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在考古发掘现场,要将极脆弱的文物安全提取并搬迁到实验室具有一定难度,首先必须对文物进行临时加固,然后才能搬迁。近几年来,一类革命性的挥发性临时固型材料已被成功应用于发掘现场文物的提取,例如薄荷醇、环十二烷等。但是,这些材料是否能用于潮湿的考古发掘现场?它们的工作性能如何?这些问题都需要研究。为此,本研究选用薄荷醇、香豆素、乙基麦芽酚三种天然香料和环十二烷作为研究对象,从材料的工作性能、施工工艺和对文物的安全性三方面进行了定量测定,并在浙江省文物考古研究所良渚工作站进行了现场小实验。研究结果可以为考古或保护工作者在潮湿发掘现场提取脆弱文物时选择合适的临时固型材料提供参考。  相似文献   

文物承载着丰富的历史文化信息。在考古发掘时,对于丝绸、纸张、壁画、岩画等脆弱文物遗迹的提取是考古工作的重点。为完整提取脆弱遗迹保证重要考古资料不遗失,需要在考古挖掘现场对脆弱遗迹进行临时加固。薄荷醇作为新型考古发掘现场临时固型提取材料,已在考古工地上成功应用,也引起了国外考古学界同行的高度关注。本工作总结了薄荷醇的基本性能和使用方法,并介绍了其作为临时固型材料在保护修复中的应用情况。结果表明,以薄荷醇衍生物为主体,设计合成具有梯度熔点、梯度加固强度和梯度挥发时间的临时固型材料,可为考古现场提供多样化、多功能集成化、高效便捷的固型材料。  相似文献   

薄荷醇作为新型的考古发掘现场临时固型提取材料,已经在秦俑一号坑的考古工地上得到了成功应用,但是关于薄荷醇实施提取的安全性能评估还需要深入研究。本实验开展了薄荷醇在秦俑一号坑考古发掘现场的遗迹(土壤和彩绘漆皮)上的实验室性能评估;采用压汞法研究了薄荷醇处理前后秦俑土颗粒的孔隙结构变化;采用超景深三维视频显微镜考察了薄荷醇施加并挥发过程中秦俑土和彩绘漆皮的显微结构变化;采用GC-MS分析了薄荷醇的残留;对薄荷醇挥发过程中在文物遗迹基底上的再结晶现象进行了讨论。研究结果表明,薄荷醇提取遗迹后不会破坏秦俑土的物理结构,彩绘漆皮形貌完好,作为考古发掘现场遗迹提取材料,薄荷醇在出土秦俑彩绘遗迹上使用时是安全的。  相似文献   

薄荷醇作为新兴的考古出土脆弱文物提取用临时固型材料,在越来越多的考古现场得到了应用,涉及文物材质不断增多,但是文物提取到室内之后薄荷醇如何快速、安全脱除成为后期处理时面临的实际难题。最常用的去除方法是让薄荷醇自然挥发,但是薄荷醇挥发的同时,水分也会挥发;随着水分的挥发,对失水敏感的饱水有机质文物将会出现干缩等问题。为研究薄荷醇在饱水木质文物上的安全脱除技术,本研究以“南海Ⅰ号”沉船出水的饱水树皮和糟朽散木为对象,探讨自然挥发、补水挥发、乙醇去除、乙醇去除+补水、加热+补水5种不同的脱除方法,通过评估不同方法处理前后树皮和散木的外观形态、质量损失和尺寸稳定性,优选出适合饱水木质文物上薄荷醇的安全脱除方法。结果显示:树皮脱除薄荷醇需要补水,散木脱除薄荷醇需要乙醇快速去除。 综合效果来看,乙醇去除或者乙醇去除+补水相结合的方式是饱水木质文物最佳的薄荷醇安全去除方法。本研究将为考古和文物保护人员在使用薄荷醇提取饱水木质文物后期处理上提供技术参考。  相似文献   

考古发掘现场脆弱遗迹提取关系到遗迹长期保存及后续保护修复,因此要求提取方法科学、严谨,所用材料安全、有效。本文以考古发掘现场文物保护与修复工作实际出发,总结了提取材料的要求与原则,回顾了考古发掘现场出土脆弱遗迹所用的石膏提取、聚氨酯泡沫提取、环十二烷提取以及薄荷醇提取等几种方法的使用情况,评述了其提取工艺及性能,并对考古发掘现场出土脆弱遗迹提取方法未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

考古发掘中经常遇到叠压复杂的脆弱质遗存,对这类遗存的提取是一个难点。以河北行唐故郡遗址CMK2五号车的左侧车轮遗迹为例,介绍了一种使用薄荷醇临时固型结合刚性支撑技术来提取较大脆弱质遗存的方法。通过精细发掘与预探测、车轮本体加固、薄荷醇临时固型、添加刚性支撑、整体提取、背面清理与加固、正面清理保护等技术流程,对左轮遗迹进行了成功提取和保护,其中发掘技术、刚性支撑技术、临时固型材料薄荷醇起到了关键作用。研究结果为此类较大平面脆弱质遗存的整体提取和保护提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

