活动引起环境变化的影响和作用作出较为准确的判断,研究中需要做好的事项有(1)排查文献资料中的人为主观撰述因素;(2)核实人类活动可以影响的范围或方面;(3)分析人类活动本身包含的复杂性因素;(4)充分估计自然本身的力量;(5)尊重和学习其它专业的研究方法及其实验结果。时至今日,科学事业发展的形势,已经将历史学加入自然科学研究计划的工作提到了研究时间表上。  相似文献   

River basin management activities are often carried out in the context of real or perceived environmental change. Views of environmental change provided by the oral tradition are compared with histories of change reconstructed from the historical documentary record for the Nogoa River, Queensland, and the Avon River, Victoria. Quite different perspectives on the nature and causes of river channel change are provided by the two types of sources. River basin managers appear to have generally adopted the views provided by the more easily accessible oral tradition, leading to management strategies that are not necessarily justifiable in the light of the documentary history.  相似文献   

当前社会出现了前所未有的大众关心历史的现象,历史知识社会化已经成为一种趋势。这种现象的形成,有着深层次的背景和动因,也对史学工作者提出了新的课题和挑战。本文从传统史学的普及与当前历史知识社会化趋势、当前历史知识社会化趋势的动因、历史知识社会化趋势中的问题、史学工作者面对历史知识社会化趋势的时代责任四个方面,对当前历史知识社会化趋势进行了思考。  相似文献   

论历史人物评价中的"盖棺定论"问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘克辉 《史学月刊》2005,3(11):91-97
人物评价是历史研究中的重要内容。由于诸多因素的影响,“盖棺定论”思想根深蒂固。但从历史学的发展史上看,很少有历史人物能有定论。从评价客体的复杂性及其活动价值随着社会发展而不一致方面来讲,“盖棺定论”是不可能的。从评价主体要受到各种因素的制约以及认识要不断的反复方面来讲,同样不可能有“盖棺定论”。“盖棺定论”限制了史家主体意识的发挥,弱化了人们的思维,因此要改变“定论”模式,充分发挥主体的主观能动性,以宽容的态度研究历史人物,方能使历史人物评价不断向真理方向发展,并具有鲜明的时代特征。  相似文献   

清末民初的乡村社会—权力处于频繁变动与重构之中。乡村社会—权力结构变动固然蕴含着社会结构变动、利益主体重构的复杂因由,但对于传统绅士的"历史记忆"本身,却也在社会结构或权力结构的重建过程中,产生着潜在的却是不容低估的影响。关于绅士阶层不同的"集体记忆",不仅呈现出不同利益主体的"选择性记忆"或"失忆",而且这种"历史记忆"也成为重构的社会权力和利益关系的"社会认同"因素。  相似文献   

This article considers the story of Carlos Enriques Clerque, the enigmatic instigator of the 1669–1671 John Narborough expedition to Chile, as presented in Francisco de Seyxas y Lovera's Piratas y contrabandistas, a history of piracy from 1693, first published in 2011. Locating Seyxas's account in the context of related print and archival sources, this study demonstrates how the author develops a new and singularly complete picture of Enriques Clerque's South American adventure. At the same time, this article examines how Seyxas's version of the Enriques Clerque story exemplifies a uniquely Spanish vision of piracy specific to the final years of the seventeenth century. Setting aside the violent predators featured in Northern European texts on piracy from the period, Seyxas focuses on a category of sophisticated confidence men who deploy linguistic ability and cultural knowledge to undermine Spain's commercial system overseas.  相似文献   

In the early part of the seventeenth century in Ireland select harbours along the southwest coast of Munster acted as the North Atlantic headquarters for pirates, primarily made up of English mariners. The places picked by the pirates as their bases were spatially strategic and three harbours in particular dominated this West Cork landscape—Baltimore, Leamcon and Crookhaven. Complicit English officers facilitated this activity and pirates and their families settled on the estates of the local officials while others used this pirate landscape as a staging point for plundering adventures further afield. As a consequence, piracy in Irish waters at that time had a profound influence on local economies, social activities and, in some cases, political events. Indeed the tolerance shown to it in the early seventeenth century in the southwest may be explained by the fact that it facilitated the colonial effort ongoing under the Munster Plantation and thus, inadvertently, suited the purposes of official government.  相似文献   

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