整体提取是考古发掘现场文物保护中的重要提取技术。讨论了整体提取的概念及使用条件,并从整体提取的不同方式、方法及使用的不同材料出发,介绍了基本提取法、套箱提取法、石膏提取法和聚氨酯泡沫提取法四种考古发掘现场文物保护中常用的整体提取方法。总结了四种整体提取方法各自的特点,得出了土壤强度较好且文物体量较小时采用基本提取法,土壤强度较好但文物体量较大时采用套箱提取法,土壤强度较差但文物体量较小时采用石膏提取法,土壤强度较差且文物体量较大时采用聚氨酯泡沫提取法的结论。  相似文献   

薄荷醇在食品、化妆品、医药等行业应用广泛。本研究通过利用它在室温下快速升华的特点,将其应用于考古发掘现场脆弱遗迹提取工作中。实验室通过对薄荷醇升华和挥发动力学分析表征,并研究了其渗透性、载土量、残留量及其与温度时间的作用关系,归纳了薄荷醇提取脆弱遗迹的施工工艺,综合研究表明薄荷醇在考古发掘现场提取脆弱遗迹是安全有效的,并对后续研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

实验室微型发掘方法在北周武帝孝陵 发掘中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1994年经国家文物局批准,陕西省考古研究所对北周武帝孝陵进行了抢救性发掘,由于墓葬多次被盗,又多次进水,导致墓内的文物发生严重扰乱和腐蚀,尤其是墓内发现的大量易碎、细小及糟朽的有机质文物,使现场清理遇到了很大的困难。为了最大程度地获取地层中的所有考古信息,首次大规模、针对性地对孝陵五号天井东、西龛,四号天井东龛,甬道及墓室的文物采取了整体分割打包,运回实验室进行微型发掘的方法。通过对现场提取的74个石膏包的微型发掘和清理,获得了在现场无法发现的重要文物和遗迹,共清出文物2330件。尤其是直径不足1mm的无色琉璃珠在显微镜下的发现更是将微型发掘的优势凸显到了极点。它不仅弥补了现场发掘的不足,更是利用先进仪器,将考古发掘、科技考古和文物保护完美地进行了融合。实践证明实验室微型发掘方法是考古现场发掘不可或缺的必要手段。  相似文献   

薄荷醇及其衍生物应用于考古发掘现场,对出土遗迹整体进行加固后再提取,较以前的遗迹加固方法,取得了一定的效果。利用融化的薄荷醇及其衍生物对考古现场经常出土的重要遗迹——漆皮进行表面滴涂试验,利用扫描电镜对漆皮遗迹在薄荷醇及其衍生物加固遗迹前及薄荷醇挥发后进行电镜扫描,观察漆皮遗迹表面的物理性状变化,发现薄荷醇及其衍生物并未对漆皮遗迹表面造成影响,也并未留下薄荷醇及其衍生物的痕迹。  相似文献   

The Knowledge of Debt: Law, Media Technique, and Everyday Experience in Liberal Capitalism. Performing an object such as ‘the economy’ hinges on practices of formatting knowledge. The article proposes to look at such instituting moments in connection with social conflicts over the legitimate rules of exchange. This is exemplified by way of recounting the story of the codification of Swiss bankruptcy law in 1889. In order to homogenize the legal procedures of debt collection and bankruptcy, two subject categories were instituted: ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. These different categories were thought to account for the diverging temporalities and spaces of credit exchange in everyday economic life. The introduction of the commercial register, a media-technical apparatus, enabled a formal distinction between ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. However, this boundary was contested and proved to be porose.  相似文献   

Work initiated purely as a dating project in support of a craniometric and morphological investigation of domestic dogs from early Peru has proved to have much wider implications. The stable carbon isotoperatios (13C/12C) of hair samples from ten dogs show that maize formed a significant part of their diet. Radiocarbon dates for these remains have confirmed that they belong to the period well after the cultivation of maize was first established. Stable carbon isotope measurements can thus be used to test for the presence of maize as a dietary constituent at earlier sites even where there is otherwise only indirect evidence for its cultivation. Collagen from animal or human bone is a suitable alternative to hair for this purpose and the method has been successfully applied to collagen dating to c. 3000 BC from the Valdivia culture site of Real Alto, Ecuador, as well as to a series of early Peruvian dogs.  相似文献   

Shells of two species of freshwater bivalve (Unio willcocksi Bullen Newton and Etheria elliptica Lamarck) from the predynastic Gerzean (Nagada II) Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis, Egypt have given dates of 5000±90 bp for the tomb, and 12,900±120 bp for an episode of Nile terrace accumulation (correlated here with the Sahaba-Darau aggradation event). The archaeological and geological significance of these results is discussed, together with an outline of problems associated with radiocarbon dating of shell. Comparisons are made with the few other radiocarbon dates available for the Predynastic period in Egypt and possible reasons for the presence of shells in the tomb are considered.  相似文献   


This paper is informed by Furse’s practice as a theatre maker in two fields of output that are connected by two factors: first, the presence of the woman patient — hysteric/subfertile respectively — within the clinical gaze; second, the significance of the womb to each pathology. In the treatment of each (explored in Furse’s theatre), lens based technologies play their part, whilst the cultural and medical can be seen to have overlapped to produce specific meaning with regard to Her body and its spectacularity. The article presents an overview of some of the key issues in precisely how the woman’s body becomes spectacular within this prosthetic medical gaze and how the medical — and theatrically designed spaces to represent these — become meaningful and potent proxemics that in turn inform medical/ theatrical spectatorship. Overarching nineteenth-century protocols at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris (where Furse’s Augustine (Big Hysteria) is set) to contemporary imaging technologies used in the treatment of subfertility with Assisted Reproduction Technologies (the topic of her Art of A.R.T. projects), it examines the way in which photography develops through cinema to X-Ray, ultrasound and then 3D/4D ultrasound to ‘capture’ the woman’s body in ways by which she becomes muted and exposed. These occular technologies that extend the gaze, first to an exterior subject and then, eventually, traversing the flesh without knife, lend specific performativity to the ‘patient’ women, within the context of hysterias and reproductive impairments respectively. Finally, issues of suspension of disbelief are addressed. The spectator’s faith in the screen-based image of Her spectacular body is interrupted in Furse’s work, which is also keenly interested in the effect of such imagery on the woman’s sense of Self. The historical and cultural leaps in this article argue that there is indeed a trajectory through the history of medical imaging since the first application of photography to anatomy to the more advanced scoping technologies of medical imaging today, and that in each era, the production of these images remain fraught with cultural implications.  相似文献   

Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. from an unknown cause. Physical depictions of this historical figure reveal the likelihood of a cervical scoliotic deformity. This is substantiated with the medical history and is correlated with his untimely death. For the first time, it is concluded that Alexander’s death may have ensued from the sequelae of a congenital scoliotic syndrome.  相似文献   

The Art of Touch. Elisabeth Caland and the Physio‐Aesthetics of Piano Playing The issue of how it is possible to play the piano without striking it was raised by Chopin: one must ‘caresser’ and not ‘frapper’ the piano. In her teachings on the art of piano playing, Elisabeth Caland (1862–1929) attempts to articulate a scientifically grounded solution to this complex (kin‐)aesthetic problem. The solution turns on her intuitively discovered ‘lowering of the shoulderblades’ which was documented in 1904, through X‐rays, by the Berlin physiologist René du Bois‐Reymond, and recorded as a way of coordinating movement which had been unknown to physiology up to that time. Caland's physio‐aesthetic of piano playing, which she worked out on the basis of du Bois‐Reymond's observations, turns on the ideal of ‘floating sound’ put forward by her teacher Ludwig Deppe, and on Ferruccio Busoni's technique of piano playing. Her method makes essential use of what Feldenkrais would later call the ‘sixth sense’ (i.e. proprioceptive perception); in fact, it represents the first modern kinaesthetically based conception of piano playing. Caland's doctrine of touch was ahead of its time and it virtually disappeared from discussions of piano technique after 1930. But it has become accessible again through reprints of her most important writings: Deppe's doctrine of piano playing (1897), Sources of power in piano playing (1904), and Artistic piano playing (1910).  相似文献   

The later post-glacial history of a valley in the chalk escarpment near Brook, Kent, is described, based on molluscan stratigraphy, archaeological evidence and radio-carbon dating. Differences in size and colour banding, respectively, of fossil and living representatives of two species of land snails, Pomatias elegans (Müller) and Cepaea nemoralis (L.), are correlated with climatic change during the post-glacial period. The problems of the use of fossil shells of these species as samples for radiocarbon dating are discussed.  相似文献   

A noted British economic analyst and observer of current developments in Russia compares that country's emerging economy with those of China, India, eight other populous emerging states, and the United States. The focus of the comparison is on the extent to which these countries exhibit potential for functioning as "knowledge-based" economies. The four pillars of such economies are identified as: (1) an educated and skilled population; (2) a network of R&D institutions; (3) a dynamic information infrastructure; and (4) a regime promoting the development of knowledge. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L86, O30, O57. 1 figure, 19 tables, 91 references.  相似文献   

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